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te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager Class Reference

The ColorSchemeCatalogManager is a singleton that can be used to manage all loaded color scheme catalogs. More...

#include <ColorSchemeCatalogManager.h>

Inheritance diagram for te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager:
te::common::Singleton< ColorSchemeCatalogManager >

Public Member Functions

ColorSchemeCatalogManager Accessor Method

Method used to access the data stored on this manager.

void insert (ColorSchemeCatalog *c)
 It inserts a new catalog that will be managed by ColorSchemeCatalogManager. More...
void disconnect (ColorSchemeCatalog *c)
 It removes the internal reference to the catalog. More...
void erase (ColorSchemeCatalog *c)
 It removes the catalog from the manager and clears it resources. More...
ColorSchemeCatalogfindByName (const std::string &name) const
 It returns the catalog identified by a given name or NULL if none is found. More...
std::pair< std::vector< ColorSchemeCatalog * >::const_iterator, std::vector< ColorSchemeCatalog * >::const_iterator > getIterator () const
 It returns a pair of iterators over the catalogs of this manager. More...
const std::vector< ColorSchemeCatalog * > & getCatalogs () const
 It returns the list of catalogs available in the system. More...
bool isEmpty () const
 It returns true if the manager contains at least one catalog. If no catalog exists, it returns false. More...
void clear ()
 It unloads all catalogs managed by ColorSchemeCatalogManager. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static ColorSchemeCatalogManagergetInstance ()
 It returns a reference to the singleton instance. More...


class te::common::Singleton< ColorSchemeCatalogManager >

Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator

Copy constructor and assignment operator not allowed.

std::vector< ColorSchemeCatalog * > m_catalogs
 This is the list of all system's loaded catalogs. More...
std::map< std::string, ColorSchemeCatalog * > m_catalogIdxByName
 An index from catalog's name to catalog's instance (note: we can not have duplicated names). More...
 ColorSchemeCatalogManager (const ColorSchemeCatalogManager &rhs)
 Copy constructor not allowed. More...
ColorSchemeCatalogManageroperator= (const ColorSchemeCatalogManager &rhs)
 Assignment operator not allowed. More...

Initializer Methods

Methods related to instantiation and destruction.

 ~ColorSchemeCatalogManager ()
 Destructor. More...
 ColorSchemeCatalogManager ()
 It initializes the Singleton. More...

Detailed Description

The ColorSchemeCatalogManager is a singleton that can be used to manage all loaded color scheme catalogs.

Use this class to keep the loaded catalogs and to be a point of entry for plugins that need to known what are the opened catalogs of your application. When the singleton finishes its life time it automatically clears all loaded catalogs stored on it. You can also use it only inside a given window, where a list of catalogs will be displayed and then when the window gets closed, you clear the catalogs to save memory.

You can save memory not loading all catalogs and keeping then opened during the entire life of your application.
See also
Singleton, ColorScheme, ColorSchemeGroup, ColorSchemeCatalog

Definition at line 75 of file ColorSchemeCatalogManager.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~ColorSchemeCatalogManager()

te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager::~ColorSchemeCatalogManager ( )


◆ ColorSchemeCatalogManager() [1/2]

te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager::ColorSchemeCatalogManager ( )

It initializes the Singleton.

◆ ColorSchemeCatalogManager() [2/2]

te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager::ColorSchemeCatalogManager ( const ColorSchemeCatalogManager rhs)

Copy constructor not allowed.

rhsThe right-hand-side copy that would be used to copy from.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear()

void te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager::clear ( )

It unloads all catalogs managed by ColorSchemeCatalogManager.

◆ disconnect()

void te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager::disconnect ( ColorSchemeCatalog c)

It removes the internal reference to the catalog.

cThe catalog to be removed.
ExceptionIf the catalog doesn't exist it will raise an exception.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the catalog.

◆ erase()

void te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager::erase ( ColorSchemeCatalog c)

It removes the catalog from the manager and clears it resources.

cThe catalog to be removed.
ExceptionIf the catalog doesn't exist it will raise an exception.
The memory pointed by c will be deallocated. Don't reference it anymore.

◆ findByName()

ColorSchemeCatalog * te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager::findByName ( const std::string &  name) const

It returns the catalog identified by a given name or NULL if none is found.

nameThe name of the catalog we are looking for.
A pointer to a catalog (don't free the pointer) or NULL if none is found.

◆ getCatalogs()

const std::vector< ColorSchemeCatalog * > & te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager::getCatalogs ( ) const

It returns the list of catalogs available in the system.

The list of catalogs available in the system.

◆ getInstance()

It returns a reference to the singleton instance.

A reference to the singleton instance.

Definition at line 109 of file Singleton.h.

◆ getIterator()

std::pair< std::vector< ColorSchemeCatalog * >::const_iterator, std::vector< ColorSchemeCatalog * >::const_iterator > te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager::getIterator ( ) const

It returns a pair of iterators over the catalogs of this manager.

A pair of iterators over the catalogs of this manager where pair.first will be the beginning and pair.second will be the end iterator.

◆ insert()

void te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager::insert ( ColorSchemeCatalog c)

It inserts a new catalog that will be managed by ColorSchemeCatalogManager.

cThe new catalog to be managed by this manager.
ExceptionIf the catalog already exists it will raise an exception.
Don't free the resources used by the catalog, the manager will take the ownership of it.

◆ isEmpty()

bool te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager::isEmpty ( ) const

It returns true if the manager contains at least one catalog. If no catalog exists, it returns false.

True if the manager contains at least one catalog. If no catalog exists, it returns false.

◆ operator=()

ColorSchemeCatalogManager & te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager::operator= ( const ColorSchemeCatalogManager rhs)

Assignment operator not allowed.

rhsThe right-hand-side copy that would be used to copy from.
A reference to this object.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ te::common::Singleton< ColorSchemeCatalogManager >

Definition at line 75 of file ColorSchemeCatalogManager.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_catalogIdxByName

std::map<std::string, ColorSchemeCatalog*> te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager::m_catalogIdxByName

An index from catalog's name to catalog's instance (note: we can not have duplicated names).

Definition at line 206 of file ColorSchemeCatalogManager.h.

◆ m_catalogs

std::vector<ColorSchemeCatalog*> te::color::ColorSchemeCatalogManager::m_catalogs

This is the list of all system's loaded catalogs.

Definition at line 205 of file ColorSchemeCatalogManager.h.

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