Utils.h File Reference

Utilitary functions to access GDAL and match some of its concepts to TerraLib concepts. More...

#include "../raster/BandProperty.h"
#include "../raster/Enums.h"
#include "../raster/Raster.h"
#include "../core/translator/Translator.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "Raster.h"
#include <gdal_priv.h>
#include <cpl_error.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>

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struct  te::gdal::DriverMetadata
 GDAL driver metadata. More...


 Namespace for the TerraLib GDAL driver implementation.
 Namespace for the Vector Geometry module of TerraLib.
 Namespace for the Raster module of TerraLib.


GDALDataset * te::gdal::CreateRaster (te::rst::Grid *g, const std::vector< te::rst::BandProperty *> &bands, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &optParams)
 Creates a raster data using GDAL. More...
GDALDataset * te::gdal::CreateRaster (const std::string &name, te::rst::Grid *g, const std::vector< te::rst::BandProperty *> &bands, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &optParams)
 Creates a raster data using GDAL. More...
void te::gdal::GDALErrorHandler (CPLErr eErrClass, int errNo, const char *msg)
TEGDALEXPORT void te::gdal::GetBandProperties (GDALDataset *gds, std::vector< te::rst::BandProperty *> &bprops)
 Gets the list of bands definition from a GDAL dataset. More...
te::rst::BandPropertyte::gdal::GetBandProperty (GDALRasterBand *gband, const unsigned int bandIndex)
 Gets the properties of a single band from a GDAL dataset. More...
void te::gdal::GetBands (te::gdal::Raster *rst, std::vector< te::gdal::Band *> &bands)
 Gets the list of bands from a GDAL dataset. More...
bool te::gdal::GetBands (te::gdal::Raster *rst, int multiResLevel, std::vector< te::gdal::Band *> &bands)
 Gets the list of bands from a GDAL dataset. More...
std::string te::gdal::GetDriverName (const std::string &dsName)
 It returns the GDAL driver name associated to a data source name. More...
te::gm::Envelopete::gdal::GetExtent (std::string strAccessInfo)
 Gets the extent of a raster data decoded by GDAL. More...
std::multimap< std::string, std::string > te::gdal::GetGDALAllDriversUCaseExt2DriversMap (const bool creationSupport)
 Returns a map of all GDAL supported Upper-case ( vector and raster ) extensions to their respective driver names. More...
GDALColorInterp te::gdal::GetGDALColorInterpretation (te::rst::ColorInterp ci)
 It translates a TerraLib ColorInterpretation to a GDAL ColorInterpretation. More...
std::string te::gdal::GetGDALConnectionInfo (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &connInfo)
 It returns a GDAL connection string from the given map. More...
GDALDataType te::gdal::GetGDALDataType (int tet)
 It translates a TerraLib DataType to a GDAL DataType. More...
std::map< std::string, DriverMetadata > & te::gdal::GetGDALDriversMetadata ()
 Returns metadata from all registered GDAL drivers (key: driver name). More...
std::multimap< std::string, std::string > te::gdal::GetGDALRasterDriversUCaseExt2DriversMap (const bool creationSupport)
 Returns a map of all GDAL supported Upper-case raster extensions to their respective driver names. More...
std::string te::gdal::GetGDALRessamplingMethod (te::rst::InterpolationMethod interpolationMethod)
 It translates a TerraLib interpolation method into a GDAL ressampling method name string. More...
std::multimap< std::string, std::string > te::gdal::GetGDALVectorDriversUCaseExt2DriversMap (const bool creationSupport)
 Returns a map of all GDAL supported Upper-case vector extensions to their respective driver names. More...
TEGDALEXPORT te::rst::Gridte::gdal::GetGrid (GDALDataset *gds)
 Gets the grid definition from a GDAL dataset. More...
TEGDALEXPORT te::rst::Gridte::gdal::GetGrid (GDALDataset *gds, const int multiResLevel)
 Gets the grid definition from a GDAL dataset. More...
std::string te::gdal::GetParentDataSetName (const std::string &subDataSetName)
 It returns the parent dataset name from a Sub DataSet name. More...
GDALDataset * te::gdal::GetRasterHandle (std::string strAccessInfo, te::common::AccessPolicy policy=te::common::RAccess)
 Get a handle to a raster file. More...
te::rst::RasterPropertyte::gdal::GetRasterProperty (std::string strAccessInfo)
 Gets the complete description from a GDAL dataset. More...
TEGDALEXPORT boost::mutex & te::gdal::getStaticMutex ()
 Returns a reference to a static mutex initialized when this module is initialized. More...
std::string te::gdal::GetSubDataSetName (const std::string &name, const std::string &driverName)
 It returns the Sub DataSet name from the given name or the same name. More...
te::rst::ColorInterp te::gdal::GetTeColorInterpretation (GDALColorInterp gci)
 It translates a GDAL ColorInterpretation to a TerraLib ColorInterpretation. More...
int te::gdal::GetTeDataType (GDALDataType gt)
 It translates a GDAL DataType to a TerraLib DataType. More...
te::rst::PaletteInterpretation te::gdal::GetTePaletteInterpretation (GDALPaletteInterp gpi)
 It translates a GDAL Pallete Interpretation to a TerraLib Pallete Interpretation. More...
bool te::gdal::IsSubDataSet (const std::string &uri)
 Returns true if the given URI is related to a sub-dataset. More...
std::string te::gdal::MakePGConnectionStr (const te::core::URI &connInfo)
 Returns a PostGIS connection string from the URI connection information. The connection string is to be used as a dataset name in GDAL data model. See also http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/frmts_wtkraster.html. More...
TEGDALEXPORT void te::gdal::Rasterize (std::vector< te::gm::Geometry *> geometries, GDALDataset *outraster)
 Rasterizes a given vector of geometries, using GDALRasterizeGeometries function. More...
bool te::gdal::RecognizesSRID (unsigned int srid)
 It returns true if GDAL recognizes the given SRS id. More...
bool te::gdal::ReprojectRaster (te::rst::Raster const *const rin, te::rst::Raster *rout)
 Reprojects a raster to another SRS. More...
TEGDALEXPORT void te::gdal::Vectorize (GDALRasterBand *band, std::vector< te::gm::Geometry *> &geometries)
 Vectorizes a given raster band, using GDALPolygonize function. More...

Detailed Description

Utilitary functions to access GDAL and match some of its concepts to TerraLib concepts.

Definition in file Utils.h.