te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler Class Referenceabstract

A handler to list task properties into a property browser. More...

#include <TaskPropertyHandler.h>

Inheritance diagram for te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler:
te::process::qt::DataAccessTaskPropertyHandler te::process::qt::DataStoreTaskPropertyHandler te::process::qt::DefaultTaskPropertyHandler

Public Member Functions

const std::string & getType () const
virtual void setDefaultProperties (QtProperty *parent)
virtual void setInputProperties (QtProperty *parent)
virtual void setOutputProperties (QtProperty *parent)
void setTask (const std::string &taskId, ProcessManager *manager)
 Gets the type of the task. More...
 TaskPropertyHandler (const std::string &taskType)
 Default constructor. More...
void valueChanged (QtProperty *p, const QVariant &qVariant)
virtual ~TaskPropertyHandler ()
 Virtual destructor. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual QtProperty * createProperty (te::process::TaskSharedPtr task, te::process::ParameterDescriptor &paramDesc)=0
 Function used to create the right property type given a param descriptor. More...
virtual te::dt::AbstractDatacreatePropertyData (te::process::ParameterDescriptor &paramDesc, const QVariant &var)
 Function used to create a terralib object data from a QtProperty contents (QVariant). More...
virtual te::dt::AbstractDatagetParamData (const std::string &paramName)
 Function used to get a terralib object data from a Task param. More...
QString getParameterToolTip (te::process::TaskSharedPtr task, te::process::ParameterDescriptor &paramDesc)
void setProperty (QtProperty *parent, te::process::ParameterDescriptor::Direction dir)
virtual void setPropertyData (const te::dt::AbstractData *data, QtProperty *property, int dataType)=0
 Function used to set into qt property a terralib data. More...

Protected Attributes

std::map< std::string, QtProperty * > m_propertyMap
 A map between string property name and property objects. More...
std::string m_taskId
std::string m_taskType
 The type of the task. Used by the factory. More...

Detailed Description

A handler to list task properties into a property browser.

Definition at line 64 of file TaskPropertyHandler.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TaskPropertyHandler()

te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::TaskPropertyHandler ( const std::string &  taskType)

Default constructor.

◆ ~TaskPropertyHandler()

virtual te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::~TaskPropertyHandler ( )

Virtual destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ createProperty()

virtual QtProperty* te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::createProperty ( te::process::TaskSharedPtr  task,
te::process::ParameterDescriptor paramDesc 
protectedpure virtual

Function used to create the right property type given a param descriptor.

paramDescParam descriptor used to create the property
QtProperty object.

Implemented in te::process::qt::DataAccessTaskPropertyHandler, te::process::qt::DataStoreTaskPropertyHandler, and te::process::qt::DefaultTaskPropertyHandler.

◆ createPropertyData()

virtual te::dt::AbstractData* te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::createPropertyData ( te::process::ParameterDescriptor paramDesc,
const QVariant &  var 

Function used to create a terralib object data from a QtProperty contents (QVariant).

paramDescParameters descriptor, used to get the data type
varQt object with data
TerraLib data object, if a valid type was founded.

◆ getParamData()

virtual te::dt::AbstractData* te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::getParamData ( const std::string &  paramName)

Function used to get a terralib object data from a Task param.

paramNameParameter name
TerraLib data object, if a valid type was founded.

◆ getParameterToolTip()

QString te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::getParameterToolTip ( te::process::TaskSharedPtr  task,
te::process::ParameterDescriptor paramDesc 

◆ getType()

const std::string& te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::getType ( ) const

◆ setDefaultProperties()

virtual void te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::setDefaultProperties ( QtProperty *  parent)

◆ setInputProperties()

virtual void te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::setInputProperties ( QtProperty *  parent)

◆ setOutputProperties()

virtual void te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::setOutputProperties ( QtProperty *  parent)

◆ setProperty()

void te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::setProperty ( QtProperty *  parent,
te::process::ParameterDescriptor::Direction  dir 

◆ setPropertyData()

virtual void te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::setPropertyData ( const te::dt::AbstractData data,
QtProperty *  property,
int  dataType 
protectedpure virtual

Function used to set into qt property a terralib data.

dataTerraLib object data
propertyQt property object
dataTypeTerraLib object data type

Implemented in te::process::qt::DataAccessTaskPropertyHandler, te::process::qt::DataStoreTaskPropertyHandler, and te::process::qt::DefaultTaskPropertyHandler.

◆ setTask()

void te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::setTask ( const std::string &  taskId,
ProcessManager manager 

Gets the type of the task.

◆ valueChanged()

void te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::valueChanged ( QtProperty *  p,
const QVariant &  qVariant 

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_manager

ProcessManager* te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::m_manager

Definition at line 138 of file TaskPropertyHandler.h.

◆ m_propertyMap

std::map<std::string, QtProperty*> te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::m_propertyMap

A map between string property name and property objects.

Definition at line 140 of file TaskPropertyHandler.h.

◆ m_taskId

std::string te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::m_taskId

Definition at line 136 of file TaskPropertyHandler.h.

◆ m_taskType

std::string te::process::qt::TaskPropertyHandler::m_taskType

The type of the task. Used by the factory.

Definition at line 134 of file TaskPropertyHandler.h.

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