A class that implements the Grammar Rules for well known text (WKT) format of Spatial Reference Systems. More...
#include <WKTParser.h>
Public Member Functions | |
void | reset () |
This method resets the Parser to original state. More... | |
Constructor | |
Initilizer methods. | |
WKTParser () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
Access method. | |
Method to access the SRS generated. | |
SpatialReferenceSystem * | getSRS () |
It returns the SRS generated by the parser process. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
Initializer methods. | |
Methods to initialize the grammar rules. | |
void | initTags () |
void | initSpatialReferenceSystems () |
void | initDatum () |
void | initToWGS84 () |
void | initProjection () |
void | initParameter () |
void | initSpheroid () |
void | initPrimeMeridian () |
void | initUnits () |
void | initQuotedNames () |
void | initDoubleValues () |
void | initAuthority () |
void | initAxis () |
void | initDelimiters () |
Private Attributes | |
WKTActions | m_a |
Rules of WKT Grammar. | |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | srs |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | projectedCS |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | geographicCS |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | projectedCSTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | geographicCSTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | datumTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | spheroidTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | projectionTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | parameterTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | primeMeridianTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | unitTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | toWGS84Tag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | authorityTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | axisTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | northTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | southTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | eastTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | westTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | upTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | downTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | otherTag |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | datum |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | toWGS84 |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | sevenParams |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | dx |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | dy |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | dz |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | ex |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | ey |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | ez |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | ppm |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | projection |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | parameter |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | spheroid |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | primeMeridian |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | unit |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | axis |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | axisValue |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | value |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | semiMajorAxis |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | longitude |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | invFlattening |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | conversionFactor |
qi::rule< Iterator > | unitName |
qi::rule< Iterator > | spheroidName |
qi::rule< Iterator > | projectionName |
qi::rule< Iterator > | primeMeridianName |
qi::rule< Iterator > | parameterName |
qi::rule< Iterator > | datumName |
qi::rule< Iterator > | csName |
qi::rule< Iterator > | axisName |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | authority |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | authorityCode |
qi::rule< Iterator > | authorityName |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | leftDelimiter |
qi::rule< Iterator, ascii::space_type > | rigthDelimiter |
A class that implements the Grammar Rules for well known text (WKT) format of Spatial Reference Systems.
Definition at line 64 of file WKTParser.h.
inline |
Default constructor.
Definition at line 74 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::geographicCS, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAuthority(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAxis(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDatum(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDelimiters(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDoubleValues(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initParameter(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initPrimeMeridian(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initProjection(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initQuotedNames(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpheroid(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initToWGS84(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initUnits(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::projectedCS, and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::srs.
inline |
It returns the SRS generated by the parser process.
Definition at line 332 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTActions::getSRS(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::m_a.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 288 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::authority, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::authorityCode, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::authorityName, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::authorityTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::leftDelimiter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::m_a, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::rigthDelimiter, te::srs::WKTActions::setAuthorityCode(), and te::srs::WKTActions::setAuthorityName().
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 300 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::axis, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::axisName, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::axisTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::axisValue, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::downTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::eastTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::leftDelimiter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::northTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::otherTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::rigthDelimiter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::southTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::upTag, and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::westTag.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 145 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::authority, te::srs::WKTActions::createDatum(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::datum, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::datumName, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::datumTag, te::srs::WKTActions::endDatum(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::leftDelimiter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::m_a, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::rigthDelimiter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::spheroid, and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::toWGS84.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 312 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::leftDelimiter, and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::rigthDelimiter.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 262 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::conversionFactor, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::invFlattening, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::longitude, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::m_a, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::semiMajorAxis, te::srs::WKTActions::setConversionFactor(), te::srs::WKTActions::setInverseFlattening(), te::srs::WKTActions::setParameterValue(), te::srs::WKTActions::setPrimeMeridian(), te::srs::WKTActions::setSemiMajorAxis(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::value.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 186 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::leftDelimiter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::parameter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::parameterName, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::parameterTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::rigthDelimiter, and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::value.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 205 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::authority, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::leftDelimiter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::longitude, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::primeMeridian, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::primeMeridianName, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::primeMeridianTag, and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::rigthDelimiter.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 178 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::authority, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::leftDelimiter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::projection, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::projectionName, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::projectionTag, and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::rigthDelimiter.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 223 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::axisName, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::axisValue, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::csName, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::datumName, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::m_a, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::parameterName, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::primeMeridianName, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::projectionName, te::srs::WKTActions::setAxisName(), te::srs::WKTActions::setAxisValue(), te::srs::WKTActions::setDatumName(), te::srs::WKTActions::setName(), te::srs::WKTActions::setParameter(), te::srs::WKTActions::setProjectionName(), te::srs::WKTActions::setSpheroidName(), te::srs::WKTActions::setUnitName(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::spheroidName, and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::unitName.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 126 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::authority, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::axis, te::srs::WKTActions::createGeographicCoordinateSystem(), te::srs::WKTActions::createProjectedCoordinateSystem(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::csName, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::datum, te::srs::WKTActions::endGeographicCoordinateSystem(), te::srs::WKTActions::endProjectedCoordinateSystem(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::geographicCS, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::geographicCSTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::leftDelimiter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::m_a, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::parameter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::primeMeridian, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::projectedCS, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::projectedCSTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::projection, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::rigthDelimiter, and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::unit.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 195 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::authority, te::srs::WKTActions::createSpheroid(), te::srs::WKTActions::endSpheroid(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::invFlattening, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::leftDelimiter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::m_a, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::rigthDelimiter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::semiMajorAxis, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::spheroid, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::spheroidName, and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::spheroidTag.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 104 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::authorityTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::axisTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::datumTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::downTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::eastTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::geographicCSTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::northTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::otherTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::parameterTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::primeMeridianTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::projectedCSTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::projectionTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::southTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::spheroidTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::toWGS84Tag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::unitTag, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::upTag, and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::westTag.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 154 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::dx, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::dy, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::dz, te::srs::WKTActions::endToWGS84(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::ex, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::ey, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::ez, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::leftDelimiter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::m_a, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::ppm, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::rigthDelimiter, te::srs::WKTActions::setDx(), te::srs::WKTActions::setDy(), te::srs::WKTActions::setDz(), te::srs::WKTActions::setEx(), te::srs::WKTActions::setEy(), te::srs::WKTActions::setEz(), te::srs::WKTActions::setPPM(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::sevenParams, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::toWGS84, and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::toWGS84Tag.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 214 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::authority, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::conversionFactor, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::leftDelimiter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::rigthDelimiter, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::unit, te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::unitName, and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::unitTag.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
inline |
This method resets the Parser to original state.
Definition at line 342 of file WKTParser.h.
References te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::m_a, and te::srs::WKTActions::reset().
private |
Definition at line 384 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAuthority(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDatum(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initPrimeMeridian(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initProjection(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpheroid(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initUnits().
private |
Definition at line 384 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAuthority().
private |
Definition at line 386 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAuthority().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAuthority(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 376 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAxis(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems().
private |
Definition at line 382 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAxis(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initQuotedNames().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAxis(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 378 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAxis(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initQuotedNames().
private |
Definition at line 380 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDoubleValues(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initUnits().
private |
Definition at line 382 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initQuotedNames(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems().
private |
Definition at line 360 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDatum(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems().
private |
Definition at line 382 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDatum(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initQuotedNames().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDatum(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAxis(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 364 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initToWGS84().
private |
Definition at line 364 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initToWGS84().
private |
Definition at line 364 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initToWGS84().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAxis(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 364 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initToWGS84().
private |
Definition at line 364 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initToWGS84().
private |
Definition at line 364 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initToWGS84().
private |
Definition at line 354 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 380 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDoubleValues(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpheroid().
private |
Definition at line 388 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAuthority(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAxis(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDatum(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDelimiters(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initParameter(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initPrimeMeridian(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initProjection(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpheroid(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initToWGS84(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initUnits().
private |
Definition at line 380 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDoubleValues(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initPrimeMeridian().
private |
Definition at line 346 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::getSRS(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAuthority(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDatum(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDoubleValues(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initQuotedNames(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpheroid(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initToWGS84(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::reset().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAxis(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAxis(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 368 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initParameter(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems().
private |
Definition at line 382 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initParameter(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initQuotedNames().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initParameter(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 364 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initToWGS84().
private |
Definition at line 372 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initPrimeMeridian(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems().
private |
Definition at line 382 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initPrimeMeridian(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initQuotedNames().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initPrimeMeridian(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 354 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 366 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initProjection(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems().
private |
Definition at line 382 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initProjection(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initQuotedNames().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initProjection(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 388 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAuthority(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAxis(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDatum(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDelimiters(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initParameter(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initPrimeMeridian(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initProjection(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpheroid(), te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initToWGS84(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initUnits().
private |
Definition at line 380 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDoubleValues(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpheroid().
private |
Definition at line 362 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initToWGS84().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAxis(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 370 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDatum(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpheroid().
private |
Definition at line 382 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initQuotedNames(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpheroid().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpheroid(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 352 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::WKTParser().
private |
Definition at line 362 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDatum(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initToWGS84().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initToWGS84().
private |
Definition at line 374 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initSpatialReferenceSystems(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initUnits().
private |
Definition at line 382 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initQuotedNames(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initUnits().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initUnits().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAxis(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().
private |
Definition at line 380 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initDoubleValues(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initParameter().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file WKTParser.h.
Referenced by te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initAxis(), and te::srs::WKTParser< Iterator >::initTags().