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te::fe::LogicOp Class Referenceabstract

A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. More...

#include <LogicOp.h>

Inheritance diagram for te::fe::LogicOp:
te::fe::AbstractOp te::common::BaseVisitable< Visitor > te::fe::BinaryLogicOp te::fe::UnaryLogicOp te::fe::And te::fe::Or te::fe::Not

Public Types

typedef void ReturnType
typedef Visitor VisitorType

Public Member Functions

virtual ReturnType accept (VisitorType &guest) const=0
 It call the visit method from the guest object. More...
Initializer Methods

Methods related to instantiation and destruction.

 LogicOp (const char *opName=0)
 It initializes the LogicOp. More...
virtual ~LogicOp ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
Accessor methods

Methods used to get or set properties.

AbstractOpclone () const
 It creates a new copy of this object. More...
Accessor methods

Methods used to get or set properties.

const char * getName () const
 It returns the operator name. More...
void setName (const char *opName)
 It sets the operator name. More...

Protected Attributes

Not Allowed Methods

No copy allowed.

const char * m_name
 Operator name. More...

Detailed Description

A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions.

The logical operator AND evaluates to true if all the combined expressions evaluate to true. The operator OR operator evaluates to true is any of the combined expressions evaluate to true. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

See also
AbstractOp, BinaryLogicOp, UnaryLogicOp

Definition at line 52 of file LogicOp.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ReturnType

typedef void te::common::BaseVisitable< Visitor , void >::ReturnType

Definition at line 58 of file BaseVisitable.h.

◆ VisitorType

typedef Visitor te::common::BaseVisitable< Visitor , void >::VisitorType

Definition at line 57 of file BaseVisitable.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LogicOp()

te::fe::LogicOp::LogicOp ( const char *  opName = 0)

It initializes the LogicOp.

opNameThe operator name.
The LogicOp will not take the ownership of the given name.

◆ ~LogicOp()

virtual te::fe::LogicOp::~LogicOp ( )

Virtual destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ accept()

virtual ReturnType te::common::BaseVisitable< Visitor , void >::accept ( VisitorType guest) const
pure virtualinherited

It call the visit method from the guest object.

guestThe guest or visitor.
Any valid value define by the template type R.

◆ clone()

AbstractOp * te::fe::LogicOp::clone ( ) const

It creates a new copy of this object.

Implements te::fe::AbstractOp.

Reimplemented in te::fe::UnaryLogicOp.

◆ getName()

const char * te::fe::AbstractOp::getName ( ) const

It returns the operator name.

The operator name.

Definition at line 82 of file AbstractOp.h.

◆ setName()

void te::fe::AbstractOp::setName ( const char *  opName)

It sets the operator name.

opNameThe operator name.

Definition at line 89 of file AbstractOp.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_name

const char* te::fe::AbstractOp::m_name

Operator name.

Definition at line 123 of file AbstractOp.h.

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