Enums.h File Reference

Enumerations for the Raster module. More...

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 Namespace for the Raster module of TerraLib.


enum  te::rst::ColorInterp {
  te::rst::UndefCInt , te::rst::GrayIdxCInt , te::rst::PaletteIdxCInt , te::rst::RedCInt ,
  te::rst::GreenCInt , te::rst::BlueCInt , te::rst::AlphaCInt , te::rst::HueCInt ,
  te::rst::SatCInt , te::rst::LigCInt , te::rst::CyanCInt , te::rst::MagentaCInt ,
  te::rst::YellowCInt , te::rst::KeyCInt , te::rst::YCInt , te::rst::CbCInt ,
 Color model component use. More...
enum  te::rst::InterpolationMethod {
  te::rst::UndefInterpMethod = 0 , te::rst::NearestNeighbor = 1 , te::rst::Bilinear = 2 , te::rst::Bicubic = 3 ,
  te::rst::MeanInterpolation = 4 , te::rst::MinInterpolation = 5 , te::rst::MaxInterpolation = 6 , te::rst::ModeInterpolation = 7 ,
  te::rst::MedianInterpolation = 8
 Allowed interpolation methods. More...
enum  te::rst::PaletteInterpretation {
  te::rst::UndefPalInt , te::rst::GrayPalInt , te::rst::RGBPalInt , te::rst::CMYKPalInt ,
 Palette interpratation types. More...
enum  te::rst::SummaryTypes {
  te::rst::SUMMARY_MIN = 1 , te::rst::SUMMARY_MAX = 2 , te::rst::SUMMARY_STD = 4 , te::rst::SUMMARY_MEAN = 8 ,
  te::rst::SUMMARY_R_HISTOGRAM = 16 , te::rst::SUMMARY_I_HISTOGRAM = 32 , te::rst::SUMMARY_ALL = 63
 Types for the BandSummary. More...

Detailed Description

Enumerations for the Raster module.

Definition in file Enums.h.