Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright (C) 2008 National Institute For Space Research (INPE) - Brazil.
3 This file is part of the TerraLib - a Framework for building GIS enabled applications.
5 TerraLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
8 or (at your option) any later version.
10 TerraLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16 along with TerraLib. See COPYING. If not, write to
17 TerraLib Team at <>.
18 */
20 /*!
21 \file terralib/qt/widgets/canvas/ScaleWidget.h
23 \brief Contains an implementation of a graphic scale.
24 */
29 //TerraLib
30 #include "../Config.h"
32 // Qt
33 #include <QFrame>
35 // STL
36 #include <vector>
38 // Forward Declarations
39 class QPixmap;
40 class QFont;
42 /*!
43 \brief Returns icons and the respective names for the types of rulers that can be used to present the graphic scale.
44 \param[out] icons Generated icons.
45 \param[out] typesNames Generated names.
46 \param device The device being used.
47 \param color The color of the ruler.
48 */
49 void GetScalesIcons(QMap<int, QIcon>& icons, QStringList& typesNames, const QPaintDevice* device, const QColor& color);
51 namespace te
52 {
53  namespace qt
54  {
55  namespace widgets
56  {
57  // Forward declaration
58  class MapDisplay;
60  /*!
61  \class ScaleWidget
63  \brief A widget that shows the graphic scale associated with a display.
65  The widget shows the graphic scale being used by some display. You can change some attributes for a customized presentation. Divided in sections you can set the following attributes:
67  <ol>
68  <li>The unit to be showed.</li>
69  <li>Header:
70  <ul>
71  <li>Font.</li>
72  <li>Color.</li>
73  <li>Visibility of the intermediary values.</li>
74  </ul>
75  </li>
76  <li>Ruler:
77  <ul>
78  <li>Color.</li>
79  <li>Units per interval.</li>
80  <li>Number of intervals.</li>
81  <li>Height in millimeters.</li>
82  <li>Type of ruler for presentation pourposes.</li>
83  </ul>
84  </li>
85  <li>Footer:
86  <ul>
87  <li>Font.</li>
88  <li>Color.</li>
89  <li>Visibility</li>
90  </ul>
91  </li>
92  </ol>
94  The object is divided into three sections: header, ruler and footer. The header shows the values of each interval on the ruler. Ruler is the picture of the ruler itself,
95  and the footer shows the numeric scale showing the scale factor and the unit of measure being used.
97  \ingroup widgets
98  */
99  class TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT ScaleWidget : public QFrame
100  {
103  public:
104  /*!
105  \enum ScaleTypes
106  \brief Defines the different types of rulers we can use to present the graphical scale.
107  */
109  {
110  RULER, //!< As a ruler.
111  DASHED, //!< Alternated rectangles and alternated colors, beginning with a white one.
112  DASHED_BEGIN_BLACK, //!< Alternated rectangles and alternated colors, beginning with a colored one.
113  DOUBLE_DASHED, //!< Alternated rectangles and alternated colors, beginning with a white one, whith two rulers.
114  DOUBLE_DASHED_BEGIN_BLACK, //!< Alternated rectangles and alternated colors, beginning with a colored one, whith two rulers.
115  CUSTOM //!< Customized.
116  };
118  /** @name Constructor and destructor methods.
119  * Methods related to instantiation and destruction.
120  */
121  //@{
123  /*!
124  \brief Constructor.
125  \param parent The display over what the scale will reflect.
126  \param interactive Turn on / off interaction mode. If /a true you will can change the scale position on the display.
127  */
128  ScaleWidget(MapDisplay* parent, const bool& interactive=false);
130  /*!
131  \brief Destuctor.
132  */
134  //@}
136  /** @name Public methods
137  * Methods to access the internal attributes of the class.
138  */
139  //@{
141  /*!
142  \brief Returns the value of the interaction mode.
143  \return Value of the interaction mode.
144  */
145  bool getInteractionHandle() const;
147  /*!
148  \brief Returns the value of the color of the header.
149  \return Value of the color of the header.
150  */
151  QColor getHeaderColor() const;
153  /*!
154  \brief Returns the value of the color of the ruler.
155  \return Value of the color of the ruler.
156  */
157  QColor getRulerColor() const;
159  /*!
160  \brief Returns the value of the color of the footer.
161  \return Value of the color of the footer.
162  */
163  QColor getFooterColor() const;
165  /*!
166  \brief Returns the value of the font of the header.
167  \return Value of the font of the header.
168  */
169  QFont getHeaderFont() const;
171  /*!
172  \brief Returns the value of the font of the footer.
173  \return Value of the font of the footer.
174  */
175  QFont getFooterFont() const;
177  /*!
178  \brief Returns the unit being used to present the graphic scale.
179  \return Unit being used to present the graphic scale.
180  */
181  QString getUnit() const;
183  /*!
184  \brief Returns the ruler type being used.
185  \return Ruler type being used.
186  */
187  int getScaleType() const;
189  /*!
190  \brief Returns the visibility of the footer section.
191  \return Visibility of the footer section.
192  */
195  /*!
196  \brief Returns the visibilty of the intermediary values on the header section.
197  \return Visibilty of the intermediary values on the header section.
198  */
199  bool getAllHeaderIsVisible() const;
201  /*!
202  \brief Returns the number of units used in each gap.
203  \return Number of units used in each gap.
204  */
205  int getUnitsPerGap() const;
207  /*!
208  \brief Returns the lenght of the ruler in millimeters.
209  \return Lenght of the ruler in millimeters.
210  */
211  int getRulerHeightMM() const;
213  /*!
214  \brief Returns the number of intervals being used by ruler.
215  \return Number of intervals being used by ruler.
216  */
217  int getNumberOfIntervals() const;
219  /*!
220  \brief Changes the current position of the widget, centralizing it in the display.
221  */
224  /*!
225  \brief Sets the unit using SRID.
226  \param SRID The display SRID.
227  */
228  void setUnit(const int& SRID);
229  //@}
231  public slots:
233  /** @name Public slots.
234  * Methods to update the internal attributes of the class, using the signal-slot mechanism of QT.
235  */
236  //@{
238  /*!
239  \brief Enable / disable the interaction mode.
241  If enabled the user can change the scale position on the MapDisplay.
243  \param state True for enabling of the interaction mode, false to disable it.
244  */
245  void setInteractionHandle(const bool& state);
247  /*!
248  \brief Updates the scale values.
250  This method must be called when the visualized area changes on the display, to the ScaleWidget be adjusted to the new visualized area.
251  */
254  /*!
255  \brief Changes the color of the header.
256  \param color The new color to be used.
257  */
258  void setHeaderColor(const QColor& color);
260  /*!
261  \brief Changes the color of the ruler.
262  \param color The new color to be used.
263  */
264  void setRulerColor(const QColor& color);
266  /*!
267  \brief Changes the color of the footer.
268  \param color The new color to be used.
269  */
270  void setFooterColor(const QColor& color);
272  /*!
273  \brief Changes the color of the background.
275  The initial background color is set to transparent.
277  \param color The new color to be used.
278  */
279  void setBackgroundColor(const QColor& color);
281  /*!
282  \brief Changes the font of the header.
283  \param font The new font to be used.
284  */
285  void setHeaderFont(const QFont& font);
287  /*!
288  \brief Changes the font of the footer.
289  \param font The new font to be used.
290  */
291  void setFooterFont(const QFont& font);
293  /*!
294  \brief Sets the unit of measure to be used by the graphic scale.
296  Available units of measure:
298  <ul>
299  <li>Meters.</li>
300  <li>Kilometers.</li>
301  <li>Feet.</li>
302  <li>Degrees.</li>
303  </ul>
305  \param unit The new unit of measure to be used.
306  */
307  void setUnit(const QString& unit);
309  /*!
310  \brief Sets the type of ruler to be presented.
312  See the definition of \a ScaleTypes enumeration to see details.
314  \param type The new type of ruler to be presented.
315  */
316  void setScaleType(const int& type);
318  /*!
319  \brief Enable / disable the visibility of the footer or the \a numeric \a scale.
320  \param visible The new visibility of the footer section.
321  */
322  void setNumericScaleVisble(const bool& visible);
324  /*!
325  \brief Enable / disable intermediary values of the header.
327  The first and last elements are alaways visible. But the intermediary values can be hidden / showed.
329  \param visible \a True if the intermediary values must be showed and \a false otherwise.
330  */
331  void setAllHeaderVisible(const bool& visible);
333  /*!
334  \brief Changes the number of units to used per interval.
336  \ An unit is a value greater then measure corresponding to 1cm that is a better value to be presented. For example, if the display shows a data in a scale 1 : 2924mt, in the ruler
337  we should use intervals of 3000mt, then each unit represents 3000mts.
339  \param units Number of units to be used in each interval.
340  */
341  void setUnitsPerGap(const int& units);
343  /*!
344  \brief Updates the heightness of the ruler.
345  \param hMM The new height of the ruler in millimeters.
346  \note The \a hMM parameter must be a value of a measure in millimeters.
347  */
348  void setRulerHeightMM(const int& hMM);
350  /*!
351  \brief Updates the number of intervals of the ruler.
352  \param v Number of intervals of the ruler.
353  */
354  void setNumberOfIntervals(const int& v);
355  //@}
357  signals:
359  /** @name Signals
360  * Signals emmited by the widget.
361  */
362  //@{
364  /*!
365  * Signal emmited when the widget is about to be closed.
366  */
368  //@}
370  protected:
372  /** @name Protected methods
373  * Methods used internally by the object.
374  */
375  //@{
377  /*!
378  \brief Recalculates and redraw the graphic scale based on the values of its internal attributes.
379  */
380  void redoWidget();
382  /*!
383  \brief Reimplementation of the QFrame method.
384  \param event The event generated.
385  */
386  void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event);
388  /*!
389  * \brief Reimplementation of the QFrame method.
390  *
391  * \param event The event generated.
392  */
393  void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event);
394  //@}
396  QPixmap* m_bckGround; //!< Background pixmap.
397  QFont m_footerFont; //!< Font of the footer section.
398  bool m_showNumericScale; //!< Flag for enabling / disabling visibility of the footer section.
399  double m_factor; //!< Factor of scaling being used.
400  QString m_unit; //!< Unit of measure being used.
401  std::vector<double> m_intervals; //!< Values of the intervals in millimeters.
402  std::vector<double> m_values; //!< Values of the intervals in the selected unit of measure.
403  int m_numberOfIntervals; //!< Number of intervals of the ruler.
404  ScaleTypes m_type; //!< Type of the ruler to be presented.
405  QColor m_rulerColor; //!< Color of the ruler section.
406  QColor m_bckGrd; //!< Background color.
407  bool m_interactionEnabled; //!< Flag for enabling / disabling the interactive mode.
408  MapDisplay* m_display; //!< Pointer to the display where to present the widget.
409  QColor m_headerColor; //!< Color of the header section.
410  QFont m_headerFont; //!< Font of the header section.
411  bool m_headerAllVisible; //!< Flag do enabling / disabling of the intermediary values of the header.
412  int m_unitsPerGap; //!< Number of units to be used by each interval.
413  QColor m_footerColor; //!< Color of the footer section.
414  int m_rulerHeightMM; //!< Height of the ruler in millimeters.
415  };
416  }
417  }
418 }
void GetScalesIcons(QMap< int, QIcon > &icons, QStringList &typesNames, const QPaintDevice *device, const QColor &color)
Returns icons and the respective names for the types of rulers that can be used to present the graphi...
A widget to control the display of a set of layers.
Definition: MapDisplay.h:72
A widget that shows the graphic scale associated with a display.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:100
QColor m_rulerColor
Color of the ruler section.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:405
bool getInteractionHandle() const
Returns the value of the interaction mode.
QFont m_footerFont
Font of the footer section.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:397
QFont m_headerFont
Font of the header section.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:410
void setFooterColor(const QColor &color)
Changes the color of the footer.
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
Reimplementation of the QFrame method.
bool getNumericScaleIsVisible() const
Returns the visibility of the footer section.
int m_rulerHeightMM
Height of the ruler in millimeters.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:414
void updateScaleFactor()
Updates the scale values.
void setHeaderColor(const QColor &color)
Changes the color of the header.
void setHeaderFont(const QFont &font)
Changes the font of the header.
Defines the different types of rulers we can use to present the graphical scale.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:109
Alternated rectangles and alternated colors, beginning with a colored one, whith two rulers.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:114
Alternated rectangles and alternated colors, beginning with a white one.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:111
Alternated rectangles and alternated colors, beginning with a white one, whith two rulers.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:113
Alternated rectangles and alternated colors, beginning with a colored one.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:112
void updateScalePosition()
Changes the current position of the widget, centralizing it in the display.
int getScaleType() const
Returns the ruler type being used.
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
Reimplementation of the QFrame method.
ScaleTypes m_type
Type of the ruler to be presented.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:404
double m_factor
Factor of scaling being used.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:399
MapDisplay * m_display
Pointer to the display where to present the widget.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:408
QColor m_bckGrd
Background color.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:406
void setInteractionHandle(const bool &state)
Enable / disable the interaction mode.
void setRulerColor(const QColor &color)
Changes the color of the ruler.
void setFooterFont(const QFont &font)
Changes the font of the footer.
void setUnit(const QString &unit)
Sets the unit of measure to be used by the graphic scale.
QColor m_footerColor
Color of the footer section.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:413
int getUnitsPerGap() const
Returns the number of units used in each gap.
QFont getHeaderFont() const
Returns the value of the font of the header.
QColor getHeaderColor() const
Returns the value of the color of the header.
QColor getFooterColor() const
Returns the value of the color of the footer.
bool m_interactionEnabled
Flag for enabling / disabling the interactive mode.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:407
QString m_unit
Unit of measure being used.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:400
int m_numberOfIntervals
Number of intervals of the ruler.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:403
QColor m_headerColor
Color of the header section.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:409
bool getAllHeaderIsVisible() const
Returns the visibilty of the intermediary values on the header section.
std::vector< double > m_values
Values of the intervals in the selected unit of measure.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:402
void setNumberOfIntervals(const int &v)
Updates the number of intervals of the ruler.
void setAllHeaderVisible(const bool &visible)
Enable / disable intermediary values of the header.
bool m_headerAllVisible
Flag do enabling / disabling of the intermediary values of the header.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:411
ScaleWidget(MapDisplay *parent, const bool &interactive=false)
QString getUnit() const
Returns the unit being used to present the graphic scale.
void setNumericScaleVisble(const bool &visible)
Enable / disable the visibility of the footer or the numeric scale.
void setRulerHeightMM(const int &hMM)
Updates the heightness of the ruler.
void setScaleType(const int &type)
Sets the type of ruler to be presented.
int getNumberOfIntervals() const
Returns the number of intervals being used by ruler.
std::vector< double > m_intervals
Values of the intervals in millimeters.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:401
void setBackgroundColor(const QColor &color)
Changes the color of the background.
void setUnitsPerGap(const int &units)
Changes the number of units to used per interval.
bool m_showNumericScale
Flag for enabling / disabling visibility of the footer section.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:398
int m_unitsPerGap
Number of units to be used by each interval.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:412
QPixmap * m_bckGround
Background pixmap.
Definition: ScaleWidget.h:396
QFont getFooterFont() const
Returns the value of the font of the footer.
void setUnit(const int &SRID)
Sets the unit using SRID.
QColor getRulerColor() const
Returns the value of the color of the ruler.
void redoWidget()
Recalculates and redraw the graphic scale based on the values of its internal attributes.
int getRulerHeightMM() const
Returns the lenght of the ruler in millimeters.
#define slots
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
Definition: Config.h:63