te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog Class Reference

Implements a dialog used to execute a vector processing operation. More...

#include <VectorProcessingOperationDialog.h>

Inheritance diagram for te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog:

Public Member Functions

Ui::VectorProcessingOperationDialogForm * getForm () const
 Returns the internal widget. More...
std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtrgetOutputLayers ()
te::vp::OperationResult getResult () const
void init (const std::string &operationName, const std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &layers)
 Inits the dialog by setting the the operation to be executed in interface and the list of available input layers. More...
void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event)
 VectorProcessingOperationDialog (QWidget *parent=0, Qt::WindowFlags f=0)
 Constructor. More...
 ~VectorProcessingOperationDialog ()
 Destructor. More...

Protected Slots

void onClose ()
void onExecuteOperationToolButtonPressed ()
 Interface tool button to execute the vectorial process operation. More...
void onProcessingFinished (const te::vp::OperationResult &result)
void onProcessingStateChanged (const te::vp::ProgressState &newState)
void taskCancelled ()

Protected Member Functions

void setDialogOnExecution (bool onExecution)

Private Attributes

 TerraLib Qt component used to get input data access. More...
std::string m_operationName
 The name of the operation to be created and executed. More...
 TerraLib Qt component used to get output data access. More...
QtOperationThreadManagerListener m_processListener
 A listener to the status of the execution. More...
 TerraLib Qt component to represent a progress viewer. More...
std::unique_ptr< CurrentExecutionImpl > m_run
 The implementation of one execution. More...
 TerraLib Qt component with specific parameters for each operation. More...
std::unique_ptr< Ui::VectorProcessingOperationDialogForm > m_ui
 Pointer to Qt widget. More...
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< te::da::DataAccess > > m_vecOverallOutputDataAccess
 Stores all the outputs considering all the executions. More...

Detailed Description

Implements a dialog used to execute a vector processing operation.

Definition at line 108 of file VectorProcessingOperationDialog.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VectorProcessingOperationDialog()

te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::VectorProcessingOperationDialog ( QWidget *  parent = 0,
Qt::WindowFlags  f = 0 


◆ ~VectorProcessingOperationDialog()

te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::~VectorProcessingOperationDialog ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ getForm()

Ui::VectorProcessingOperationDialogForm* te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::getForm ( ) const

Returns the internal widget.

Pointer to Qt Widget InputDataAccessItemWidgetForm

◆ getOutputLayers()

std::list<te::map::AbstractLayerPtr> te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::getOutputLayers ( )

◆ getResult()

te::vp::OperationResult te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::getResult ( ) const

◆ init()

void te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::init ( const std::string &  operationName,
const std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &  layers 

Inits the dialog by setting the the operation to be executed in interface and the list of available input layers.

operationPointer to a TerraLib VP operation
layersThe list of available input layers
NOT take the ownership of this object

◆ keyPressEvent()

void te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *  event)

◆ onClose

void te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::onClose ( )

◆ onExecuteOperationToolButtonPressed

void te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::onExecuteOperationToolButtonPressed ( )

Interface tool button to execute the vectorial process operation.

◆ onProcessingFinished

void te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::onProcessingFinished ( const te::vp::OperationResult result)

◆ onProcessingStateChanged

void te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::onProcessingStateChanged ( const te::vp::ProgressState newState)

◆ setDialogOnExecution()

void te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::setDialogOnExecution ( bool  onExecution)

◆ taskCancelled

void te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::taskCancelled ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_inputDataWidget

te::vp::qt::InputDataAccessWidget* te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::m_inputDataWidget

TerraLib Qt component used to get input data access.

Definition at line 172 of file VectorProcessingOperationDialog.h.

◆ m_operationName

std::string te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::m_operationName

The name of the operation to be created and executed.

Definition at line 178 of file VectorProcessingOperationDialog.h.

◆ m_outputDataWidget

te::vp::qt::OutputDataAccessWidget* te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::m_outputDataWidget

TerraLib Qt component used to get output data access.

Definition at line 174 of file VectorProcessingOperationDialog.h.

◆ m_processListener

QtOperationThreadManagerListener te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::m_processListener

A listener to the status of the execution.

Definition at line 182 of file VectorProcessingOperationDialog.h.

◆ m_progressViewer

te::qt::widgets::ProgressViewerTaskWidget* te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::m_progressViewer

TerraLib Qt component to represent a progress viewer.

Definition at line 180 of file VectorProcessingOperationDialog.h.

◆ m_run

std::unique_ptr< CurrentExecutionImpl > te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::m_run

The implementation of one execution.

Definition at line 184 of file VectorProcessingOperationDialog.h.

◆ m_specificParamsWidget

te::vp::qt::SpecificParametersWidget* te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::m_specificParamsWidget

TerraLib Qt component with specific parameters for each operation.

Definition at line 176 of file VectorProcessingOperationDialog.h.

◆ m_ui

std::unique_ptr<Ui::VectorProcessingOperationDialogForm> te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::m_ui

Pointer to Qt widget.

Definition at line 170 of file VectorProcessingOperationDialog.h.

◆ m_vecOverallOutputDataAccess

std::vector< std::unique_ptr<te::da::DataAccess> > te::vp::qt::VectorProcessingOperationDialog::m_vecOverallOutputDataAccess

Stores all the outputs considering all the executions.

Definition at line 186 of file VectorProcessingOperationDialog.h.

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