te::rst Namespace Reference

Namespace for the Raster module of TerraLib. More...


class  AbstractBandIterator
 This class implements an abstract iterator to "navigate" over a single band. More...
class  AbstractPositionIterator
 This class is the base for implementing ways to navigate over the band with spatial restriction, e.g. through a line, inside a bounding box or polygon, etc. More...
class  Band
 A raster band description. More...
class  BandIterator
 This class implements an iterator to "navigate" over a single band. More...
class  BandIteratorWindow
 It implements and iterator to "navigate" over a single band, optimized by a window structure (e.g. 3x3, 5x5, etc). Examples include filters, moving windows, morphology, etc. More...
class  BandIteratorWithMask
 This class implements an iterator to "navigate" over a single band, with a spatial restriction given by a mask. More...
class  BandProperty
 A raster band description. More...
struct  BandSummary
 A summary of a raster band (most statistics). More...
class  ConstBandIterator
 This class implements an iterator to "navigate" over a single band (const). More...
class  Grid
 A rectified grid is the spatial support for raster data. More...
class  Interpolator
 It interpolates one pixel based on a selected algorithm. Methods currently available are Nearest Neighbor, Bilinear, and Bicubic. More...
class  LineIterator
 This class implements the strategy to iterate with spatial restriction, the iteration occurs inside a line. More...
class  PointSetIterator
 This class implements the strategy to iterate with spatial restriction, the iteration occurs inside a vector of points. More...
class  PolygonIterator
 This class implements the strategy to iterate with spatial restriction, the iteration occurs inside a polygon. More...
class  ProxyRaster
 A proxy class for bands of several rasters over the same region. More...
class  Raster
 An abstract class for raster data strucutures. More...
class  RasterFactory
 This is the abstract factory for Rasters. More...
class  RasterIterator
 This class implements and iterator to "navigate" over a raster, with a predefined number of bands. More...
class  RasterProperty
 Raster property. More...
class  RasterSummaryManager
 A singleton for keeping raster summaries (most statistics). It stores an internal map of raster conn info str and their respective summaries. More...
class  RasterSynchronizer
 An access synchronizer to be used in SynchronizedRaster raster instances. More...
class  SynchronizedBand
 Syncrhonized raster band. More...
class  SynchronizedBandBlocksManager
 Synchronized raster raster band blocks manager. More...
class  SynchronizedRaster
 An adapter class to allow concurrent access to raster data by multiple threads. More...
class  TileIndexer
 Polygon tile indexing class for optmized geometrical relational tests. More...
class  Vectorizer
 It implements the vectorizer, based on TerraLib 4 algorithm. More...
class  VectorizerPolygonStructure
 A polygon container node class. More...


typedef boost::shared_ptr< BandPropertyBandPropertyPtr
typedef void(* GetBufferValueFPtr) (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
 The type of function used to extract data from a buffer. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< GridGridPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ProxyRasterProxyRasterPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< RasterRasterPtr
typedef boost::ptr_vector< BandSummaryRasterSummary
 RasterSummary is just a typedef of a boost::ptr_vector. More...
typedef void(* SetBufferValueFPtr) (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
 The type of function used to extract data from a buffer. More...


enum  ColorInterp {
  UndefCInt, GrayIdxCInt, PaletteIdxCInt, RedCInt,
  GreenCInt, BlueCInt, AlphaCInt, HueCInt,
  SatCInt, LigCInt, CyanCInt, MagentaCInt,
  YellowCInt, KeyCInt, YCInt, CbCInt,
 Color model component use. More...
enum  InterpolationMethod { UndefInterpMethod = 0, NearestNeighbor = 1, Bilinear = 2, Bicubic = 3 }
 Allowed interpolation methods. More...
enum  PaletteInterpretation {
  UndefPalInt, GrayPalInt, RGBPalInt, CMYKPalInt,
 Palette interpratation types. More...
enum  SummaryTypes {
 Types for the BandSummary. More...


TERASTEREXPORT std::string ConvertColorInterpTypeToString (const te::rst::ColorInterp &ci)
 Function used to convert from a Color Interp Enum to a string. More...
TERASTEREXPORT std::string ConvertPalleteInterpTypeToString (const te::rst::PaletteInterpretation &pi)
 Function used to convert from a Pallete Interp Enum to a string. More...
TERASTEREXPORT void Copy (const Raster &rin, Raster &rout)
 Copies the pixel values from one raster to another. More...
TERASTEREXPORT void Copy (const Band &bin, Band &bout)
 Copies the pixel values from one band to another. More...
TERASTEREXPORT void Copy (unsigned int drow, unsigned int dcolumn, unsigned int height, unsigned int width, const Raster &rin, Raster &rout)
 Copy a subset of the raster, given a box. More...
TERASTEREXPORT te::rst::RasterPtr CreateCopy (const te::rst::Raster &rin, const std::string &uri, const std::string &rType=std::string("GDAL"))
 Create a new raster from existing one. More...
TERASTEREXPORT te::rst::RasterPtr CropRaster (const te::rst::Raster &rin, const te::gm::Polygon &pin, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &rinfo, const std::string &rType=std::string("GDAL"))
 Creates a raster crop using a polygon delimiter. More...
TERASTEREXPORT std::unique_ptr< te::rst::RasterCropRaster (const te::rst::Raster &rin, const std::vector< te::gm::Geometry const *> geometries, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &rinfo, const std::string &rType)
 Creates a raster crop using a polygon delimiter. More...
TERASTEREXPORT void DummyGetValue (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void DummySetValue (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void FillBand (te::rst::Band *bin, const std::complex< double > &value)
 Fill a Raster Band with provided value. More...
TERASTEREXPORT void FillRaster (te::rst::Raster *rin, const std::complex< double > &value)
 Fill a Raster with provided value (all bands). More...
TERASTEREXPORT void Get1bit (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void Get2bits (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void Get4bits (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT std::vector< BandProperty * > GetBandProperties (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &rinfo)
 Returns a vector of band properties, based on a given raster info. More...
TERASTEREXPORT void GetChar (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void GetCIDouble (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void GetCIFloat (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void GetCIInt16 (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void GetCIInt32 (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void GetCRDouble (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void GetCRFloat (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void GetCRInt16 (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void GetCRInt32 (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void GetDataTypeRanges (const int &dataType, double &min, double &max)
 Return the values range of a given data type. More...
TERASTEREXPORT void GetDouble (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void GetFloat (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT GridGetGrid (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &rinfo)
 Returns a grid based on a given raster info. More...
TERASTEREXPORT void GetInt16 (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void GetInt32 (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT int GetPixelSize (int datatype)
 Returns the byte size of a given datatype. More...
TERASTEREXPORT std::vector< te::gm::Point * > GetRandomPointsInRaster (const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, unsigned int numberOfPoints=1000)
 Creates a vector of random positions (points) inside the raster. More...
TERASTEREXPORT void GetUChar (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void GetUInt16 (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void GetUInt32 (int index, void *buffer, double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT te::rst::RasterReproject (te::rst::Raster const *const rin, int srid, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &routinfo, int m=te::rst::NearestNeighbor)
 Reprojects a raster to another SRS. More...
TERASTEREXPORT te::rst::RasterReproject (te::rst::Raster const *const rin, int srid, double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &routinfo, int m=te::rst::NearestNeighbor)
 Reprojects a portion of a raster to another SRS. More...
TERASTEREXPORT te::rst::RasterReproject (te::rst::Raster const *const rin, int srid, double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury, double resx, double resy, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &routinfo, int m=te::rst::NearestNeighbor)
 Reprojects a portion of a raster to another SRS and maintaining a given resolution. More...
TERASTEREXPORT int Round (double val)
 Round a double value to a integer value. More...
TERASTEREXPORT void Set1bit (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void Set2bits (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void Set4bits (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetBlockFunctions (GetBufferValueFPtr *gb, GetBufferValueFPtr *gbi, SetBufferValueFPtr *sb, SetBufferValueFPtr *sbi, int type)
 Sets the pointers to functions that helps to extract a double or complex value from a specific buffer data type. More...
TERASTEREXPORT void SetChar (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetCIDouble (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetCIFloat (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetCIInt16 (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetCIInt32 (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetCRDouble (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetCRFloat (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetCRInt16 (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetCRInt32 (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetDouble (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetFloat (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetInt16 (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetInt32 (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetUChar (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetUInt16 (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
TERASTEREXPORT void SetUInt32 (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)
bool StdSortPointPointerComparison (te::gm::Point *p1, te::gm::Point *p2)

Detailed Description

Namespace for the Raster module of TerraLib.

Typedef Documentation

◆ BandPropertyPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<BandProperty> te::rst::BandPropertyPtr

Definition at line 157 of file BandProperty.h.

◆ GetBufferValueFPtr

typedef void(* te::rst::GetBufferValueFPtr) (int index, void *buffer, double *value)

The type of function used to extract data from a buffer.

Definition at line 37 of file BlockUtils.h.

◆ GridPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Grid> te::rst::GridPtr

Definition at line 333 of file Grid.h.

◆ ProxyRasterPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ProxyRaster> te::rst::ProxyRasterPtr

Definition at line 114 of file ProxyRaster.h.

◆ RasterPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Raster> te::rst::RasterPtr

Definition at line 703 of file Raster.h.

◆ RasterSummary

typedef boost::ptr_vector<BandSummary> te::rst::RasterSummary

RasterSummary is just a typedef of a boost::ptr_vector.

It is a vector of BandSummary, one summary for each band in a raster.

Definition at line 44 of file RasterSummary.h.

◆ SetBufferValueFPtr

typedef void(* te::rst::SetBufferValueFPtr) (int index, void *buffer, const double *value)

The type of function used to extract data from a buffer.

Definition at line 40 of file BlockUtils.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ColorInterp

Color model component use.


No color interpretation is associated with the band.


Index into a lookup table.


Palette indexes color interpretation.


Red channel color interpretation.


Green channel color interpretation.


Blue channel color interpretation.


Alpha channel color interpretation.


Hue channel color interpretation.


Saturation color interpretation.


Lightness color interpretation.


Cyan color interpretation.


Magenta color interpretation.


Yellow color interpretation.


Key (black) color interpretation.


YCbCr Y Band color interpretation.


YCbCr Cb Band color interpretation.


YCbCr Cr Band color interpretation.

Definition at line 54 of file Enums.h.

◆ InterpolationMethod

Allowed interpolation methods.


Undefined interpolation method.


Near neighborhood interpolation method.


Bilinear interpolation method.


Bicubic interpolation method.

Definition at line 92 of file Enums.h.

◆ PaletteInterpretation

Palette interpratation types.


Undefined palette interpretation.


Gray indexed palette interpretation.


RGB indexed palette interpretation.


CMYK indexed palette interpretation.


HSL indexed palette interpretation.

Definition at line 80 of file Enums.h.

◆ SummaryTypes

Types for the BandSummary.


Calculate the min value.


Calculate the max value.


Calculate the standard deviation value.


Calculate the mean value.


Calculate the histogram for the real part.


Calculate the histogram for the imaginary part.


Calculate all the summary types.

Definition at line 38 of file Enums.h.

Function Documentation

◆ ConvertColorInterpTypeToString()

TERASTEREXPORT std::string te::rst::ConvertColorInterpTypeToString ( const te::rst::ColorInterp ci)

Function used to convert from a Color Interp Enum to a string.

ciThe color interpretation enum
A string with the color interpreation name.

◆ ConvertPalleteInterpTypeToString()

TERASTEREXPORT std::string te::rst::ConvertPalleteInterpTypeToString ( const te::rst::PaletteInterpretation pi)

Function used to convert from a Pallete Interp Enum to a string.

piThe pallete interpretation enum
A string with the pallete interpreation name.

◆ Copy() [1/3]

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::Copy ( const Raster rin,
Raster rout 

Copies the pixel values from one raster to another.

rinThe input raster.
routThe output raster.
Both rasters must have the same properties of grid and number/type of bands.

◆ Copy() [2/3]

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::Copy ( const Band bin,
Band bout 

Copies the pixel values from one band to another.

binThe input band.
boutThe output band.
Both bands must have the same properties of type and grid.

◆ Copy() [3/3]

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::Copy ( unsigned int  drow,
unsigned int  dcolumn,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  width,
const Raster rin,
Raster rout 

Copy a subset of the raster, given a box.

methodThe method of interpolation.
See also
drowThe starting row to make a subset of the image.
dcolumnThe starting column to make a subset of the image.
heightThe height of the subset.
widthThe width of the subset.
rinPointer to valid output raster.
routPointer to valid output raster.

◆ CreateCopy()

TERASTEREXPORT te::rst::RasterPtr te::rst::CreateCopy ( const te::rst::Raster rin,
const std::string &  uri,
const std::string &  rType = std::string("GDAL") 

Create a new raster from existing one.

rinThe input raster.
uriThe output raster URI.
rTypeThe name of the specific driver to create the raster.
A valid pointer to the created raster or a null (invalid) pointer if an error ocurred.

◆ CropRaster() [1/2]

TERASTEREXPORT te::rst::RasterPtr te::rst::CropRaster ( const te::rst::Raster rin,
const te::gm::Polygon pin,
const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  rinfo,
const std::string &  rType = std::string("GDAL") 

Creates a raster crop using a polygon delimiter.

rinThe input raster.
pinThe input polygon, to be used as a delimiter.
rinfoThe map of raster informations.
rTypeThe name of the specific driver to create the raster.
A valid pointer to the created raster or a null (invalid) pointer if an error ocurred.
The area outside the polygon will be filled with nodata values.

◆ CropRaster() [2/2]

TERASTEREXPORT std::unique_ptr< te::rst::Raster > te::rst::CropRaster ( const te::rst::Raster rin,
const std::vector< te::gm::Geometry const *>  geometries,
const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  rinfo,
const std::string &  rType 

Creates a raster crop using a polygon delimiter.

rinThe input raster.
geometriesA vector of pointers to valid geometries.
rinfoThe map of raster informations.
rTypeThe name of the specific driver to create the raster.
A valid pointer to the created raster or a null (invalid) pointer if an error ocurred.
The area outside the polygon will be filled with nodata values.
Accepted geometry types: te::gm::Polygon, te::gm::MultiPolygon.

◆ DummyGetValue()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::DummyGetValue ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ DummySetValue()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::DummySetValue ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ FillBand()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::FillBand ( te::rst::Band bin,
const std::complex< double > &  value 

Fill a Raster Band with provided value.

binThe input band.
valueThe value to fill all the bands of the Raster.

◆ FillRaster()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::FillRaster ( te::rst::Raster rin,
const std::complex< double > &  value 

Fill a Raster with provided value (all bands).

rinThe input raster.
valueThe value to fill all the bands of the Raster.

◆ Get1bit()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::Get1bit ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ Get2bits()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::Get2bits ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ Get4bits()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::Get4bits ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetBandProperties()

TERASTEREXPORT std::vector<BandProperty*> te::rst::GetBandProperties ( const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  rinfo)

Returns a vector of band properties, based on a given raster info.

rinfoThe map of raster informations.
A vector of band properties.
The caller will take the ownership of the returned pointer.
The variable rinfo must have the properties NBANDS and BANDSTYPE defined.

◆ GetChar()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetChar ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetCIDouble()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetCIDouble ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetCIFloat()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetCIFloat ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetCIInt16()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetCIInt16 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetCIInt32()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetCIInt32 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetCRDouble()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetCRDouble ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetCRFloat()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetCRFloat ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetCRInt16()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetCRInt16 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetCRInt32()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetCRInt32 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetDataTypeRanges()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetDataTypeRanges ( const int &  dataType,
double &  min,
double &  max 

Return the values range of a given data type.

dataTypeThe given data type.
minThe mininmum value allowed for the given data type.
minThe maximum value allowed for the given data type.

Referenced by te::rp::GetDataTypeRange().

◆ GetDouble()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetDouble ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetFloat()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetFloat ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetGrid()

TERASTEREXPORT Grid* te::rst::GetGrid ( const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  rinfo)

Returns a grid based on a given raster info.

rinfoThe map of raster informations.
A grid info.
The caller will take the ownership of the returned pointer.
The parameter rinfo must have the properties NCOLS and NROWS defined.
Optional properties in parameter rinfo are RESX, RESY, SRID, ULX and ULY.

◆ GetInt16()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetInt16 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetInt32()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetInt32 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetPixelSize()

TERASTEREXPORT int te::rst::GetPixelSize ( int  datatype)

Returns the byte size of a given datatype.

◆ GetUChar()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetUChar ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetUInt16()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetUInt16 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ GetUInt32()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::GetUInt32 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
double *  value 

◆ Reproject() [1/3]

TERASTEREXPORT te::rst::Raster* te::rst::Reproject ( te::rst::Raster const *const  rin,
int  srid,
const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  routinfo,
int  m = te::rst::NearestNeighbor 

Reprojects a raster to another SRS.

rinThe input raster file. Do not pass a null pointer.
sridThe target SRID for the reprojection.
routinfoThe basic parameters necessary to create the reprojected raster.
mThe method of interpolation to apply.
See also
A pointer to the raster reprojected if success or a null pointer otherwise.
ExceptionThis function might through an exception if the coordinate conversion fails.
The caller will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ Reproject() [2/3]

TERASTEREXPORT te::rst::Raster* te::rst::Reproject ( te::rst::Raster const *const  rin,
int  srid,
double  llx,
double  lly,
double  urx,
double  ury,
const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  routinfo,
int  m = te::rst::NearestNeighbor 

Reprojects a portion of a raster to another SRS.

rinThe input raster file. Do not pass a null pointer.
sridThe target SRID for the reprojection.
llxLower-left X-coordinate of the portion to be reprojected (in the original SRS).
llyLower-left Y-coordinate of the portion to be reprojected (in the original SRS).
urxUpper-Right X-coordinate of the portion to be reprojected (in the original SRS).
uryUpper-Right Y-coordinate of the portion to be reprojected (in the original SRS).
routinfoThe basic parameters necessary to create the reprojected raster.
mThe method of interpolation to apply.
See also
A pointer to the raster reprojected if success or a null pointer otherwise.
ExceptionThis function might through an exception if the coordinate conversion fails.
The caller will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ Reproject() [3/3]

TERASTEREXPORT te::rst::Raster* te::rst::Reproject ( te::rst::Raster const *const  rin,
int  srid,
double  llx,
double  lly,
double  urx,
double  ury,
double  resx,
double  resy,
const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  routinfo,
int  m = te::rst::NearestNeighbor 

Reprojects a portion of a raster to another SRS and maintaining a given resolution.

rinThe input raster file. Do not pass a null pointer.
sridThe target SRID for the reprojection.
llxLower-left X-coordinate of the portion to be reprojected (in the original SRS).
llyLower-left Y-coordinate of the portion to be reprojected (in the original SRS).
urxUpper-Right X-coordinate of the portion to be reprojected (in the original SRS).
uryUpper-Right Y-coordinate of the portion to be reprojected (in the original SRS).
resxThe output x resolution (in units of the target SRS - if resx=0 the number of columns will be kept the same).
resyThe output y resolution (in units of the target SRS - if resy=0 the number of rows will be kept the same).
routinfoThe basic parameters necessary to create the reprojected raster.
mThe method of interpolation to apply.
See also
A pointer to the raster reprojected if success or a null pointer otherwise.
ExceptionThis function might through an exception if the coordinate conversion fails.
The caller will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ Round()

TERASTEREXPORT int te::rst::Round ( double  val)

Round a double value to a integer value.

valThe double value.
A integer value.

Definition at line 117 of file Utils.h.

◆ Set1bit()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::Set1bit ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ Set2bits()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::Set2bits ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ Set4bits()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::Set4bits ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetBlockFunctions()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetBlockFunctions ( GetBufferValueFPtr gb,
GetBufferValueFPtr gbi,
SetBufferValueFPtr sb,
SetBufferValueFPtr sbi,
int  type 

Sets the pointers to functions that helps to extract a double or complex value from a specific buffer data type.

gbThe get buffer of real values function.
gbiThe get buffer of imaginary values function.
sbThe set buffer of real values function.
sbiThe set buffer of imaginary values function.
typeThe block data type.

Referenced by te::rst::AbstractBandIterator< T >::AbstractBandIterator(), and te::rst::BandIteratorWindow< T >::BandIteratorWindow().

◆ SetChar()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetChar ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetCIDouble()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetCIDouble ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetCIFloat()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetCIFloat ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetCIInt16()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetCIInt16 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetCIInt32()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetCIInt32 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetCRDouble()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetCRDouble ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetCRFloat()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetCRFloat ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetCRInt16()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetCRInt16 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetCRInt32()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetCRInt32 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetDouble()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetDouble ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetFloat()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetFloat ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetInt16()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetInt16 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetInt32()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetInt32 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetUChar()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetUChar ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetUInt16()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetUInt16 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ SetUInt32()

TERASTEREXPORT void te::rst::SetUInt32 ( int  index,
void *  buffer,
const double *  value 

◆ StdSortPointPointerComparison()

bool te::rst::StdSortPointPointerComparison ( te::gm::Point p1,
te::gm::Point p2 

Definition at line 52 of file PositionIterator.h.

Referenced by te::rst::PolygonIterator< T >::setNextLine().