No Matches
te::qt::widgets::Canvas Class Reference

A canvas built on top of Qt. More...

#include <Canvas.h>

Inheritance diagram for te::qt::widgets::Canvas:

Public Member Functions

Initializer Methods

Methods related to instantiation and destruction.

 Canvas (int w, int h, int devType=QInternal::Pixmap)
 It initializes a new Canvas and associates a pixmap as the default device. More...
 Canvas (QPaintDevice *device)
 It initializes a new Canvas associated with the given paint device. More...
 Canvas (QPainter *painter)
 It initializes a new Canvas associated with the given painter. More...
 ~Canvas ()
 Destructor. More...
Methods Inherited From Abstract Canvas

These methods are re-implementations from abstract canvas.

void setWindow (const double &llx, const double &lly, const double &urx, const double &ury)
 It sets the world (or window) coordinates area (supposing a cartesian reference system). More...
const te::gm::EnvelopegetWindow () const
 It gets the world (or window) coordinates area (supposing a cartesian reference system). More...
void calcAspectRatio (double &llx, double &lly, double &urx, double &ury, const te::map::AlignType hAlign=te::map::Center, const te::map::AlignType vAlign=te::map::Center)
 It calculates the best aspect ratio for world (or window) coordinates area (supposing a cartesian reference system). More...
void calcAspectRatio (te::gm::Envelope *envelope, const te::map::AlignType hAlign=te::map::Center, const te::map::AlignType vAlign=te::map::Center)
 It calculates the best aspect ratio for world (or window) coordinates area (supposing a cartesian reference system). More...
void setBackgroundColor (const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It sets the canvas background color. More...
te::color::RGBAColor getBackgroundColor () const
 It returns the canvas background color. More...
void clear ()
 It clears the canvas content and fills with the background color. More...
void resize (int w, int h)
 It adjusts the canvas size (width and height). More...
int getWidth () const
 It returns the canvas width. More...
int getHeight () const
 It returns the canvas height. More...
void draw (const te::gm::Geometry *geom)
 It draws the geometry on canvas. More...
void draw (const te::gm::Point *point)
 It draws the point on canvas. More...
void draw (const te::gm::MultiPoint *mpoint)
 It draws the MultiPoint on canvas. More...
void draw (const te::gm::LineString *line)
 It draws the LineString on canvas. More...
void draw (const te::gm::MultiLineString *mline)
 It draws the MultiLineString on canvas. More...
void draw (const te::gm::Polygon *poly)
 It draws the polygon on canvas. More...
void draw (const te::gm::MultiPolygon *mpoly)
 It draws the MultiPolygon on canvas. More...
void draw (const te::gm::GeometryCollection *g)
 It draws the GeometryCollection on canvas. More...
void draw (const te::gm::MultiSurface *g)
 It draws the MultiSurface on canvas. More...
void save (const char *fileName, te::map::ImageType t, int quality=75, int fg=0) const
 It saves the canvas content to a file image in the specified format type. More...
char * getImage (te::map::ImageType t, std::size_t &size, int quality=75, int fg=0) const
 It returns the internal content as an image in a specific format (PNG, JPEG, ...). More...
te::color::RGBAColor ** getImage (const int x=0, const int y=0, const int w=0, const int h=0) const
 It gets a RGBA color array from internal canvas buffer. More...
void freeImage (char *img) const
 This is the method that you should use to release an image generated by the canvas. More...
void drawImage (char *src, std::size_t size, te::map::ImageType t)
 It draws the src image over the canvas. More...
void drawImage (te::color::RGBAColor **src, int w, int h)
 It draws the src image over the canvas. More...
void drawImage (int x, int y, char *src, std::size_t size, te::map::ImageType t)
 It draws the src image over the canvas at the specified position (x, y). More...
void drawImage (int x, int y, te::color::RGBAColor **src, int w, int h)
 It draws the src image over the canvas at the specified position (x, y). More...
void drawImage (int x, int y, int w, int h, char *src, std::size_t size, te::map::ImageType t)
 It draws the source image into the rectangle at position (x, y) with the given width and height. More...
void drawImage (int x, int y, int w, int h, te::color::RGBAColor **src, int srcw, int srch)
 It draws the source image into the rectangle at position (x, y) with the given width and height. More...
void drawImage (int x, int y, int w, int h, char *src, std::size_t size, te::map::ImageType t, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh)
 It draws the rectangular portion with the origin (sx, sy), width sw and height sh, of the source image, at the point (x, y), with a width of w and a height of h. If sw or sh are equal to zero the width/height of the pixmap is used and adjusted by the offset sx/sy. More...
void drawImage (int x, int y, int w, int h, te::color::RGBAColor **src, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh)
 It draws the rectangular portion with the origin (sx, sy), width sw and height sh, of the source image, at the point (x, y), with a width of w and a height of h. If sw or sh are equal to zero the width/height of the pixmap is used and adjusted by the offset sx/sy. More...
void drawImage (int x, int y, te::rst::Raster *src, int opacity=TE_OPAQUE)
 It draws a raster over the canvas at the specified position (x, y). The raster must be with three 8-bit bands (1R, 2G, 3B),. More...
void drawImage (int x, int y, int w, int h, te::rst::Raster *src, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int opacity=TE_OPAQUE)
 It draws the rectangular portion with the origin (sx, sy), width sw and height sh, of the source raster, starting at the point (x, y), with a width of w and a height of h. If sw or sh are equal to zero the width/height of the pixmap is used and adjusted by the offset sx/sy. More...
void drawPixel (int x, int y)
 It sets a pixel using the point pen. More...
void drawPixel (int x, int y, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It sets a pixel to a particular color. More...
void drawText (int x, int y, const std::string &txt, float angle=0.0, double anchorX=0.5, double anchorY=0.5, int displacementX=0, int displacementY=0)
 It draws a text. More...
void drawText (const te::gm::Point *p, const std::string &txt, float angle=0.0, double anchorX=0.5, double anchorY=0.5, int displacementX=0, int displacementY=0)
 It draws a text. More...
void drawText (const double &x, const double &y, const std::string &txt, float angle=0.0, double anchorX=0.5, double anchorY=0.5, int displacementX=0, int displacementY=0)
 It draws a text. More...
te::gm::PolygongetTextBoundary (int x, int y, const std::string &txt, float angle=0.0, double anchorX=0.5, double anchorY=0.5, int displacementX=0, int displacementY=0)
 It returns the text boundary (its enclose rectangle). More...
te::gm::PolygongetTextBoundary (const te::gm::Point *p, const std::string &txt, float angle=0.0, double anchorX=0.5, double anchorY=0.5, int displacementX=0, int displacementY=0)
 It returns the text boundary (its enclose rectangle). More...
te::gm::PolygongetTextBoundary (const double &x, const double &y, const std::string &txt, float angle=0.0, double anchorX=0.5, double anchorY=0.5, int displacementX=0, int displacementY=0)
 It returns the text boundary (its enclose rectangle). More...
void setTextColor (const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It sets the text drawing color. More...
void setTextOpacity (int opacity)
 It sets the text opacity. More...
void setFontFamily (const std::string &family)
 It sets the text font family. More...
void setTextPointSize (double psize)
 It sets the text point Size. More...
void setTextStyle (te::se::Font::FontStyleType style)
 It sets the text style. More...
void setTextWeight (te::se::Font::FontWeightType weight)
 It sets the text weight. More...
void setTextStretch (std::size_t stretch)
 It sets the text stretch. More...
void setTextUnderline (bool b)
 It sets the text underline flag. More...
void setTextOverline (bool b)
 It sets the text overline flag. More...
void setTextStrikeOut (bool b)
 It sets the text strike out flag. More...
void setTextDecorationColor (const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It sets the text color for drawing text decoration. More...
void setTextDecorationWidth (int width)
 It sets the width for drawing text decoration. More...
void setTextContourColor (const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It sets the text contour (outline) drawing color. More...
void setTextContourEnabled (bool b)
 It controls the display of the text outline. More...
void setTextContourOpacity (int opacity)
 It sets the text contour opacity. More...
void setTextContourWidth (int width)
 It sets the text contour width. More...
void setTextJustification (int justType)
 It sets the text justification for multi line text. More...
void setTextMultiLineSpacing (int spacing)
 It sets the multi line text spacing. More...
void setPointColor (const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It sets the point drawing color. More...
void setPointWidth (int w)
 It sets the point width. If point has a patterns, this pattern is scaled to width. More...
void setPointPattern (te::color::RGBAColor **pattern, int ncols, int nrows)
 It sets the point pattern. More...
void setPointPattern (char *pattern, std::size_t size, te::map::ImageType t)
 It sets the point pattern using a buffered image. More...
void setPointPatternRotation (const double &angle)
 It sets the point pattern rotation. Rotation is made ​​from the center of the pattern. More...
void setPointPatternOpacity (int opacity)
 It sets the point pattern opacity. More...
void setLineColor (const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It sets the pen color used to draw line geometries. More...
void setLinePattern (te::color::RGBAColor **pattern, int ncols, int nrows)
 It sets the line pattern. More...
void setLinePattern (char *pattern, std::size_t size, te::map::ImageType t)
 It sets the line pattern using a buffered image. More...
void setLinePatternRotation (const double &angle)
 It sets the line pattern rotation. Rotation is made ​​from the center of the pattern. More...
void setLinePatternOpacity (int opacity)
 It sets the line pattern opacity. More...
void setLineDashStyle (te::map::LineDashStyle style)
 It sets the line dash style. More...
void setLineDashStyle (const std::vector< double > &style)
 It sets the line dash style to the given pattern. More...
void setLineCapStyle (te::map::LineCapStyle style)
 It sets the line cap style. More...
void setLineJoinStyle (te::map::LineJoinStyle style)
 It sets the line join style. More...
void setLineWidth (int w)
 It sets the line width. More...
void setPolygonFillColor (const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It sets the color used to fill the draw of polygon geometries. More...
void setPolygonFillColor (const QBrush &color)
void setPolygonContourColor (const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It sets the pen color used to draw the boundary of polygon geometries. More...
void setPolygonFillPattern (te::color::RGBAColor **pattern, int ncols, int nrows)
 It sets the polygon fill pattern. More...
void setPolygonFillPattern (char *pattern, std::size_t size, te::map::ImageType t)
 It sets the polygon fill pattern using a buffered image. More...
void setPolygonPatternWidth (int w)
 It sets the polygon pattern width. More...
void setPolygonPatternRotation (const double &angle)
 It sets the polygon pattern rotation. More...
void setPolygonPatternOpacity (int opacity)
 It sets the polygon pattern opacity. More...
void setPolygonContourPattern (te::color::RGBAColor **pattern, int ncols, int nrows)
 It sets the pen pattern used to draw the boundary of polygon geometries. More...
void setPolygonContourPattern (char *pattern, std::size_t size, te::map::ImageType t)
 It sets the pen pattern used to draw the boundary of polygon geometries using a buffered image. More...
void setPolygonContourWidth (int w)
 It sets the polygon contour width. More...
void setPolygonContourPatternRotation (const double &angle)
 It sets the polygon contour pattern rotation. More...
void setPolygonContourPatternOpacity (int opacity)
 It sets the polygon contour pattern opacity. More...
void setPolygonContourDashStyle (te::map::LineDashStyle style)
 It sets the polygon contour dash style. More...
void setPolygonContourDashStyle (const std::vector< double > &style)
 It sets the polygon contour dash style to the given pattern. More...
void setPolygonContourCapStyle (te::map::LineCapStyle style)
 It sets the polygon contour cap style. More...
void setPolygonContourJoinStyle (te::map::LineJoinStyle style)
 It sets the polygon contour join style. More...
void setEraseMode ()
 It sets the painter to erase mode. More...
void setNormalMode ()
 It sets the painter to normal copy source to destination mode. More...
Qt Canvas Specific Methos

Methods that belongs only to Qt Canvas.

void drawText (const QPoint &p, const std::string &txt, float angle=0.0, double anchorX=0.5, double anchorY=0.5, int displacementX=0, int displacementY=0)
 It draws a text. More...
te::gm::PolygongetTextBoundary (const QPoint &p, const std::string &txt, float angle=0.0, double anchorX=0.5, double anchorY=0.5, int displacementX=0, int displacementY=0)
 It returns text boundary. Color and font family should be defined in advance. More...
QPixmap * getPixmap () const
 It returns the internal pixmap used to draw geographical objects. More...
QImage * getImage () const
 It returns the internal image used to draw geographical objects. More...
QPaintDevice * getDevice () const
 It returns the internal device used to draw geographical objects. More...
void setDevice (QPaintDevice *device, bool takeOwnerShip)
 It sets new device as QPrinter. More...
int getResolution ()
 It returns the device resolution. More...
QMatrix getMatrix ()
 It returns the matrix. More...
void setMatrix (const QMatrix &matrix)
void setRenderHint (QPainter::RenderHint hint, bool on=true)
 Sets the given render hint on the canvas painter if on is true; otherwise clears the render hint. More...
QPainter * getPainter ()

Private Member Functions

Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator

Copy constructor and assignment operator not allowed.

 Canvas (const Canvas &rhs)
 Copy constructor not allowed. More...
Canvasoperator= (const Canvas &rhs)
 Assignment operator not allowed. More...

Auxiliary Methods

Auxiliary methods.

QMatrix m_matrix
 Matrix that transforms the world coordinate to device coordinate. More...
 Stores the current world (or window) coordinates area. More...
QPainter * m_painter
 The painter used to draw geometric objects. More...
QTransform m_painterTransform
 This transform holds the original transform of the painter. It is stored to be combined to the canvas matrix every time setWindow is called. More...
bool m_isPainterOwner
 Tells if canvas is the owner of the painter. More...
bool m_isDeviceOwner
 Tells if canvas is the owner of the paint device. More...
QColor m_bgColor
 Canvas background color. Defaults: white fully transparent. More...
bool m_erase
 used for erase operation. More...
QPen m_ptPen
 The pen used to draw points. More...
QPointF m_pt
 Point buffer to avoid creating another point instance. More...
int m_ptWidth
 The width for point markers and point pattern. More...
QColor m_ptColor
 The color used to draw point (pixel) or marker. More...
QColor m_ptColorFrom
 Indicates the color that originated the pattern that shows the status of selection. Used for optmization. More...
QImage * m_ptImg
 The marker or pattern used to point. More...
QImage * m_ptImgRotated
 The marker or pattern already with rotation used to draw points. More...
QImage * m_ptSelectionPatternImg
 The marker or pattern used to show selection status. The color is mixed with point pattern. More...
QImage * m_ptClearPatternImg
 The marker or pattern used to clear (erase point). More...
double m_ptRotation
 The point pattern rotation. More...
int m_ptVOffset
 Vertical offset in pixels (in device coordinate) applied to point pattern or marker. More...
int m_ptHOffset
 Horizontal offset in pixels (in device coordinate) applied to point pattern or marker. More...
QColor m_lnColor
 The color used to draw lines. More...
QPen m_lnPen
 The pen used to draw lines. More...
QColor m_polyContourColor
 The color used to draw polygon contour. More...
QPen m_polyContourPen
 The pen used to draw contour polygon. More...
QColor m_polyColor
 The color used to fill polygon (solid, marker or pattern). More...
QBrush m_polyBrush
 The brush used to fill polygon. More...
QBrush m_polyDefaultBrush
 The brush used to fill polygon. More...
QImage * m_polyImage
 The pattern image used to fill polygon. More...
int m_polyPatternWidth
 The width used to draw marker or pattern. More...
QPen m_txtContourPen
 The pen used to draw the text contour. More...
bool m_txtContourEnabled
 The flag indicates whether the outline of the text should be drawn. More...
QBrush m_txtBrush
 The brush used to draw texts. More...
QFont m_font
 The text font. More...
int m_txtLetterSpacing
 Text letter spacing. More...
int m_txtWordSpacing
 Text word spacing. More...
int m_txtLineSpacing
 Text multi line spacing. More...
std::map< std::string, QPixmap * > m_patterns
 The pixmap styles used to draw patterns. More...
void setLineDashStyle (QPen &pen, const std::vector< double > &style)
 It adjusts the given pen to use the given pattern. More...
void updateAlpha (QImage &img, const int &opacity)
 It updates the alpha channel of the given image using the given opacity value. More...
void createPointPatterns ()
 It creates two patterns. A pattern used to draw selected objects and the other used to erase this pattern. More...
void drawContour (const te::gm::LineString *line)
 It draw the polygon contour. More...

Detailed Description

A canvas built on top of Qt.

See also

Definition at line 54 of file Canvas.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Canvas() [1/4]

te::qt::widgets::Canvas::Canvas ( int  w,
int  h,
int  devType = QInternal::Pixmap 

It initializes a new Canvas and associates a pixmap as the default device.

wThe internal pixmap width in pixels.
hThe internal pixmap height in pixels.
devTypeThe internal device. It can be Pixmap or Image.

◆ Canvas() [2/4]

te::qt::widgets::Canvas::Canvas ( QPaintDevice *  device)

It initializes a new Canvas associated with the given paint device.

deviceThe paint device that will be associated to this canvas.
The canvas will NOT take the ownership of the given device.

◆ Canvas() [3/4]

te::qt::widgets::Canvas::Canvas ( QPainter *  painter)

It initializes a new Canvas associated with the given painter.

deviceThe painter that will be associated to this canvas.
The canvas will NOT take the ownership of the given painter.

◆ ~Canvas()

te::qt::widgets::Canvas::~Canvas ( )


Reimplemented from te::map::Canvas.

◆ Canvas() [4/4]

te::qt::widgets::Canvas::Canvas ( const Canvas rhs)

Copy constructor not allowed.

rhsThe right-hand-side copy that would be used to copy from.

Member Function Documentation

◆ calcAspectRatio() [1/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::calcAspectRatio ( double &  llx,
double &  lly,
double &  urx,
double &  ury,
const te::map::AlignType  hAlign = te::map::Center,
const te::map::AlignType  vAlign = te::map::Center 

It calculates the best aspect ratio for world (or window) coordinates area (supposing a cartesian reference system).

llxLower left x-coordinate of the World.
llyLower left y-coordinate of the World.
urxUpper right x-coordinate of the World.
uryUpper right y-coordinate of the World.
hAlignHorizontal Alignment. It can be left, center or right.
vAlignVertical Alignment. It can be top, center or bottom.
The input coordinates will be adjusted according to the alignment parameters provided.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ calcAspectRatio() [2/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::calcAspectRatio ( te::gm::Envelope envelope,
const te::map::AlignType  hAlign = te::map::Center,
const te::map::AlignType  vAlign = te::map::Center 

It calculates the best aspect ratio for world (or window) coordinates area (supposing a cartesian reference system).

envelopeA rectangle with world coordinates that will be adjusted.
hAlignHorizontal Alignment. It can be left, center or right.
vAlignVertical Alignment. It can be top, center or bottom.
The input coordinates will be adjusted according to the alignment parameters provided.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ clear()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::clear ( )

It clears the canvas content and fills with the background color.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ createPointPatterns()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::createPointPatterns ( )

It creates two patterns. A pattern used to draw selected objects and the other used to erase this pattern.

◆ draw() [1/9]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::draw ( const te::gm::Geometry geom)

It draws the geometry on canvas.

geomAny geometry (point, line, polygon, ...).

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ draw() [2/9]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::draw ( const te::gm::GeometryCollection g)

It draws the GeometryCollection on canvas.

gThe GeometryCollection.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ draw() [3/9]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::draw ( const te::gm::LineString line)

It draws the LineString on canvas.

lineThe LineString.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ draw() [4/9]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::draw ( const te::gm::MultiLineString mline)

It draws the MultiLineString on canvas.

mlineThe MultiLineString.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ draw() [5/9]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::draw ( const te::gm::MultiPoint mpoint)

It draws the MultiPoint on canvas.

mpointThe MultiPoint.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ draw() [6/9]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::draw ( const te::gm::MultiPolygon mpoly)

It draws the MultiPolygon on canvas.

mpolyThe MultiPolygon.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ draw() [7/9]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::draw ( const te::gm::MultiSurface g)

It draws the MultiSurface on canvas.

gThe MultiSurface.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ draw() [8/9]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::draw ( const te::gm::Point point)

It draws the point on canvas.

pointThe point.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ draw() [9/9]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::draw ( const te::gm::Polygon poly)

It draws the polygon on canvas.

polyThe polygon.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawContour()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawContour ( const te::gm::LineString line)

It draw the polygon contour.

◆ drawImage() [1/10]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawImage ( char *  src,
std::size_t  size,
te::map::ImageType  t 

It draws the src image over the canvas.

srcA source image of any type (PNG, JPEG, GIF, ...).
sizeThe image size in bytes.
tThe image format type (see ImageType enum).

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawImage() [2/10]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawImage ( int  x,
int  y,
char *  src,
std::size_t  size,
te::map::ImageType  t 

It draws the src image over the canvas at the specified position (x, y).

xThe canvas start position where the src image will be drawn.
yThe canvas start position where the src image will be drawn.
srcA source image of any type (PNG, JPEG, GIF, ...).
sizeThe image size in bytes.
tThe image format type (see ImageType enum).

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawImage() [3/10]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawImage ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
char *  src,
std::size_t  size,
te::map::ImageType  t 

It draws the source image into the rectangle at position (x, y) with the given width and height.

xThe canvas start position where the src image will be drawn.
yThe canvas start position where the src image will be drawn.
wThe rectangle width.
hThe rectangle height.
srcA source image of any type (PNG, JPEG, GIF, ...).
sizeThe image size in bytes.
tThe image format type (see ImageType enum).

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawImage() [4/10]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawImage ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
char *  src,
std::size_t  size,
te::map::ImageType  t,
int  sx,
int  sy,
int  sw,
int  sh 

It draws the rectangular portion with the origin (sx, sy), width sw and height sh, of the source image, at the point (x, y), with a width of w and a height of h. If sw or sh are equal to zero the width/height of the pixmap is used and adjusted by the offset sx/sy.

xThe canvas start position where the src image will be drawn.
yThe canvas start position where the src image will be drawn.
wThe rectangle width.
hThe rectangle height.
srcA source image of any type (PNG, JPEG, GIF, ...).
sizeThe image size in bytes.
tThe image format type (see ImageType enum).
sxThe source image position.
syThe source image position.
swThe source image rectangle width.
shThe source image rectangle height.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawImage() [5/10]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawImage ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
te::color::RGBAColor **  src,
int  srcw,
int  srch 

It draws the source image into the rectangle at position (x, y) with the given width and height.

xThe canvas start position where the src image will be drawn.
yThe canvas start position where the src image will be drawn.
wThe rectangle width.
hThe rectangle height.
srcThe source image.
srcwThe source image width (number of columns).
srchThe source image height (number of rows).

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawImage() [6/10]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawImage ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
te::color::RGBAColor **  src,
int  sx,
int  sy,
int  sw,
int  sh 

It draws the rectangular portion with the origin (sx, sy), width sw and height sh, of the source image, at the point (x, y), with a width of w and a height of h. If sw or sh are equal to zero the width/height of the pixmap is used and adjusted by the offset sx/sy.

xThe canvas start position where the src image will be drawn.
yThe canvas start position where the src image will be drawn.
wThe rectangle width.
hThe rectangle height.
srcThe source image.
sxThe source image start position.
syThe source image start position.
swThe source image rectangle width.
shThe source image rectangle height.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawImage() [7/10]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawImage ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
te::rst::Raster src,
int  sx,
int  sy,
int  sw,
int  sh,
int  opacity = TE_OPAQUE 

It draws the rectangular portion with the origin (sx, sy), width sw and height sh, of the source raster, starting at the point (x, y), with a width of w and a height of h. If sw or sh are equal to zero the width/height of the pixmap is used and adjusted by the offset sx/sy.

xThe canvas start position where the src image will be drawn.
yThe canvas start position where the src image will be drawn.
wThe rectangle width.
hThe rectangle height.
srcThe source raster.
sxThe source image start position.
syThe source image start position.
swThe source image rectangle width.
shThe source image rectangle height.
opacityThe opacity value used to draw the image

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawImage() [8/10]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawImage ( int  x,
int  y,
te::color::RGBAColor **  src,
int  w,
int  h 

It draws the src image over the canvas at the specified position (x, y).

xThe canvas start position where the src image will be drawn.
yThe canvas start position where the src image will be drawn.
srcThe source image.
wThe image width (number of columns).
hThe image height (number of rows).

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawImage() [9/10]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawImage ( int  x,
int  y,
te::rst::Raster src,
int  opacity = TE_OPAQUE 

It draws a raster over the canvas at the specified position (x, y). The raster must be with three 8-bit bands (1R, 2G, 3B),.

xThe canvas start position in x where the raster image will be drawn.
yThe canvas start position in y where the raster image will be drawn.
srcThe source raster.
opacityThe opacity value used to draw the image

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawImage() [10/10]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawImage ( te::color::RGBAColor **  src,
int  w,
int  h 

It draws the src image over the canvas.

srcThe source image.
wThe image width (number of columns).
hThe image height (number of rows).

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawPixel() [1/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawPixel ( int  x,
int  y 

It sets a pixel using the point pen.


Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawPixel() [2/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawPixel ( int  x,
int  y,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It sets a pixel to a particular color.

The color must be an RGBA value. With the following range:

  • R: 0-255;
  • G: 0-255;
  • B: 0-255;
  • A: 0-255.

    colorPixel color.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawText() [1/4]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawText ( const double &  x,
const double &  y,
const std::string &  txt,
float  angle = 0.0,
double  anchorX = 0.5,
double  anchorY = 0.5,
int  displacementX = 0,
int  displacementY = 0 

It draws a text.

Color and font family should be defined in advance.

xThe text entry point x in world coordinate.
yThe text entry point y in world coordinate.
txtThe text to be drawn.
angleThe text rotation.
anchorXThe horizontal text anchor.
anchorYThe vertical text anchor.
displacementXThe horizontal text displacement.
displacementYThe vertical text displacement.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawText() [2/4]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawText ( const QPoint &  p,
const std::string &  txt,
float  angle = 0.0,
double  anchorX = 0.5,
double  anchorY = 0.5,
int  displacementX = 0,
int  displacementY = 0 

It draws a text.

Color and font family should be defined in advance.

pThe text entry point i device coordinate.
txtThe text to be drawed.
angleThe text rotation.
anchorXThe horizontal text anchor.
anchorYThe vertical text anchor.
displacementXThe horizontal text displacement.
displacementYThe vertical text displacement.
Qt Canvas extended method.

◆ drawText() [3/4]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawText ( const te::gm::Point p,
const std::string &  txt,
float  angle = 0.0,
double  anchorX = 0.5,
double  anchorY = 0.5,
int  displacementX = 0,
int  displacementY = 0 

It draws a text.

Color and font family should be defined in advance.

pThe text entry point in world coordinate.
txtThe text to be drawn.
angleThe text rotation.
anchorXThe horizontal text anchor.
anchorYThe vertical text anchor.
displacementXThe horizontal text displacement.
displacementYThe vertical text displacement.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ drawText() [4/4]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::drawText ( int  x,
int  y,
const std::string &  txt,
float  angle = 0.0,
double  anchorX = 0.5,
double  anchorY = 0.5,
int  displacementX = 0,
int  displacementY = 0 

It draws a text.

Color and font family should be defined in advance.

xThe text entry point x in device coordinate.
yThe text entry point y in device coordinate.
txtThe text to be drawn.
angleThe text rotation.
anchorXThe horizontal text anchor.
anchorYThe vertical text anchor.
displacementXThe horizontal text displacement.
displacementYThe vertical text displacement.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ freeImage()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::freeImage ( char *  img) const

This is the method that you should use to release an image generated by the canvas.

imgA pointer to an image previously created by the canvas.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ getBackgroundColor()

te::color::RGBAColor te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getBackgroundColor ( ) const

It returns the canvas background color.

The canvas background color.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ getDevice()

QPaintDevice * te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getDevice ( ) const

It returns the internal device used to draw geographical objects.

The internal device used to draw geographical objects. Don't delete it!
Qt Canvas extended method.
You can not delete this pointer.

◆ getHeight()

int te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getHeight ( ) const

It returns the canvas height.

The canvas height.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ getImage() [1/3]

QImage * te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getImage ( ) const

It returns the internal image used to draw geographical objects.

The internal image used to draw geographical objects. Don't delete it! Null is returned if device is not a image.
Qt Canvas extended method.
You can not delete this pointer.

◆ getImage() [2/3]

te::color::RGBAColor ** te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getImage ( const int  x = 0,
const int  y = 0,
const int  w = 0,
const int  h = 0 
) const

It gets a RGBA color array from internal canvas buffer.

The Pointer RGBA colors.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned array.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ getImage() [3/3]

char * te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getImage ( te::map::ImageType  t,
std::size_t &  size,
int  quality = 75,
int  fg = 0 
) const

It returns the internal content as an image in a specific format (PNG, JPEG, ...).

tThe image format type (see ImageType enum).
sizeThe image size in bytes.
qualityJPEG quality, generally a value between 0 and 95.
fgForeground color for WBMP images.
The internal content as an image. The caller will take the ownership of the returned pointer.
Use canvas freeImage in order to release the returned image resources.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ getMatrix()

QMatrix te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getMatrix ( )

It returns the matrix.

The marix.

◆ getPainter()

QPainter * te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getPainter ( )

◆ getPixmap()

QPixmap * te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getPixmap ( ) const

It returns the internal pixmap used to draw geographical objects.

The internal pixmap used to draw geographical objects. Don't delete it! Null is returned if device is not a pixmap.
Qt Canvas extended method.
You can not delete this pointer.

◆ getResolution()

int te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getResolution ( )

It returns the device resolution.

The device resolution.

◆ getTextBoundary() [1/4]

te::gm::Polygon * te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getTextBoundary ( const double &  x,
const double &  y,
const std::string &  txt,
float  angle = 0.0,
double  anchorX = 0.5,
double  anchorY = 0.5,
int  displacementX = 0,
int  displacementY = 0 

It returns the text boundary (its enclose rectangle).

Color and font family should be defined in advance.

xThe text entry point x in world coordinate.
yThe text entry point y in world coordinate.
txtThe text to be drawn.
angleThe text rotation.
anchorXThe horizontal text anchor.
anchorYThe vertical text anchor.
displacementXThe horizontal text displacement.
displacementYThe vertical text displacement.
The text boundary in world coordinates.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned Polygon.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ getTextBoundary() [2/4]

te::gm::Polygon * te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getTextBoundary ( const QPoint &  p,
const std::string &  txt,
float  angle = 0.0,
double  anchorX = 0.5,
double  anchorY = 0.5,
int  displacementX = 0,
int  displacementY = 0 

It returns text boundary. Color and font family should be defined in advance.

pThe text entry point in device coordinate.
txThe text to be drawed.
angleThe text rotation.
anchorXThe horizontal text anchor.
anchorYThe vertical text anchor.
displacementXThe horizontal text displacement.
displacementYThe vertical text displacement.
The text boundary in world coordinate.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned Polygon.
Qt Canvas extended method.

◆ getTextBoundary() [3/4]

te::gm::Polygon * te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getTextBoundary ( const te::gm::Point p,
const std::string &  txt,
float  angle = 0.0,
double  anchorX = 0.5,
double  anchorY = 0.5,
int  displacementX = 0,
int  displacementY = 0 

It returns the text boundary (its enclose rectangle).

Color and font family should be defined in advance.

pThe text entry point in world coordinate.
txtThe text to be drawn.
angleThe text rotation.
anchorXThe horizontal text anchor.
anchorYThe vertical text anchor.
displacementXThe horizontal text displacement.
displacementYThe vertical text displacement.
The text boundary in world coordinate.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned Polygon.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ getTextBoundary() [4/4]

te::gm::Polygon * te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getTextBoundary ( int  x,
int  y,
const std::string &  txt,
float  angle = 0.0,
double  anchorX = 0.5,
double  anchorY = 0.5,
int  displacementX = 0,
int  displacementY = 0 

It returns the text boundary (its enclose rectangle).

Color and font family should be defined in advance.

xThe text entry point x in device coordinate.
yThe text entry point y in device coordinate.
txtThe text to be drawn.
angleThe text rotation.
anchorXThe horizontal text anchor.
anchorYThe vertical text anchor.
displacementXThe horizontal text displacement.
displacementYThe vertical text displacement.
The text boundary in world coordinate.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned Polygon.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ getWidth()

int te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getWidth ( ) const

It returns the canvas width.

The canvas width.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ getWindow()

const te::gm::Envelope & te::qt::widgets::Canvas::getWindow ( ) const

It gets the world (or window) coordinates area (supposing a cartesian reference system).

An envelope representing the world (or window) coordinates area

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ operator=()

Canvas & te::qt::widgets::Canvas::operator= ( const Canvas rhs)

Assignment operator not allowed.

rhsThe right-hand-side copy that would be used to copy from.
A reference to this object.

◆ resize()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::resize ( int  w,
int  h 

It adjusts the canvas size (width and height).

wThe new canvas width.
hThe new canvas height.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ save()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::save ( const char *  fileName,
te::map::ImageType  t,
int  quality = 75,
int  fg = 0 
) const

It saves the canvas content to a file image in the specified format type.

fileNameThe file name and path where the image will be saved.
tThe image format type (see ImageType enum).
qualityJPEG quality, generally a value between 0 and 95.
fgForeground color for WBMP images.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setBackgroundColor()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setBackgroundColor ( const te::color::RGBAColor color)

It sets the canvas background color.

The default is totally transparent (255, 255, 255, 0).

colorThe background color.
When this method is called, all the canvas content is dropped out.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setDevice()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setDevice ( QPaintDevice *  device,
bool  takeOwnerShip 

It sets new device as QPrinter.

deviceThe new paint device.
takeOwnerShipIf true the canvas will take the ownership of the given device otherwise it is the caller responsability to release the device.

◆ setEraseMode()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setEraseMode ( )

It sets the painter to erase mode.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setFontFamily()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setFontFamily ( const std::string &  family)

It sets the text font family.

familyThe new font family for drawing a text.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setLineCapStyle()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setLineCapStyle ( te::map::LineCapStyle  style)

It sets the line cap style.

styleThe line cap style.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setLineColor()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setLineColor ( const te::color::RGBAColor color)

It sets the pen color used to draw line geometries.

This method will drop any pattern or line style previously set.

colorThe color to be used by the pen.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setLineDashStyle() [1/3]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setLineDashStyle ( const std::vector< double > &  style)

It sets the line dash style to the given pattern.

styleThe line custom dash style.
The style should be specified as an even number of positive double where the entries 0, 2, 4, ... are dashes and 1, 3, 5, ... are spaces.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setLineDashStyle() [2/3]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setLineDashStyle ( QPen &  pen,
const std::vector< double > &  style 

It adjusts the given pen to use the given pattern.

penThe pen that will be adjusted.
styleThe line custom dash style.

◆ setLineDashStyle() [3/3]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setLineDashStyle ( te::map::LineDashStyle  style)

It sets the line dash style.

styleThe line dash style.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setLineJoinStyle()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setLineJoinStyle ( te::map::LineJoinStyle  style)

It sets the line join style.

styleThe line join style.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setLinePattern() [1/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setLinePattern ( char *  pattern,
std::size_t  size,
te::map::ImageType  t 

It sets the line pattern using a buffered image.

patternThe buffered image.
sizeThe buffer image size.
tThe image type used by the style.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setLinePattern() [2/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setLinePattern ( te::color::RGBAColor **  pattern,
int  ncols,
int  nrows 

It sets the line pattern.

The pattern is a matrix of int's, and each position corresponds to a RGBA color.

patternThe pattern matrix: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
ncolsNumber of columns in the matrix.
nrowsNumber of rows in the matrix.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setLinePatternOpacity()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setLinePatternOpacity ( int  opacity)

It sets the line pattern opacity.

opacityThe pattern opacity.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setLinePatternRotation()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setLinePatternRotation ( const double &  angle)

It sets the line pattern rotation. Rotation is made ​​from the center of the pattern.

angleThe rotation angle in degress.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setLineWidth()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setLineWidth ( int  w)

It sets the line width.

wThe line width.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setMatrix()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setMatrix ( const QMatrix &  matrix)

◆ setNormalMode()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setNormalMode ( )

It sets the painter to normal copy source to destination mode.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPointColor()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPointColor ( const te::color::RGBAColor color)

It sets the point drawing color.

This method will instruct the canvas to draw points like pixels. Any pattern previously set will be released.

colorThe new color for drawing a point.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPointPattern() [1/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPointPattern ( char *  pattern,
std::size_t  size,
te::map::ImageType  t 

It sets the point pattern using a buffered image.

patternThe buffered image.
sizeThe buffer image size.
tThe image type used by the style.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPointPattern() [2/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPointPattern ( te::color::RGBAColor **  pattern,
int  ncols,
int  nrows 

It sets the point pattern.

The pattern is a matrix of int's, and each position corresponds to a RGBA color.

patternThe pattern matrix: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
ncolsNumber of columns in the matrix.
nrowsNumber of rows in the matrix.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPointPatternOpacity()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPointPatternOpacity ( int  opacity)

It sets the point pattern opacity.

opacityThe pattern opacity.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPointPatternRotation()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPointPatternRotation ( const double &  angle)

It sets the point pattern rotation. Rotation is made ​​from the center of the pattern.

angleThe rotation angle in degress.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPointWidth()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPointWidth ( int  w)

It sets the point width. If point has a patterns, this pattern is scaled to width.

wThe width used to draw point.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonContourCapStyle()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonContourCapStyle ( te::map::LineCapStyle  style)

It sets the polygon contour cap style.

styleThe polygon contour cap style.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonContourColor()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonContourColor ( const te::color::RGBAColor color)

It sets the pen color used to draw the boundary of polygon geometries.

colorThe color to be used to outline a polygon.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonContourDashStyle() [1/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonContourDashStyle ( const std::vector< double > &  style)

It sets the polygon contour dash style to the given pattern.

styleThe polygon contour custom dash style.
The style should be specified as an even number of positive double where the entries 0, 2, 4, ... are dashes and 1, 3, 5, ... are spaces.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonContourDashStyle() [2/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonContourDashStyle ( te::map::LineDashStyle  style)

It sets the polygon contour dash style.

styleThe polygon contour dash style.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonContourJoinStyle()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonContourJoinStyle ( te::map::LineJoinStyle  style)

It sets the polygon contour join style.

styleThe polygon contour join style.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonContourPattern() [1/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonContourPattern ( char *  pattern,
std::size_t  size,
te::map::ImageType  t 

It sets the pen pattern used to draw the boundary of polygon geometries using a buffered image.

patternThe buffered image.
sizeThe buffer image size.
tThe image type used by the style.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonContourPattern() [2/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonContourPattern ( te::color::RGBAColor **  pattern,
int  ncols,
int  nrows 

It sets the pen pattern used to draw the boundary of polygon geometries.

The pattern is a matrix of int's, and each position corresponds to a RGBA color.

patternThe pattern matrix: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
ncolsNumber of columns in the matrix.
nrowsNumber of rows in the matrix.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonContourPatternOpacity()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonContourPatternOpacity ( int  opacity)

It sets the polygon contour pattern opacity.

opacityThe pattern opacity.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonContourPatternRotation()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonContourPatternRotation ( const double &  angle)

It sets the polygon contour pattern rotation.

angleThe rotation angle in degress.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonContourWidth()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonContourWidth ( int  w)

It sets the polygon contour width.

wThe contour width.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonFillColor() [1/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonFillColor ( const QBrush &  color)

◆ setPolygonFillColor() [2/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonFillColor ( const te::color::RGBAColor color)

It sets the color used to fill the draw of polygon geometries.

colorThe color to be used when filling a polygon.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonFillPattern() [1/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonFillPattern ( char *  pattern,
std::size_t  size,
te::map::ImageType  t 

It sets the polygon fill pattern using a buffered image.

patternThe buffered image.
sizeThe buffer image size.
tThe image type used by the style.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonFillPattern() [2/2]

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonFillPattern ( te::color::RGBAColor **  pattern,
int  ncols,
int  nrows 

It sets the polygon fill pattern.

The pattern is a matrix of int's, and each position corresponds to a RGBA color.

patternThe style matrix: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
ncolsNumber of columns in the matrix.
nrowsNumber of rows in the matrix.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonPatternOpacity()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonPatternOpacity ( int  opacity)

It sets the polygon pattern opacity.

opacityThe pattern opacity.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonPatternRotation()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonPatternRotation ( const double &  angle)

It sets the polygon pattern rotation.

angleThe rotation angle in degress.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setPolygonPatternWidth()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setPolygonPatternWidth ( int  w)

It sets the polygon pattern width.

wThe pattern width.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setRenderHint()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setRenderHint ( QPainter::RenderHint  hint,
bool  on = true 

Sets the given render hint on the canvas painter if on is true; otherwise clears the render hint.

◆ setTextColor()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextColor ( const te::color::RGBAColor color)

It sets the text drawing color.

colorThe new color for drawing a text.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextContourColor()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextContourColor ( const te::color::RGBAColor color)

It sets the text contour (outline) drawing color.

colorThe new color for drawing the contour of texts.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextContourEnabled()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextContourEnabled ( bool  b)

It controls the display of the text outline.

bTrue to display and false to not display.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextContourOpacity()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextContourOpacity ( int  opacity)

It sets the text contour opacity.

opacityThe new opacity for drawing the text contour.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextContourWidth()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextContourWidth ( int  width)

It sets the text contour width.

widthThe new width for drawing the text contour.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextDecorationColor()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextDecorationColor ( const te::color::RGBAColor color)

It sets the text color for drawing text decoration.

colorThe new color for drawing text decoration.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextDecorationWidth()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextDecorationWidth ( int  width)

It sets the width for drawing text decoration.

widthThe new width for drawing text decoration.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextJustification()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextJustification ( int  justType)

It sets the text justification for multi line text.

justThe new justification for drawing a multi line text.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextMultiLineSpacing()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextMultiLineSpacing ( int  spacing)

It sets the multi line text spacing.

spacingThe new spacing for drawing a multi line text.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextOpacity()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextOpacity ( int  opacity)

It sets the text opacity.

opacityThe new opacity for drawing a text.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextOverline()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextOverline ( bool  b)

It sets the text overline flag.

bTrue: for overline. False otherwise.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextPointSize()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextPointSize ( double  size)

It sets the text point Size.

sizeThe new point size for drawing a text.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextStretch()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextStretch ( std::size_t  stretch)

It sets the text stretch.

stretchThe new stretch for drawing a text.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextStrikeOut()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextStrikeOut ( bool  b)

It sets the text strike out flag.

bTrue: for strike out. False otherwise.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextStyle()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextStyle ( te::se::Font::FontStyleType  style)

It sets the text style.

styleThe new style for drawing a text.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextUnderline()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextUnderline ( bool  b)

It sets the text underline flag.

bTrue: for underline. False otherwise.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setTextWeight()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setTextWeight ( te::se::Font::FontWeightType  weight)

It sets the text weight.

weightThe new weight for drawing a text.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ setWindow()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::setWindow ( const double &  llx,
const double &  lly,
const double &  urx,
const double &  ury 

It sets the world (or window) coordinates area (supposing a cartesian reference system).

llxLower left x-coordinate of the World.
llyLower left y-coordinate of the World.
urxUpper right x-coordinate of the World.
uryUpper right y-coordinate of the World.
The coordinates must be in the Spatial Reference System of the features to be drawn in canvas.

Implements te::map::Canvas.

◆ updateAlpha()

void te::qt::widgets::Canvas::updateAlpha ( QImage &  img,
const int &  opacity 

It updates the alpha channel of the given image using the given opacity value.

imgThe image that will be updated.
opacityThe opacity value that will be used.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_bgColor

QColor te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_bgColor

Canvas background color. Defaults: white fully transparent.

Definition at line 500 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_envelope

te::gm::Envelope* te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_envelope

Stores the current world (or window) coordinates area.

Definition at line 492 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_erase

bool te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_erase

used for erase operation.

Definition at line 502 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_font

QFont te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_font

The text font.

Definition at line 531 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_isDeviceOwner

bool te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_isDeviceOwner

Tells if canvas is the owner of the paint device.

Definition at line 498 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_isPainterOwner

bool te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_isPainterOwner

Tells if canvas is the owner of the painter.

Definition at line 496 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_lnColor

QColor te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_lnColor

The color used to draw lines.

Definition at line 516 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_lnPen

QPen te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_lnPen

The pen used to draw lines.

Definition at line 517 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_matrix

QMatrix te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_matrix

Matrix that transforms the world coordinate to device coordinate.

Definition at line 491 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_painter

QPainter* te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_painter

The painter used to draw geometric objects.

Definition at line 494 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_painterTransform

QTransform te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_painterTransform

This transform holds the original transform of the painter. It is stored to be combined to the canvas matrix every time setWindow is called.

Definition at line 495 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_patterns

std::map<std::string, QPixmap*> te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_patterns

The pixmap styles used to draw patterns.

Definition at line 537 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_polyBrush

QBrush te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_polyBrush

The brush used to fill polygon.

Definition at line 523 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_polyColor

QColor te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_polyColor

The color used to fill polygon (solid, marker or pattern).

Definition at line 522 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_polyContourColor

QColor te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_polyContourColor

The color used to draw polygon contour.

Definition at line 519 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_polyContourPen

QPen te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_polyContourPen

The pen used to draw contour polygon.

Definition at line 520 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_polyDefaultBrush

QBrush te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_polyDefaultBrush

The brush used to fill polygon.

Definition at line 524 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_polyImage

QImage* te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_polyImage

The pattern image used to fill polygon.

Definition at line 525 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_polyPatternWidth

int te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_polyPatternWidth

The width used to draw marker or pattern.

Definition at line 526 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_pt

QPointF te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_pt

Point buffer to avoid creating another point instance.

Definition at line 504 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_ptClearPatternImg

QImage* te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_ptClearPatternImg

The marker or pattern used to clear (erase point).

Definition at line 511 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_ptColor

QColor te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_ptColor

The color used to draw point (pixel) or marker.

Definition at line 506 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_ptColorFrom

QColor te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_ptColorFrom

Indicates the color that originated the pattern that shows the status of selection. Used for optmization.

Definition at line 507 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_ptHOffset

int te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_ptHOffset

Horizontal offset in pixels (in device coordinate) applied to point pattern or marker.

Definition at line 514 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_ptImg

QImage* te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_ptImg

The marker or pattern used to point.

Definition at line 508 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_ptImgRotated

QImage* te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_ptImgRotated

The marker or pattern already with rotation used to draw points.

Definition at line 509 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_ptPen

QPen te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_ptPen

The pen used to draw points.

Definition at line 503 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_ptRotation

double te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_ptRotation

The point pattern rotation.

Definition at line 512 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_ptSelectionPatternImg

QImage* te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_ptSelectionPatternImg

The marker or pattern used to show selection status. The color is mixed with point pattern.

Definition at line 510 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_ptVOffset

int te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_ptVOffset

Vertical offset in pixels (in device coordinate) applied to point pattern or marker.

Definition at line 513 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_ptWidth

int te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_ptWidth

The width for point markers and point pattern.

Definition at line 505 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_txtBrush

QBrush te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_txtBrush

The brush used to draw texts.

Definition at line 530 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_txtContourEnabled

bool te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_txtContourEnabled

The flag indicates whether the outline of the text should be drawn.

Definition at line 529 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_txtContourPen

QPen te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_txtContourPen

The pen used to draw the text contour.

Definition at line 528 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_txtLetterSpacing

int te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_txtLetterSpacing

Text letter spacing.

Definition at line 532 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_txtLineSpacing

int te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_txtLineSpacing

Text multi line spacing.

Definition at line 535 of file Canvas.h.

◆ m_txtWordSpacing

int te::qt::widgets::Canvas::m_txtWordSpacing

Text word spacing.

Definition at line 533 of file Canvas.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: