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te::map::AbstractMapDisplay Class Referenceabstract

It defines the concept of a map display responsible for controlling how a set of layers are displayed. More...

#include <AbstractMapDisplay.h>

Inheritance diagram for te::map::AbstractMapDisplay:
te::map::MapDisplay te::qt::widgets::MapDisplay te::qt::widgets::MultiThreadMapDisplay

Public Member Functions

 AbstractMapDisplay ()
 It initializes a new MapDisplay. More...
virtual ~AbstractMapDisplay ()
 Virtual destructor. More...

Map Display Virtual Methods

Methods to configure the MapDisplay.

bool m_cancel
virtual void setLayerList (const std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &layers)=0
 It sets the layer list to be showed in the Map Display. More...
virtual te::map::AlignType getHAlign () const =0
 It returns the MapDisplay current horizontal align. More...
virtual te::map::AlignType getVAlign () const =0
 It returns the MapDisplay current vertical align. More...
virtual void setAlign (te::map::AlignType h, te::map::AlignType v)=0
 It will set the align rendering of objects into the map display. Just successive drawings will be affected by this modification. More...
virtual const te::gm::EnvelopegetExtent () const =0
 It returns the world extent showned by the MapDisplay. More...
virtual void setExtent (te::gm::Envelope &e, bool doRefresh=true)=0
 It sets the world visible area and refreshes the contents in the map display. More...
virtual int getSRID () const =0
 It return the Spatial Reference System used by the Map Display. More...
virtual void setSRID (const int &srid, bool doRefresh=true)=0
 It sets a new Spatial Reference System to be used by the Map Display. More...
virtual void refresh (bool redraw=false)=0
 It updates the contents in the map display. More...
virtual unsigned int getWidth () const =0
 It returns the MapDisplay current width in pixels. More...
virtual unsigned int getHeight () const =0
 It returns the MapDisplay current height in pixels. More...
virtual double getWidthMM () const =0
 It returns the MapDisplay current width in millimeters. More...
virtual double getHeightMM () const =0
 It returns the MapDisplay current height in millimeters. More...

Detailed Description

It defines the concept of a map display responsible for controlling how a set of layers are displayed.

See also
AbstractLayer, MapDisplay

Definition at line 52 of file AbstractMapDisplay.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AbstractMapDisplay()

te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::AbstractMapDisplay ( )

It initializes a new MapDisplay.

Definition at line 57 of file AbstractMapDisplay.h.

◆ ~AbstractMapDisplay()

virtual te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::~AbstractMapDisplay ( )

Virtual destructor.

Definition at line 60 of file AbstractMapDisplay.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getExtent()

virtual const te::gm::Envelope & te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::getExtent ( ) const
pure virtual

It returns the world extent showned by the MapDisplay.

The world extent showned by the MapDisplay or NULL if none is set.
The extent coordinates are in the Map Display SRS.

Implemented in te::map::MapDisplay.

◆ getHAlign()

virtual te::map::AlignType te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::getHAlign ( ) const
pure virtual

It returns the MapDisplay current horizontal align.

The MapDisplay current horizontal align.

Implemented in te::map::MapDisplay.

◆ getHeight()

virtual unsigned int te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::getHeight ( ) const
pure virtual

It returns the MapDisplay current height in pixels.

The MapDisplay current height in pixels.

Implemented in te::qt::widgets::MapDisplay.

◆ getHeightMM()

virtual double te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::getHeightMM ( ) const
pure virtual

It returns the MapDisplay current height in millimeters.

The MapDisplay current height in millimeters.

Implemented in te::qt::widgets::MapDisplay.

◆ getSRID()

virtual int te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::getSRID ( ) const
pure virtual

It return the Spatial Reference System used by the Map Display.

The Spatial Reference System used by the Map Display.

Implemented in te::map::MapDisplay.

◆ getVAlign()

virtual te::map::AlignType te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::getVAlign ( ) const
pure virtual

It returns the MapDisplay current vertical align.

The MapDisplay current vertical align.

Implemented in te::map::MapDisplay.

◆ getWidth()

virtual unsigned int te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::getWidth ( ) const
pure virtual

It returns the MapDisplay current width in pixels.

The MapDisplay current width in pixels.

Implemented in te::qt::widgets::MapDisplay.

◆ getWidthMM()

virtual double te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::getWidthMM ( ) const
pure virtual

It returns the MapDisplay current width in millimeters.

The MapDisplay current width in millimeters.

Implemented in te::qt::widgets::MapDisplay.

◆ refresh()

virtual void te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::refresh ( bool  redraw = false)
pure virtual

It updates the contents in the map display.

Implemented in te::qt::widgets::MapDisplay, and te::qt::widgets::MultiThreadMapDisplay.

◆ setAlign()

virtual void te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::setAlign ( te::map::AlignType  h,
te::map::AlignType  v 
pure virtual

It will set the align rendering of objects into the map display. Just successive drawings will be affected by this modification.

hThe new horizontal align.
vThe new vertical align.
It will not automatically redraw the objects, you must explicit call the setExtent method.

Implemented in te::map::MapDisplay.

◆ setExtent()

virtual void te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::setExtent ( te::gm::Envelope e,
bool  doRefresh = true 
pure virtual

It sets the world visible area and refreshes the contents in the map display.

If the given area is not proportional to the device width and height, the MapDisplay will change it in order to preserve the aspect ratio.

eThe world visible area.
doRefreshIf true the display will refresh its contents.
The world coordinates must be in the map display SRS.

Implemented in te::map::MapDisplay, te::qt::widgets::MapDisplay, and te::qt::widgets::MultiThreadMapDisplay.

◆ setLayerList()

virtual void te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::setLayerList ( const std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &  layers)
pure virtual

It sets the layer list to be showed in the Map Display.

layersThe layer list.

Implemented in te::map::MapDisplay.

◆ setSRID()

virtual void te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::setSRID ( const int &  srid,
bool  doRefresh = true 
pure virtual

It sets a new Spatial Reference System to be used by the Map Display.

It will also convert the current envelope coordinates to the new SRS. This may cause changes to the world visible area. In this case, the extent will be updated and new internal transformation function will be calculated.

sridThe new Spatial Reference System to be used by the Map Display.
doRefreshIf true the display will refresh its contents.

Implemented in te::map::MapDisplay, and te::qt::widgets::MapDisplay.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_cancel

bool te::map::AbstractMapDisplay::m_cancel

Definition at line 172 of file AbstractMapDisplay.h.

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