te::md::MD_DataIdentification Class Reference

Information required to identify a dataset. More...

#include <MD_DataIdentification.h>

Inheritance diagram for te::md::MD_DataIdentification:

Public Member Functions

void addPointOfContact (CI_ResponsibleParty *p)
 Adds a point of contact to the resource. More...
const std::string & getAbstract () const
 Returns the resource abstract. More...
const CI_CitationgetCitation () const
 Returns the citation for the metadata. More...
const boost::ptr_vector< CI_ResponsibleParty > & getPointsOfContact () const
 Returns the resource points of contact. More...
te::md::MD_ProgressCode getStatus () const
 Returns the resource status code. More...
 MD_DataIdentification (CI_Citation *cite, const std::string &abstract, MD_ProgressCode status, const std::string &lang)
 Constructor. More...
 ~MD_DataIdentification ()
 Destructor. More...

Protected Attributes

std::string m_abstract
boost::ptr_vector< CI_ResponsiblePartym_poc
te::md::MD_ProgressCode m_status

Accessor methods

Methods used to get or set properties.

std::vector< std::string > m_language
std::vector< MD_CharacterSetCodem_charSet
std::vector< MD_TopicCategoryCodem_topicCategory
te::gm::Envelope m_extent
bool m_dataIsCovered
te::md::MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode m_spatialRepresentationType
long m_scale
void addLanguage (const std::string &lang)
 Adds a language used within the dataset. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & getLanguages () const
 Returns the set of languages associated to the dataset. More...
void addCharacterSet (MD_CharacterSetCode code)
 Adds a character coding standard in the dataset. More...
const std::vector< MD_CharacterSetCode > & getCharsetCodes () const
 Returns a character coding standard in the dataset. More...
void addTopicCategory (MD_TopicCategoryCode code)
 Adds a theme of the dataset. More...
const std::vector< MD_TopicCategoryCode > & getTopicCategories () const
 Return the themes associated to the dataset. More...
void addGeographicBBoxExt (const double &llx, const double &lly, const double &urx, const double &ury, bool isInside=true)
 Adds the spatial description of the dataset. More...
void addGeographicBBoxExt (const te::gm::Envelope *bb, bool isInside=true)
 Adds the spatial description of the dataset. More...
const te::gm::EnvelopegetExtent () const
 Returns the set of extents for the dataset. More...
bool dataIsCovered () const
 Returns true if the bounding polygon encompasses an area covered by the data or false if is an area where data is not present. More...
void setSpatialRepType (te::md::MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode code)
 Sets the spatial representation type. More...
te::md::MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode getSpatialRepTypeCode () const
 Returns the spatial representation type. More...
void setScale (long d)
 Sets resource scale. The scale of a map or other cartographic object expressed as a fraction or ratio which relates unit distance on the map or other cartographic object to distance, measured in the same units, on the ground. More...
long getScale () const
 Returns the scale information. If equal to 0 the denominator is not valid. More...
MD_Identificationclone () const
 Gets a copy of this object. More...

Detailed Description

Information required to identify a dataset.

Only the mandatory elements for the core metadata are implemented.

Definition at line 52 of file MD_DataIdentification.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MD_DataIdentification()

te::md::MD_DataIdentification::MD_DataIdentification ( CI_Citation cite,
const std::string &  abstract,
MD_ProgressCode  status,
const std::string &  lang 


citationPointer to the citation to the resource. Class takes ownership. Do not pass null.
abstractBrief narrative summary of the resource.
statusThe development phase of the resource.
langA language used within the dataset. using standard ISO three-letter codes. Do not pass empty.

◆ ~MD_DataIdentification()

te::md::MD_DataIdentification::~MD_DataIdentification ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ addCharacterSet()

void te::md::MD_DataIdentification::addCharacterSet ( MD_CharacterSetCode  code)

Adds a character coding standard in the dataset.

◆ addGeographicBBoxExt() [1/2]

void te::md::MD_DataIdentification::addGeographicBBoxExt ( const double &  llx,
const double &  lly,
const double &  urx,
const double &  ury,
bool  isInside = true 

Adds the spatial description of the dataset.

llxWesternmost coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent, expressed in longitude in decimal degrees.
llySouthernmost coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent, expressed in latitude in decimal degrees.
urxEasternmost coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent, expressed in longitude in decimal degrees.
llyNorthernmost coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent, expressed in latitude in decimal degrees.
isInsideTrue if the bounding polygon encompasses an area covered by the data or false if an area where data is not present. Default true.

◆ addGeographicBBoxExt() [2/2]

void te::md::MD_DataIdentification::addGeographicBBoxExt ( const te::gm::Envelope bb,
bool  isInside = true 

Adds the spatial description of the dataset.

bbxPointer to the enclosing boounding box. Do not pass null.
isInsideTrue if the bounding polygon encompasses an area covered by the data or false if an area where data is not present. Default true.

◆ addLanguage()

void te::md::MD_DataIdentification::addLanguage ( const std::string &  lang)

Adds a language used within the dataset.

langLanguage description using standard ISO three-letter codes. Do not pass empty string.

◆ addPointOfContact()

void te::md::MD_Identification::addPointOfContact ( CI_ResponsibleParty p)

Adds a point of contact to the resource.

pocPointer to a responsible party. Class takes pointer ownership. Do not pass null.

◆ addTopicCategory()

void te::md::MD_DataIdentification::addTopicCategory ( MD_TopicCategoryCode  code)

Adds a theme of the dataset.

◆ clone()

MD_Identification* te::md::MD_DataIdentification::clone ( ) const

Gets a copy of this object.

Reimplemented from te::md::MD_Identification.

◆ dataIsCovered()

bool te::md::MD_DataIdentification::dataIsCovered ( ) const

Returns true if the bounding polygon encompasses an area covered by the data or false if is an area where data is not present.

◆ getAbstract()

const std::string& te::md::MD_Identification::getAbstract ( ) const

Returns the resource abstract.

◆ getCharsetCodes()

const std::vector<MD_CharacterSetCode>& te::md::MD_DataIdentification::getCharsetCodes ( ) const

Returns a character coding standard in the dataset.

◆ getCitation()

const CI_Citation* te::md::MD_Identification::getCitation ( ) const

Returns the citation for the metadata.

◆ getExtent()

const te::gm::Envelope& te::md::MD_DataIdentification::getExtent ( ) const

Returns the set of extents for the dataset.

◆ getLanguages()

const std::vector<std::string>& te::md::MD_DataIdentification::getLanguages ( ) const

Returns the set of languages associated to the dataset.

◆ getPointsOfContact()

const boost::ptr_vector<CI_ResponsibleParty>& te::md::MD_Identification::getPointsOfContact ( ) const

Returns the resource points of contact.

◆ getScale()

long te::md::MD_DataIdentification::getScale ( ) const

Returns the scale information. If equal to 0 the denominator is not valid.

◆ getSpatialRepTypeCode()

te::md::MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode te::md::MD_DataIdentification::getSpatialRepTypeCode ( ) const

Returns the spatial representation type.

◆ getStatus()

te::md::MD_ProgressCode te::md::MD_Identification::getStatus ( ) const

Returns the resource status code.

◆ getTopicCategories()

const std::vector<MD_TopicCategoryCode>& te::md::MD_DataIdentification::getTopicCategories ( ) const

Return the themes associated to the dataset.

◆ setScale()

void te::md::MD_DataIdentification::setScale ( long  d)

Sets resource scale. The scale of a map or other cartographic object expressed as a fraction or ratio which relates unit distance on the map or other cartographic object to distance, measured in the same units, on the ground.

dThe scale denominator. Do not pass <= 0;

◆ setSpatialRepType()

void te::md::MD_DataIdentification::setSpatialRepType ( te::md::MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode  code)

Sets the spatial representation type.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_abstract

std::string te::md::MD_Identification::m_abstract

Definition at line 92 of file MD_Identification.h.

◆ m_charSet

std::vector<MD_CharacterSetCode> te::md::MD_DataIdentification::m_charSet

Definition at line 142 of file MD_DataIdentification.h.

◆ m_citation

CI_Citation* te::md::MD_Identification::m_citation

Definition at line 91 of file MD_Identification.h.

◆ m_dataIsCovered

bool te::md::MD_DataIdentification::m_dataIsCovered

Definition at line 145 of file MD_DataIdentification.h.

◆ m_extent

te::gm::Envelope te::md::MD_DataIdentification::m_extent

Definition at line 144 of file MD_DataIdentification.h.

◆ m_language

std::vector<std::string> te::md::MD_DataIdentification::m_language

Definition at line 141 of file MD_DataIdentification.h.

◆ m_poc

boost::ptr_vector<CI_ResponsibleParty> te::md::MD_Identification::m_poc

Definition at line 94 of file MD_Identification.h.

◆ m_scale

long te::md::MD_DataIdentification::m_scale

Definition at line 147 of file MD_DataIdentification.h.

◆ m_spatialRepresentationType

te::md::MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode te::md::MD_DataIdentification::m_spatialRepresentationType

Definition at line 146 of file MD_DataIdentification.h.

◆ m_status

te::md::MD_ProgressCode te::md::MD_Identification::m_status

Definition at line 93 of file MD_Identification.h.

◆ m_topicCategory

std::vector<MD_TopicCategoryCode> te::md::MD_DataIdentification::m_topicCategory

Definition at line 143 of file MD_DataIdentification.h.

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