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te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer Class Reference

It renders the objects associated to an abstract layer. i.e. a generic renderer. More...

#include <AbstractLayerRenderer.h>

Inheritance diagram for te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer:
te::map::AbstractRenderer te::map::QueryLayerRenderer

Public Member Functions

 AbstractLayerRenderer ()
virtual void draw (AbstractLayer *layer, Canvas *canvas, const te::gm::Envelope &bbox, int srid, const double &scale, bool *cancel)
 It draws the layer geographic objects in the given canvas using the SRS informed. More...
 ~AbstractLayerRenderer ()
 Destructor. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void buildChart (Chart *chart, te::da::DataSet *dataset, te::gm::Geometry *geom)
virtual void drawDatSetGeometries (te::se::Symbolizer *symbolizer, te::da::DataSet *dataset, const std::size_t &gpos, Canvas *canvas, int fromSRID, int toSRID, Chart *chart, bool *cancel, te::common::TaskProgress *task=0)
 It draws the data set geometries in the given canvas using the informed SRS. More...
virtual void drawDatSetTexts (te::da::DataSet *dataset, const std::size_t &gpos, Canvas *canvas, int fromSRID, int toSRID, te::se::TextSymbolizer *symb, bool *cancel, te::common::TaskProgress *task=0)
virtual void drawLayerGeometries (AbstractLayer *layer, const std::string &geomPropertyName, te::se::FeatureTypeStyle *style, Canvas *canvas, const te::gm::Envelope &bbox, int srid, const double &scale, bool *cancel)
 It draws the abstract layer in the given canvas using the SRS informed. More...
virtual void drawLayerGrouping (AbstractLayer *layer, const std::string &geomPropertyName, Canvas *canvas, const te::gm::Envelope &bbox, int srid, bool *cancel)
 It draws the grouping of the abstract layer in the given canvas using the SRS informed. More...
virtual void drawLayerGroupingMem (AbstractLayer *layer, const std::string &geomPropertyName, Canvas *canvas, const te::gm::Envelope &bbox, int srid, const double &scale, bool *cancel)
 It draws the grouping of the abstract layer in the given canvas using the SRS informed. More...
virtual void reset ()

Protected Attributes

std::vector< te::gm::Coord2Dm_chartCoordinates
std::vector< te::color::RGBAColor ** > m_chartImages
std::size_t m_index
te::sam::rtree::Index< std::size_t, 8 > m_rtree
WorldDeviceTransformer m_transformer

Detailed Description

It renders the objects associated to an abstract layer. i.e. a generic renderer.

See also
AbstractLayer, AbstractRenderer

Definition at line 84 of file AbstractLayerRenderer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AbstractLayerRenderer()

te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::AbstractLayerRenderer ( )


◆ ~AbstractLayerRenderer()

te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::~AbstractLayerRenderer ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ buildChart()

virtual void te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::buildChart ( Chart chart,
te::da::DataSet dataset,
te::gm::Geometry geom 

◆ draw()

virtual void te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::draw ( AbstractLayer layer,
Canvas canvas,
const te::gm::Envelope bbox,
int  srid,
const double &  scale,
bool *  cancel 

It draws the layer geographic objects in the given canvas using the SRS informed.

The informed bounding box (bbox) is used to constraint the Layer objects to be drawn. The bbox coordinates must be in the Spatial Reference System given by srid.

layerThe layer that will be drawn.
canvasThe canvas were the layer objects will be drawn.
bboxThe interest area to render the map.
sridThe SRS to be used to draw the layer objects.
scaleThe current scale to draw the layer.

Implements te::map::AbstractRenderer.

Reimplemented in te::map::QueryLayerRenderer.

◆ drawDatSetGeometries()

virtual void te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::drawDatSetGeometries ( te::se::Symbolizer symbolizer,
te::da::DataSet dataset,
const std::size_t &  gpos,
Canvas canvas,
int  fromSRID,
int  toSRID,
Chart chart,
bool *  cancel,
te::common::TaskProgress task = 0 

It draws the data set geometries in the given canvas using the informed SRS.

datasetThe data set that will be drawn.
gposThe geometry property position that will be drawn.
canvasThe canvas were the data set geometries will be drawn.
fromSRIDThe SRID of data set geometries.
sridThe SRID to be used to draw the data set geometries.
chartChart informations that can be used.
taskAn optional task that can be used cancel the draw process.

◆ drawDatSetTexts()

virtual void te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::drawDatSetTexts ( te::da::DataSet dataset,
const std::size_t &  gpos,
Canvas canvas,
int  fromSRID,
int  toSRID,
te::se::TextSymbolizer symb,
bool *  cancel,
te::common::TaskProgress task = 0 

◆ drawLayerGeometries()

virtual void te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::drawLayerGeometries ( AbstractLayer layer,
const std::string &  geomPropertyName,
te::se::FeatureTypeStyle style,
Canvas canvas,
const te::gm::Envelope bbox,
int  srid,
const double &  scale,
bool *  cancel 

It draws the abstract layer in the given canvas using the SRS informed.

The informed bounding box (bbox) is used to constraint the layer objects to be drawn. Here, we assume that the given bbox was pre-processed. i.e. the bbox was clipped and contains the same projection of abstract layer.

layerThe abstract layer that will be drawn.
geomPropertyNameThe geometry property name that will be drawn.
styleThe style that will be used.
canvasThe canvas were the layer objects will be drawn.
bboxThe interest area to render the map.
sridThe SRS to be used to draw the layer objects.
scaleThe scale used to draw the layer.
This method consider that the given layer contains vetorial data.

◆ drawLayerGrouping()

virtual void te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::drawLayerGrouping ( AbstractLayer layer,
const std::string &  geomPropertyName,
Canvas canvas,
const te::gm::Envelope bbox,
int  srid,
bool *  cancel 

It draws the grouping of the abstract layer in the given canvas using the SRS informed.

The informed bounding box (bbox) is used to constraint the layer objects to be drawn. Here, we assume that the given bbox was pre-processed. i.e. the bbox was clipped and contains the same projection of abstract layer.

layerThe abstract layer that will be drawn.
geomPropertyNameThe geometry property name that will be drawn.
canvasThe canvas were the layer objects will be drawn.
bboxThe interest area to render the map.
sridThe SRS to be used to draw the layer objects.
This method consider that the given layer contains vetorial data.

◆ drawLayerGroupingMem()

virtual void te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::drawLayerGroupingMem ( AbstractLayer layer,
const std::string &  geomPropertyName,
Canvas canvas,
const te::gm::Envelope bbox,
int  srid,
const double &  scale,
bool *  cancel 

It draws the grouping of the abstract layer in the given canvas using the SRS informed.

The informed bounding box (bbox) is used to constraint the layer objects to be drawn. Here, we assume that the given bbox was pre-processed. i.e. the bbox was clipped and contains the same projection of abstract layer.

layerThe abstract layer that will be drawn.
geomPropertyNameThe geometry property name that will be drawn.
canvasThe canvas were the layer objects will be drawn.
bboxThe interest area to render the map.
sridThe SRS to be used to draw the layer objects.
scaleThe scale used to draw the layer.
This method consider that the given layer contains vetorial data.
This method retrieves the layer data using only spatial extent restriction and performs the grouping in memory.

◆ reset()

virtual void te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::reset ( )

Reimplemented in te::map::QueryLayerRenderer.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_chartCoordinates

std::vector<te::gm::Coord2D> te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::m_chartCoordinates

Definition at line 193 of file AbstractLayerRenderer.h.

◆ m_chartImages

std::vector<te::color::RGBAColor**> te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::m_chartImages

Definition at line 192 of file AbstractLayerRenderer.h.

◆ m_index

std::size_t te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::m_index

Definition at line 191 of file AbstractLayerRenderer.h.

◆ m_rtree

te::sam::rtree::Index<std::size_t, 8> te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::m_rtree

Definition at line 190 of file AbstractLayerRenderer.h.

◆ m_transformer

WorldDeviceTransformer te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::m_transformer

Definition at line 189 of file AbstractLayerRenderer.h.

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