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te::da::DataSetType Class Reference

A class that models the description of a dataset. More...

#include <DataSetType.h>

Inheritance diagram for te::da::DataSetType:
te::dt::CompositeProperty te::dt::Property

Public Member Functions

void add (const boost::ptr_vector< te::dt::Property > &ps)
void add (const std::vector< Property * > &ps)
 It adds a list of property types to the CompositeProperty. More...
void add (Property *p)
 It adds a new property to the CompositeProperty. More...
void copy (const std::vector< Property * > &ps)
 It copies the properties from the vector. More...
PropertyfindFirstPropertyOfType (const int t) const
 returns the first property of the given data type. Caller doesn't take ownership of the returned pointer. More...
const std::string & getCompositeName () const
 It returns the name of the composite type. More...
const std::string & getDatasetName () const
 It returns the name of the propery's dataset. More...
unsigned int getId () const
 It returns the property identifier. More...
const std::string & getName () const
 It returns the property name. More...
PropertygetParent () const
 It returns the parent of this property, or NULL, if it doesn't have one. More...
std::vector< Property * > & getProperties ()
 It returns the list of properties describing the CompositeProperty. More...
const std::vector< Property * > & getProperties () const
 It returns the list of properties describing the CompositeProperty. More...
PropertygetProperty (const std::string &name) const
 It returns the property with the given name or NULL if none is found. More...
PropertygetProperty (std::size_t i) const
 It returns the i-th property. More...
PropertygetPropertyById (unsigned int id) const
 It searches for a property with the given ID. More...
std::size_t getPropertyPosition (const Property *p) const
 It returns the property position . More...
std::size_t getPropertyPosition (const std::string &name) const
 It returns the property position based on its name. More...
int getType () const
 It returns the property data type. More...
bool has (Property *p) const
 It checks if the Property "p" is associated to this property or any other parent. More...
bool hasPropertyOfType (const int t) const
 Tells if there is a property of the given data type. More...
void insert (std::size_t position, Property *p)
 It inserts a new property to the CompositeProperty. More...
virtual void remove (Property *p)
 It removes the property from the composite. More...
void setCompositeName (const std::string &cname)
 It sets the composite type name. More...
void setDatasetName (const std::string &dsName)
 It sets the property name. More...
void setId (unsigned int id)
 It sets the property identifier. More...
void setName (const std::string &name)
 It sets the property name. More...
void setParent (Property *p)
 It associate this property to the informed parent. More...
std::size_t size () const
 It returns the number of properties of the CompositeProperty. More...
DataSetType Basic Methods

Basic methods for a DataSetType.

 DataSetType (const std::string &name, unsigned int id=0)
 It creates a new DataSetType not associated to any DataSetType or Catalog. More...
 DataSetType (const DataSetType &rhs)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~DataSetType ()
DataSetTypeoperator= (const DataSetType &rhs)
 Assignment operator not allowed. More...
General Descriptive Methods

Methods for obtainning information about a given dataset.

const std::string & getTitle () const
 A human descriptive title for the DataSetType. More...
void setTitle (const std::string &title)
 It sets a human descriptive title for the DataSetType. More...
bool hasGeom () const
 It returns true if the DataSetType has at least one geometry property; otherwise, it returns false. More...
bool hasRaster () const
 It returns true if the DataSetType has at least one raster property; otherwise, it returns false. More...
DataSourceCataloggetCatalog () const
 It returns the catalog that owns the DataSetType. More...
void setCatalog (DataSourceCatalog *catalog)
 It sets the DataSetType associated catalog. More...
int getCategory () const
 It returns the dataset category. More...
void setCategory (int c)
 It sets the dataset category. More...
Primary Key Methods

Methods for managing Primary Key

void setPrimaryKey (PrimaryKey *pk)
 It sets the primary key constraint. More...
PrimaryKeygetPrimaryKey () const
 It returns the primary key associated to the dataset type. More...
Constraint Methods

Methods for managing constraints

void add (Constraint *c)
 It adds a new constraint. More...
void remove (Constraint *c)
 It removes the constraint. More...
Unique Keys Methods

Methods for managing Unique Keys

std::size_t getNumberOfUniqueKeys () const
 It returns the number of unique keys defined for the dataset type. More...
void add (const std::vector< UniqueKey * > &uks)
 It adds the unique key constraints. More...
UniqueKeygetUniqueKey (std::size_t i) const
 It returns the i-th unique key. More...
UniqueKeygetUniqueKey (const std::string &name) const
 It returns a unique key with the given name or NULL if none is found. More...
void remove (UniqueKey *uk)
 It removes the unique key. More...
void clearUniqueKeys ()
 It removes all unique keys from the dataset type. More...
Check Constraint Methods

Methods for managing Check Constraints

std::size_t getNumberOfCheckConstraints () const
 It returns the number of check-constraints defined over the dataset type. More...
void add (const std::vector< CheckConstraint * > &ccs)
 It adds the check constraints. More...
CheckConstraintgetCheckConstraint (std::size_t i) const
 It returns the i-th check-constraint associated to the dataset type. More...
CheckConstraintgetCheckConstraint (const std::string &name) const
 It returns a check-constraint with the given name or NULL if none is found. More...
void remove (CheckConstraint *cc)
 It removes the check constraint. More...
void clearCheckConstraints ()
 It removes all check constraints. More...
Index Methods

Methods for managing Indexes

std::size_t getNumberOfIndexes () const
 It returns the number of indexes defined for the dataset type. More...
void add (Index *idx)
 It adds a new index. More...
void add (const std::vector< Index * > &idxs)
 It adds all the indexes. More...
IndexgetIndex (std::size_t i) const
 It returns the i-th index associated to the dataset type. More...
IndexgetIndex (const std::string &name) const
 It returns an index with the given name or NULL if none is found. More...
void remove (Index *idx)
 It removes the index. More...
void clearIndexes ()
 It removes all indexes from the dataset type. More...
Foreign Key Methods

Methods for managing foreign Keys

std::size_t getNumberOfForeignKeys () const
 It returns the number of foreign keys defined for the dataset type. More...
ForeignKeygetForeignKey (std::size_t i) const
 It returns the i-th foreign key associated to the dataset type. More...
ForeignKeygetForeignKey (const std::string &name) const
 It returns a foreign key with the given name or NULL if none is found. More...
void add (ForeignKey *fk)
 It adds a new foreign key. More...
void remove (ForeignKey *fk)
 It removes the foreign key. More...
Re-implementation from CompositeProperty

Re-implementation from CompositeProperty.

void remove (Property *p)
 It removes the Property. More...
void clear ()
 It clears the DataSetType definition. More...
Auxiliary Methods

Auxiliary methods.

void replace (Property *p, Property *pp)
 It replaces the property p by pp and adjust all pointers inclusive in the catalog. More...
Implementation From Superclass Property

Methods re-implemented from the superclass Property.

Propertyclone () const
 It returns a clone of the object. More...

Protected Attributes

std::string m_cname
 The composite type name. More...
std::string m_datasetName
 The property's dataset name. More...
unsigned int m_id
 An identification number that can be used internally.
std::string m_name
 The property name. More...
 The parent property type: it must be a CompositeProperty. More...
std::vector< Property * > m_properties
 The list of property types that make the CompositeProperty. More...
int m_type
 The property data type. More...

Protected Helper Methods

Methods for dealing with some regular tasks related to DataSetType constraints.

 The associated catalog.
 The DataSetType primary key. More...
std::string m_title
 A brief description of the DataSetType. More...
std::vector< ForeignKey * > m_foreignKeys
 A vector of foreign key constraints. More...
std::vector< CheckConstraint * > m_checkConstraints
 A vector of check constraints. More...
std::vector< Index * > m_idxs
 A vector of indexes. More...
std::vector< UniqueKey * > m_uniqueKeys
 A vector of unique key constraints. More...
int m_category
 A category. More...
void removeUniqueKeys (Property *p)
 It removes all unique keys related to the given Property. More...
void removeIndexes (Property *p)
 It removes all indexes related to the given Property. More...
void removeForeignKeys (Property *p)
 It removes all foreign keys that p takes part and all foreign keys that references p. More...

Detailed Description

A class that models the description of a dataset.

A DataSetType may be used to describe the dataset schema. It lists the attributes of the dataset, including their names and types.

The information about the properties (or attributes) of datasets are stored in instances of the Property class. To a property it is associated a name, the data type and other metadata necessary to fully specify the type, such as the attribute size.

This class sometimes are referred to as dataset schemas.
See also
DataSet, te::dt::Property, te::dt::CompositeProperty, DataSourceCatalog

Definition at line 72 of file DataSetType.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DataSetType() [1/2]

te::da::DataSetType::DataSetType ( const std::string &  name,
unsigned int  id = 0 

It creates a new DataSetType not associated to any DataSetType or Catalog.

By default the DataSetType doesn't have a geometric property nor a default geometry property.

nameThe DataSetType name.
idThe DataSetType identifier.
The identifier value (id) may be used by data source implementations. So, don't rely on its value!

◆ DataSetType() [2/2]

te::da::DataSetType::DataSetType ( const DataSetType rhs)

Copy constructor.

rhsThe right-hand-side copy that would be used to copy from.
This method is used by clone().

◆ ~DataSetType()

te::da::DataSetType::~DataSetType ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ add() [1/9]

void te::dt::CompositeProperty::add ( const boost::ptr_vector< te::dt::Property > &  ps)

◆ add() [2/9]

void te::da::DataSetType::add ( const std::vector< CheckConstraint * > &  ccs)

It adds the check constraints.

ccsThe check constraints to be added to the DataSetType.
Don't inform NULL pointers in the list.
The check constraints will be attached to the DataSetType.
The DataSetType will take the ownership of the informed check constraints.

◆ add() [3/9]

void te::da::DataSetType::add ( const std::vector< Index * > &  idxs)

It adds all the indexes.

idxsA list of indexes to be added to the DataSetType.
Don't inform a NULL pointer in the list.
The indexes will be attached to the DataSetType.
The DataSetType will take the ownership of the informed indexes.

◆ add() [4/9]

void te::dt::CompositeProperty::add ( const std::vector< Property * > &  ps)

It adds a list of property types to the CompositeProperty.

psThe list of properties to be added.
The properties must be valid.
The properties must not be associated to another property.
The CompositeProperty takes the ownership of the properties.

◆ add() [5/9]

void te::da::DataSetType::add ( const std::vector< UniqueKey * > &  uks)

It adds the unique key constraints.

uksThe unique key constraints to be added to the DataSetType.
Don't inform NULL pointers in the list.
The unique key constraints will be attached to the DataSetType.
The DataSetType will take the ownership of the informed unique key constraints.

◆ add() [6/9]

void te::da::DataSetType::add ( Constraint c)

It adds a new constraint.

A constraint can be a: foreign key, unique key, check constraint or primary key

cThe constraint to be added to the DataSetType.
Don't inform a NULL pointer.
For foreign keys, if the DataSetType is associated to a DataSourceCatalog the DataSetType referenced in the foreign key must already be in the catalog.
The constraint will be attached to the DataSetType.
The DataSetType will take the ownership of the informed constraint.
For foreign keys, if the DataSetType is associated to a DataSourceCatalog, this method will register in the catalog an association between the foreign key and its referenced DataSetType.
ExceptionFor foreign keys, it throws an exception if the DataSetType is associated to a DataSourceCatalog and the foreign key is referencing another DataSetType that is not.

◆ add() [7/9]

void te::da::DataSetType::add ( ForeignKey fk)

It adds a new foreign key.

fkThe foreign key to be added to the DataSetType.
Don't inform a NULL pointer or a fk associated to another DataSetType.
If the DataSetType is associated to a DataSourceCatalog the DataSetType referenced in the foreign key must already be in the catalog.
The foreign key will be attached to the DataSetType.
The DataSetType will take the ownership of the informed foreign key.
If the DataSetType is associated to a DataSourceCatalog, this method will register in the catalog an association between the fk and its referenced DataSetType.
ExceptionIt throws an exception if the DataSetType is associated to a DataSourceCatalog and the fk is referencing another DataSetType that is not.

◆ add() [8/9]

void te::da::DataSetType::add ( Index idx)

It adds a new index.

idxThe index to be added to the DataSetType.
Don't inform a NULL pointer.
The index will be attached to the DataSetType.
The DataSetType will take the ownership of the informed index.

◆ add() [9/9]

void te::dt::CompositeProperty::add ( Property p)

It adds a new property to the CompositeProperty.

pThe property to be inserted.
The Property p must be valid.
The Property p must not be associated to another property.
The property p will be associated to CompositeProperty.
The CompositeProperty takes the ownership of the property.

◆ clear()

void te::da::DataSetType::clear ( )

It clears the DataSetType definition.

Reimplemented from te::dt::CompositeProperty.

◆ clearCheckConstraints()

void te::da::DataSetType::clearCheckConstraints ( )

It removes all check constraints.

◆ clearIndexes()

void te::da::DataSetType::clearIndexes ( )

It removes all indexes from the dataset type.

◆ clearUniqueKeys()

void te::da::DataSetType::clearUniqueKeys ( )

It removes all unique keys from the dataset type.

◆ clone()

Property * te::da::DataSetType::clone ( ) const

It returns a clone of the object.

The new DataSetType will not be associated to any DataSourceCatalog. All associated constraints names, like indexes, unique keys, primary keys, foreign keys and check constraints will preserve the name. This is also true for the DataSetType name. So, be carefull when trying to persist the DataSetType in the same data source as the cloned dataset type.

Foreign keys are copied and will reference the same objects as the cloned object.

A clone of the object.

Reimplemented from te::dt::CompositeProperty.

◆ copy()

void te::dt::CompositeProperty::copy ( const std::vector< Property * > &  ps)

It copies the properties from the vector.

psThe list of properties to be copied.
The CompositeProperty will not take the ownership of the properties, it will clone each one. So, it is the caller responsability to release them.

◆ findFirstPropertyOfType()

Property * te::dt::CompositeProperty::findFirstPropertyOfType ( const int  t) const

returns the first property of the given data type. Caller doesn't take ownership of the returned pointer.

Definition at line 292 of file CompositeProperty.h.

References te::dt::Property::getType(), te::dt::CompositeProperty::m_properties, and te::dt::CompositeProperty::size().

Referenced by te::dt::CompositeProperty::hasPropertyOfType().

◆ getCatalog()

DataSourceCatalog * te::da::DataSetType::getCatalog ( ) const

It returns the catalog that owns the DataSetType.

The catalog associated to the DataSetType.

Definition at line 158 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ getCategory()

int te::da::DataSetType::getCategory ( ) const

It returns the dataset category.

Some drivers and applications can use this value to refine their functionalities.

The dataset category.

Definition at line 177 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ getCheckConstraint() [1/2]

CheckConstraint * te::da::DataSetType::getCheckConstraint ( const std::string &  name) const

It returns a check-constraint with the given name or NULL if none is found.

nameThe check-constraint name.
A check-constraint with the given name or NULL if none exist.

◆ getCheckConstraint() [2/2]

CheckConstraint * te::da::DataSetType::getCheckConstraint ( std::size_t  i) const

It returns the i-th check-constraint associated to the dataset type.

iThe check-constraint position.
The i-th check-constraint associated to the dataset type.
i must be in the valid range [0, getNumberOfCheckConstraints()).

Definition at line 354 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ getCompositeName()

const std::string & te::dt::CompositeProperty::getCompositeName ( ) const

It returns the name of the composite type.

The name of the composite type.
This name may be different from the property name (returned by getName method)!

Definition at line 96 of file CompositeProperty.h.

◆ getDatasetName()

const std::string & te::dt::Property::getDatasetName ( ) const

It returns the name of the propery's dataset.

The the propery's dataset name.

Definition at line 144 of file Property.h.

◆ getForeignKey() [1/2]

ForeignKey * te::da::DataSetType::getForeignKey ( const std::string &  name) const

It returns a foreign key with the given name or NULL if none is found.

nameThe foreign key name.
A foreign key with the given name or NULL if none exist.

◆ getForeignKey() [2/2]

ForeignKey * te::da::DataSetType::getForeignKey ( std::size_t  i) const

It returns the i-th foreign key associated to the dataset type.

iThe foreign key position.
The i-th foreign key associated to the dataset type.
i must be in the valid range [0, getNumberOfForeignKeys()).
It doesn't make range check!

Definition at line 480 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ getId()

unsigned int te::dt::Property::getId ( ) const

It returns the property identifier.

A number used to identify the property.
The identifier value may be used by data source implementations. So, don't rely on its value!

Definition at line 109 of file Property.h.

◆ getIndex() [1/2]

Index * te::da::DataSetType::getIndex ( const std::string &  name) const

It returns an index with the given name or NULL if none is found.

nameThe index name.
An index with the given name or NULL.

◆ getIndex() [2/2]

Index * te::da::DataSetType::getIndex ( std::size_t  i) const

It returns the i-th index associated to the dataset type.

iThe index position.
The i-th index associated to the dataset type.
i must be in the valid range [0, getNumberOfIndexes()).
It doesn't make range check!

Definition at line 428 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ getName()

const std::string & te::dt::Property::getName ( ) const

It returns the property name.

The property name.
For DataSetTypes the name can have namespace prefix or schema name prefix, it will depend on the data source implementation.

Definition at line 127 of file Property.h.

◆ getNumberOfCheckConstraints()

std::size_t te::da::DataSetType::getNumberOfCheckConstraints ( ) const

It returns the number of check-constraints defined over the dataset type.

The number of check-constraints defined over the dataset type.

Definition at line 331 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ getNumberOfForeignKeys()

std::size_t te::da::DataSetType::getNumberOfForeignKeys ( ) const

It returns the number of foreign keys defined for the dataset type.

The number of foreign keys defined for the dataset type.

Definition at line 467 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ getNumberOfIndexes()

std::size_t te::da::DataSetType::getNumberOfIndexes ( ) const

It returns the number of indexes defined for the dataset type.

The number of indexes defined for the dataset type.

Definition at line 391 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ getNumberOfUniqueKeys()

std::size_t te::da::DataSetType::getNumberOfUniqueKeys ( ) const

It returns the number of unique keys defined for the dataset type.

The number of unique keys defined for the dataset type.

Definition at line 269 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ getParent()

Property * te::dt::Property::getParent ( ) const

It returns the parent of this property, or NULL, if it doesn't have one.

The parent of this property, or NULL, if it doesn't have one.

Definition at line 168 of file Property.h.

◆ getPrimaryKey()

PrimaryKey * te::da::DataSetType::getPrimaryKey ( ) const

It returns the primary key associated to the dataset type.

\rerturn The primary key associated to the dataset type or NULL if none exists.

Definition at line 214 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ getProperties() [1/2]

std::vector< Property * > & te::dt::CompositeProperty::getProperties ( )

It returns the list of properties describing the CompositeProperty.

The list of Propertys describing the CompositeProperty.

Definition at line 174 of file CompositeProperty.h.

◆ getProperties() [2/2]

const std::vector< Property * > & te::dt::CompositeProperty::getProperties ( ) const

It returns the list of properties describing the CompositeProperty.

The list of Propertys describing the CompositeProperty.

Definition at line 167 of file CompositeProperty.h.

◆ getProperty() [1/2]

Property * te::dt::CompositeProperty::getProperty ( const std::string &  name) const

It returns the property with the given name or NULL if none is found.

nameThe name of the property we are looking for.
A pointer to a property or NULL if none is found. Don't delete it, as it belongs to the CompositeProperty.

◆ getProperty() [2/2]

Property * te::dt::CompositeProperty::getProperty ( std::size_t  i) const

It returns the i-th property.

iThe property position in the property array.
A pointer to the i-th property. Don't delete it, as it belongs to the CompositeProperty.
i must be in the valid range [0, size()).

Definition at line 185 of file CompositeProperty.h.

◆ getPropertyById()

Property * te::dt::CompositeProperty::getPropertyById ( unsigned int  id) const

It searches for a property with the given ID.

idThe property ID.
A pointer to the first property with the given ID if found or NULL otherwise. Don't delete it, as it belongs to the CompositeProperty.

◆ getPropertyPosition() [1/2]

std::size_t te::dt::CompositeProperty::getPropertyPosition ( const Property p) const

It returns the property position .

pThe property.
A property position in the property array.

◆ getPropertyPosition() [2/2]

std::size_t te::dt::CompositeProperty::getPropertyPosition ( const std::string &  name) const

It returns the property position based on its name.

nameThe property name.
A property position in the property array.

◆ getTitle()

const std::string & te::da::DataSetType::getTitle ( ) const

A human descriptive title for the DataSetType.

This value may be a concatenation of the DataSetType name or a more human readable text.

Definition at line 130 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ getType()

int te::dt::Property::getType ( ) const

It returns the property data type.

The property data type.

Definition at line 161 of file Property.h.

Referenced by te::dt::CompositeProperty::findFirstPropertyOfType().

◆ getUniqueKey() [1/2]

UniqueKey * te::da::DataSetType::getUniqueKey ( const std::string &  name) const

It returns a unique key with the given name or NULL if none is found.

nameThe unique key name.
A unique key with the given name or NULL.

◆ getUniqueKey() [2/2]

UniqueKey * te::da::DataSetType::getUniqueKey ( std::size_t  i) const

It returns the i-th unique key.

iThe unique key position.
The i-th unique key.
i must be in the valid range [0, getNumberOfUniqueKeys()).
It doesn't make range check!

Definition at line 294 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ has()

bool te::dt::CompositeProperty::has ( Property p) const

It checks if the Property "p" is associated to this property or any other parent.

pThe Property we are checking.
True if the given Property "p" is associated to to this Property, otherwise, returns false.

Implements te::dt::Property.

◆ hasGeom()

bool te::da::DataSetType::hasGeom ( ) const

It returns true if the DataSetType has at least one geometry property; otherwise, it returns false.

True if the DataSetType has at least one geometry property; otherwise, it returns false.

Definition at line 655 of file DataSetType.h.

References te::dt::GEOMETRY_TYPE.

◆ hasPropertyOfType()

bool te::dt::CompositeProperty::hasPropertyOfType ( const int  t) const

Tells if there is a property of the given data type.

Definition at line 287 of file CompositeProperty.h.

References te::dt::CompositeProperty::findFirstPropertyOfType().

Referenced by hasRaster().

◆ hasRaster()

bool te::da::DataSetType::hasRaster ( ) const

It returns true if the DataSetType has at least one raster property; otherwise, it returns false.

True if the DataSetType has at least one raster property; otherwise, it returns false.

Definition at line 660 of file DataSetType.h.

References te::dt::CompositeProperty::hasPropertyOfType(), and te::dt::RASTER_TYPE.

◆ insert()

void te::dt::CompositeProperty::insert ( std::size_t  position,
Property p 

It inserts a new property to the CompositeProperty.

positionThe position where the property will be inserted
pThe property to be inserted.
The Property p must be valid.
The Property p must not be associated to another property.
The property p will be associated to CompositeProperty.
The CompositeProperty takes the ownership of the property.

◆ operator=()

DataSetType & te::da::DataSetType::operator= ( const DataSetType rhs)

Assignment operator not allowed.

rhsThe right-hand-side copy that would be used to copy from.
A reference to this object.

◆ remove() [1/7]

void te::da::DataSetType::remove ( CheckConstraint cc)

It removes the check constraint.

ccThe check constraint to be removed from the DataSetType.
Don't inform a NULL pointer or a check constraint that doesn't belong to the DataSetType.
The check constraint pointer will be invalidated.

◆ remove() [2/7]

void te::da::DataSetType::remove ( Constraint c)

It removes the constraint.

A constraint can be a: foreign key, unique key, check constraint or primary key

cThe constraint to be removed from the DataSetType.
Don't inform a NULL pointer or a unique key that doesn't belong to the DataSetType.
The constraint pointer will be invalidated.

◆ remove() [3/7]

void te::da::DataSetType::remove ( ForeignKey fk)

It removes the foreign key.

fkThe foreign key to be removed from the DataSetType.
Don't pass a NULL pointer or a foreign key that doesn't belong to the DataSetType.
The foreign key pointer will be invalidated.
If the DataSetType is associated to a DataSourceCatalog, this method will unregister in the catalog the association between the fk and its referenced DataSetType.
ExceptionIt throws an exception if the fk can not be removed.

◆ remove() [4/7]

void te::da::DataSetType::remove ( Index idx)

It removes the index.

idxThe index to be removed from the DataSetType.
Don't inform a NULL pointer or a index that doesn't belong to the DataSetType.
If there is a primary key referencing the index it will be released.
If there is a unique key referencing the index it will be released.
The index pointer will be invalidated.

◆ remove() [5/7]

void te::da::DataSetType::remove ( Property p)

It removes the Property.

This method may propagate changes to: indexes, unique keys, primary key, foreign key, check-constraints, sequences and catalog.

If the property to be removed is a geometry this method will take care of the default geometry property finding the first onde available or setting it to NULL if no other geometry property exists.

pThe Property to be removed.
Any association with Primary Keys, and other stuffs will be automatically removed.
The Property pointer will be invalidated.

◆ remove() [6/7]

virtual void te::dt::CompositeProperty::remove ( Property p)

It removes the property from the composite.

pThe property to be removed from the composite.
The property pointer will be invalidated.

◆ remove() [7/7]

void te::da::DataSetType::remove ( UniqueKey uk)

It removes the unique key.

ukThe unique key to be removed from the DataSetType.
Don't inform a NULL pointer or a unique key that doesn't belong to the DataSetType.
The unique key pointer will be invalidated.

◆ removeForeignKeys()

void te::da::DataSetType::removeForeignKeys ( Property p)

It removes all foreign keys that p takes part and all foreign keys that references p.

This method may change this DataSetType and all other DataSetTypes in the DataSourceCatalog that has a foreign key referencing this property.

pA Property that may take part of a foreign key.
If the DataSetType is associated to a DataSourceCatalog it can propagate changes for other foreign keys. It is like a cascade deletion of related foreign keys and attributes.

◆ removeIndexes()

void te::da::DataSetType::removeIndexes ( Property p)

It removes all indexes related to the given Property.

pA Property that may take part of a index.

◆ removeUniqueKeys()

void te::da::DataSetType::removeUniqueKeys ( Property p)

It removes all unique keys related to the given Property.

pA Property that may take part of a unique key.

◆ replace()

void te::da::DataSetType::replace ( Property p,
Property pp 

It replaces the property p by pp and adjust all pointers inclusive in the catalog.

pThe property to be replaced.
ppThe property that will be added in the datasettype.
If the property p is the owner of a sequence, the new property pp will take the ownership.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of p pointer. So, it is the caller responsability to free it!
The DataSetType will take the ownership of pp pointer.

◆ setCatalog()

void te::da::DataSetType::setCatalog ( DataSourceCatalog catalog)

It sets the DataSetType associated catalog.

catalogThe catalog associated to the DataSetType.
Take care when calling this method. If the DataSetType belongs to a DataSourceCatalog remember to detach it from the catalog before calling this method.

Definition at line 168 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ setCategory()

void te::da::DataSetType::setCategory ( int  c)

It sets the dataset category.

cThe dataset category.

Definition at line 184 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ setCompositeName()

void te::dt::CompositeProperty::setCompositeName ( const std::string &  cname)

It sets the composite type name.

nameThe composite type name.

Definition at line 103 of file CompositeProperty.h.

◆ setDatasetName()

void te::dt::Property::setDatasetName ( const std::string &  dsName)

It sets the property name.

nameThe new property name.
Take care when calling this method for a DataSetType associated to a DataSourceCatalog. Prefer using the rename method on the DataSourceCatalog API instead of using this method.

Definition at line 154 of file Property.h.

◆ setId()

void te::dt::Property::setId ( unsigned int  id)

It sets the property identifier.

idA number used to identify the property.
The identifier value may be used by data source implementations. So, don't rely on its value!

Definition at line 118 of file Property.h.

◆ setName()

void te::dt::Property::setName ( const std::string &  name)

It sets the property name.

nameThe new property name.
Take care when calling this method for a DataSetType associated to a DataSourceCatalog. Prefer using the rename method on the DataSourceCatalog API instead of using this method.

Definition at line 137 of file Property.h.

◆ setParent()

void te::dt::Property::setParent ( Property p)

It associate this property to the informed parent.

pTeh parent property.
Don't use this method without knowing the internal details of its use.

Definition at line 177 of file Property.h.

◆ setPrimaryKey()

void te::da::DataSetType::setPrimaryKey ( PrimaryKey pk)

It sets the primary key constraint.

pkThe primary key constraint.
The pk must not be associated to another DataSetType.
The DataSetType will take the ownership of the primary key.
The primary key will be automatically attached to the DataSetType.
If another primary key has been already set, it will destroy it and set the new one as the valid primary key.
If you inform a NULL pointer, it ill just release the internal primary key.

◆ setTitle()

void te::da::DataSetType::setTitle ( const std::string &  title)

It sets a human descriptive title for the DataSetType.

titleThis value can be used to display a human descriptive title for the DataSetType.

Definition at line 137 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ size()

std::size_t te::dt::CompositeProperty::size ( ) const

It returns the number of properties of the CompositeProperty.

The number of properties of the CompositeProperty.

Definition at line 160 of file CompositeProperty.h.

Referenced by te::dt::CompositeProperty::findFirstPropertyOfType().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_catalog

DataSourceCatalog* te::da::DataSetType::m_catalog

The associated catalog.

Definition at line 643 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ m_category

int te::da::DataSetType::m_category

A category.

Definition at line 650 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ m_checkConstraints

std::vector<CheckConstraint*> te::da::DataSetType::m_checkConstraints

A vector of check constraints.

Definition at line 647 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ m_cname

std::string te::dt::CompositeProperty::m_cname

The composite type name.

Definition at line 283 of file CompositeProperty.h.

◆ m_datasetName

std::string te::dt::Property::m_datasetName

The property's dataset name.

Definition at line 208 of file Property.h.

◆ m_foreignKeys

std::vector<ForeignKey*> te::da::DataSetType::m_foreignKeys

A vector of foreign key constraints.

Definition at line 646 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ m_id

unsigned int te::dt::Property::m_id

An identification number that can be used internally.

Definition at line 205 of file Property.h.

◆ m_idxs

std::vector<Index*> te::da::DataSetType::m_idxs

A vector of indexes.

Definition at line 648 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ m_name

std::string te::dt::Property::m_name

The property name.

Definition at line 207 of file Property.h.

◆ m_parent

Property* te::dt::Property::m_parent

The parent property type: it must be a CompositeProperty.

Definition at line 204 of file Property.h.

◆ m_pk

PrimaryKey* te::da::DataSetType::m_pk

The DataSetType primary key.

Definition at line 644 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ m_properties

std::vector<Property*> te::dt::CompositeProperty::m_properties

The list of property types that make the CompositeProperty.

Definition at line 284 of file CompositeProperty.h.

Referenced by te::dt::CompositeProperty::findFirstPropertyOfType().

◆ m_title

std::string te::da::DataSetType::m_title

A brief description of the DataSetType.

Definition at line 645 of file DataSetType.h.

◆ m_type

int te::dt::Property::m_type

The property data type.

Definition at line 206 of file Property.h.

◆ m_uniqueKeys

std::vector<UniqueKey*> te::da::DataSetType::m_uniqueKeys

A vector of unique key constraints.

Definition at line 649 of file DataSetType.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: