
The Merge operation makes the insertion of one layer data into another layer. It tries to combine columns with the same name and type in both layers. It also allows the user to configure the rigth associantion of columns even if the name is not the same. No spatial operation is performed.

It is only possible to combine columns with the same type (string with string, integer with integer).

It is accessed through:

    Processing > Vector Processing > Merge...

  1. Select the Origin Layer.
  2. Select the Target Layer.
  3.  Attributes (Target and Origin):  it shows the possible columns association, but this does not prevent the user to change configuration.
  4. Output:  
  5. Click OK to perform the operation or Cancel to close the interface.

Summary of the Output layer: all columns from Target; all columns with the same name and type in both layers combined by the system; all columns combined by the user; one line for each geometry of Origin layer; one line for each geometry of Target layer (so, all geometries present in both layers will appear twice).

NOTE: The columns  present only in the Origin Layer with no correspondence in Target Layer will not be merged in the result.