Enums.h File Reference

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 Namespace for the Map Tools module of TerraLib.


enum  te::map::AlignType {
  te::map::Top = 1, te::map::Center = 2, te::map::Bottom = 3, te::map::Left = 4,
  te::map::Right = 5
 This enum contains values to control the alignment of components (like Canvas and MapDisplay). More...
enum  te::map::ChartType { te::map::Pie, te::map::Bar }
 The chart types. More...
enum  te::map::CompositionMode {
  te::map::SourceOver, te::map::DestinationOver, te::map::Clear, te::map::Source,
  te::map::Destination, te::map::SourceIn, te::map::DestinationIn, te::map::SourceOut,
  te::map::DestinationOut, te::map::SourceAtop, te::map::DestinationAtop, te::map::Xor,
  te::map::Plus, te::map::Multiply, te::map::Screen, te::map::Overlay,
  te::map::Darken, te::map::Lighten, te::map::ColorDodge, te::map::ColorBurn,
  te::map::HardLight, te::map::SoftLight, te::map::Difference, te::map::Exclusion
 The composition mode used to render the canvas. More...
enum  te::map::GroupingType { te::map::EQUAL_STEPS, te::map::QUANTIL, te::map::STD_DEVIATION, te::map::UNIQUE_VALUE }
 The grouping type associated to the layer. More...
enum  te::map::ImageType {
  te::map::UNKNOWN = 0, te::map::PNG = 1, te::map::JPEG = 2, te::map::GIF = 3,
  te::map::BMP = 4, te::map::XPM = 5, te::map::XBM = 6, te::map::WBMP = 7,
  te::map::TIFF = 8
 This enum specifies the possible input and output image formats supported by the canvas API. More...
enum  te::map::LineCapStyle { te::map::ButtCap = 0x00, te::map::SquareCap = 0x10, te::map::RoundCap = 0x20 }
 This enum encodes enumerated values telling how line strings should be capped (at the two ends of the line string). More...
enum  te::map::LineDashStyle {
  te::map::NoLine = 0, te::map::SolidLine = 1, te::map::DashLine = 2, te::map::DotLine = 3,
  te::map::DashDotLine = 4, te::map::DashDotDotLine = 5, te::map::CustomDashLine = 6
 This enum encodes enumerated values telling how lines should be drawn. e.g. as a plain line or dash line, etc. More...
enum  te::map::LineJoinStyle { te::map::MiterJoin = 0x00, te::map::BevelJoin = 0x40, te::map::RoundJoin = 0x80 }
 This enum encodes enumerated values telling how line strings should be joined (between line segments). More...
enum  te::map::PtMarkerType {
  te::map::MarkerNone = 0, te::map::MarkerSquare = 1, te::map::MarkerDiamond = 2, te::map::MarkerCircle = 3,
  te::map::MarkerCrossedCircle = 4, te::map::MarkerSemiEllipseLeft = 5, te::map::MarkerSemiEllipseRight = 6, te::map::MarkerSemiEllipseUp = 7,
  te::map::MarkerSemiEllipseDown = 8, te::map::MarkerTriangleLeft = 9, te::map::MarkerTriangleRight = 10, te::map::MarkerTriangleUp = 11,
  te::map::MarkerTriangleDown = 12, te::map::MarkerFourRays = 13, te::map::MarkerCross = 14, te::map::MarkerX = 15,
  te::map::MarkerDash = 16, te::map::MarkerDot = 17, te::map::MarkerPixel = 18, te::map::MarkerPattern = 19
enum  te::map::Visibility { te::map::NOT_VISIBLE, te::map::VISIBLE, te::map::PARTIALLY_VISIBLE }
 Each layer can have three states of visibility. More...