info Directory Reference


file  AbstractFeatureInfoMaker.h [code]
 AbstractFeatureInfoMaker is an abstraction to construct a QTreeWidgetItem to be used on Info tool screen based on TerraLib layers types.
file  DefaultFeatureInfoMaker.h [code]
 DefaultFeatureInfoMaker is a default implementation of AbstractFeatureInfoMaker that could be used to fill a QTreeWidgetItem with vector or raster based information.
file  DefaultFeatureInfoMakerFactory.h [code]
 DefaultFeatureInfoMakerFactory is an implementation of a factory to make DefaultFeatureInfoMaker objects.
file  FeatureInfoMakerFactory.h [code]
 FeatureInfoMakerFactory is the base implementation of a factory to make AbstractFeatureInfoMaker objects.
file  LayerPropertiesInfo.h [code]
file  LayerPropertiesInfoWidget.h [code]