te::common Namespace Reference

Namespace for the Common module of TerraLib. More...




class  AbstractFactory
 This class defines the interface of abstract factories without initializing parameters. More...
class  AbstractParameters
 Abstract parameters base interface. More...
class  AbstractProgressViewer
 A class that defines the interface of an abstract progress viewer. More...
class  ApplicationSettings
 A class for managing application settings. More...
class  BaseVisitable
 The root of all hierarchies that can be visited. More...
class  BaseVisitor
 A general root class for a visitor hierarchy. More...
class  ClassLevelLockable
 This policy assures a class-level locking scheme for a derived class. More...
class  ConsoleProgressViewer
class  Counted
 A counted class keeps track of how many abstract instances are pointing to it. More...
class  Decorator
class  Distance
 A given distance has a measurement and a unit-of-measure. More...
class  Exception
 This class is designed to declare objects to be thrown as exceptions by TerraLib. More...
class  FactoryDictionary
 This class represents a dictionary of factories. More...
class  Globals
 An static class with global definitions. More...
struct  Holder
 An auxiliary data structure for helping to control the garbage collection of C++ objects. More...
struct  LessCmp
 It implements several compare functions. More...
struct  LessCmp< const char * >
struct  LessCmp< T * >
class  LoggedException
 A class that automatically logs the exception message. More...
class  Module
 This singleton defines an entry in the Platform for the TerraLib Common Runtime module. More...
struct  NodeT
 Struct that represents a node in the Queue. More...
class  NonLockable
 This policy doesn't actually perform a lock. More...
class  ObjectLevelLockable
 This policy assures an object-level locking scheme for a derived class. More...
class  ParameterizedAbstractFactory
 This class defines the basic interface of an abstract factory that makes use of parameters to construct the objects. More...
class  ProgressManager
 A singleton class used to manage tasks progresses and their viewers. More...
class  ProgressTimer
 The ProgressTimer is a utility class that can be used to calculate the estimated time to finish a task. More...
struct  QueueT
 Struct that implements the generic queue. More...
class  Singleton
 Template support for singleton pattern. More...
class  Static
 A base type for static classes. More...
class  SystemApplicationSettings
 A singleton for managing application settings applied to the whole system (all users). More...
class  TaskProgress
 This class can be used to inform the progress of a task. More...
class  ThreadGroup
 This class represents a thread group. More...
class  TreeItem
 This abstract class describes a basic item to be organized in a tree-oriented way. More...
class  UnitOfMeasure
 A class to represent units of measure. More...
class  UnitsOfMeasureManager
 A singleton class for dealing with units of measure in the TerraLib environment. More...
class  UserApplicationSettings
 A singleton for managing application settings applied to a single user. More...
class  Version
class  Visitor
 A generic class for visitors. More...


typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< TreeItemTreeItemPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< UnitOfMeasureUnitOfMeasurePtr


enum  {
  UOM_Metre = 9001, UOM_Foot = 9002, UOM_NauticalMile = 9030, UOM_Kilometre = 9036,
  UOM_Yard = 9096, UOM_Radian = 9101, UOM_Degree = 9102, UOM_Unity = 9201,
  UOM_SquareMetre = 9901, UOM_SquareFoot = 9902, UOM_SquareKilometre = 9903, UOM_Hectare = 9904,
  UOM_Acre = 9905
 Defines some known UOM (Unit of Measure) codes. More...
 Common TerraLib Exception Codes. More...
 An anonymous union that marks the last common TerraLib Exception Code. More...
enum  AccessPolicy { NoAccess = 0, RAccess = 1, WAccess = 2, RWAccess = 3 }
 Supported data access policies (can be used as bitfield). More...
enum  Hemisphere { NorthHem = 0, SouthHem = 1 }
enum  LoggerConfigurationType { LOGGER_XML_CONFIG, LOGGER_TXT_CONFIG }
 Each enumerated type tells TerraLib how the configuration is done for a logger. More...
enum  MachineByteOrder { XDR = 0, NDR = 1 }
 Endianness. More...
enum  MeasureType {
  Length, Area, Volume, Angle,
  Scale, Time, Speed
 Defines the possible types of unit of measurements. More...
enum  TraverseType { FORWARDONLY = 0, BIDIRECTIONAL = 1, RANDOM = 2 }
 A dataset can be traversed in two ways: More...


template<class T , class T1 >
void Clone (const std::vector< T * > &src, std::vector< T1 * > &dst)
 This function can be applied to a vector of pointers. More...
template<class T >
bool Contains (const std::vector< T > &src, const T &value)
TECOMMONEXPORT void Convert (const boost::property_tree::ptree &p, std::map< std::string, std::string > &dict)
 Converts a property tree node into a std::map<std::string, std::string>. More...
TECOMMONEXPORT void Convert (const boost::property_tree::ptree &p, std::vector< double > &vectd)
 Converts a property tree node into a std::vector<double>. More...
TECOMMONEXPORT void Convert (const boost::property_tree::ptree &p, std::vector< size_t > &vectd)
 Converts a property tree node into a std::vector<size_t>. More...
TECOMMONEXPORT void Convert (const boost::property_tree::ptree &p, std::vector< std::map< std::string, std::string > > &vectm)
 Converts a property tree node into a std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string> >. More...
TECOMMONEXPORT void Convert (const boost::property_tree::ptree &p, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &vp)
 Converts a property tree node into a std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > More...
TECOMMONEXPORT void Convert (const boost::property_tree::ptree &p, std::vector< std::string > &vect)
 Converts a property tree node into a std::vector<std::string>. More...
TECOMMONEXPORT void Convert (const boost::property_tree::ptree &p, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &vect)
 Converts a property tree node into a std::vector<vector<std::string> >. More...
TECOMMONEXPORT void Convert (const boost::property_tree::ptree &p, std::vector< unsigned char > &vectd)
 Converts a property tree node into a std::vector<unsigned char>. More...
std::string Convert2LCase (const std::string &value)
 It converts a string to lower case. More...
std::string Convert2String (boost::int16_t value)
 It converts a short integer value to a string. More...
std::string Convert2String (boost::int32_t value)
 It converts an integer value to a string. More...
std::string Convert2String (boost::int64_t value)
 It converts a long value to a string. More...
std::string Convert2String (boost::uint16_t value)
 It converts a unsigned short integer value to a string. More...
std::string Convert2String (boost::uint32_t value)
 It converts an unsigned integer value to a string. More...
std::string Convert2String (boost::uint64_t value)
 It converts a unsigned long value to a string. More...
TECOMMONEXPORT std::string Convert2String (const std::vector< std::string > &vecStrings, const std::string &separator)
 Converts the given string vector to a plain string using the given sepator between each vector position. More...
std::string Convert2String (double value)
 It converts a double value to a string. More...
std::string Convert2String (double value, int precision)
 It converts a double value to a string with a precision. More...
std::string Convert2String (float value)
 It converts a double value to a string. More...
std::string Convert2UCase (const std::string &value)
 It converts a string to upper case. More...
void Convert2UCaseInPlace (std::string &value)
 It converts a string to upper case in place (it doesn't allocate an auxiliar buffer). More...
template<class T >
void Copy (const std::vector< T * > &src, std::vector< T * > &dst)
 This function can be applied to a vector of pointers. It will copy element by element through its copy constructor supposing a vector of pointers. More...
char * CreateCString (const std::string &s)
 It converts the C++ string to a C-string. More...
char ** CreateCStringArray (const std::vector< std::string * > &vs)
 It converts the C++ vector of string pointers to a C array os strings. More...
char ** CreateCStringArray (const std::vector< std::string > &vs)
 It converts the C++ vector of string pointers to a C array os strings. More...
template<class T >
bool EigenVectors (const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &inputMatrix, boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &eigenVectorsMatrix, boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &eigenValuesMatrix)
 Computes the eigenvectors of a given matrix. More...
void ExtractKVP (const std::string &kvpStr, std::map< std::string, std::string > &kvp, const std::string &kvpDelimiter="&", const std::string &kvDelimiter="=", bool toUpper=false)
 It extracts a key-value map from a string. More...
void Free (char **carray)
 It releases the char array. More...
template<class T >
void Free (std::vector< T * > *v)
 This function can be applied to a pointer to a vector of pointers. More...
template<class T >
void Free (T **a, std::size_t s)
 It releases the given array. More...
template<class K , class V >
void FreeContents (boost::unordered_map< K, V * > &m)
 This function can be applied to a map of pointers. It will delete each pointer in the map. More...
template<class T >
void FreeContents (const std::vector< T * > &v)
 This function can be applied to a vector of pointers. It will delete each pointer in the vector. More...
template<class IT >
void FreeContents (IT it, IT itend)
 This function can be applied to a vector of pointers. It will delete each pointer in the vector. More...
template<class T >
void FreeContents (std::list< T * > &l)
 This function can be applied to a list of pointers. It will delete each pointer in the vector. More...
template<class K , class V >
void FreeContents (std::map< K, V * > &m)
 This function can be applied to a map of pointers. It will delete each pointer in the map. More...
template<class V , class C >
void FreeContents (std::set< V *, C > &m)
 This function can be applied to a map of pointers. It will delete each pointer in the map. More...
std::string GetCurrentTime (const std::string &format="%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")
TECOMMONEXPORT void GetDecompostedLDPathEnvVar (std::vector< std::string > &paths)
 Returns the system LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variable, decomposed into directory names, or an empty vector if no values were found. More...
TECOMMONEXPORT void GetDecompostedPathEnvVar (std::vector< std::string > &paths)
 Returns the system PATH enviroment variable, decomposed into directory names, or an empty vector if no values were found. More...
template<class T >
bool GetDeterminant (const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &inputMatrix, T &determinant)
 Get the Matrix determinant value. More...
template<class T >
bool GetDeterminantComplex (const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &inputMatrix, T &determinant)
TECOMMONEXPORT unsigned long long int GetFreePhysicalMemory ()
 Returns the amount of free physical memory (bytes). More...
template<class T >
bool GetInverseMatrix (const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &inputMatrix, boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &outputMatrix)
 Matrix inversion. More...
TECOMMONEXPORT unsigned int GetPhysProcNumber ()
 Returns the number of physical processors. More...
template<class K , class V >
V ** GetPPValue (std::map< K, V * > &m, const K &k)
 It finds for a given key in the map and returns a pointer if something is found or NULL otherwise. More...
template<class T >
bool GetPseudoInverseMatrix (const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &inputMatrix, boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &outputMatrix)
 Pseudo matrix inversion. More...
template<class K , class V >
V * GetPValue (const std::map< K, V * > &m, const K &k)
 It finds for a given key in the map and returns a pointer if something is found or NULL otherwise. More...
template<class K , class C >
K * GetPValue (const std::set< K *, C > &m, K *k)
 It finds for a given key in the map and returns a pointer if something is found or NULL otherwise. More...
TECOMMONEXPORT unsigned long long int GetTotalPhysicalMemory ()
 Returns the amount of total physical memory (bytes). More...
TECOMMONEXPORT unsigned long long int GetTotalVirtualMemory ()
 Returns the amount of total virtual memory (bytes) that can be claimed by the current process (physical + swapped). More...
TECOMMONEXPORT std::string GetUniqueID ()
 Generates an unique hash string id. More...
TECOMMONEXPORT unsigned long long int GetUsedVirtualMemory ()
 Returns the amount of used virtual memory (bytes) for the current process (physical + swapped). More...
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref (Counted *p)
void intrusive_ptr_release (Counted *p)
TECOMMONEXPORT bool IsStringEqual (const std::string &str1, const std::string &str2, bool caseSensitive)
 Check if two strings are equal. The comparisson can be canse sensitive or not based on the 'caseSensitive' parameter. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (const Exception &e, std::ostream &o)
 It serializes the exception and sends it to the output stream. More...
std::string ReplaceSpecialChars (const std::string &str, bool &changed)
 It replace special characters of a string. More...
template<typename InputValueT , typename OutputValueT >
OutputValueT Round (const InputValueT &inVal)
 Round a value. More...
TECOMMONEXPORT std::vector< std::string > SplitString (const std::string &str, const char &delimiter)
 Splits the given 'str' using the given 'delimiter' char. More...
void Swap2Bytes (char *v)
 It swaps an array of two bytes in local. More...
template<class T >
void Swap2Bytes (T &v)
 It swaps two bytes in local. More...
void Swap4Bytes (char *v)
 It swaps an array of four bytes in local. More...
template<class T >
void Swap4Bytes (T &v)
 It swaps four bytes in local. More...
void Swap8Bytes (char *v)
 It swaps an array of eight bytes in local. More...
void SwapBytes (boost::int16_t &v)
 It swaps 2 bytes in local. More...
void SwapBytes (boost::int32_t &v)
 It swaps four bytes in local. More...
void SwapBytes (boost::uint32_t &v)
 It swaps four bytes in local. More...
void SwapBytes (float &v)
 It swaps four bytes in local. More...
template<class T >
void SwapBytes (T &v)
 It swaps the bytes in local. More...
void Tokenize (const std::string &str, std::vector< std::string > &tokens, const std::string &delimiters=" ")
 It tokenizes a given string with a delimiter of your own choice. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for the Common module of TerraLib.

Typedef Documentation

◆ TreeItemPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<TreeItem> te::common::TreeItemPtr

Definition at line 46 of file TreeItem.h.

◆ UnitOfMeasurePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<UnitOfMeasure> te::common::UnitOfMeasurePtr

Definition at line 213 of file UnitOfMeasure.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Defines some known UOM (Unit of Measure) codes.

Values from 9001 to 9302 coincide with EPSG codes.
Used above 99xx values to represent area measure codes.

Definition at line 93 of file Enums.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Common TerraLib Exception Codes.


Definition at line 129 of file Enums.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

An anonymous union that marks the last common TerraLib Exception Code.


Definition at line 136 of file Enums.h.

◆ AccessPolicy

Supported data access policies (can be used as bitfield).


No access allowed


Read-only access allowed


Write-only access allowed


Read and write access allowed

Definition at line 40 of file Enums.h.

◆ Hemisphere


North hemisphere.


South hemisphere.

Definition at line 111 of file Enums.h.

◆ LoggerConfigurationType

Each enumerated type tells TerraLib how the configuration is done for a logger.


It indicates the use of a XML based configuration for a logger.


It indicates the use of a plain text file based configuration for a logger.

Definition at line 65 of file Enums.h.

◆ MachineByteOrder



Big endian.


Little endian.

Definition at line 122 of file Enums.h.

◆ MeasureType

Defines the possible types of unit of measurements.


Refers to lenght measurements.


Refers to area measurements.


Refers to volume measurements.


Refers to angular measurements.


Refers to scale measurements.


Refers to time measurements.


Refers to speed measurements.

Definition at line 76 of file Enums.h.

◆ TraverseType

A dataset can be traversed in two ways:


Used when the dataset is only able to move forward.


Used when the dataset is able to move forward and backward.


Used when the dataset is able to move to any item.

Definition at line 53 of file Enums.h.

Function Documentation

◆ Clone()

template<class T , class T1 >
void te::common::Clone ( const std::vector< T * > &  src,
std::vector< T1 * > &  dst 

This function can be applied to a vector of pointers.

It will clone element by element supposing a vector of pointers. It uses T different from T1 as developer could clone a std::vector<const te::gm::Geometry*> into a std::vector<te::gm::Geometry*>

srcThe source vector with pointers to be cloned.
dstThe target vector with cloned pointers.
The type T must implement a method called clone().

Definition at line 239 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ Contains()

template<class T >
bool te::common::Contains ( const std::vector< T > &  src,
const T &  value 

Definition at line 276 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ Convert() [1/8]

TECOMMONEXPORT void te::common::Convert ( const boost::property_tree::ptree &  p,
std::map< std::string, std::string > &  dict 

Converts a property tree node into a std::map<std::string, std::string>.

pA node that can be converted to a std::map<std::string, std::string>.
dictThe dictionary to output the key-value pairs.

◆ Convert() [2/8]

TECOMMONEXPORT void te::common::Convert ( const boost::property_tree::ptree &  p,
std::vector< double > &  vectd 

Converts a property tree node into a std::vector<double>.

pA node that can be converted to a std::vector<double>.
vectdThe vector to output the values.

◆ Convert() [3/8]

TECOMMONEXPORT void te::common::Convert ( const boost::property_tree::ptree &  p,
std::vector< size_t > &  vectd 

Converts a property tree node into a std::vector<size_t>.

pA node that can be converted to a std::vector<size_t>.
vectdThe vector to output the values.

◆ Convert() [4/8]

TECOMMONEXPORT void te::common::Convert ( const boost::property_tree::ptree &  p,
std::vector< std::map< std::string, std::string > > &  vectm 

Converts a property tree node into a std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string> >.

pA node that can be converted to a std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string> >.
vectThe vector to output the values.

◆ Convert() [5/8]

TECOMMONEXPORT void te::common::Convert ( const boost::property_tree::ptree &  p,
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &  vp 

Converts a property tree node into a std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >

pA node that can be converted to a std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >.
vpThe vector of pairs returned.

◆ Convert() [6/8]

TECOMMONEXPORT void te::common::Convert ( const boost::property_tree::ptree &  p,
std::vector< std::string > &  vect 

Converts a property tree node into a std::vector<std::string>.

pA node that can be converted to a std::vector<std::string>.
vectThe vector to output the values.

◆ Convert() [7/8]

TECOMMONEXPORT void te::common::Convert ( const boost::property_tree::ptree &  p,
std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  vect 

Converts a property tree node into a std::vector<vector<std::string> >.

pA node that can be converted to a std::vector<vector<std::string> >.
vectThe vector to output the values.

◆ Convert() [8/8]

TECOMMONEXPORT void te::common::Convert ( const boost::property_tree::ptree &  p,
std::vector< unsigned char > &  vectd 

Converts a property tree node into a std::vector<unsigned char>.

pA node that can be converted to a std::vector<unsigned char>.
vectdThe vector to output the values.

◆ Convert2LCase()

std::string te::common::Convert2LCase ( const std::string &  value)

It converts a string to lower case.

valueThe string value to be converted.
The converted string.

Definition at line 202 of file StringUtils.h.

◆ Convert2String() [1/10]

std::string te::common::Convert2String ( boost::int16_t  value)

It converts a short integer value to a string.

The integer value converted to a string.

Definition at line 56 of file StringUtils.h.

Referenced by te::pgis::Convert2PostGIS(), te::map::GroupingByEqualSteps(), te::map::GroupingByQuantil(), and te::map::GroupingByStdDeviation().

◆ Convert2String() [2/10]

std::string te::common::Convert2String ( boost::int32_t  value)

It converts an integer value to a string.

The integer value converted to a string.

Definition at line 80 of file StringUtils.h.

◆ Convert2String() [3/10]

std::string te::common::Convert2String ( boost::int64_t  value)

It converts a long value to a string.

The long value converted to a string.

Definition at line 104 of file StringUtils.h.

◆ Convert2String() [4/10]

std::string te::common::Convert2String ( boost::uint16_t  value)

It converts a unsigned short integer value to a string.

The integer value converted to a string.

Definition at line 68 of file StringUtils.h.

◆ Convert2String() [5/10]

std::string te::common::Convert2String ( boost::uint32_t  value)

It converts an unsigned integer value to a string.

The unsigned integer value converted to a string.

Definition at line 92 of file StringUtils.h.

◆ Convert2String() [6/10]

std::string te::common::Convert2String ( boost::uint64_t  value)

It converts a unsigned long value to a string.

The unsigned long value converted to a string.

Definition at line 116 of file StringUtils.h.

◆ Convert2String() [7/10]

TECOMMONEXPORT std::string te::common::Convert2String ( const std::vector< std::string > &  vecStrings,
const std::string &  separator 

Converts the given string vector to a plain string using the given sepator between each vector position.

A string converted based on the given vector of string and the given separator

◆ Convert2String() [8/10]

std::string te::common::Convert2String ( double  value)

It converts a double value to a string.

The double value converted to a string.

Definition at line 140 of file StringUtils.h.

◆ Convert2String() [9/10]

std::string te::common::Convert2String ( double  value,
int  precision 

It converts a double value to a string with a precision.

The double value converted with the given precision to a string.
Max allowed precision is 20.

Definition at line 154 of file StringUtils.h.

◆ Convert2String() [10/10]

std::string te::common::Convert2String ( float  value)

It converts a double value to a string.

The double value converted to a string.

Definition at line 128 of file StringUtils.h.

◆ Convert2UCase()

std::string te::common::Convert2UCase ( const std::string &  value)

It converts a string to upper case.

valueThe string value to be converted.
The converted string.

Definition at line 168 of file StringUtils.h.

◆ Convert2UCaseInPlace()

void te::common::Convert2UCaseInPlace ( std::string &  value)

It converts a string to upper case in place (it doesn't allocate an auxiliar buffer).

valueThe string value to be converted.
The converted string.

Definition at line 187 of file StringUtils.h.

Referenced by ExtractKVP().

◆ Copy()

template<class T >
void te::common::Copy ( const std::vector< T * > &  src,
std::vector< T * > &  dst 

This function can be applied to a vector of pointers. It will copy element by element through its copy constructor supposing a vector of pointers.

srcThe source vector with pointers to be cloned.
dstThe target vector with cloned pointers.
The type T must implement the copy constructor method.

Definition at line 266 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ CreateCString()

char* te::common::CreateCString ( const std::string &  s)

It converts the C++ string to a C-string.

sThe C++ string to be converted to a char*.
A C-string. The caller will take the ownership of the returned string and must use 'delete [] pointer' to release it when necessary.

Definition at line 312 of file StringUtils.h.

◆ CreateCStringArray() [1/2]

char** te::common::CreateCStringArray ( const std::vector< std::string * > &  vs)

It converts the C++ vector of string pointers to a C array os strings.

vsThe C++ vector of string pointers to be converted to a char**.
A C array os strings NULL terminated. The caller will take the ownership of the returned array.

Definition at line 326 of file StringUtils.h.

◆ CreateCStringArray() [2/2]

char** te::common::CreateCStringArray ( const std::vector< std::string > &  vs)

It converts the C++ vector of string pointers to a C array os strings.

vsThe C++ vector of string pointers to be converted to a char**.
A C array os strings NULL terminated. The caller will take the ownership of the returned array.

Definition at line 351 of file StringUtils.h.

◆ EigenVectors()

template<class T >
bool te::common::EigenVectors ( const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &  inputMatrix,
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &  eigenVectorsMatrix,
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &  eigenValuesMatrix 

Computes the eigenvectors of a given matrix.

inputMatrixThe input matrix.
eigenVectorsMatrixThe matrix where the eigenvectors will be stored.
eigenValuesMatrixThe matrix where the eigenvalues will be stored.
true if ok, false on errors.

Definition at line 250 of file MatrixUtils.h.

◆ ExtractKVP()

void te::common::ExtractKVP ( const std::string &  kvpStr,
std::map< std::string, std::string > &  kvp,
const std::string &  kvpDelimiter = "&",
const std::string &  kvDelimiter = "=",
bool  toUpper = false 

It extracts a key-value map from a string.

kvpStrA string with key-value-pairs to be splitted.
kvpA map to output the pairs: (parameter-name, parameter-value).
kvpDelimiterThe character used to delimit the key-value-pairs.
kvDelimiterThe character used to delimit a key from its value.
toUpperIf true the key will be converted to upper-case. The value case will not be touched.
The kvpStr must already be cleaned if necessary (see CleanQueryString function if needed).

Definition at line 256 of file StringUtils.h.

References Convert2UCaseInPlace(), and Tokenize().

◆ Free() [1/3]

void te::common::Free ( char **  carray)

It releases the char array.

carrayA NULL terminated array of characters pointers.

Definition at line 151 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ Free() [2/3]

template<class T >
void te::common::Free ( std::vector< T * > *  v)

This function can be applied to a pointer to a vector of pointers.

It will delete each pointer in the vector and then delete the pointer to the vector.

vA pointer to a vector of pointers to be cleaned.

Definition at line 133 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ Free() [3/3]

template<class T >
void te::common::Free ( T **  a,
std::size_t  s 

It releases the given array.

aThe array that will be released.
sThe array size.

Definition at line 165 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ FreeContents() [1/6]

template<class K , class V >
void te::common::FreeContents ( boost::unordered_map< K, V * > &  m)

This function can be applied to a map of pointers. It will delete each pointer in the map.

mThe map of pointers to be cleaned.
It will not clear the map at the end of the cleanup.

Definition at line 55 of file BoostUtils.h.

Referenced by te::rst::BandIteratorWindow< T >::BandIteratorWindow(), te::vp::IndexContainer< T >::clear(), te::rst::BandIteratorWindow< T >::operator=(), and te::rst::BandIteratorWindow< T >::~BandIteratorWindow().

◆ FreeContents() [2/6]

template<class T >
void te::common::FreeContents ( const std::vector< T * > &  v)

This function can be applied to a vector of pointers. It will delete each pointer in the vector.

vThe vector of pointers to be cleaned.
It will not clear the vector at the end of the cleanup.

Definition at line 51 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ FreeContents() [3/6]

template<class IT >
void te::common::FreeContents ( IT  it,
IT  itend 

This function can be applied to a vector of pointers. It will delete each pointer in the vector.

vThe vector of pointers to be cleaned.
It will not clear the vector at the end of the cleanup.

Definition at line 117 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ FreeContents() [4/6]

template<class T >
void te::common::FreeContents ( std::list< T * > &  l)

This function can be applied to a list of pointers. It will delete each pointer in the vector.

lThe list of pointers to be cleaned.
It will not clear the list at the end of the cleanup.

Definition at line 66 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ FreeContents() [5/6]

template<class K , class V >
void te::common::FreeContents ( std::map< K, V * > &  m)

This function can be applied to a map of pointers. It will delete each pointer in the map.

mThe map of pointers to be cleaned.
It will not clear the map at the end of the cleanup.

Definition at line 79 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ FreeContents() [6/6]

template<class V , class C >
void te::common::FreeContents ( std::set< V *, C > &  m)

This function can be applied to a map of pointers. It will delete each pointer in the map.

mThe map of pointers to be cleaned.
It will not clear the map at the end of the cleanup.

Definition at line 98 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ GetCurrentTime()

std::string te::common::GetCurrentTime ( const std::string &  format = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")

Definition at line 281 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ GetDecompostedLDPathEnvVar()

TECOMMONEXPORT void te::common::GetDecompostedLDPathEnvVar ( std::vector< std::string > &  paths)

Returns the system LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variable, decomposed into directory names, or an empty vector if no values were found.

pathsThe decomposed PATH.

◆ GetDecompostedPathEnvVar()

TECOMMONEXPORT void te::common::GetDecompostedPathEnvVar ( std::vector< std::string > &  paths)

Returns the system PATH enviroment variable, decomposed into directory names, or an empty vector if no values were found.

pathsThe decomposed PATH.

◆ GetDeterminant()

template<class T >
bool te::common::GetDeterminant ( const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &  inputMatrix,
T &  determinant 

Get the Matrix determinant value.

inputMatrixInput matrix.
true if ok, false on errors.

Definition at line 57 of file MatrixUtils.h.

References te::gm::A.

◆ GetDeterminantComplex()

template<class T >
bool te::common::GetDeterminantComplex ( const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &  inputMatrix,
T &  determinant 

Definition at line 96 of file MatrixUtils.h.

References te::gm::A.

◆ GetFreePhysicalMemory()

TECOMMONEXPORT unsigned long long int te::common::GetFreePhysicalMemory ( )

Returns the amount of free physical memory (bytes).

The amount of free physical memory (bytes).

◆ GetInverseMatrix()

template<class T >
bool te::common::GetInverseMatrix ( const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &  inputMatrix,
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &  outputMatrix 

Matrix inversion.

inputMatrixInput matrix.
outputMatrixOutput matrix.
true if ok, false on errors.

Definition at line 143 of file MatrixUtils.h.

References te::gm::A.

Referenced by GetPseudoInverseMatrix().

◆ GetPhysProcNumber()

TECOMMONEXPORT unsigned int te::common::GetPhysProcNumber ( )

Returns the number of physical processors.

The number of physical processors.

◆ GetPPValue()

template<class K , class V >
V** te::common::GetPPValue ( std::map< K, V * > &  m,
const K &  k 

It finds for a given key in the map and returns a pointer if something is found or NULL otherwise.

mThe map of pointers where the key will be searched.
kThe key.
A pointer if something is found or NULL otherwise.

Definition at line 219 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ GetPseudoInverseMatrix()

template<class T >
bool te::common::GetPseudoInverseMatrix ( const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &  inputMatrix,
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &  outputMatrix 

Pseudo matrix inversion.

inputMatrixInput matrix.
outputMatrixOutput matrix.
true if ok, false on errors.
PinvX = Inv( Xt * X ) * Xt, where Inv=Inverse and Xt is the transposed matrix of X.
A* = inv(trasnp(A) * A) * transp(A) (i>j)
A* = transp(A) * inv(A * trasnp(A)) (i<j)

Definition at line 191 of file MatrixUtils.h.

References GetInverseMatrix().

◆ GetPValue() [1/2]

template<class K , class V >
V* te::common::GetPValue ( const std::map< K, V * > &  m,
const K &  k 

It finds for a given key in the map and returns a pointer if something is found or NULL otherwise.

mThe map of pointers where the key will be searched.
kThe key.
A pointer if something is found or NULL otherwise.

Definition at line 181 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ GetPValue() [2/2]

template<class K , class C >
K* te::common::GetPValue ( const std::set< K *, C > &  m,
K *  k 

It finds for a given key in the map and returns a pointer if something is found or NULL otherwise.

mThe map of pointers where the key will be searched.
kThe key.
A pointer if something is found or NULL otherwise.

Definition at line 199 of file STLUtils.h.

◆ GetTotalPhysicalMemory()

TECOMMONEXPORT unsigned long long int te::common::GetTotalPhysicalMemory ( )

Returns the amount of total physical memory (bytes).

The amount of total physical memory (bytes).

Referenced by te::rp::Matrix< TemplateElementType >::reset().

◆ GetTotalVirtualMemory()

TECOMMONEXPORT unsigned long long int te::common::GetTotalVirtualMemory ( )

Returns the amount of total virtual memory (bytes) that can be claimed by the current process (physical + swapped).

The amount of total virtual memory (bytes).

Referenced by te::rp::Matrix< TemplateElementType >::reset().

◆ GetUniqueID()

TECOMMONEXPORT std::string te::common::GetUniqueID ( )

Generates an unique hash string id.

An unique hash string id

◆ GetUsedVirtualMemory()

TECOMMONEXPORT unsigned long long int te::common::GetUsedVirtualMemory ( )

Returns the amount of used virtual memory (bytes) for the current process (physical + swapped).

The amount of free virtual memory (bytes).

Referenced by te::rp::Matrix< TemplateElementType >::reset().

◆ intrusive_ptr_add_ref()

void te::common::intrusive_ptr_add_ref ( Counted p)

Definition at line 69 of file Counted.h.

References te::common::Counted::attach().

◆ intrusive_ptr_release()

void te::common::intrusive_ptr_release ( Counted p)

Definition at line 74 of file Counted.h.

References te::common::Counted::detach().

◆ IsStringEqual()

TECOMMONEXPORT bool te::common::IsStringEqual ( const std::string &  str1,
const std::string &  str2,
bool  caseSensitive 

Check if two strings are equal. The comparisson can be canse sensitive or not based on the 'caseSensitive' parameter.

TRUE if both strings are equal. FALSE otherwise

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream& te::common::operator<< ( const Exception e,
std::ostream &  o 

It serializes the exception and sends it to the output stream.

eAn exception object.
oAn output stream.
The output stream.

◆ ReplaceSpecialChars()

std::string te::common::ReplaceSpecialChars ( const std::string &  str,
bool &  changed 

It replace special characters of a string.

strThe string that will be verify.
changedBoolean that records whether there was a change.

Definition at line 376 of file StringUtils.h.

◆ Round()

template<typename InputValueT , typename OutputValueT >
OutputValueT te::common::Round ( const InputValueT &  inVal)

Round a value.

valThe input value.
A rounded value.

Definition at line 46 of file MathUtils.h.

◆ SplitString()

TECOMMONEXPORT std::vector<std::string> te::common::SplitString ( const std::string &  str,
const char &  delimiter 

Splits the given 'str' using the given 'delimiter' char.

strThe string that will be splitted.
delimiterThe delimiter to be used
A vector containing all the spllited tokens

◆ Swap2Bytes() [1/2]

void te::common::Swap2Bytes ( char *  v)

It swaps an array of two bytes in local.

vThe value we want to swap.

Definition at line 68 of file ByteSwapUtils.h.

◆ Swap2Bytes() [2/2]

template<class T >
void te::common::Swap2Bytes ( T &  v)

It swaps two bytes in local.

vThe value we want to swap.
Requirements: The type T must have a sizeof(T) == 2.

Definition at line 51 of file ByteSwapUtils.h.

Referenced by SwapBytes().

◆ Swap4Bytes() [1/2]

void te::common::Swap4Bytes ( char *  v)

It swaps an array of four bytes in local.

vThe value we want to swap.

Definition at line 101 of file ByteSwapUtils.h.

◆ Swap4Bytes() [2/2]

template<class T >
void te::common::Swap4Bytes ( T &  v)

It swaps four bytes in local.

vThe value we want to swap.
Requirements: The type T must have a sizeof(T) == 4.

Definition at line 82 of file ByteSwapUtils.h.

Referenced by SwapBytes().

◆ Swap8Bytes()

void te::common::Swap8Bytes ( char *  v)

It swaps an array of eight bytes in local.

vThe value we want to swap.

Definition at line 139 of file ByteSwapUtils.h.

◆ SwapBytes() [1/5]

void te::common::SwapBytes ( boost::int16_t &  v)

It swaps 2 bytes in local.

vThe value we want to swap.

Definition at line 163 of file ByteSwapUtils.h.

References Swap2Bytes().

◆ SwapBytes() [2/5]

void te::common::SwapBytes ( boost::int32_t &  v)

It swaps four bytes in local.

vThe value we want to swap.

Definition at line 173 of file ByteSwapUtils.h.

References Swap4Bytes().

◆ SwapBytes() [3/5]

void te::common::SwapBytes ( boost::uint32_t &  v)

It swaps four bytes in local.

vThe value we want to swap.

Definition at line 183 of file ByteSwapUtils.h.

References Swap4Bytes().

◆ SwapBytes() [4/5]

void te::common::SwapBytes ( float &  v)

It swaps four bytes in local.

vThe value we want to swap.

Definition at line 193 of file ByteSwapUtils.h.

References Swap4Bytes().

◆ SwapBytes() [5/5]

template<class T >
void te::common::SwapBytes ( T &  v)

It swaps the bytes in local.

vThe value we want to swap.
Generic version: swap n-bytes.

Definition at line 119 of file ByteSwapUtils.h.

◆ Tokenize()

void te::common::Tokenize ( const std::string &  str,
std::vector< std::string > &  tokens,
const std::string &  delimiters = " " 

It tokenizes a given string with a delimiter of your own choice.

strThe string to be tokenize.
tokensThe output vector with the tokens.
delimitersThe character delimiters.

Definition at line 221 of file StringUtils.h.

Referenced by ExtractKVP().