te::map::RasterTransform Class Reference

A Raster Transform is a class that defines functions to transform a styled raster. More...

#include <RasterTransform.h>


class  BandBufferInfo
struct  TransformBandInfo

Public Types

typedef std::map< RasterThreshold, te::color::RGBAColorCategorizedMap
typedef void(RasterTransform::* ChannelDomainGetFunction) (unsigned int c, unsigned int r, double &value, std::size_t band)
typedef std::map< RasterThreshold, te::color::ColorBarInterpolatedMap
typedef std::pair< double, double > RasterThreshold
enum  RasterTransfFunctions {
typedef std::map< int, te::color::RGBAColorRecodedMap
typedef te::color::RGBAColor(RasterTransform::* RGBAFunction) (double, double)
enum  RGBChannels {
 The channels of a display. More...
typedef void(RasterTransform::* TransformFunction) (double, double, double, double)

Public Member Functions

te::color::RGBAColor apply (double icol, double ilin)
void apply (double icol, double ilin, double ocol, double olin)
void clearRGBMap ()
short getBChannelMapping (RGBChannels channel)
CategorizedMapgetCategorizedMap ()
ChannelDomain getChannelDomain () const
 Return the used channels domain. More...
std::vector< double > getGain () const
 Gets the gain. More...
double getGammaB ()
 Gets the constrast value for blue band. More...
double getGammaG ()
 Gets the constrast value for green band. More...
double getGammaM ()
 Gets the constrast value for gray band. More...
double getGammaR ()
 Gets the constrast value for red band. More...
te::rst::RastergetInputRaster ()
 Gets the input raster. More...
InterpolatedMapgetInterpolatedMap ()
std::vector< double > getOffset ()
 Gets the offset. More...
te::rst::RastergetOutputRaster ()
 Gets the output raster. More...
RecodedMapgetRecodedMap ()
std::map< RGBChannels, short > getRGBMap ()
RasterTransfFunctions getTransfFunction ()
double getTransparency ()
 Gets the transparency. More...
 RasterTransform (te::rst::Raster *input, te::rst::Raster *output)
 Constructor. More...
void setBChannelMapping (short bIn, RGBChannels bOut)
void setCategorizedMap (CategorizedMap map)
void setChannelDomain (const ChannelDomain domain)
 Set the used channels domain. More...
void setContrastGainsAndOffsets (const std::vector< double > &contrastGains, const std::vector< double > &contrastOffsets1, const std::vector< double > &contrastOffsets2)
 Set gain and offset parameters to be used by the CONTRAST_TRANSF method. More...
void setContrastType (const ContrastType &newType)
 Set the current contrast type. More...
void setGain (double value, int band)
 Sets the gain. More...
void setGammaB (double value)
 Sets the constrast value for blue band. More...
void setGammaG (double value)
 Sets the constrast value for green band. More...
void setGammaM (double value)
 Sets the constrast value for gray band. More...
void setGammaR (double value)
 Sets the constrast value for red band. More...
void setInputRasterResampleSize (int inputX0, int inputY0, int inputWidth, int inputHeight, int outWidth, int outHeight)
 Set the input/output window that will be transformed. This method enables cache strategy. More...
void setInterpolatedMap (InterpolatedMap map)
void setLinearTransfParameters (double vmin, double vmax, double rmin, double rmax)
 Set parameters of linear transformation. More...
void setLinearTransfParameters (double vmin, double vmax, double rmin, double rmax, int band)
 Set parameters of linear transformation for each band. More...
void setOffset (double value, int band)
 Sets the offset 1. More...
void setRecodedMap (RecodedMap map)
void setRGBAFunction (RasterTransform::RGBAFunction transfFuncPtr)
void setRGBMap (std::map< RGBChannels, short > &rgbMap)
 Sets the rgb map values. More...
void setTransfFunction (RasterTransfFunctions func)
void setTransfFunction (RasterTransform::TransformFunction transfFuncPtr)
void setTransfParameters (double rmin, double rmax, double gain, double offset1, double offset2, int band)
 Set parameters of a non linear transformation for each band. More...
void setTransparency (double value)
 Sets the transparency. More...
 ~RasterTransform ()
 Destructor. More...

Protected Types

typedef void(RasterTransform::* ContrastTransformFunction) (const unsigned int &, const double &, double &) const
 Type definition for the internal contrast transform function. More...

Protected Member Functions

void applyLinearContrast (const unsigned int &bandIdx, const double &inputValue, double &outputValue) const
void applyLogContrast (const unsigned int &bandIdx, const double &inputValue, double &outputValue) const
void applySquareContrast (const unsigned int &bandIdx, const double &inputValue, double &outputValue) const
void applySquareRootContrast (const unsigned int &bandIdx, const double &inputValue, double &outputValue) const
double checkAlphaValue (double icol, double ilin)
 Function used to check the alpha value. More...
bool checkNoValue (double &value, int band) const
 Function used to check if value is or not a valid value. More...
void fixValue (double &value, short &band) const
te::color::RGBAColor getBlue2ThreeBand (double icol, double ilin)
te::color::RGBAColor getCategorize (double icol, double ilin)
te::color::RGBAColor getCategorizedColor (double value)
te::color::RGBAColor getExtractRGB (double icol, double ilin)
te::color::RGBAColor getExtractRGBA (double icol, double ilin)
te::color::RGBAColor getGreen2ThreeBand (double icol, double ilin)
void getImaginaryValueChannelDomainGetFunction (unsigned int c, unsigned int r, double &value, std::size_t b)
te::color::RGBAColor getInterpolate (double icol, double ilin)
te::color::RGBAColor getInterpolatedColor (double value)
te::color::RGBAColor getMono2ThreeBand (double icol, double ilin)
void getRealValueChannelDomainGetFunction (unsigned int c, unsigned int r, double &value, std::size_t b)
te::color::RGBAColor getRecode (double icol, double ilin)
te::color::RGBAColor getRecodedColor (double value)
te::color::RGBAColor getRed2ThreeBand (double icol, double ilin)
void getSQRTChannelDomainGetFunction (unsigned int c, unsigned int r, double &value, std::size_t b)
void setBand2Band (double icol, double ilin, double ocol, double olin)
void setBlue2ThreeBand (double icol, double ilin, double ocol, double olin)
void setCategorize (double icol, double ilin, double ocol, double olin)
void setContrastFuncPtr (const RasterTransform::ContrastType contrastType)
 Configures the contrast function pointer. More...
void setExtractRGB (double icol, double ilin, double ocol, double olin)
void setExtractRGBA (double icol, double ilin, double ocol, double olin)
void setGreen2ThreeBand (double icol, double ilin, double ocol, double olin)
void setInterpolate (double icol, double ilin, double ocol, double olin)
void setMono2ThreeBand (double icol, double ilin, double ocol, double olin)
void setRecode (double icol, double ilin, double ocol, double olin)
void setRed2ThreeBand (double icol, double ilin, double ocol, double olin)

Private Attributes

short m_alphaBand
 Value for the alpha band. More...
BandBufferInfo ** m_arrayBuffer
 Array of band buffer info from input data. More...
short m_blueBand
 Value for the blue band. More...
CategorizedMap m_categorizeMap
 Attribute to define the categorized transformation. More...
ChannelDomainGetFunction m_channelDomainGetFuncPtr
 Function used to get raster data from the selected domain (real/imaginary). More...
ContrastTransformFunction m_contrastTransfFuncPtr
 Function used in contrast transformation operation. More...
ChannelDomain m_currentChannelDomain
 Current channel domain. More...
ContrastType m_currentContrastType
 Current contrast type. More...
short m_greenBand
 Value for the green band. More...
std::size_t m_inputNBands
 Number of bands from input raster. More...
InterpolatedMap m_interpolateMap
 Attribute to define the interpolated transformation. More...
short m_monoBand
 Value for the gray band. More...
 Pointer to a input raster. More...
 Pointer to a output raster. More...
RecodedMap m_recodeMap
 Attribute to define the recoded transformation. More...
short m_redBand
 Value for the red band. More...
RGBAFunction m_RGBAFuncPtr
 Function used in transformation operation. More...
TransformFunction m_transfFuncPtr
 Function used in transformation operation. More...
TransformBandInfo ** m_transformBandInfo
 Array of band transformation information. More...
double m_transp
 Global transparency value for transformation. More...
bool m_useBufferCache
 Flag used to indicate if a buffer from input image will be used. More...

Detailed Description

A Raster Transform is a class that defines functions to transform a styled raster.

See also

Definition at line 65 of file RasterTransform.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ CategorizedMap

◆ ChannelDomainGetFunction

typedef void(RasterTransform::* te::map::RasterTransform::ChannelDomainGetFunction) (unsigned int c, unsigned int r, double &value, std::size_t band)

Definition at line 71 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ ContrastTransformFunction

typedef void(RasterTransform::* te::map::RasterTransform::ContrastTransformFunction) (const unsigned int &, const double &, double &) const

Type definition for the internal contrast transform function.

void ContrastTransformFunction( bandNumber, inputValue, outputValue )

Definition at line 316 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ InterpolatedMap

◆ RasterThreshold

typedef std::pair<double, double> te::map::RasterTransform::RasterThreshold

Definition at line 73 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ RecodedMap

Definition at line 77 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ RGBAFunction

typedef te::color::RGBAColor(RasterTransform::* te::map::RasterTransform::RGBAFunction) (double, double)

Definition at line 70 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ TransformFunction

typedef void(RasterTransform::* te::map::RasterTransform::TransformFunction) (double, double, double, double)

Definition at line 69 of file RasterTransform.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ChannelDomain


Use real numbers domain.


Use imaginary numbers domain.


Use the square root of the sum of squared real and imaginary values.

Definition at line 81 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ ContrastType


The histogram range will be changed to the supplied min/max range ( linear function ).


The contrasted image will be created by using a square function.


The contrasted image will be created by using a square root function.


The contrasted image will be created by using a log function.

Definition at line 116 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ RasterTransfFunctions


Apply a contrast method ( ContrastType ) to the given raster - Use the methods getGain, setOffset and setOffset2 to setup contrast parameters.

Definition at line 99 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ RGBChannels

The channels of a display.


Definition at line 89 of file RasterTransform.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RasterTransform()

te::map::RasterTransform::RasterTransform ( te::rst::Raster input,
te::rst::Raster output 



◆ ~RasterTransform()

te::map::RasterTransform::~RasterTransform ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ apply() [1/2]

te::color::RGBAColor te::map::RasterTransform::apply ( double  icol,
double  ilin 

Definition at line 286 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ apply() [2/2]

void te::map::RasterTransform::apply ( double  icol,
double  ilin,
double  ocol,
double  olin 

Applies the selected transformation method

Definition at line 284 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ applyLinearContrast()

void te::map::RasterTransform::applyLinearContrast ( const unsigned int &  bandIdx,
const double &  inputValue,
double &  outputValue 
) const

This transformation aplies a linear contrast

Definition at line 503 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ applyLogContrast()

void te::map::RasterTransform::applyLogContrast ( const unsigned int &  bandIdx,
const double &  inputValue,
double &  outputValue 
) const

This transformation aplies a log contrast

Definition at line 525 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ applySquareContrast()

void te::map::RasterTransform::applySquareContrast ( const unsigned int &  bandIdx,
const double &  inputValue,
double &  outputValue 
) const

This transformation aplies a square contrast

Definition at line 511 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ applySquareRootContrast()

void te::map::RasterTransform::applySquareRootContrast ( const unsigned int &  bandIdx,
const double &  inputValue,
double &  outputValue 
) const

This transformation aplies a square root contrast

Definition at line 518 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ checkAlphaValue()

double te::map::RasterTransform::checkAlphaValue ( double  icol,
double  ilin 

Function used to check the alpha value.

Return the alpha value.

◆ checkNoValue()

bool te::map::RasterTransform::checkNoValue ( double &  value,
int  band 
) const

Function used to check if value is or not a valid value.

True if the value is EQUAL to NoValue and false in other case.

Definition at line 543 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ clearRGBMap()

void te::map::RasterTransform::clearRGBMap ( )

Clears current mapping from bands to channel

◆ fixValue()

void te::map::RasterTransform::fixValue ( double &  value,
short &  band 
) const

Function used to adjust the value in raster range

Definition at line 533 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ getBChannelMapping()

short te::map::RasterTransform::getBChannelMapping ( RGBChannels  channel)

◆ getBlue2ThreeBand()

te::color::RGBAColor te::map::RasterTransform::getBlue2ThreeBand ( double  icol,
double  ilin 

This transformation repeats the value of the first band in input three bands of the output

◆ getCategorize()

te::color::RGBAColor te::map::RasterTransform::getCategorize ( double  icol,
double  ilin 

This transformation get the value of the selected band in input and get the categorized value

◆ getCategorizedColor()

te::color::RGBAColor te::map::RasterTransform::getCategorizedColor ( double  value)

Function used to get the categorized color given a pixel value

◆ getCategorizedMap()

CategorizedMap& te::map::RasterTransform::getCategorizedMap ( )

Gets the categorize map information

Definition at line 209 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ getChannelDomain()

ChannelDomain te::map::RasterTransform::getChannelDomain ( ) const

Return the used channels domain.

Return the used channels domain.

◆ getExtractRGB()

te::color::RGBAColor te::map::RasterTransform::getExtractRGB ( double  icol,
double  ilin 

This transformation is used to define a particular mapping from input bands to RGB channels

◆ getExtractRGBA()

te::color::RGBAColor te::map::RasterTransform::getExtractRGBA ( double  icol,
double  ilin 

This transformation is used to define a particular mapping from input bands to RGBA channels

◆ getGain()

std::vector< double > te::map::RasterTransform::getGain ( ) const

Gets the gain.

◆ getGammaB()

double te::map::RasterTransform::getGammaB ( )

Gets the constrast value for blue band.

◆ getGammaG()

double te::map::RasterTransform::getGammaG ( )

Gets the constrast value for green band.

◆ getGammaM()

double te::map::RasterTransform::getGammaM ( )

Gets the constrast value for gray band.

◆ getGammaR()

double te::map::RasterTransform::getGammaR ( )

Gets the constrast value for red band.

◆ getGreen2ThreeBand()

te::color::RGBAColor te::map::RasterTransform::getGreen2ThreeBand ( double  icol,
double  ilin 

This transformation repeats the value of the first band in input three bands of the output

◆ getImaginaryValueChannelDomainGetFunction()

void te::map::RasterTransform::getImaginaryValueChannelDomainGetFunction ( unsigned int  c,
unsigned int  r,
double &  value,
std::size_t  b 

Definition at line 570 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ getInputRaster()

te::rst::Raster* te::map::RasterTransform::getInputRaster ( )

Gets the input raster.

Definition at line 138 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ getInterpolate()

te::color::RGBAColor te::map::RasterTransform::getInterpolate ( double  icol,
double  ilin 

This transformation get the value of the selected band in input and get the interpolated value

◆ getInterpolatedColor()

te::color::RGBAColor te::map::RasterTransform::getInterpolatedColor ( double  value)

Function used to get the interpolated color given a pixel value

◆ getInterpolatedMap()

InterpolatedMap& te::map::RasterTransform::getInterpolatedMap ( )

Gets the categorize map information

Definition at line 215 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ getMono2ThreeBand()

te::color::RGBAColor te::map::RasterTransform::getMono2ThreeBand ( double  icol,
double  ilin 

This transformation repeats the value of the first band in input three bands of the output

◆ getOffset()

std::vector< double > te::map::RasterTransform::getOffset ( )

Gets the offset.

◆ getOutputRaster()

te::rst::Raster* te::map::RasterTransform::getOutputRaster ( )

Gets the output raster.

Definition at line 141 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ getRealValueChannelDomainGetFunction()

void te::map::RasterTransform::getRealValueChannelDomainGetFunction ( unsigned int  c,
unsigned int  r,
double &  value,
std::size_t  b 

Definition at line 564 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ getRecode()

te::color::RGBAColor te::map::RasterTransform::getRecode ( double  icol,
double  ilin 

This transformation get the value of the selected band in input and get the recoded value

◆ getRecodedColor()

te::color::RGBAColor te::map::RasterTransform::getRecodedColor ( double  value)

Function used to get the recoded color given a pixel value

◆ getRecodedMap()

RecodedMap& te::map::RasterTransform::getRecodedMap ( )

Gets the recode map information

Definition at line 221 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ getRed2ThreeBand()

te::color::RGBAColor te::map::RasterTransform::getRed2ThreeBand ( double  icol,
double  ilin 

This transformation repeats the value of the first band in input three bands of the output

◆ getRGBMap()

std::map<RGBChannels, short> te::map::RasterTransform::getRGBMap ( )

Returns the mapping from a particular input band to a particular output channel

◆ getSQRTChannelDomainGetFunction()

void te::map::RasterTransform::getSQRTChannelDomainGetFunction ( unsigned int  c,
unsigned int  r,
double &  value,
std::size_t  b 

Definition at line 578 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ getTransfFunction()

RasterTransfFunctions te::map::RasterTransform::getTransfFunction ( )

Returns the identifier of the transformation function currently set

◆ getTransparency()

double te::map::RasterTransform::getTransparency ( )

Gets the transparency.

Definition at line 147 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ setBand2Band()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setBand2Band ( double  icol,
double  ilin,
double  ocol,
double  olin 

This transformation repeats the value of the n band in input to b band in output

◆ setBChannelMapping()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setBChannelMapping ( short  bIn,
RGBChannels  bOut 

Sets the mapping from a particular input band to a particular output channel

◆ setBlue2ThreeBand()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setBlue2ThreeBand ( double  icol,
double  ilin,
double  ocol,
double  olin 

This transformation repeats the value of the first band in input three bands of the output

◆ setCategorize()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setCategorize ( double  icol,
double  ilin,
double  ocol,
double  olin 

This transformation get the value of the selected band in input and set the categorized value in output bands of the output

◆ setCategorizedMap()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setCategorizedMap ( CategorizedMap  map)

Sets the categorize map information

Definition at line 206 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ setChannelDomain()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setChannelDomain ( const ChannelDomain  domain)

Set the used channels domain.

domainThe new domain.

◆ setContrastFuncPtr()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setContrastFuncPtr ( const RasterTransform::ContrastType  contrastType)

Configures the contrast function pointer.

contrastTypeContrast type..

◆ setContrastGainsAndOffsets()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setContrastGainsAndOffsets ( const std::vector< double > &  contrastGains,
const std::vector< double > &  contrastOffsets1,
const std::vector< double > &  contrastOffsets2 

Set gain and offset parameters to be used by the CONTRAST_TRANSF method.

contrastGainsA vector of gains for each raster band.
contrastOffsets1A vector of offsets1 for each raster band.
contrastOffsets2A vector of offsets2 for each raster band.

◆ setContrastType()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setContrastType ( const ContrastType newType)

Set the current contrast type.

newTypeNew contrast type.

◆ setExtractRGB()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setExtractRGB ( double  icol,
double  ilin,
double  ocol,
double  olin 

This transformation is used to define a particular mapping from input bands to RGB channels

◆ setExtractRGBA()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setExtractRGBA ( double  icol,
double  ilin,
double  ocol,
double  olin 

This transformation is used to define a particular mapping from input bands to RGBA channels

◆ setGain()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setGain ( double  value,
int  band 

Sets the gain.

◆ setGammaB()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setGammaB ( double  value)

Sets the constrast value for blue band.

◆ setGammaG()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setGammaG ( double  value)

Sets the constrast value for green band.

◆ setGammaM()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setGammaM ( double  value)

Sets the constrast value for gray band.

◆ setGammaR()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setGammaR ( double  value)

Sets the constrast value for red band.

◆ setGreen2ThreeBand()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setGreen2ThreeBand ( double  icol,
double  ilin,
double  ocol,
double  olin 

This transformation repeats the value of the first band in input three bands of the output

◆ setInputRasterResampleSize()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setInputRasterResampleSize ( int  inputX0,
int  inputY0,
int  inputWidth,
int  inputHeight,
int  outWidth,
int  outHeight 

Set the input/output window that will be transformed. This method enables cache strategy.

inputX0Start point (upper left X) from input image
inputY0Start point (upper left Y) from input image
inputWidthWidth of input image that will be transformed
inputHeightHeight of input image that will be transformed
outWidthWidth of output image that will receive the transformed input image (canvas size)
outHeightHeight of output image that will receive the transformed input image (canvas size)

\NOTE: This method was defined to increase draw speed.

◆ setInterpolate()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setInterpolate ( double  icol,
double  ilin,
double  ocol,
double  olin 

This transformation get the value of the selected band in input and set the interpolated value in output bands of the output

◆ setInterpolatedMap()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setInterpolatedMap ( InterpolatedMap  map)

Sets the interpolate map information

Definition at line 212 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ setLinearTransfParameters() [1/2]

void te::map::RasterTransform::setLinearTransfParameters ( double  vmin,
double  vmax,
double  rmin,
double  rmax 

Set parameters of linear transformation.

vminsmallest input value
vmaxlargest input value
rminsmallest value of the output range
rmaxlargest value of the output range

◆ setLinearTransfParameters() [2/2]

void te::map::RasterTransform::setLinearTransfParameters ( double  vmin,
double  vmax,
double  rmin,
double  rmax,
int  band 

Set parameters of linear transformation for each band.

vminsmallest input value
vmaxlargest input value
rminsmallest value of the output range
rmaxlargest value of the output range
bandband id

◆ setMono2ThreeBand()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setMono2ThreeBand ( double  icol,
double  ilin,
double  ocol,
double  olin 

This transformation repeats the value of the first band in input three bands of the output

◆ setOffset()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setOffset ( double  value,
int  band 

Sets the offset 1.

◆ setRecode()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setRecode ( double  icol,
double  ilin,
double  ocol,
double  olin 

This transformation get the value of the selected band in input and set the recoded value in output bands of the output

◆ setRecodedMap()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setRecodedMap ( RecodedMap  map)

Sets the recode map information

Definition at line 218 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ setRed2ThreeBand()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setRed2ThreeBand ( double  icol,
double  ilin,
double  ocol,
double  olin 

This transformation repeats the value of the first band in input three bands of the output

◆ setRGBAFunction()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setRGBAFunction ( RasterTransform::RGBAFunction  transfFuncPtr)

Sets the transformation method to be used

Definition at line 281 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ setRGBMap()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setRGBMap ( std::map< RGBChannels, short > &  rgbMap)

Sets the rgb map values.

◆ setTransfFunction() [1/2]

void te::map::RasterTransform::setTransfFunction ( RasterTransfFunctions  func)

Sets the associated transformation function from an identifier

◆ setTransfFunction() [2/2]

void te::map::RasterTransform::setTransfFunction ( RasterTransform::TransformFunction  transfFuncPtr)

Sets the transformation method to be used

Definition at line 278 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ setTransfParameters()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setTransfParameters ( double  rmin,
double  rmax,
double  gain,
double  offset1,
double  offset2,
int  band 

Set parameters of a non linear transformation for each band.

rminsmallest value of the output range
rmaxlargest value of the output range
gainvalue used as gain
offset1value used as offset
offset2value used as offset2
bandband id

◆ setTransparency()

void te::map::RasterTransform::setTransparency ( double  value)

Sets the transparency.

Definition at line 144 of file RasterTransform.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_alphaBand

short te::map::RasterTransform::m_alphaBand

Value for the alpha band.

Definition at line 597 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_arrayBuffer

BandBufferInfo** te::map::RasterTransform::m_arrayBuffer

Array of band buffer info from input data.

Definition at line 614 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_blueBand

short te::map::RasterTransform::m_blueBand

Value for the blue band.

Definition at line 596 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_categorizeMap

CategorizedMap te::map::RasterTransform::m_categorizeMap

Attribute to define the categorized transformation.

Definition at line 609 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_channelDomainGetFuncPtr

ChannelDomainGetFunction te::map::RasterTransform::m_channelDomainGetFuncPtr

Function used to get raster data from the selected domain (real/imaginary).

Definition at line 603 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_contrastTransfFuncPtr

ContrastTransformFunction te::map::RasterTransform::m_contrastTransfFuncPtr

Function used in contrast transformation operation.

Definition at line 604 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_currentChannelDomain

ChannelDomain te::map::RasterTransform::m_currentChannelDomain

Current channel domain.

Definition at line 602 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_currentContrastType

ContrastType te::map::RasterTransform::m_currentContrastType

Current contrast type.

Definition at line 601 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_greenBand

short te::map::RasterTransform::m_greenBand

Value for the green band.

Definition at line 595 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_inputNBands

std::size_t te::map::RasterTransform::m_inputNBands

Number of bands from input raster.

Definition at line 591 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_interpolateMap

InterpolatedMap te::map::RasterTransform::m_interpolateMap

Attribute to define the interpolated transformation.

Definition at line 610 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_monoBand

short te::map::RasterTransform::m_monoBand

Value for the gray band.

Definition at line 593 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_rasterIn

te::rst::Raster* te::map::RasterTransform::m_rasterIn

Pointer to a input raster.

Definition at line 588 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_rasterOut

te::rst::Raster* te::map::RasterTransform::m_rasterOut

Pointer to a output raster.

Definition at line 589 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_recodeMap

RecodedMap te::map::RasterTransform::m_recodeMap

Attribute to define the recoded transformation.

Definition at line 611 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_redBand

short te::map::RasterTransform::m_redBand

Value for the red band.

Definition at line 594 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_RGBAFuncPtr

RGBAFunction te::map::RasterTransform::m_RGBAFuncPtr

Function used in transformation operation.

Definition at line 607 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_transfFuncPtr

TransformFunction te::map::RasterTransform::m_transfFuncPtr

Function used in transformation operation.

Definition at line 606 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_transformBandInfo

TransformBandInfo** te::map::RasterTransform::m_transformBandInfo

Array of band transformation information.

Definition at line 616 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_transp

double te::map::RasterTransform::m_transp

Global transparency value for transformation.

Definition at line 599 of file RasterTransform.h.

◆ m_useBufferCache

bool te::map::RasterTransform::m_useBufferCache

Flag used to indicate if a buffer from input image will be used.

Definition at line 613 of file RasterTransform.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: