36 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
78 m_westBoundLongitude(0.0),
79 m_eastBoundLongitude(0.0),
80 m_southBoundLatitude(0.0),
81 m_northBoundLatitude(0.0)
127 m_multipleValues(false),
128 m_nearestValue(false),
234 m_minScaleDenominator(0.0),
235 m_maxScaleDenominator(0.0),
304 m_transparent(false),
std::vector< std::string > m_layers
OnlineResource m_onlineResource
The Capability WMS 1.3.0 struct.
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
std::vector< std::string > m_crs
double m_southBoundLatitude
It specifies the default image format used on GetMap request.
StyleSheetURL m_styleSheetURL
double m_westBoundLongitude
std::vector< Layer > m_layers
unsigned int m_fixedWidth
OnlineResource m_onlineResource
It specifies the default width used on GetMap request.
The Capability WMS 1.3.0 struct.
It specifies the default SRS used on GetMap request.
std::vector< std::string > m_formats
std::vector< std::string > m_styles
BoundingBox m_boundingBox
std::vector< Dimension > m_dimensions
Configuration flags for the Terrralib WS OGC WMS module.
std::vector< std::string > m_allowedValues
std::vector< Style > m_styles
The Dimension WMS 1.3.0 struct.
The Operation WMS 1.3.0 struct.
The Layer WMS 1.3.0 struct.
The WMSGetMapResponse WMS 1.3.0 struct.
The OnlineResource WMS 1.3.0 struct.
The LegendURL WMS 1.3.0 struct.
The Style WMS 1.3.0 struct.
double m_northBoundLatitude
OnlineResource m_onlineResource
It specifies the default height used on GetMap request.
double m_minScaleDenominator
The Request WMS 1.3.0 struct.
Operation m_getFeatureInfo
std::vector< std::string > m_keywordList
Operation m_getCapabilities
double m_maxScaleDenominator
The StyleSheeetURL WMS 1.3.0 struct.
double m_eastBoundLongitude
GeographicBoundingBox m_geoBoundingBox
The GeographicBoundingBox WMS 1.3.0 struct.
unsigned int m_fixedHeight
std::vector< HTTP > m_dcps
The StyleURL WMS 1.3.0 struct.
std::vector< BoundingBox > m_boundingBoxes
The WMSGetMapRequest WMS 1.3.0 struct.
The BoundingBox WMS 1.3.0 struct.