92 AbstractParameters* clone() const;
102 throw(
te::rp::Exception );
111 const
te::rst::Raster& inputRaster,
112 const std::vector<
unsigned int >& inputRasterBands,
113 const std::vector< std::complex<
double > >& inputRasterNoDataValues,
114 const std::vector< std::complex<
double > >& inputRasterBandMinValues,
115 const std::vector< std::complex<
double > >& inputRasterBandMaxValues,
116 te::rst::Raster& outputRaster,
117 const
unsigned int outputRasterBand,
118 const
bool enableProgressInterface ) throw(
te::rp::Exception );
121 double getMemUsageEstimation( const
unsigned int bandsToProcess,
122 const
unsigned int pixelsNumber ) const;
125 unsigned int getOptimalBlocksOverlapSize() const;
128 bool shouldComputeMinMaxValues() const;
143 bool m_isInitialized;
170 const
te::rst::Raster& inputRaster,
171 const std::vector<
unsigned int >& inputRasterBands,
172 const std::vector< std::complex<
double > >& inputRasterNoDataValues,
173 const std::vector< std::complex<
double > >& inputRasterBandMinValues,
174 const std::vector< std::complex<
double > >& inputRasterBandMaxValues,
Segmenter segments IDs manager.
Raster segmenter strategy factory base class.
Base exception class for plugin module.
bool m_enableSameIterationMerges
If enabled, a merged segment could be merged with another within the same iteration (default:false)...
Segmenter merger used in region growing process.
bool m_enableLocalMutualBestFitting
If enabled, a merge only occurs between two segments if the minimum dissimilarity criteria is best fu...
Segmenter Strategy Parameters.
Raster segmenter strategy factory base class.
Raster segmenter strategy base class.
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
double m_segmentsSimilarityThreshold
Segments similarity treshold - Use lower values to merge only those segments that are more similar - ...
unsigned int m_minSegmentSize
A positive minimum segment size (pixels number - default: 100).
Raster region growing segmenter strategy.
Raster segmenter strategy base class.
Configuration flags for the Raster Processing module of TerraLib.
Raster segmenter strategy parameters base class.
A generic template matrix.
float MeanFeatureType
Mean Strategy feature type.
Blocks merging method.
Segmenter segments block description class.
Raster region growing segmenter strategy factory.
unsigned int m_segmentsSimIncreaseSteps
The maximum number of steps to increment the similarity threshold value for the cases where no segmen...