query Directory Reference


file  Add.h [code]
 The addition operator - syntatic-suggar.
file  And.h [code]
 Boolean logic operator: AND - syntatic-suggar.
file  AttributeRestrictionVisitor.h [code]
 A visitor that retrieves attribute restrictions from a Query hierarchy.
file  Avg.h [code]
 Avg statistical function.
file  BinaryFunction.h [code]
 A base class for binary functions.
file  BinaryOp.h [code]
 A base class for binary operations.
file  BinaryOpEncoder.h [code]
 A query encoder for binary operations.
file  Cast.h [code]
 Cast a expression function.
file  Coalesce.h [code]
 Coalesce operator.
file  Count.h [code]
 Count statistical function.
file  DataSetName.h [code]
 A class that models the name of a dataset used in a From clause.
file  Distinct.h [code]
 A class that models a Distinct clause on a query.
file  Div.h [code]
 The division operator - syntatic-suggar.
file  EqualTo.h [code]
 It models the comparison operator - syntatic-suggar.
file  Expression.h [code]
 This is an abstract class that models a query expression.
file  Field.h [code]
 The Field class can be used to model an expression that takes part of the output items of a SELECT.
file  Fields.h [code]
 The Fields class can be used to model a set of expressions that form the output items of a SELECT.
file  From.h [code]
 It models the FROM clause for a query.
file  FromFunctionCall.h [code]
 A function can be used as a source of information in another query.
file  FromItem.h [code]
 An abstract class that models a source of data in a query.
file  Function.h [code]
 A class that models a Function expression.
file  FunctionCatalog.h [code]
 A FunctionCatalog can be used to keep track of registered functions.
file  FunctionCatalogManager.h [code]
 A FunctionCatalogManager is a singleton that can be used to manage function catalogs of data source implementations.
file  FunctionDefn.h [code]
 The definition of a function that can be used in a query object.
file  FunctionEncoder.h [code]
 A query encoder for general function expressions.
file  FunctionNames.h [code]
 A static class with global function name definitions.
file  FunctionNoArgsEncoder.h [code]
 A query encoder for functions with no arguments that is invoked just by its name.
file  FunctionParameter.h [code]
 A FunctionParameter models the parameter of a function definition.
file  GeometryType.h [code]
 Spatial is closed operator.
file  GreaterThan.h [code]
 It models the inequality operator greater than (>) - syntatic-suggar.
file  GreaterThanOrEqualTo.h [code]
 It models the inequality operator greater than or equal to (>=) - syntatic-suggar.
file  GroupBy.h [code]
 A class that can be used to model a GROUP BY clause.
file  GroupByItem.h [code]
 A class that can be used in a GROUP BY clause.
file  Having.h [code]
 A Having is a filter expression that can be applied to a query with a group by clause.
file  In.h [code]
 A class that represents the IN operator.
file  Insert.h [code]
 A Insert can be used to add information in a table.
file  IsNull.h [code]
 Tells if a value is NULL.
file  IsNullOpEncoder.h [code]
 A query encoder for unary operator expressions.
file  Join.h [code]
 A Join clause combines two FromItems.
file  JoinCondition.h [code]
 A condition to be used in a Join clause.
file  JoinConditionOn.h [code]
 JoinConditionOn is a boolean expression and it specifies which items in a join are considered to match.
file  JoinConditionUsing.h [code]
 JoinConditionUsing class can be used to model a USING clause in a Join.
file  LessThan.h [code]
 It models the inequality operator less than (<) - syntatic-suggar.
file  LessThanOrEqualTo.h [code]
 It models the inequality operator less than or equal to (<=) - syntatic-suggar.
file  Like.h [code]
 It is intended to encode a character string comparison operator with pattern matching.
file  Literal.h [code]
 This class models a literal value.
file  LiteralBool.h [code]
 A class that models a Literal Bool value.
file  LiteralByteArray.h [code]
 A class that models a literal for ByteArray values.
file  LiteralDateTime.h [code]
 A class that models a literal for Date and Time values.
file  LiteralDouble.h [code]
 A class that models a literal for double values.
file  LiteralEnvelope.h [code]
 A class that models a literal for Envelope values.
file  LiteralGeom.h [code]
 A class that models a literal for Geometry values.
file  LiteralInt16.h [code]
 A class that models a Literal for a integer value.
file  LiteralInt32.h [code]
 A class that models a Literal for a integer value.
file  LiteralInt64.h [code]
 A class that models a Literal for a integer value.
file  LiteralString.h [code]
 A class that models a Literal String value.
file  Max.h [code]
 Max statistical function.
file  Min.h [code]
 Min statistical function.
file  Mul.h [code]
 The multiply operator - syntatic-suggar.
file  Not.h [code]
 Boolean NOT operator - syntatic-suggar.
file  NotEqualTo.h [code]
 Tells if two values are not equal - syntatic-suggar.
file  Or.h [code]
 Boolean logic operator: OR - syntatic-suggar.
file  OrderBy.h [code]
 A class that can be used to model an ORDER BY clause.
file  OrderByItem.h [code]
 A class that can be used in an ORDER BY clause to sort the items of a resulting query.
file  PropertyName.h [code]
 A class that models the name of any property of an object.
file  Query.h [code]
 The base class for queries.
file  QueryCapabilities.h [code]
 A class that informs the query support of a given data source.
file  QueryVisitor.h [code]
 A visitor interface for the Query hierarchy.
file  Select.h [code]
 A Select models a query to be used when retrieving data from a data source.
file  SelectExpression.h [code]
 A Select can be used as a source of information in another query.
file  SetSridToLiteralGeomVisitor.h [code]
 A visitor for building adjusting the SRID of literal geometries. This is particularly useful after reading a previously serialized data.
file  SpatialQueryProcessor.h [code]
 A basic query processor for spatial restrictions.
file  SpatialRestrictionVisitor.h [code]
 A visitor that retrieves spatial restrictions from a Query hierarchy.
file  SQLDialect.h [code]
 It represents the SQL query dialect accepted by a given data source.
file  SQLFunctionEncoder.h [code]
 A base class for encoders of SQL function expressions.
file  SQLVisitor.h [code]
 A visitor for building an SQL statement from a given Query hierarchy.
file  ST_AddPoint.h [code]
 Spatial add point operator.
file  ST_Area.h [code]
 Spatial area operator.
file  ST_Beyond.h [code]
 Spatial Distance Buffer Beyond operator.
file  ST_Boundary.h [code]
 Spatial boundary operator.
file  ST_Buffer.h [code]
 Spatial buffer operator.
file  ST_Centroid.h [code]
 Spatial centroid operator.
file  ST_Collect.h [code]
 Spatial collect operator.
file  ST_Contains.h [code]
 Spatial contains operation.
file  ST_ConvexHull.h [code]
 Spatial convex hull operator.
file  ST_Crosses.h [code]
 Spatial crosses operator.
file  ST_Difference.h [code]
 Spatial difference operator.
file  ST_Disjoint.h [code]
 Spatial disjoint operator.
file  ST_DistanceBuffer.h [code]
 Spatial distance buffer operator.
file  ST_Dump.h [code]
 Spatial dump operator.
file  ST_DumpRings.h [code]
 Spatial dump rings operator.
file  ST_DWithin.h [code]
 Spatial Distance Buffer Within operator.
file  ST_Envelope.h [code]
 Spatial envelope operator.
file  ST_EnvelopeIntersects.h [code]
 This operator EnvelopeIntersects considers the intersection among approximations or envelopes of geometries.
file  ST_Equals.h [code]
 Spatial equals operator.
file  ST_Extent.h [code]
 Spatial extent operator.
file  ST_Intersection.h [code]
 Spatial intersects operator.
file  ST_Intersects.h [code]
 Spatial intersects operator.
file  ST_IsClosed.h [code]
 Spatial is closed operator.
file  ST_IsEmpty.h [code]
 Spatial is empty operator.
file  ST_IsValid.h [code]
 Spatial is valid operator.
file  ST_Length.h [code]
 Spatial length operator.
file  ST_MakePolygon.h [code]
 Spatial make polygon operator.
file  ST_MakeValid.h [code]
 Spatial is valid operator.
file  ST_Multi.h [code]
 Spatial multi operator.
file  ST_NPoints.h [code]
 Spatial number of points operator.
file  ST_NumGeometries.h [code]
 Spatial number geometries operator.
file  ST_Overlaps.h [code]
 Spatial overlaps operator.
file  ST_Perimeter.h [code]
 Spatial perimeter operator.
file  ST_Relate.h [code]
 Spatial relation function.
file  ST_SetSRID.h [code]
 Spatial Set SRID operator.
file  ST_StartPoint.h [code]
 Spatial start point operator.
file  ST_Touches.h [code]
 Spatial touches operator.
file  ST_Transform.h [code]
 Spatial reference system transformation function.
file  ST_Union.h [code]
 Spatial union operator.
file  ST_Within.h [code]
 Spatial within operator.
file  StdDev.h [code]
 StdDev statistical function.
file  Sub.h [code]
 The subtraction operator.
file  SubSelect.h [code]
 A Select can be used as a source of information in another query.
file  Substring.h [code]
 Allows the extraction of substrings.
file  Sum.h [code]
 Sum aggregate operator.
file  TemplateEncoder.h [code]
 A query encoder for functions that needs special translation.
file  UnaryFunction.h [code]
 A base class for unary functions.
file  UnaryOp.h [code]
 A base class for unary operators.
file  UnaryOpEncoder.h [code]
 A query encoder for unary operator expressions.
file  Variance.h [code]
 Variance statistical function.
file  Where.h [code]
 A class that can be used to model a filter expression that can be applied to a query.