
Image registration is a process of aligning two images acquired by the same/different sensors, at different times or from different viewpoint.  Many image processing applications like remote sensing for change detection, estimation of wind speed and direction for weather forecasting, fusion of medical images need image registration.

To register images, we need to determine geometric transformation that aligns images with respect to the reference image. The most common transformations used are:

The parameters of the geometric transformation are calculated based on a given set of tie-points. 

The tie-points can be obtained manually or automatically as follows:

It is accessible through:

    Raster Processing > Register...

This wizard consists of the following steps:

    Wizard Page 1 - Selection of the raster layer used as REFERENCE (Layer Search)

  1. On the List of Layers select the raster layer to use as a reference. Optionally use Filter By Name  field giving part of the layer name to help find the layer in the list.

  2. Press Next  to go to next step or Cancel to close the dialog. 

    Wizard Page 2 - Selection of the raster layer to be ADJUSTED (Layer Search)

  1. On the List of Layers select the raster layer to be adjusted. Optionally use Filter By Name  field giving part of the layer name to help find the layer in the list.

  2. Press Next  to go to next step or Cancel to close the dialog. 

    Wizard Page 3 - The Tie-Points Locator interface

    The tie-points interface is composed of three components (Tie Points, Information and Reference/Adjust images) and several related tools. The details of each component are described bellow:

  1. Tie Points - this component  is used to handle the tie points and shows a group of tools used to add, update, select, remove, and also for automatic acquisition. The tie points are also presented are the component Reference/Adjust images area.

    Tie-points can be ordered by ID, error (maximum of direct and inverse mapping error), type (manual or automatic) and coordinates (X1,Y1 are reference image columns/rows and X2,Y2 are adjust image columns/rows). To do that just click on a tie-points table column title.

    To handle the tie points use the tools described bellow:

  1. Informations - (General and Options tabs) - it is used to define geometric parameters and also all options of specific parameters.

     2.1  In General Tab the following information are required:

       2.2  In Options Tab it is possible to define specific parameters for each type of geometric transformation available. See the General, Moravec and Surf tabs:
       2.2.1 Options > General


       2.2.2 Options > Moravec

       2.2.3 Options > Surf


     2.3  In Info Tab current transformation details is displayed:

  1. Reference/Adjust images area: this component is used to show  the tie points acquired in both images. There is one group of tools available to handle image composition. Using these tools it is possible to see the images in monochromatic, color composition, in red, green or blue channel. It is also possible to change the original color composition.


          Also there is a group of tools (vertical) to handle zoom in ,  zoom out , pan , recompose , manual collection of a tie point   over the images. To help collect precise tie points there is a tool to display  an small area beside both images highlighting and zooming the region around where the cursor is pointing to. For the details on how to use these tools see here.

    Wizard Page 4 - Output information

  1. Raster Info - First press and inform the folder where the resulting file will be saved.

  2. Name - inform the raster name.

  3. Extra Parameters - if there are some, see the details on how to inform then here.

  4. Press Finish to save the resulting registered raster or Back to go to the previous wizard page.

  Hint: Add the resulting raster to the TerraView project and draw it together with the raster used as reference.