Utils.h File Reference

Utility functions for MNT support. More...

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 URI C++ Library.
 Namespace for DTM Processing module of TerraLib.


#define MAX(x, y)   ( ((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y) )
#define MIN(x, y)   ( ((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y) )


TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::assembLine (std::vector< te::gm::LineString > &linlout, std::vector< te::gm::Point > &vect)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::convertAngleToPlanar (double &val, te::common::UnitOfMeasurePtr planar, int type)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::convertPlanarToAngle (double &val, te::common::UnitOfMeasurePtr unit)
TEMNTEXPORT double te::mnt::coordToSegmentDistance (te::gm::Coord2D &fseg, te::gm::Coord2D &lseg, te::gm::Coord2D &pt, te::gm::Coord2D *pti)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::defineInterEdge (std::vector< te::gm::Point > &, te::gm::Point &, te::gm::Point &, double)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::defineInterTriangle (std::vector< te::gm::Point > &, te::gm::Point *, double)
TEMNTEXPORT double te::mnt::Distance (const te::gm::Coord2D &pt1, const te::gm::Coord2D &pt2)
TEMNTEXPORT double te::mnt::Distance (const double pt1x, const double pt1y, const double pt2x, const double pt2y)
TEMNTEXPORT te::gm::LineStringte::mnt::DouglasPeuckerTA (te::gm::LineString *lineIn, double simpFactor, double Zvalue)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::Equal (te::gm::Point &p1, te::gm::Point &p2, double &tol)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::equalFptSpt (te::gm::Point &fpt, te::gm::Point &spt, double scale)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::extractLines (std::vector< te::gm::Point > &pline, std::vector< te::gm::LineString > &clinlist, double scale)
TEMNTEXPORT short te::mnt::findCenter (te::gm::Point *vert, double *pcx, double *pcy)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::Gauss_elimination (short m, short n, double mat[6][6])
TEMNTEXPORT te::gm::LineStringte::mnt::GEOS_DouglasPeucker (te::gm::LineString *ls, double snap, double Zvalue)
TEMNTEXPORT void te::mnt::getMinMax (te::rst::Raster *inputRst, double &vmin, double &vmax)
TEMNTEXPORT te::mnt::mntType te::mnt::getMNTType (const te::da::DataSetType *dt)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::initLineVector (std::vector< te::gm::Point > &pline, std::vector< te::gm::Point > &vect)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::Least_square_fitting (double *vectx, double *vecty, short np, short deg, double *coef)
TEMNTEXPORT te::gm::Point te::mnt::Max (te::gm::Point &p1, te::gm::Point &p2)
TEMNTEXPORT te::gm::Point te::mnt::Min (te::gm::Point &p1, te::gm::Point &p2)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::normalizeVector (double *)
TEMNTEXPORT int te::mnt::onSameSide (te::gm::Coord2D pt1, te::gm::Coord2D pt2, te::gm::Coord2D fseg, te::gm::Coord2D lseg)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::onSegment (te::gm::Point &pt, te::gm::Point &fseg, te::gm::Point &lseg, double tol)
TEMNTEXPORT double te::mnt::PerpendicularDistance (te::gm::Coord2D &first, te::gm::Coord2D &last, te::gm::Coord2D &pin, te::gm::Coord2D &pinter)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::point3dListFilter (std::vector< te::gm::Point > &p3dl, std::vector< bool > &fixed, double tol)
TEMNTEXPORT te::gm::LineStringte::mnt::pointListSimplify (te::gm::LineString *ls, double snap, double maxdist, double Zvalue)
TEMNTEXPORT double te::mnt::pointToSegmentDistance (te::gm::Point &fseg, te::gm::Point &lseg, te::gm::Point &pt, te::gm::Point *pti)
TEMNTEXPORT size_t te::mnt::ReadPoints (std::string &inDsetName, te::da::DataSourcePtr &inDsrc, std::string &atrZ, double tol, te::gm::MultiPoint &mpt, std::string &geostype, te::gm::Envelope &env)
TEMNTEXPORT size_t te::mnt::ReadSamples (std::string &inDsetName, te::da::DataSourcePtr &inDsrc, std::string &atrZ, double tol, double max, Simplify alg, te::gm::MultiPoint &mpt, te::gm::MultiLineString &isolines, std::string &geostype, te::gm::Envelope &env, int srid=0)
TEMNTEXPORT void te::mnt::Save (te::da::DataSource *source, te::da::DataSet *result, te::da::DataSetType *outDsType)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::SaveIso (std::string &outDsetName, te::da::DataSourcePtr &outDsrc, std::vector< te::gm::LineString > &isolist, std::vector< double > &guidevalues, int srid)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::segInterPoint (te::gm::Point &pfr, te::gm::Point &pto, te::gm::Point &lfr, te::gm::Point &lto, te::gm::Point *pt)
TEMNTEXPORT short te::mnt::segIntersect (te::gm::Point &pfr, te::gm::Point &pto, te::gm::Point &lfr, te::gm::Point &lto)
TEMNTEXPORT double te::mnt::SegmentDistance (double fx, double fy, double lx, double ly, double ptx, double pty, double *pix, double *piy)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::testVertexValues (double, te::gm::Point *)
TEMNTEXPORT bool te::mnt::triangleNormalVector (te::gm::Point *, double *)

Detailed Description

Utility functions for MNT support.

Definition in file Utils.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define MAX (   x,
)    ( ((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y) )

Definition at line 32 of file Utils.h.

#define MIN (   x,
)    ( ((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y) )

Definition at line 28 of file Utils.h.