Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright (C) 2008 National Institute For Space Research (INPE) - Brazil.
3 This file is part of the TerraLib - a Framework for building GIS enabled applications.
5 TerraLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
8 or (at your option) any later version.
10 TerraLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16 along with TerraLib. See COPYING. If not, write to
17 TerraLib Team at <>.
18 */
20 /*!
21  * \file layer/explorer/TreeItem.h
22  *
23  * \brief Defines an hierarquical structure.
24  */
29 #include "../../Config.h"
31 // TerraLib
32 #include "../../../../common/Exception.h"
33 #include "../../../../common/GenericQueue.h"
35 // Qt
36 #include <qnamespace.h>
37 #include <QString>
39 // STL
40 #include <memory>
41 #include <vector>
43 // Forward declarations
44 namespace te
45 {
46  namespace qt
47  {
48  namespace widgets
49  {
50  class TreeItem;
53  /*!
54  * \enum VISIBLE
55  *
56  * \brief Defines the visibility of an item.
57  */
58  enum VISIBLE
59  {
60  NONE, //!< Not visible.
61  TOTALLY, //!< Visible.
62  PARTIALLY //!< Partially visible.
63  };
65  /*!
66  * \class TreeItem
67  *
68  * \brief Defines a hierarchical structure.
69  *
70  * \ingroup widgets
71  */
73  {
74  public:
75  /*!
76  * \name Instantiation Methods
77  *
78  * Methods related to creation and destruction of the object.
79  */
80  //@{
82  /*!
83  * \brief Constructor.
84  *
85  * \param type The type of the item.
86  */
87  TreeItem(const std::string& type);
89  /*!
90  * \brief Destructor.
91  */
92  virtual ~TreeItem();
93  //@}
95  /*!
96  * \brief Updates the item parent.
97  *
98  * \param item The new parent.
99  */
100  void setParent(TreeItem* item);
102  /*!
103  * \brief Adds a child to the item. The child is added to the end of the list.
104  *
105  * \param item The child to be inserted.
106  */
107  virtual void addChild(TreeItem* item);
109  /*!
110  * \brief Inserts a child item at the desired position.
111  *
112  * \param item The child to be inserted.
113  *
114  * \param pos The position of the child in the children list.
115  *
116  * \exception If \a pos is greater than the children list size, a te::common::Exception will be raised.
117  */
118  virtual void insertChild(TreeItem* item, const size_t& pos) ;
120  /*!
121  * \brief Returns the child located at \a pos.
122  *
123  * \param pos The position of the desired child at the children list.
124  *
125  * \return The child item located at \a pos.
126  *
127  * \exception If \a pos is greater or equal than the children list size, a te::common::Exception will be raised.
128  */
129  TreeItem* getChild(const size_t& pos) const ;
131  /*!
132  * \brief Returns the item parent.
133  *
134  * \return A pointer to the parent.
135  */
136  TreeItem* getParent() const;
138  /*!
139  * \brief Removes the child located at \a pos from the children list.
140  *
141  * \param pos The position of the desired child at the children list.
142  *
143  * \return The removed item.
144  *
145  * \exception If \a pos is greater or equal than the children list size, a te::common::Exception will be raised.
146  */
147  TreeItem* removeChild(const size_t& pos) ;
149  /*!
150  * \brief Returns the number of children.
151  *
152  * The \a type, defines the type of children we want to considere in the operation. If an empty string is given as
153  * argument, all kinds of children will be considered.
154  *
155  * \param type The type of children we want to calculate the number.
156  *
157  * \return Number of children of type \a type.
158  */
159  size_t getChildrenCount(const std::string& type) const;
161  /*!
162  * \brief Returns all children of a certain type.
163  * \param[out] items The set of items founded.
164  * \param type The type of items that we are searching for.
165  */
166  void getChildren(std::vector<TreeItem*>& items, const std::string& type) const;
168  /*!
169  * \brief Tells us if the item has children or not.
170  *
171  * \return \a True if children list is not empty and false otherwise.
172  */
173  bool hasChildren() const;
175  /*!
176  * \brief Returns the label of the item to be presented in a Qt view.
177  *
178  * \return The item label, to be presented in a Qt view.
179  */
180  virtual std::string getAsString() const = 0;
182  /*!
183  * \brief Returns the position of item in its parent's list of children.
184  *
185  * \return The position of item in its parent's list of children.
186  */
187  int getPosition();
189  /*!
190  * \brief Returns the visibilty state of the item.
191  *
192  * \return The state of visibilty of the item.
193  */
194  virtual VISIBLE isVisible() const;
196  /*!
197  * \brief Updates the visibilty state of the item.
198  *
199  * \param visible The new visibility state.
200  *
201  * \param updateAncestors Updates also ancestors states.
202  *
203  * \param updateDescendents Updates also descendents states.
204  */
205  virtual void setVisible(const VISIBLE& visible, const bool& updateAncestors = false, const bool& updateDescendents = false);
207  /*!
208  * \brief Returns the type of the item.
209  *
210  * \return Type of the item.
211  */
212  std::string getType() const;
214  /*!
215  * \brief Returns the item tooltip (for information purposes).
216  *
217  * \return The item tooltip.
218  */
219  virtual std::string getToolTip() const;
221  /*!
222  * \brief Removes all children.
223  */
226  /*!
227  * \brief Returns the flags to be used by the model.
228  *
229  * \return Qt flags. By default itens are enabled, editable and selectable. If you want to change the flags reimplement this method
230  * in a subclass.
231  */
232  virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags();
234  protected:
236  std::string m_type; //!< Item type.
237  std::unique_ptr<Queue> m_children; //!< Queue of items (children).
238  TreeItem* m_parent; //!< Pointer to the parent.
239  };
240  }
241  }
242 }
Defines a hierarchical structure.
Definition: TreeItem.h:73
virtual void setVisible(const VISIBLE &visible, const bool &updateAncestors=false, const bool &updateDescendents=false)
Updates the visibilty state of the item.
virtual void addChild(TreeItem *item)
Adds a child to the item. The child is added to the end of the list.
TreeItem * getParent() const
Returns the item parent.
TreeItem * removeChild(const size_t &pos)
Removes the child located at pos from the children list.
virtual VISIBLE isVisible() const
Returns the visibilty state of the item.
std::string m_type
Item type.
Definition: TreeItem.h:236
void getChildren(std::vector< TreeItem * > &items, const std::string &type) const
Returns all children of a certain type.
virtual std::string getToolTip() const
Returns the item tooltip (for information purposes).
TreeItem * getChild(const size_t &pos) const
Returns the child located at pos.
size_t getChildrenCount(const std::string &type) const
Returns the number of children.
std::string getType() const
Returns the type of the item.
virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags()
Returns the flags to be used by the model.
std::unique_ptr< Queue > m_children
Queue of items (children).
Definition: TreeItem.h:237
virtual void insertChild(TreeItem *item, const size_t &pos)
Inserts a child item at the desired position.
TreeItem * m_parent
Pointer to the parent.
Definition: TreeItem.h:238
bool hasChildren() const
Tells us if the item has children or not.
TreeItem(const std::string &type)
virtual std::string getAsString() const =0
Returns the label of the item to be presented in a Qt view.
int getPosition()
Returns the position of item in its parent's list of children.
void setParent(TreeItem *item)
Updates the item parent.
virtual ~TreeItem()
void removeAllChilds()
Removes all children.
Defines the visibility of an item.
Definition: TreeItem.h:59
Not visible.
Definition: TreeItem.h:60
Partially visible.
Definition: TreeItem.h:62
Definition: TreeItem.h:61
te::common::QueueT< TreeItem * > Queue
Definition: TreeItem.h:50
Struct that implements the generic queue.
Definition: GenericQueue.h:86
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
Definition: Config.h:63