Utils.h File Reference

This file contains utility functions for custom color bar. More...

#include "Config.h"
#include "ColorSchemeCatalog.h"
#include "RGBAColor.h"
#include <vector>

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 Namespace for the Color Model of TerraLib.


TECOLOREXPORT te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogte::color::GetSchemeCatalog (std::string catalogName)
TECOLOREXPORT te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogte::color::loadColorBar (const std::string &jsonfile, const std::string &catalogName)
 This file contains utility functions for color bar. More...
TECOLOREXPORT bool te::color::saveCustomColorBar (const std::string &groupName, const std::string &schemeName, const std::vector< te::color::RGBAColor > rgbaVec)
 This method save the custom color bar in a JSON file. More...

Detailed Description

This file contains utility functions for custom color bar.

Definition in file Utils.h.