vp Directory Reference


directory  qt


file  AbstractDataHandler.h [code]
file  AbstractOperation.h [code]
 Abstract Class to represent an abstract vector operation.
file  AbstractTillingStrategy.h [code]
file  Algorithm.h [code]
file  AlgorithmParams.h [code]
 Algorithm Parameters.
file  AttributeGroupingDataHandler.h [code]
file  BufferMemory.h [code]
file  BufferOp.h [code]
 Buffer operation.
file  BufferQuery.h [code]
file  CommonDataStructures.h [code]
 Utility classes, structures and definitions for Vector Processing.
file  CommonFunctions.h [code]
file  ComplexData.h [code]
file  Config.h [code]
 Configuration flags for the Terrralib Vector Processing module.
file  Difference.h [code]
 Difference operation.
file  DifferenceOperation.h [code]
 Represents a difference operation between two sets of features.
file  Dissolve.h [code]
 Dissolve operation.
file  DissolveCellSubdivision.h [code]
 Algorithm dedicated to dissolve the borders of a cell subdivision.
file  DissolveOperation.h [code]
 Represents an dissolve operation.
file  DissolveSubdivideDataHandler.h [code]
file  DissolveSubdivisionOperation.h [code]
 Represents an dissolve operation.
file  Enums.h [code]
 Enumerations related to Vector Processing module.
file  Exception.h [code]
 An exception class for the Vector processing module.
file  Feature.h [code]
file  GeometricOp.h [code]
 Geometric operation.
file  GeometricOpMemory.h [code]
file  GeometricOpQuery.h [code]
file  GeometrySnapper.h [code]
 Algorithm to snap geometries to each other based on a given tolerance.
file  GroupThreadManager.h [code]
 Class to manager group values in threads.
file  Identity.h [code]
 Identity operation.
file  IdentityOperation.h [code]
 Represents an identity operation between two sets of features.
file  InputParams.h [code]
 A structure to hold the input parameters of vector processing.
file  Intersection.h [code]
file  IntersectionMemory.h [code]
file  IntersectionOp.h [code]
 Intersection operation.
file  IntersectionOperation.h [code]
 Represents an intersection operation between two sets of features.
file  IntersectionQuery.h [code]
file  KDTreeMultiIndex.h [code]
file  LineToPolygonMemory.h [code]
file  LineToPolygonOp.h [code]
 Line to polygon operation.
file  LineToPolygonQuery.h [code]
file  MakeGeometryValid.h [code]
 Functions to make geometry valid.
file  MakeValidOperation.h [code]
 Represents a make valid operation which analyses and fixes features of a set.
file  Merge.h [code]
file  MultipartToSinglepart.h [code]
file  NoGroupingDataHandler.h [code]
file  OperationReport.h [code]
file  OperationService.h [code]
file  OperationThreadManager.h [code]
file  OperationThreadManagerListener.h [code]
file  OverlapFixer.h [code]
 Algorithm to detect and fix overlaps in a list of polygons.
file  PolygonSubdivider.h [code]
 Algorithm to subdivide polygons based on a cell tilling and merge them back to their original format.
file  PolygonToLineMemory.h [code]
file  PolygonToLineOp.h [code]
 Polygon to line operation.
file  PolygonToLineQuery.h [code]
file  RTreeIndex.h [code]
 This class makes easier and more generic the use of the te::sam::rtree::Index.
file  SubdivideByBorderTillingStrategy.h [code]
file  SubdivideDataHandler.h [code]
file  SubdivideOperation.h [code]
 This operation subdivides geometries ensuring that they don't have more than the given number of coordinates.
file  SubdividerTilling.h [code]
 Algorithm to help tilling a box from a given resolution.
file  Union.h [code]
 Union operation.
file  UnionOperation.h [code]
 Represents an union operation between two sets of features.
file  UnorderedGroupingDataHandler.h [code]
file  Utils.h [code]
 Utility functions for Vector Processing.