Utils.h File Reference

Utilitary function for spatial analysis module. More...

#include "../../maptools/AbstractLayer.h"
#include "../../srs/Config.h"
#include "../Config.h"
#include <string>

Go to the source code of this file.


 Namespace for the DataAccess API of TerraLib.
 Namespace for the Data Type module of TerraLib.
 Namespace for the TerraLib SA module.


TESAEXPORT int te::sa::AddGraphEdgeAttribute (te::graph::AbstractGraph *graph, std::string attrName, int dataType)
 Function used to create the edge attribute metadata in the graph of the gpm. More...
TESAEXPORT int te::sa::AddGraphVertexAttribute (te::graph::AbstractGraph *graph, std::string attrName, int dataType, int srid=TE_UNKNOWN_SRS, int subType=static_cast< int >(te::gm::UnknownGeometryType))
 Function used to create the vertex attribute metadata in the graph of the gpm. More...
TESAEXPORT int te::sa::AssociateGPMVertexAttribute (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, te::da::DataSource *ds, std::string dataSetName, std::string attrLink, std::string attr, int dataType, int srid=TE_UNKNOWN_SRS, int subType=static_cast< int >(te::gm::UnknownGeometryType))
 Function used to set a an attribute valeu from a dataset to the vertex objects from a gpm. More...
TESAEXPORT int te::sa::AssociateGPMVertexAttribute (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, te::da::DataSet *ds, std::string attrLink, std::string attr, int dataType, int srid=TE_UNKNOWN_SRS, int subType=static_cast< int >(te::gm::UnknownGeometryType))
 Function used to set a an attribute valeu from a dataset to the vertex objects from a gpm. More...
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::CalculateDistance (te::gm::Geometry *geom, te::gm::Coord2D &coord)
 Function used to calculate the distance from a coord to the center of a geometry. More...
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::GetArea (te::gm::Geometry *geom)
 Function used to get area of a geometry. More...
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::GetDataValue (te::dt::AbstractData *ad)
 Function used to get the numeric value from a gpm property. More...
TESAEXPORT bool te::sa::GetGraphEdgeAttrIndex (te::graph::AbstractGraph *graph, std::string attrName, int &index)
 Function used to get the edge attribute index in the graph of the gpm. More...
TESAEXPORT bool te::sa::GetGraphVertexAttrIndex (te::graph::AbstractGraph *graph, std::string attrName, int &index)
 Function used to get the vertex attribute index in the graph of the gpm. More...

Detailed Description

Utilitary function for spatial analysis module.

Definition in file Utils.h.