Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright (C) 2008 National Institute For Space Research (INPE) - Brazil.
3  This file is part of the TerraLib - a Framework for building GIS enabled applications.
5  TerraLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
8  or (at your option) any later version.
10  TerraLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  along with TerraLib. See COPYING. If not, write to
17  TerraLib Team at <>.
18  */
20 /*!
21  \file terralib/dataaccess/datasource/DataSource.h
23  \brief An abstract class for data providers like a DBMS, Web Services or a regular file.
24 */
29 // TerraLib
30 #include "../../common/Enums.h"
31 #include "../../core/uri/URI.h"
32 #include "../../geometry/Enums.h"
33 #include "../dataset/CheckConstraint.h"
34 #include "../dataset/DataSet.h"
35 #include "../dataset/DataSetType.h"
36 #include "../dataset/ForeignKey.h"
37 #include "../dataset/Index.h"
38 #include "../dataset/PrimaryKey.h"
39 #include "../dataset/Sequence.h"
40 #include "../dataset/UniqueKey.h"
41 #include "../Config.h"
43 // STL
44 #include <map>
45 #include <memory>
46 #include <string>
47 #include <vector>
48 #include <set>
50 // Boost
51 #include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp>
52 #include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
53 #include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
54 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
56 namespace te
57 {
58  namespace dt
59  {
60  class Property;
61  }
63  namespace gm
64  {
65  class Envelope;
66  class Geometry;
67  }
69  namespace da
70  {
71  class DataSetTypeCapabilities;
72  class DataSourceCapabilities;
73  class DataSourceTransactor;
74  class ObjectIdSet;
75  class Query;
76  class Select;
77  class SQLDialect;
78  class CheckConstraint;
79  class ForeignKey;
80  class Index;
81  class PrimaryKey;
82  class Sequence;
83  class UniqueKey;
85  /*!
86  \class DataSource
88  \brief An abstract class for data providers like a DBMS, Web Services or a regular file.
90  A data source is the fundamental class of the data access module and
91  it may represent a data repository. Among other things, a repository can be:
92  <ul>
93  <li>a PostgreSQL database</li>
94  <li>an Oracle database</li>
95  <li>an OGC Web Feature Service</li>
96  <li>a directory of ESRI shape-files</li>
97  <li>a data stream</li>
98  <li>
100  A data source can be used to access data in a repository
101  and it requires a driver implementation that must register a
102  concrete factory for building data source objects
103  of the type of the driver (DataSourceFactory).
105  Each data source is characterized by a set of parameters that can be used
106  to set up an access channel to its underlying repository. This information
107  is referred as the data source connection information.
109  A data source exposes the data contained in it as a collection of datasets.
110  The information about the data stored in a data source may be retrieved.
112  Besides the descriptive information about the underlying data repository,
113  each data source also provides information about their capabilities.
115  \ingroup dataaccess
117  \sa DataSourceManager, DataSourceFactory, DataSet, DataSetType
118  */
119  class TEDATAACCESSEXPORT DataSource : public boost::noncopyable
120  {
121  public:
123  DataSource(const std::string& connInfo);
125  /*! \brief Default constructor that can be called by subclasses. */
128  //DataSource(te::core::URI uri);
130  /*! \brief Virtual destructor. */
131  virtual ~DataSource();
133  /*!
134  \brief An identification value for the data source.
136  \return The data source identification.
137  */
138  const std::string& getId() const;
140  /*!
141  \brief It sets the data source identification.
143  \param id An identification value.
144  */
145  void setId(const std::string& id);
147  /*!
148  \brief An Uniform Resource Identifier used to describe the datasource connection.
150  \return A reference to the URI of the datasource.
151  */
154  /** @name Data Source Basic Methods
155  * Basic Methods for operating a data source.
156  */
157  //@{
159  /*!
160  \brief It returns the data source type name (in UPPER CASE). Ex: POSTGIS, SQLITE, WFS, WMS, or MYSQL.
162  \return The data source type name. Ex: POSTGIS, SQLITE, WFS, WMS, or MYSQL.
164  \note Each data source driver must have a unique name.
166  \note Thread-safe!
167  */
168  virtual std::string getType() const = 0;
170  /*!
171  \brief It returns the set of parameters used to set up the access channel to the underlying repository.
173  This is the connection information used by a data source in order to enter in an operational mode,
174  when the open method is called.
176  The key-value-pairs (kvp) may contain information about: maximum number of accepted connections,
177  user name and password required for establishing a connection, the url of a service, or any other
178  information needed by the data source to operate. This information is dependent on the data source
179  driver, so check the driver documentation for any additional information about the kvp.
181  \return An associative container (key-value-pair) with information about the data source.
183  \note Thread-safe!
184  */
185  //virtual const te::core::URI& getConnectionInfo() const = 0;
187  /*!
188  \brief It sets the connection information to be used when connecting to the data source.
190  \param connInfo The connection information.
191  */
192  //virtual void setConnectionInfo(const std::string& connInfo) = 0;
194  /*!
195  \brief It returns an object that can execute transactions in the context of a data source.
197  Use this method to get an object that allows to retrieve a dataset, to insert or update data,
198  or to modify dataset types(schemas). You don't need to cache this kind of object because each
199  driver in TerraLib already keeps a connection pooling. So, as soon as you finish using
200  the transactor, destroy it.
202  \return A pointer to an object that can execute transactions in the context of a data source.
204  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if it is not possible to get a transactor;
205  for example, if there is no available connection.
207  \note Thread-safe!
208  */
209  virtual std::unique_ptr<DataSourceTransactor> getTransactor() = 0;
211  /*!
212  \brief It opens the data source and makes it ready for using.
214  If the subclass needs to open a connection to a database server,
215  to open a file, or to get information from a Web Service, this
216  method can do this kind of job to prepare the data source to be
217  in an operational mode. It will use the connection information
218  provided by the setConnectionInfo methods.
220  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the data source cannot be opened.
222  \note Not thread-safe!
223  */
224  virtual void open() = 0;
226  /*!
227  \brief It closes the data source and clears all the resources used by its internal communication channel.
229  This method closes any connection, any opened file, and releases any other resources.
231  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the data source cannot be closed.
233  \note Not thread-safe!
234  */
235  virtual void close() = 0;
237  /*!
238  \brief It returns true if the data source is opened, otherwise it returns false.
240  This method will not check if the data source is available for using;
241  it will just answer if the data source has already been opened.
242  If you want to know if the data source is available for using,
243  check the isValid() method.
245  \return It returns true if the data source is opened; otherwise, it returns false.
247  \note Not thread-safe!
248  */
249  virtual bool isOpened() const = 0;
251  /*!
252  \brief It checks if the data source is valid (available for using).
254  For a DBMS, it will check the opened connections.
255  For a WFS client, it will check if the server is reachable.
256  For a file, it will check if it can be read.
258  \return It returns true if the data source is available; otherwise, it returns false.
260  \note Not thread-safe!
261  */
262  virtual bool isValid() const = 0;
264  /*!
265  \brief It returns the known capabilities of the data source.
267  The returned object has all the information about the operations the data source can perform.
268  Here you will find if the data source implementation supports primary keys,
269  foreign keys, if it can be used in a thread environment and much more information.
271  \param capabilities The known capabilities of the data source.
273  \note Thread-safe!
274  */
275  virtual const DataSourceCapabilities& getCapabilities() const = 0;
277  /*!
278  \brief It returns the data source SQL dialect, if there is one.
280  \return The data source SQL dialect.
282  \note Thread-safe!
283  */
284  virtual const SQLDialect* getDialect() const = 0;
285  //@}
287  /** @name Data Retrieval
288  * Methods for retrieving data from the data source.
289  */
290  //@{
292  /*!
293  \brief It gets the dataset identified by the given name.
294  This method always returns a disconnected dataset, that is, a dataset that no more depends
295  of the data source that provided the connection for its creation. Therefore, the disconnected
296  dataset continues to live after the connection given by the data source has been released.
298  \param name The dataset name.
299  \param accessPolicy Access policy.
300  \param travType The traverse type associated to the returned dataset.
302  \exception Exception It can throw an exception if:
303  <ul>
304  <li>something goes wrong during the data retrieval</li>
305  <li>if the data source driver doesn't support the traversal type</li>
306  </ul>
308  \note Thread-safe!
309  */
310  virtual std::unique_ptr<DataSet> getDataSet(const std::string& name,
312  const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy = te::common::RAccess);
314  /*!
315  \brief It gets the dataset identified by the given name using a spatial filter over the specified property.
316  This method always returns a disconnected dataset, that is, a dataset that no more depends
317  of the data source that provided the connection for its creation. Therefore, the disconnected
318  dataset continues to live after the connection given by the data source has been released.
320  \param name The dataset name.
321  \param propertyName The name of the spatial property used to apply the spatial filter.
322  \param e A rectangle used as a spatial filter when retrieving the dataset.
323  \param r The spatial relation used during the filtering.
324  \param accessPolicy Access policy.
325  \param travType The traversal type associated to the returned dataset.
327  \exception Exception It can throw an exception if:
328  <ul>
329  <li>something goes wrong during the data retrieval</li>
330  <li>if the data source driver doesn't support the traversal type</li>
331  </ul>
333  \note The envelope coordinates should be in the same coordinate system as the dataset.
335  \note Thread-safe!
336  */
337  virtual std::unique_ptr<DataSet> getDataSet(const std::string& name,
338  const std::string& propertyName,
339  const te::gm::Envelope* e,
342  const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy = te::common::RAccess);
344  /*!
345  \brief It gets the dataset identified by the given name using a spatial filter over the given geometric property.
346  This method always returns a disconnected dataset, that is, a dataset that no more depends
347  of the data source that provided the connection for its creation. Therefore, the disconnected
348  dataset continues to live after the connection given by the data source has been released.
350  \param name The dataset name.
351  \param propertyName The name of the spatial property used to apply the spatial filter.
352  \param g The geometry used as a spatial filter when retrieving the dataset.
353  \param r The spatial relation used during the filtering.
354  \param accessPolicy Access policy.
355  \param travType The traverse type associated to the returned dataset.
357  \note The geometry coordinates should be in the same coordinate system as the dataset.
359  \note Thread-safe!
360  */
361  virtual std::unique_ptr<DataSet> getDataSet(const std::string& name,
362  const std::string& propertyName,
363  const te::gm::Geometry* g,
366  const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy = te::common::RAccess);
368  /*!
369  \brief It gets the dataset identified by the given name using the identification of the objects.
370  This method always returns a disconnected dataset, that is, a dataset that no more depends
371  of the data source that provided the connection for its creation. Therefore, the disconnected
372  dataset continues to live after the connection given by the data source has been released.
374  \param name The dataset name.
375  \param oids A pointer to the set of objects. Do not pass a null pointer nor an empty set.
376  \param accessPolicy Access policy.
377  \param travType The traverse type associated to the returned dataset.
379  \exception Exception It can throw an exception if:
380  <ul>
381  <li>something goes wrong during data retrieval</li>
382  <li>if the data source driver doesn't support the traversal type</li>
383  </ul>
385  \note Thread-safe!
386  */
387  std::unique_ptr<te::da::DataSet> getDataSet(const std::string& name,
388  const te::da::ObjectIdSet* oids,
390  const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy = te::common::RAccess);
392  /*!
393  \brief It executes a query that may return some data using a generic query.
394  This method always returns a disconnected dataset, that is, a dataset that no more depends
395  of the data source that provided the connection for its creation. Therefore, the disconnected
396  dataset continues to live after the connection given by the data source has been released.
398  This method is different of the method that accepts a dataset name and
399  a spatial filter; this method allows the retrieving of only a
400  subset of the attributes, since a query can include a property list.
402  \param q A valid query object.
403  \param travType The traverse type associated to the returned dataset.
404  \param accessPolicy Access policy.
406  \exception Exception It can throw an exception if:
407  <ul>
408  <li>something goes wrong during data retrieval</li>
409  <li>if the data source driver doesn't support the traversal type</li>
410  </ul>
412  \note Thread-safe!
413  */
414  virtual std::unique_ptr<DataSet> query(const Select& q,
416  const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy = te::common::RAccess);
418  /*!
419  \brief It executes a query that may return some data using the data source native language.
420  This method always returns a disconnected dataset, that is, a dataset that is no more dependent
421  of the data source that provided the connection for its creation. Therefore, the disconnected
422  dataset continues to live after the connection given by the data source has been released.
424  \param query A query string in the data source native language.
425  \param travType The traverse type associated to the returned dataset.
426  \param accessPolicy Access policy.
428  \exception Exception It can throw an exception if:
429  <ul>
430  <li>something goes wrong during data retrieval</li>
431  <li>if the data source driver doesn't support the traversal type</li>
432  </ul>
434  \note Don't use this method, if you want portability for your application.
435  \note Thread-safe!
436  */
437  virtual std::unique_ptr<DataSet> query(const std::string& query,
439  const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy = te::common::RAccess);
440  //@}
442  /** @name Command Execution Methods
443  * Methods for executing commands against the data source.
444  */
445  //@{
446  /*!
447  \brief It executes the specified command using a generic query representation.
449  \param command A query like: CREATE, DROP, ALTER, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.
451  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown if the query cannot be performed.
453  \note Thread-safe!
454  */
455  virtual void execute(const Query& command);
457  /*!
458  \brief It executes the specified command in the data source native language.
460  \param command A query string in the data source native language (like: CREATE, DROP, ALTER, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
462  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown if the query can not be performed.
464  \note Thread-safe!
465  */
466  virtual void execute(const std::string& command);
467  //@}
469  /** @name Auxiliary Methods for Commands and Queries
470  * Auxiliary methods for commands and queries.
471  */
472  //@{
473  /*!
474  \brief It escapes a string for using in commands and queries.
476  \param value Any string.
478  \return A valid escaped string.
480  \note Thread-safe!
481  */
482  virtual std::string escape(const std::string& value);
484  /*!
485  \brief It checks if the given dataset name is valid.
487  \param datasetName A dataset name whose validity will be checked.
489  \return True, if the name is valid according to the data source rules.
491  \note Thread-safe!
492  */
493  virtual bool isDataSetNameValid(const std::string& datasetName);
495  /*!
496  \brief It checks if the given property name is valid.
498  \param propertyName A property name whose validity will be checked.
500  \return True, if the name is valid according to the data source rules.
502  \note Thread-safe!
503  */
504  virtual bool isPropertyNameValid(const std::string& propertyName);
505  //@}
507  /** @name Dataset Metadata Retrieval
508  * Methods for retrieving metadata about the datasets of the data source.
509  */
510  //@{
511  /*!
512  \brief It gets the dataset names available in the data source.
514  \return The dataset names available in the data source.
516  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the dataset names could not be retrieved.
518  \note Each dataset in the data source must have a unique name. For example, in a DBMS the name
519  may contain the schema name before the table name separated by a dot notation (".").
521  \note Thread-safe!
522  */
523  virtual std::vector<std::string> getDataSetNames();
525  /*!
526  \brief It retrieves the number of data sets available in the data source.
528  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the number of datasets could not be retrieved.
530  \return The number of data sets available in the data source.
532  \note Thread-safe!
533  */
534  virtual std::size_t getNumberOfDataSets();
536  /*!
537  \brief It gets information about the given dataset.
539  This method can provide the following information about a dataset:
540  <ul>
541  <li>the list of properties, including: name, data type, size, if the value is required or not, if it is an autoincrement</li>
542  <li>primary key</li>
543  <li>foreign keys</li>
544  <li>unique keys</li>
545  <li>check constraints</li>
546  <li>indexes</li>
547  </ul>
549  \param name The name of the dataset we are looking information for.
551  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the information about the dataset could not be retrieved.
553  \return The dataset schema.
555  \note Thread-safe!
556  */
557  virtual std::unique_ptr<te::da::DataSetType> getDataSetType(const std::string& name);
559  /*!
560  \brief It gets capabilities about a data set.
562  \param name Name of the dataset.
564  \return The capabilities of the data set.
565  */
566  std::unique_ptr<te::da::DataSetTypeCapabilities> getCapabilities(const std::string& name);
568  /*!
569  \brief It retrieves the properties of the dataset.
571  \param datasetName The dataset name.
573  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the dataset properties could not be retrieved.
575  \return The dataset properties.
577  \note Thread-safe!
578  */
579  virtual boost::ptr_vector<te::dt::Property> getProperties(const std::string& datasetName);
581  /*!
582  \brief It retrieves the property with the given name from the dataset.
584  \param datasetName The dataset name.
585  \param propertyName The property name.
587  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the dataset property could not be retrieved.
589  \return The property with the given name from the dataset.
591  \note Thread-safe!
592  */
593  virtual std::unique_ptr<te::dt::Property> getProperty(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& name);
595  /*!
596  \brief It retrieves the property lying in the given position from the dataset.
598  \param datasetName The dataset name.
599  \param propertyPos The property position.
601  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the property lying in the given position could not be retrieved.
603  \return The property in the given position.
605  \note Thread-safe!
606  */
607  virtual std::unique_ptr<te::dt::Property> getProperty(const std::string& datasetName, std::size_t propertyPos);
609  /*!
610  \brief It gets the property names of the given dataset.
612  \param datasetName The dataset name.
614  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the property names of the dataset could not be retrieved.
616  \return The property names of the dataset.
618  \note Each dataset in the data source must have a unique name. For example, in a DBMS the name
619  may contain the schema name before the table name separated by a dot notation (".").
621  \note Thread-safe!
622  */
623  virtual std::vector<std::string> getPropertyNames(const std::string& datasetName);
625  /*!
626  \brief It gets the number of properties of the given dataset.
628  \param datasetName The dataset name.
630  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the number of dataset properties could not be retrieved.
632  \return The number of dataset properties.
634  \note Thread-safe!
635  */
636  virtual std::size_t getNumberOfProperties(const std::string& datasetName);
638  /*!
639  \brief It checks if a property with the given name exists in the dataset.
641  \param datasetName The dataset name.
642  \param name The property name.
644  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the existence of the dataset property could not be obtained.
646  \return True, if the property exists in the dataset; otherwise, it returns false.
648  \note Thread-safe!
649  */
650  virtual bool propertyExists(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& name);
652  /*!
653  \brief It adds a new property to the dataset schema.
655  \param datasetName The dataset where the property will be added.
656  \param p The new property to be added.
658  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the property could not be added to the dataset schema.
660  \note Don't delete the given property, because the schema will take the ownership of it.
661  \note Thread-safe!
662  */
663  virtual void addProperty(const std::string& datasetName, te::dt::Property* p);
665  /*!
666  \brief It removes a property from the given dataset.
668  \param datasetName The dataset from where the given property will be removed.
669  \param name The property to be removed from the dataset.
671  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the dataset property could not be removed.
673  \note Thread-safe!
674  */
675  virtual void dropProperty(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& name);
677  /*!
678  \brief It renames a property of the given dataset.
680  \param datasetName The dataset containing the property to be renamed.
681  \param propertyName The property to be renamed from the dataset.
682  \param newPropertyName The new property name.
684  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the dataset property could not be renamed.
686  \note Thread-safe!
687  */
688  virtual void renameProperty(const std::string& datasetName,
689  const std::string& propertyName,
690  const std::string& newPropertyName);
692  virtual void changePropertyDefinition(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& propName, te::dt::Property* newProp);
694  virtual void changePropertiesDefinitions(const std::string& datasetName, const std::vector<std::string>& propsNames, const std::vector<te::dt::Property*> newProps);
696  /*!
697  \brief It retrieves the primary key of the dataset.
699  \param datasetName The dataset name.
701  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the primary key could not be retrieved.
703  \return If a primary key exists in the dataset, it is returned; otherwise, a NULL is returned.
705  \note Thread-safe!
706  */
707  virtual std::unique_ptr<te::da::PrimaryKey> getPrimaryKey(const std::string& datasetName);
709  /*!
710  \brief It checks if a primary key exists in the dataset.
712  \param datasetName The dataset name.
713  \param name The primary key name.
715  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the existence of the primary key could not be determined.
717  \return True, if a primary key exists in the dataset; otherwise, it returns false.
719  \note Thread-safe!
720  */
721  virtual bool primaryKeyExists(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& name);
723  /*!
724  \brief It adds a primary key constraint to the dataset schema.
726  \param datasetName The name of the dataset where the primary key will be added.
727  \param pk The primary key constraint.
729  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the primary key could not be added to the dataset schema.
731  \note Don't delete the given primary key, because the schema will take the ownership of it.
732  \note Thread-safe!
733  */
734  virtual void addPrimaryKey(const std::string& datasetName, PrimaryKey* pk);
736  /*!
737  \brief It removes the primary key constraint from the dataset schema.
739  \param datasetName The dataset from where the primary key will be removed.
741  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the primary key could not be dropped from the dataset schema.
743  \note Thread-safe!
744  */
745  virtual void dropPrimaryKey(const std::string& datasetName);
747  /*!
748  \brief It retrieves the foreign key from the given dataset.
750  \param datasetName The dataset name.
751  \param name The foreign key name.
753  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the foreign key could not be retrieved.
755  \return If the foreign key exists in the dataset, it is returned; otherwise, a NULL is returned.
757  \note Thread-safe!
758  */
759  virtual std::unique_ptr<ForeignKey> getForeignKey(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& name);
761  /*!
762  \brief It gets the foreign key names of the given dataset.
764  \param datasetName The dataset name.
766  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the foreign key names could not be retrieved.
768  \return The foreign key names of the dataset.
770  \note Thread-safe!
771  */
772  virtual std::vector<std::string> getForeignKeyNames(const std::string& datasetName);
774  /*!
775  \brief It checks if a foreign key with the given name exists in the data source.
777  \param datasetName The dataset name.
778  \param name The foreign key name.
780  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the existence of the foreign key could not be obtained.
782  \return True, if the foreign key exists in the dataset; otherwise, it returns false.
783  */
784  virtual bool foreignKeyExists(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& name);
786  /*!
787  \brief It adds a foreign key constraint to a dataset.
789  \param datasetName The dataset where the foreign key constraint will be added.
790  \param fk The foreign key constraint.
792  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the foreign key could not be added to the dataset schema.
794  \note Don't delete the given foreign key, because the schema will take the ownership of it.
795  \note Thread-safe!
796  */
797  virtual void addForeignKey(const std::string& datasetName, ForeignKey* fk);
799  /*!
800  \brief It removes the foreign key constraint from the dataset schema.
802  \param datasetName The dataset where the foreign key will be removed.
803  \param fkName The foreign key to be removed.
805  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the foreign key could not be removed from the dataset schema.
807  \note Thread-safe!
808  */
809  virtual void dropForeignKey(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& fkName);
811  /*!
812  \brief It gets the unique key in the dataset with the given name.
814  \param datasetName The dataset name.
815  \param name The unique key name.
817  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the unique key could not be retrieved.
819  \return The unique key with the given name in the dataset.
821  \note Thread-safe!
822  */
823  virtual std::unique_ptr<te::da::UniqueKey> getUniqueKey(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& name);
825  /*!
826  \brief It gets the unique key names of the given dataset.
828  \param datasetName The dataset name.
830  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the unique key names could not be obtained.
832  \return The unique key names of the dataset.
834  \note Thread-safe!
835  */
836  virtual std::vector<std::string> getUniqueKeyNames(const std::string& datasetName);
838  /*!
839  \brief It checks if a unique key with the given name exists in the dataset.
841  \param datasetName The dataset name.
842  \param name The unique key name.
844  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the existence of the unique key could not be determined.
846  \return True, if the unique key exists in the dataset; otherwise, it returns false.
848  \note Thread-safe!
849  */
850  virtual bool uniqueKeyExists(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& name);
852  /*!
853  \brief It adds a unique key constraint to the dataset.
855  \param datasetName The dataset where the unique key will be added.
856  \param uk The unique key constraint.
858  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the unique key could not be added to the dataset schema.
860  \note Don't delete the given unique key, because the schema will take the ownership of it.
861  \note Thread-safe!
862  */
863  virtual void addUniqueKey(const std::string& datasetName, UniqueKey* uk);
865  /*!
866  \brief It removes the unique key constraint from the dataset.
868  \param datasetName The dataset from where the unique key will be removed.
869  \param name The unique key constraint name.
871  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the unique key could not be removed from the dataset schema.
873  \note Thread-safe!
874  */
875  virtual void dropUniqueKey(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& name);
877  /*!
878  \brief It gets the check constraint of the dataset with the given name.
880  \param datasetName The dataset name.
881  \param name The check constraint name.
883  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the check constraint could not be retrieved.
885  \return The check constraint with the given name.
887  \note Thread-safe!
888  */
889  virtual std::unique_ptr<te::da::CheckConstraint> getCheckConstraint(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& name);
891  /*!
892  \brief It gets the check constraint names of the given dataset.
894  \param datasetName The dataset name.
896  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the check constraint names could not be retrieved.
898  \return The check constraint names of the dataset.
900  \note Thread-safe!
901  */
902  virtual std::vector<std::string> getCheckConstraintNames(const std::string& datasetName);
904  /*!
905  \brief It checks if a check-constraint with the given name exists in the data source.
907  \param datasetName The dataset name.
908  \param name The check-constraint name.
910  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the existence of the check constraint could not be determined.
912  \return True, if the check-constraint exists in the dataset; otherwise, it returns false.
914  \note Thread-safe!
915  */
916  virtual bool checkConstraintExists(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& name);
918  /*!
919  \brief It adds a check constraint to the dataset.
921  \param datasetName The dataset where the constraint will be added.
922  \param cc The check constraint to be added.
924  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the check constraint could not be added to the dataset schema.
926  \note Don't delete the given check constraint, because the schema will take the ownership of it.
927  \note Thread-safe!
928  */
929  virtual void addCheckConstraint(const std::string& datasetName, CheckConstraint* cc);
931  /*!
932  \brief It removes the check constraint from the dataset.
934  \param datasetName The dataset from where the check constraint will be removed.
935  \param name The check constraint to be removed.
937  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the check constraint could not be removed from the dataset schema.
939  \note Thread-safe!
940  */
941  virtual void dropCheckConstraint(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& name);
943  /*!
944  \brief It gets the index with the given name from the dataset.
946  \param datasetName The dataset name.
947  \param name The index name.
949  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the index could not be retrieved.
951  \return The index from the given dataset.
953  \note Thread-safe!
954  */
955  virtual std::unique_ptr<te::da::Index> getIndex(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& name);
957  /*!
958  \brief It gets the index names of the given dataset.
960  \param datasetName The dataset name.
962  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the index names could not be retrieved.
964  \return The index names of the given dataset.
966  \note Thread-safe!
967  */
968  virtual std::vector<std::string> getIndexNames(const std::string& datasetName);
970  /*!
971  \brief It checks if an index with the given name exists in the dataset.
973  \param datasetName The dataset name.
974  \param name The index name.
976  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the index existence could not be determined.
978  \return True, if the index exists in the dataset; otherwise, it returns false.
980  \note Thread-safe!
981  */
982  virtual bool indexExists(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& name);
984  /*!
985  \brief It adds an index to the dataset.
987  \param datasetName The dataset where the index will be added.
988  \param idx The index to be added.
989  \param options A list of optional modifiers (driver specific).
991  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the index could not be added to the dataset schema.
993  \note Don't delete the given index, because the schema will take the ownership of it.
994  \note Thread-safe!
995  */
996  virtual void addIndex(const std::string& datasetName, Index* idx,
997  const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options);
999  /*!
1000  \brief It removes the index from the given dataset.
1002  \param datasetName The dataset where the index will be removed.
1003  \param idxName The index to be removed.
1005  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the index could not be removed from the dataset schema.
1007  \note Thread-safe!
1008  */
1009  virtual void dropIndex(const std::string& datasetName, const std::string& idxName);
1011  /*!
1012  \brief It gets the sequence with the given name in the data source.
1014  \param name The sequence name.
1016  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the sequence could not be retrieved from the data source.
1018  \return The sequence with the given name.
1020  \note Thread-safe!
1021  */
1022  virtual std::unique_ptr<Sequence> getSequence(const std::string& name);
1024  /*!
1025  \brief It gets the sequence names available in the data source.
1027  \note Each sequence in the data source must have a unique name. For example, in a DBMS the name
1028  may contain the schema name before the sequence name separated by a dot notation (".").
1030  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the sequence names could not be retrieved.
1032  \return The sequence names of the data source.
1034  \note Thread-safe!
1035  */
1036  virtual std::vector<std::string> getSequenceNames();
1038  /*!
1039  \brief It checks if a sequence with the given name exists in the data source.
1041  \param name The sequence name.
1043  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the index existence could not be determined.
1045  \return True, if the sequence exists in the data source; otherwise, it returns false.
1047  \note Thread-safe!
1048  */
1049  virtual bool sequenceExists(const std::string& name);
1051  /*!
1052  \brief It adds a new sequence in the data source.
1054  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the sequence could not be added to the data source.
1056  \note Don't delete the given sequence, because the data source will take the ownership of it.
1057  \note Thread-safe!
1058  */
1059  virtual void addSequence(Sequence* sequence);
1061  /*!
1062  \brief It removes the sequence from the data source.
1064  \param name The sequence that will be removed.
1066  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the sequence could not be removed from the data source.
1068  \note Thread-safe!
1069  */
1070  virtual void dropSequence(const std::string& name);
1072  /*!
1073  \brief It retrieves the bounding rectangle of the spatial property for the given dataset.
1075  \param datasetName The dataset name.
1076  \param propertyName The spatial property name.
1078  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the extent of the geometry property could not be retrieved.
1080  \return The spatial property bounding rectangle, or NULL, if none can be retrieved.
1082  \note Thread-safe!
1083  */
1084  virtual std::unique_ptr<te::gm::Envelope> getExtent(const std::string& datasetName,
1085  const std::string& propertyName);
1087  /*!
1088  \brief It retrieves the bounding rectangle for the spatial property lying in the given position in the dataset.
1090  \param datasetName The dataset name.
1091  \param propertyPos The spatial property position.
1093  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the extent of the geometry property lying in the given position could not be retrieved.
1095  \return The spatial property bounding rectangle, or NULL, if none can be retrieved.
1097  \note Thread-safe!
1098  */
1099  virtual std::unique_ptr<te::gm::Envelope> getExtent(const std::string& datasetName, std::size_t propertyPos);
1101  /*!
1102  \brief It retrieves the number of items of the given dataset.
1104  \param datasetName The dataset name.
1106  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the number of items of the dataset could not be retrieved.
1108  \return The number of items of the given dataset.
1110  \note Thread-safe!
1111  */
1112  virtual std::size_t getNumberOfItems(const std::string& datasetName);
1114  /*!
1115  \brief It checks if the data source has any dataset.
1117  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if it is not possible to check if the data source has datasets .
1119  \return True, if the data source has datasets; otherwise, it returns false.
1121  \note Thread-safe!
1122  */
1123  virtual bool hasDataSets();
1125  /*!
1126  \brief It checks if a dataset with the given name exists in the data source.
1128  \param name The dataset name.
1130  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the existence of a dataset in the data source could not be determined.
1132  \return True, if the dataset exists in the data source; otherwise, it returns false.
1134  \note Thread-safe!
1135  */
1136  virtual bool dataSetExists(const std::string& name);
1138  /*!
1139  \brief It gets the datasource geometry type name equivalent to terralib.
1141  \param type The terralib geometry type.
1143  \return The geometry type name equivalent to terralib.
1144  */
1145  virtual std::string getGeometryTypeName(te::gm::GeomType type);
1146  //@}
1148  /** @name Dataset Schema Persistence Methods
1149  * Methods for dealing with datasource and dataset schema changes.
1150  */
1151  //@{
1153  /*!
1154  \brief It creates the dataset schema definition in the target data source.
1156  If a dataset schema with the same name already exists in the target data source,
1157  this may throw an exception.
1159  After calling this method, the dataset schema may be updated.
1161  \param dt The dataset schema to be created. It may be changed during the operation.
1162  \param options A list of optional modifiers (driver specific).
1164  \pre The schema of a related dataset in a foreign key must be already in the data source.
1166  \post In some data sources, this method may output implicit indexes, sequences or constraints.
1167  The method, if necessary, will create and adjust the dataset schema.
1169  \post The caller of this method will take the ownership of the given schema.
1171  \note If you want to create a new schema based on an already existing one,
1172  you must create a fresh copy of the DataSetType with the clone() method.
1174  \note Thread-safe!
1175  */
1176  virtual void createDataSet(DataSetType* dt, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options);
1178  /*!
1179  \brief It clones the dataset in the data source.
1181  \param name The dataset to be cloned.
1182  \param cloneName The name of the cloned dataset.
1183  \param options A list of optional modifiers. It is driver specific.
1185  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the dataset schema could not be cloned.
1187  \note Thread-safe!
1188  */
1189  virtual void cloneDataSet(const std::string& name,
1190  const std::string& cloneName,
1191  const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options);
1193  /*!
1194  \brief It removes the dataset schema from the data source.
1196  \param name The dataset name whose schema will be removed from the data source.
1198  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the dataset could not be removed from the data source.
1200  \note Thread-safe!
1201  */
1202  virtual void dropDataSet(const std::string& name);
1204  /*!
1205  \brief It renames a dataset.
1207  \param name The name of the dataset to be renamed.
1208  \param newName The new dataset name.
1210  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the dataset could not be renamed.
1212  \note Thread-safe!
1213  */
1214  virtual void renameDataSet(const std::string& name, const std::string& newName);
1215  //@}
1217  /** @name Dataset Persistence Methods
1218  * Methods for dealing with the persistence of data in a data source.
1219  */
1220  //@{
1222  /*!
1223  \brief It adds data items to the dataset in the data source.
1225  \param datasetName The target dataset name.
1226  \param d The data items to be added to the dataset.
1227  \param options A list of optional modifiers (driver specific).
1228  \param limit The number of items to be used from the input dataset. If set to 0 (default), all items are used.
1230  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the input dataset items could not be added to the given dataset.
1232  \note The dataset reading will start in the current position.
1233  So, keep in mind that it is the caller responsability
1234  to inform the right position(and a valid one) in the dataset 'd', to start the inserting process.
1236  \note Thread-safe!
1237  */
1238  virtual void add(const std::string& datasetName,
1239  DataSet* d,
1240  const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
1241  std::size_t limit = 0);
1243  /*!
1244  \brief It removes all the informed items from the dataset.
1246  It removes all the data items from a dataset which are identified by
1247  a set of object identifiers. If this set is not informed, all items will be removed.
1249  \param datasetName The dataset name.
1250  \param oids A set of object identifiers used used to remove data from the dataset, or NULL, for removing all.
1252  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the data items could not be removed.
1254  \note Thread-safe!
1255  */
1256  virtual void remove(const std::string& datasetName, const te::da::ObjectIdSet* oids = 0);
1258  /*!
1259  \brief It updates the contents of a dataset for the set of data items.
1261  \param datasetName The target dataset name.
1262  \param dataset The list of data items to be updated.
1263  \param properties The list of properties of the dataset to be updated.
1264  \param oids The list of objects to be updated.
1265  \param options A list of optional modifiers. It is driver specific.
1266  \param limit The number of items to be used from the input dataset. If set to 0 (default) all items are used.
1268  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the dataset could not be updated.
1270  \note The dataset reading will start in the
1271  current position. So, keep in mind that it is the caller responsability
1272  to inform the right position(and a valid one) for the dataset 'd', to start the updating process.
1274  \note Thread-safe!
1275  */
1276  virtual void update(const std::string& datasetName,
1277  DataSet* dataset,
1278  const std::vector<std::size_t>& properties,
1279  const te::da::ObjectIdSet* oids,
1280  const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
1281  std::size_t limit = 0);
1283  /*!
1284  \brief It updates the contents of a dataset.
1286  All rows are edited. The third parameter tells wich columns are edited for each row.
1288  \param datasetName Name pf the dataset.
1289  \param dataset Dataset with editions.
1290  \param properties Columns edited for each row. Note that the size of \a properties must be the same of the \a dataset.
1291  \param ids List of positions of the columns that identifies rows.
1293  \exception te::da::Exception An exception can be thrown, if the dataset could not be updated.
1294  */
1295  virtual void update(const std::string& datasetName,
1296  DataSet* dataset,
1297  const std::vector< std::set<int> >& properties,
1298  const std::vector<size_t>& ids);
1300  /*!
1301  \brief It return the DataSource current encoding.
1303  \return The DataSource current encoding.
1304  */
1307  /*!
1308  \brief It sets the encodings for the data source.
1310  \param et The char encoding type.
1312  \note This function only takes effect if datasource support this option.
1314  */
1315  virtual void setEncoding(const te::core::EncodingType& et);
1317  //@}
1319  /** @name Data Source static methods
1320  * Data Source static methods
1321  */
1322  //@{
1324  /*!
1325  \brief It creates a new repository for a data source.
1327  \param dsType The type of data source to be created (example: POSTGIS, ORACLE, SQLITE).
1328  \param connInfo The information for creating a new data source.
1330  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the data source could not be created.
1332  \return A data source for the new data repository.
1334  \note Thread-safe!
1335  */
1336  static std::unique_ptr<DataSource> create(const std::string& dsType, const std::string& connInfo);
1338  /* static std::unique_ptr<DataSource> create(const std::string& dsType, const std::string& uri);*/
1340  /*!
1341  \brief It removes a data source identified by its connection information and the driver type.
1343  \param dsType The data source type name (example: POSTGIS, ORACLE, SQLITE).
1344  \param dsInfo The connection information for removing the data source.
1346  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the data source could not be removed.
1348  \note No other instance of the data source to be removed can be opened, when calling this method.
1350  \note Thread-safe!
1351  */
1352  static void drop(const std::string& dsType, const std::string& connInfo);
1354  /*!
1355  \brief It checks if the data source exists with the connection information and the driver type.
1357  \param dsType The data source type name (example: POSTGIS, ORACLE, SQLITE).
1358  \param dsInfo The data source information.
1360  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the data source exists in the driver.
1362  \return True, if the data source exists; otherwise, it returns false.
1364  \note Thread-safe!
1365  */
1366  static bool exists(const std::string& dsType, const std::string& connInfo);
1368  /*!
1369  \brief It returns the data source names available in the driver.
1371  \param dsType The type name of the data source(example: PostGIS, Oracle, WFS).
1372  \param dsInfo The information about the data sources.
1374  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the data source names could not be retrieved.
1376  \return The data source names available.
1378  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the list of data source names could not be retrieved.
1379  */
1380  static std::vector<std::string> getDataSourceNames(const std::string& dsType, const std::string& connInfo);
1382  //@}
1384  protected:
1386  /** @name Protected Data Source Methods????
1387  * The protected methods of the data source
1388  */
1389  //@{
1391  /*!
1392  \brief It creates a new data source.
1394  \param connInfo The information for creating a new data source.
1396  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the data source could not be created.
1398  \note Not thread-safe!
1399  */
1400  virtual void create(const std::string& connInfo) = 0;
1402  /*!
1403  \brief It removes the data source with the connection information from a driver.
1405  \param connInfo The information for removing a data source from a driver.
1407  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the data source could not be removed.
1409  \note Not thread-safe!
1410  */
1411  virtual void drop(const std::string& connInfo) = 0;
1413  /*!
1414  \brief Check the existence of a data source in a driver.
1416  \param connInfo The data source information.
1418  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the existence of a data source in a driver could not be determined.
1420  \return True, if the data source exists, or false, otherwise.
1422  \note Thread-safe!
1423  */
1424  virtual bool exists(const std::string& connInfo) = 0;
1426  /*!
1427  \brief It gets the data source names available in a driver.
1429  \param dsInfo The data source information.
1431  \exception Exception An exception can be thrown, if the data source names could not be retrieved.
1433  \return The data source names available in the driver.
1435  \note Not thread-safe!
1436  */
1437  virtual std::vector<std::string> getDataSourceNames(const std::string& connInfo) = 0;
1439  bool isConnected();
1441  //@}
1443  protected:
1445  std::string m_id; //!< The data source identification.
1446  te::core::URI m_uri; //!< The URI used to describe the datasource connection;
1447  };
1449  typedef boost::shared_ptr<DataSource> DataSourcePtr;
1451  } // end namespace da
1452 } // end namespace te
A class to store the proxy information that must be used to access data located in URIs.
Definition: URI.h:50
A class that describes a check constraint.
A class that models the description of a dataset.
Definition: DataSetType.h:73
A dataset is the unit of information manipulated by the data access module of TerraLib.
Definition: DataSet.h:114
A class that represents the known capabilities of a specific data source, i.e. this class informs all...
An abstract class for data providers like a DBMS, Web Services or a regular file.
Definition: DataSource.h:120
virtual void setEncoding(const te::core::EncodingType &et)
It sets the encodings for the data source.
virtual void dropCheckConstraint(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name)
It removes the check constraint from the dataset.
virtual void create(const std::string &connInfo)=0
It creates a new data source.
virtual void addProperty(const std::string &datasetName, te::dt::Property *p)
It adds a new property to the dataset schema.
DataSource(const std::string &connInfo)
virtual void dropProperty(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name)
It removes a property from the given dataset.
virtual std::unique_ptr< DataSet > query(const Select &q, te::common::TraverseType travType=te::common::FORWARDONLY, const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy=te::common::RAccess)
It executes a query that may return some data using a generic query. This method always returns a dis...
virtual std::unique_ptr< te::da::UniqueKey > getUniqueKey(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name)
It gets the unique key in the dataset with the given name.
virtual void dropUniqueKey(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name)
It removes the unique key constraint from the dataset.
virtual std::string getGeometryTypeName(te::gm::GeomType type)
It gets the datasource geometry type name equivalent to terralib.
virtual void changePropertyDefinition(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &propName, te::dt::Property *newProp)
virtual bool hasDataSets()
It checks if the data source has any dataset.
virtual void addIndex(const std::string &datasetName, Index *idx, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options)
It adds an index to the dataset.
virtual const DataSourceCapabilities & getCapabilities() const =0
It returns the known capabilities of the data source.
virtual void execute(const Query &command)
It executes the specified command using a generic query representation.
virtual void update(const std::string &datasetName, DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::set< int > > &properties, const std::vector< size_t > &ids)
It updates the contents of a dataset.
virtual bool dataSetExists(const std::string &name)
It checks if a dataset with the given name exists in the data source.
virtual bool propertyExists(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name)
It checks if a property with the given name exists in the dataset.
virtual bool isDataSetNameValid(const std::string &datasetName)
It checks if the given dataset name is valid.
virtual bool isValid() const =0
It checks if the data source is valid (available for using).
virtual std::unique_ptr< DataSet > query(const std::string &query, te::common::TraverseType travType=te::common::FORWARDONLY, const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy=te::common::RAccess)
It executes a query that may return some data using the data source native language....
virtual void addUniqueKey(const std::string &datasetName, UniqueKey *uk)
It adds a unique key constraint to the dataset.
virtual ~DataSource()
Virtual destructor.
virtual std::unique_ptr< te::da::PrimaryKey > getPrimaryKey(const std::string &datasetName)
It retrieves the primary key of the dataset.
virtual void createDataSet(DataSetType *dt, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options)
It creates the dataset schema definition in the target data source.
DataSource(const te::core::URI &uri)
Default constructor that can be called by subclasses.
std::unique_ptr< te::da::DataSetTypeCapabilities > getCapabilities(const std::string &name)
It gets capabilities about a data set.
virtual void cloneDataSet(const std::string &name, const std::string &cloneName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options)
It clones the dataset in the data source.
static bool exists(const std::string &dsType, const std::string &connInfo)
It checks if the data source exists with the connection information and the driver type.
virtual std::unique_ptr< DataSet > getDataSet(const std::string &name, const std::string &propertyName, const te::gm::Geometry *g, te::gm::SpatialRelation r, te::common::TraverseType travType=te::common::FORWARDONLY, const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy=te::common::RAccess)
It gets the dataset identified by the given name using a spatial filter over the given geometric prop...
virtual std::unique_ptr< Sequence > getSequence(const std::string &name)
It gets the sequence with the given name in the data source.
virtual std::unique_ptr< DataSet > getDataSet(const std::string &name, te::common::TraverseType travType=te::common::FORWARDONLY, const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy=te::common::RAccess)
It gets the dataset identified by the given name. This method always returns a disconnected dataset,...
virtual void renameDataSet(const std::string &name, const std::string &newName)
It renames a dataset.
virtual te::core::EncodingType getEncoding()
It return the DataSource current encoding.
virtual bool checkConstraintExists(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name)
It checks if a check-constraint with the given name exists in the data source.
static std::vector< std::string > getDataSourceNames(const std::string &dsType, const std::string &connInfo)
It returns the data source names available in the driver.
virtual std::vector< std::string > getCheckConstraintNames(const std::string &datasetName)
It gets the check constraint names of the given dataset.
const te::core::URI & getConnectionInfo() const
An Uniform Resource Identifier used to describe the datasource connection.
virtual std::unique_ptr< te::gm::Envelope > getExtent(const std::string &datasetName, std::size_t propertyPos)
It retrieves the bounding rectangle for the spatial property lying in the given position in the datas...
virtual std::vector< std::string > getForeignKeyNames(const std::string &datasetName)
It gets the foreign key names of the given dataset.
virtual bool isOpened() const =0
It returns true if the data source is opened, otherwise it returns false.
virtual std::vector< std::string > getPropertyNames(const std::string &datasetName)
It gets the property names of the given dataset.
virtual std::vector< std::string > getSequenceNames()
It gets the sequence names available in the data source.
virtual bool uniqueKeyExists(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name)
It checks if a unique key with the given name exists in the dataset.
virtual bool sequenceExists(const std::string &name)
It checks if a sequence with the given name exists in the data source.
virtual std::unique_ptr< DataSourceTransactor > getTransactor()=0
It returns the set of parameters used to set up the access channel to the underlying repository.
virtual void remove(const std::string &datasetName, const te::da::ObjectIdSet *oids=0)
It removes all the informed items from the dataset.
virtual void dropPrimaryKey(const std::string &datasetName)
It removes the primary key constraint from the dataset schema.
virtual void drop(const std::string &connInfo)=0
It removes the data source with the connection information from a driver.
virtual bool primaryKeyExists(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name)
It checks if a primary key exists in the dataset.
virtual void addSequence(Sequence *sequence)
It adds a new sequence in the data source.
virtual boost::ptr_vector< te::dt::Property > getProperties(const std::string &datasetName)
It retrieves the properties of the dataset.
virtual void dropDataSet(const std::string &name)
It removes the dataset schema from the data source.
virtual std::string getType() const =0
It returns the data source type name (in UPPER CASE). Ex: POSTGIS, SQLITE, WFS, WMS,...
te::core::URI m_uri
The URI used to describe the datasource connection;.
Definition: DataSource.h:1446
std::string m_id
The data source identification.
Definition: DataSource.h:1445
virtual std::string escape(const std::string &value)
It escapes a string for using in commands and queries.
virtual void dropSequence(const std::string &name)
It removes the sequence from the data source.
virtual void changePropertiesDefinitions(const std::string &datasetName, const std::vector< std::string > &propsNames, const std::vector< te::dt::Property * > newProps)
virtual void close()=0
It closes the data source and clears all the resources used by its internal communication channel.
virtual bool isPropertyNameValid(const std::string &propertyName)
It checks if the given property name is valid.
virtual void addCheckConstraint(const std::string &datasetName, CheckConstraint *cc)
It adds a check constraint to the dataset.
virtual std::unique_ptr< te::da::Index > getIndex(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name)
It gets the index with the given name from the dataset.
virtual bool exists(const std::string &connInfo)=0
Check the existence of a data source in a driver.
const std::string & getId() const
An identification value for the data source.
virtual std::unique_ptr< te::dt::Property > getProperty(const std::string &datasetName, std::size_t propertyPos)
It retrieves the property lying in the given position from the dataset.
virtual std::unique_ptr< te::da::DataSetType > getDataSetType(const std::string &name)
It gets information about the given dataset.
virtual std::vector< std::string > getDataSourceNames(const std::string &connInfo)=0
It gets the data source names available in a driver.
virtual std::unique_ptr< te::gm::Envelope > getExtent(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &propertyName)
It retrieves the bounding rectangle of the spatial property for the given dataset.
virtual void execute(const std::string &command)
It executes the specified command in the data source native language.
virtual void dropForeignKey(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &fkName)
It removes the foreign key constraint from the dataset schema.
virtual std::unique_ptr< ForeignKey > getForeignKey(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name)
It retrieves the foreign key from the given dataset.
virtual std::unique_ptr< DataSet > getDataSet(const std::string &name, const std::string &propertyName, const te::gm::Envelope *e, te::gm::SpatialRelation r, te::common::TraverseType travType=te::common::FORWARDONLY, const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy=te::common::RAccess)
It gets the dataset identified by the given name using a spatial filter over the specified property....
virtual std::vector< std::string > getUniqueKeyNames(const std::string &datasetName)
It gets the unique key names of the given dataset.
static void drop(const std::string &dsType, const std::string &connInfo)
It removes a data source identified by its connection information and the driver type.
virtual std::size_t getNumberOfItems(const std::string &datasetName)
It retrieves the number of items of the given dataset.
virtual bool foreignKeyExists(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name)
It checks if a foreign key with the given name exists in the data source.
virtual std::size_t getNumberOfProperties(const std::string &datasetName)
It gets the number of properties of the given dataset.
virtual void update(const std::string &datasetName, DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::size_t > &properties, const te::da::ObjectIdSet *oids, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, std::size_t limit=0)
It updates the contents of a dataset for the set of data items.
virtual void dropIndex(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &idxName)
It removes the index from the given dataset.
virtual void addPrimaryKey(const std::string &datasetName, PrimaryKey *pk)
It adds a primary key constraint to the dataset schema.
virtual std::unique_ptr< te::da::CheckConstraint > getCheckConstraint(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name)
It gets the check constraint of the dataset with the given name.
virtual std::vector< std::string > getDataSetNames()
It gets the dataset names available in the data source.
virtual void renameProperty(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &newPropertyName)
It renames a property of the given dataset.
virtual std::vector< std::string > getIndexNames(const std::string &datasetName)
It gets the index names of the given dataset.
virtual void add(const std::string &datasetName, DataSet *d, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, std::size_t limit=0)
It adds data items to the dataset in the data source.
virtual void addForeignKey(const std::string &datasetName, ForeignKey *fk)
It adds a foreign key constraint to a dataset.
virtual bool indexExists(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name)
It checks if an index with the given name exists in the dataset.
static std::unique_ptr< DataSource > create(const std::string &dsType, const std::string &connInfo)
It creates a new repository for a data source.
std::unique_ptr< te::da::DataSet > getDataSet(const std::string &name, const te::da::ObjectIdSet *oids, te::common::TraverseType travType=te::common::FORWARDONLY, const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy=te::common::RAccess)
It gets the dataset identified by the given name using the identification of the objects....
virtual const SQLDialect * getDialect() const =0
It returns the data source SQL dialect, if there is one.
virtual void open()=0
It opens the data source and makes it ready for using.
virtual std::size_t getNumberOfDataSets()
It retrieves the number of data sets available in the data source.
void setId(const std::string &id)
It sets the data source identification.
virtual std::unique_ptr< te::dt::Property > getProperty(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name)
It retrieves the property with the given name from the dataset.
It models a foreign key constraint for a DataSetType.
Definition: ForeignKey.h:49
It describes an index associated to a DataSetType.
Definition: Index.h:53
This class represents a set of unique ids created in the same context. i.e. from the same data set.
Definition: ObjectIdSet.h:56
It describes a primary key (pk) constraint.
Definition: PrimaryKey.h:49
A Query is independent from the data source language/dialect.
Definition: Query.h:47
It represents the SQL query dialect accepted by a given data source.
Definition: SQLDialect.h:56
A Select models a query to be used when retrieving data from a DataSource.
Definition: Select.h:67
It describes a sequence (a number generator).
Definition: Sequence.h:57
It describes a unique key (uk) constraint.
Definition: UniqueKey.h:50
It models a property definition.
Definition: Property.h:60
An Envelope defines a 2D rectangular region.
Definition: Envelope.h:52
Geometry is the root class of the geometries hierarchy, it follows OGC and ISO standards.
Definition: Geometry.h:78
A dataset can be traversed in two ways:
Definition: Enums.h:54
Definition: Enums.h:55
Supported data access policies (can be used as bitfield).
Definition: Enums.h:41
@ RAccess
Definition: Enums.h:43
Supported character encodings.
Definition: CharEncoding.h:51
boost::shared_ptr< DataSource > DataSourcePtr
Definition: DataSource.h:1449
Each enumerated type is compatible with a Well-known Binary (WKB) type code.
Definition: Enums.h:42
Spatial relations between geometric objects.
Definition: Enums.h:128
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
Definition: Config.h:97