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te::se::ContrastEnhancement Class Reference

ContrastEnhancement defines the 'stretching' of contrast for a channel of a false-color image or for a whole grey/color image. More...

#include <ContrastEnhancement.h>

Inheritance diagram for te::se::ContrastEnhancement:

Public Types

 The type of contrast enhancement. More...

Public Member Functions

Initializer Methods

Methods related to instantiation and destruction.

 ContrastEnhancement ()
 It initializes a new ContrastEnhancement. More...
 ~ContrastEnhancement ()
 Destructor. More...

Accessor methods

Methods used to get or set properties.

ContrastEnhancementType m_contrast
 Contrast enhancement type. (Optional) More...
double m_gammaValue
 It tells how much to brighten (values greater than 1.0) or dim (values less than 1.0) an image. (Optional) More...
void setContrastEnhancementType (ContrastEnhancementType t)
ContrastEnhancementType getContrastEnhancementType () const
void setGammaValue (const double &v)
double getGammaValue () const
ContrastEnhancementclone () const
 It creates a new copy of this object. More...

Detailed Description

ContrastEnhancement defines the 'stretching' of contrast for a channel of a false-color image or for a whole grey/color image.

Contrast enhancement is used to make ground features in images more visible. In the case of a color image, the relative grayscale brightness of a pixel color is used. Normalize means to stretch the contrast so that the dimmest color is stretched to black and the brightest color is stretched to white, with all colors in between stretched out linearly. Histogram means to stretch the contrast based on a histogram of how many colors are at each brightness level on input, with the goal of producing equal number of pixels in the image at each brightness level on output. This has the effect of revealing many subtle ground features. A GammaValue tells how much to brighten (values greater than 1.0) or dim (values less than 1.0) an image. The default GammaValue is 1.0 (no change). If none of Normalize, Histogram, or GammaValue are selected in a ContrastEnhancement, then no enhancement is performed.

See also
SelectedChannel, RasterSymbolizer

Definition at line 64 of file ContrastEnhancement.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ContrastEnhancementType

The type of contrast enhancement.


It means to stretch the contrast so that the dimmest color is stretched to black and the brightest color is stretched to white, with all colors in between stretched out linearly.


It means to stretch the contrast based on a histogram of how many colors are at each brightness level on input, with the goal of producing equal number of pixels in the image at each brightness level on output. This has the effect of revealing many subtle ground features.


No contrast enhancement must be applied.

Definition at line 73 of file ContrastEnhancement.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ContrastEnhancement()

te::se::ContrastEnhancement::ContrastEnhancement ( )

It initializes a new ContrastEnhancement.

◆ ~ContrastEnhancement()

te::se::ContrastEnhancement::~ContrastEnhancement ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

ContrastEnhancement * te::se::ContrastEnhancement::clone ( ) const

It creates a new copy of this object.

◆ getContrastEnhancementType()

ContrastEnhancementType te::se::ContrastEnhancement::getContrastEnhancementType ( ) const

Definition at line 110 of file ContrastEnhancement.h.

◆ getGammaValue()

double te::se::ContrastEnhancement::getGammaValue ( ) const

Definition at line 114 of file ContrastEnhancement.h.

◆ setContrastEnhancementType()

void te::se::ContrastEnhancement::setContrastEnhancementType ( ContrastEnhancementType  t)

◆ setGammaValue()

void te::se::ContrastEnhancement::setGammaValue ( const double &  v)

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_contrast

ContrastEnhancementType te::se::ContrastEnhancement::m_contrast

Contrast enhancement type. (Optional)

Definition at line 123 of file ContrastEnhancement.h.

◆ m_gammaValue

double te::se::ContrastEnhancement::m_gammaValue

It tells how much to brighten (values greater than 1.0) or dim (values less than 1.0) an image. (Optional)

Definition at line 124 of file ContrastEnhancement.h.

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