te::ws::ogc::WCSClient Class Reference

A class to retrieve information and data from a Web Coverage Service. More...

#include <WCSClient.h>

Public Member Functions

te::ws::ogc::wcs::CoverageDescription describeCoverage (const std::string coverage)
 Method to get the information about a coverage in the WCS server. More...
const te::ws::ogc::wcs::CapabilitiesgetCapabilities () const
 Return the m_capabilities member. More...
std::string getCoverage (const te::ws::ogc::wcs::CoverageRequest coverageRequest, te::common::TaskProgress *taskProgress=0) const
 Method to get the coverage from the WCS server. More...
std::string makeFileRequest (const std::string url, const std::string fileName, te::common::TaskProgress *taskProgress=0) const
 Executes a request on a WCS server. More...
void setCurlWrapper (te::ws::core::CurlWrapper *curlWrapper)
 Sets the TerraLib CurlWrapper to be used internally. More...
void updateCapabilities ()
 Method to get the capabilities from a WCS server and store in m_capabilities member. More...
 WCSClient (const std::string usrDataDir="", const std::string uri="", const std::string version="2.0.1")
 Class constructor. It initializes the m_uri and m_version class members. More...
 ~WCSClient ()
 Default destructor. More...

Private Member Functions

std::string getFileExtension (const std::string &format) const

Private Attributes

te::ws::ogc::wcs::Capabilities m_capabilities
std::shared_ptr< te::ws::core::CurlWrapperm_curl
std::string m_dataDir
std::map< std::string, te::ws::ogc::wcs::CoverageDescriptionm_descriptionMap
te::ws::ogc::wcs::XMLParser m_parser
te::core::URI m_uri
std::string m_version

Detailed Description

A class to retrieve information and data from a Web Coverage Service.

Definition at line 58 of file WCSClient.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ WCSClient()

te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::WCSClient ( const std::string  usrDataDir = "",
const std::string  uri = "",
const std::string  version = "2.0.1" 

Class constructor. It initializes the m_uri and m_version class members.

usrDataDirDirectory to store used temporary XML and images from WCS server.
uriThe adress of WCS server.
versionThe WCS version.

◆ ~WCSClient()

te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::~WCSClient ( )

Default destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ describeCoverage()

te::ws::ogc::wcs::CoverageDescription te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::describeCoverage ( const std::string  coverage)

Method to get the information about a coverage in the WCS server.

coverageThe name of the coverage to describe
Return the information of the coverage in the WCS

◆ getCapabilities()

const te::ws::ogc::wcs::Capabilities& te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::getCapabilities ( ) const

Return the m_capabilities member.

   The m_capabilities will be empty until the updateCapabilities() method its called.
Returns a path to a file

◆ getCoverage()

std::string te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::getCoverage ( const te::ws::ogc::wcs::CoverageRequest  coverageRequest,
te::common::TaskProgress taskProgress = 0 
) const

Method to get the coverage from the WCS server.

coverageThe struct with the desire coverage parameters
Returns a DataSet that contains the coverage

◆ getFileExtension()

std::string te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::getFileExtension ( const std::string &  format) const

◆ makeFileRequest()

std::string te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::makeFileRequest ( const std::string  url,
const std::string  fileName,
te::common::TaskProgress taskProgress = 0 
) const

Executes a request on a WCS server.

urlThe complete url of request
Returns a path to a file

◆ setCurlWrapper()

void te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::setCurlWrapper ( te::ws::core::CurlWrapper curlWrapper)

Sets the TerraLib CurlWrapper to be used internally.

   By default it is an instance of te::ws::core::CurlWrapper class.
curlWrapperWrapper to be used.

◆ updateCapabilities()

void te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::updateCapabilities ( )

Method to get the capabilities from a WCS server and store in m_capabilities member.

   To access the information contained in the m_capabilities, use the getCapabilities() method.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_capabilities

te::ws::ogc::wcs::Capabilities te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::m_capabilities

Definition at line 138 of file WCSClient.h.

◆ m_curl

std::shared_ptr<te::ws::core::CurlWrapper> te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::m_curl

Definition at line 139 of file WCSClient.h.

◆ m_dataDir

std::string te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::m_dataDir

Definition at line 136 of file WCSClient.h.

◆ m_descriptionMap

std::map<std::string, te::ws::ogc::wcs::CoverageDescription> te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::m_descriptionMap

Definition at line 140 of file WCSClient.h.

◆ m_parser

te::ws::ogc::wcs::XMLParser te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::m_parser

Definition at line 141 of file WCSClient.h.

◆ m_uri

te::core::URI te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::m_uri

Definition at line 137 of file WCSClient.h.

◆ m_version

std::string te::ws::ogc::WCSClient::m_version

Definition at line 135 of file WCSClient.h.

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