Utils.h File Reference

Utility functions for TerraLib Edit module. More...

#include "../color/RGBAColor.h"
#include "../maptools/AbstractLayer.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>

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struct  te::edit::VertexIndex


 Namespace for the DataAccess API of TerraLib.
 Namespace for the Vector Geometry module of TerraLib.


TEEDITEXPORT void te::edit::AddVertex (std::vector< te::gm::LineString * > &lines, const double &x, const double &y, const te::gm::Envelope &env, int srid)
TEEDITEXPORT te::gm::Geometryte::edit::Convert2LayerGeomType (const te::map::AbstractLayerPtr &layer, te::gm::Geometry *geom, int srid)
TEEDITEXPORT VertexIndex te::edit::FindSegment (std::vector< te::gm::LineString * > &lines, const te::gm::Envelope &env, int srid)
TEEDITEXPORT te::da::ObjectIdte::edit::GenerateId ()
TEEDITEXPORT void te::edit::GetCoordinates (te::gm::Geometry *geom, std::vector< te::gm::Coord2D > &coords)
TEEDITEXPORT double te::edit::GetDistance (const te::gm::Coord2D &c1, const te::gm::Coord2D &c2)
TEEDITEXPORT void te::edit::GetLines (te::gm::Geometry *geom, std::vector< te::gm::LineString * > &lines)
TEEDITEXPORT void te::edit::GetLines (te::gm::GeometryCollection *gc, std::vector< te::gm::LineString * > &lines)
TEEDITEXPORT void te::edit::GetLines (te::gm::LineString *l, std::vector< te::gm::LineString * > &lines)
TEEDITEXPORT void te::edit::GetLines (te::gm::Polygon *p, std::vector< te::gm::LineString * > &lines)
TEEDITEXPORT bool te::edit::IsSpecialRingVertex (te::gm::LineString *l, const VertexIndex &index)
TEEDITEXPORT void te::edit::MoveGeometry (te::gm::Geometry *geom, const double &deltax, const double &deltay)
TEEDITEXPORT void te::edit::MoveVertex (std::vector< te::gm::LineString * > &lines, const VertexIndex &index, const double &x, const double &y)
TEEDITEXPORT Feature * te::edit::PickFeature (const te::map::AbstractLayer *layer, const te::gm::Envelope &env, int srid, bool loadAttributes=false)
TEEDITEXPORT Feature * te::edit::PickFeature (const te::map::AbstractLayerPtr &layer, const te::gm::Envelope &env, int srid, bool loadAttributes=false)
TEEDITEXPORT void te::edit::RemoveVertex (std::vector< te::gm::LineString * > &lines, const VertexIndex &index)
TEEDITEXPORT void te::edit::Rotate (te::gm::Geometry *geom, double angle)
TEEDITEXPORT void te::edit::TrySnap (te::gm::Coord2D &coord, int srid)

Detailed Description

Utility functions for TerraLib Edit module.

Definition in file Utils.h.