WKTActions.h File Reference

A class that implements the semanthic actions to grammar rules for well known text (WKT) format for Geometry. Basically, the class is responsible to generate a geometry element. More...

#include "Enums.h"
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>

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class  te::gm::WKTActions
 A class that implements the Grammar Rules for well known text (WKT) format for Geometry. More...


 Namespace for the Vector Geometry module of TerraLib.

Detailed Description

A class that implements the semanthic actions to grammar rules for well known text (WKT) format for Geometry. Basically, the class is responsible to generate a geometry element.

Do not use this class. It is for TerraLib internal use. Try the te::gm::WKTReader instead.

Definition in file WKTActions.h.