DateTimeUtils.h File Reference

Utilitary function for the date and time types of the data type module. More...

#include "Config.h"
#include <vector>

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 Namespace for the Data Type module of TerraLib.


TEDATATYPEEXPORT te::dt::Datete::dt::CreateDateFromString (const std::string &dateAsString)
 Helper function to create a date from its string representation. More...
TEDATATYPEEXPORT te::dt::TimeInstantte::dt::CreateDateTimeFromString (const std::string &dataTimeAsString)
 Helper function to create a date time from its string representation. More...
TEDATATYPEEXPORT long te::dt::GetDistance (const te::dt::DateTime *t1, const te::dt::DateTime *t2)
 It returns the distance between two datetime types. More...
TEDATATYPEEXPORT DateTimePeriod * te::dt::GetTemporalExtent (const DateTime *t1, const DateTime *t2)
 It returns the temporal extent of two date and time types. More...
TEDATATYPEEXPORT DateTimePeriod * te::dt::GetTimePeriod (const DateTimeInstant *t1, const DateTimeInstant *t2)
 It creates a time period based on two time instants. More...

Detailed Description

Utilitary function for the date and time types of the data type module.

Definition in file DateTimeUtils.h.