Utils.h File Reference

Utilitary function for data type module. More...

#include "Config.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>

Go to the source code of this file.


 Namespace for the Data Type module of TerraLib.


TEDATATYPEEXPORT int te::dt::Convert2Terralib (const std::string &dataType)
 It convert a string to a DataType. More...
TEDATATYPEEXPORT std::string te::dt::ConvertDataTypeToString (const int &dataType)
 Function used to convert from a int (Data Type Enum) to a string. More...
TEDATATYPEEXPORT void te::dt::GetPropertiesPosition (const std::vector< Property * > &properties, const CompositeProperty *cp, std::vector< std::size_t > &poslist)
 It creates a list with the properties position in the composite property. More...

Detailed Description

Utilitary function for data type module.

Definition in file Utils.h.