Utils.h File Reference

Utility functions for OGR support. More...

#include "Config.h"
#include "../srs/Config.h"
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <ogr_core.h>
#include <cpl_error.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


 Namespace for the DataAccess API of TerraLib.
 Namespace for the Vector Geometry module of TerraLib.
 Namespace for the OGR Driver Implementation of TerraLib.


TEOGREXPORT OGRGeometry * te::ogr::Convert2OGR (const te::gm::Geometry *teGeom)
 It converts the TerraLib Geometry to OGR Geometry. More...
TEOGREXPORT OGRGeometry * te::ogr::Convert2OGR (const te::gm::Geometry *teGeom, const OGRSpatialReference *srs)
 It converts the TerraLib Geometry to OGR Geometry. More...
TEOGREXPORT OGREnvelope * te::ogr::Convert2OGR (const te::gm::Envelope *env)
 It converts the TerraLib Envelope to OGR Envelope. More...
TEOGREXPORT OGRFeatureDefn * te::ogr::Convert2OGR (te::da::DataSetType *dt)
 It converts the TerraLib DataSet Type to OGR Feature Definition. More...
TEOGREXPORT OGRFieldDefn * te::ogr::Convert2OGR (te::dt::Property *p)
 It converts the TerraLib Property Type to OGR Field Definition. More...
TEOGREXPORT OGRwkbGeometryType te::ogr::Convert2OGR (te::gm::GeomType geomType)
 It converts the TerraLib Geometry Type element to OGR Geometry Type. More...
TEOGREXPORT OGRSpatialReference * te::ogr::Convert2OGRProjection (int srid)
 It converts the TerraLib Projection to OGR Projection. More...
TEOGREXPORT te::gm::Geometryte::ogr::Convert2TerraLib (OGRGeometry *ogrGeom)
 It converts the OGR Geometry to TerraLib Geometry. More...
TEOGREXPORT te::gm::Envelopete::ogr::Convert2TerraLib (const OGREnvelope *env)
 It converts the OGR Envelope to TerraLib Envelope. More...
TEOGREXPORT void te::ogr::Convert2TerraLib (OGRFeatureDefn *featDef, te::da::DataSetType *dt, int srs=TE_UNKNOWN_SRS)
 It inserts a OGR Feature Definition to TerraLib DataSet Type. More...
TEOGREXPORT te::da::DataSetTypete::ogr::Convert2TerraLib (OGRFeatureDefn *featDef, int srs=TE_UNKNOWN_SRS)
 It converts the OGR Feature Definition to TerraLib DataSet Type. More...
TEOGREXPORT te::dt::Propertyte::ogr::Convert2TerraLib (OGRFieldDefn *fieldDef)
 It converts the OGR Field Definition to TerraLib Property Type. More...
TEOGREXPORT te::gm::GeomType te::ogr::Convert2TerraLib (OGRwkbGeometryType ogrGeomType)
 It converts the OGR Geometry Type element to TerraLib Geometry Type. More...
TEOGREXPORT int te::ogr::Convert2TerraLibProjection (OGRSpatialReference *osrs)
 It converts the OGR Projection to TerraLib Projection. More...
std::string te::ogr::GetDriverName (const std::string &path)
 It tries extract the driver name used by OGR Library based on the given path. More...
TEOGREXPORT std::string te::ogr::GetOGRConnectionInfo (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &connInfo)
TEOGREXPORT std::vector< std::string > te::ogr::GetOGRDrivers (bool filterCreate=false)
 It returns the list of OGR Drivers available. More...
TEOGREXPORT boost::mutex & te::ogr::getStaticMutex ()
 Returns a reference to a static mutex initialized when this module is initialized. More...
void te::ogr::OGRErrorHandler (CPLErr eErrClass, int errNo, const char *msg)
TEOGREXPORT std::string te::ogr::RemoveSpatialSql (const std::string &sql)

Detailed Description

Utility functions for OGR support.

Definition in file Utils.h.