Utils.h File Reference
#include "Config.h"
#include "Enums.h"
#include "../geometry/Coord2D.h"
#include "../geometry/Geometry.h"
#include "../geometry/Polygon.h"
#include "../raster/Grid.h"
#include "../raster/Raster.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>

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TEATTRIBUTEFILLEXPORT std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > te::attributefill::GeoToGrid (const te::gm::Coord2D &coord, const rst::Grid &grid)
 Convert the coordinate to the grid col/row postion of the pixel . More...
TEATTRIBUTEFILLEXPORT void te::attributefill::GetMinMaxLineAndColumn (const te::rst::Raster &raster, const te::gm::Polygon &polygon, uint32_t &minimumRow, uint32_t &minimumColumn, uint32_t &maximumRow, uint32_t &maximumColumn)
 Gets the minimum and maximum row and column values of the raster based on polygon. More...
TEATTRIBUTEFILLEXPORT std::string te::attributefill::GetOperationFullName (const int &e)
 Gets the full name of the operation as string. More...
TEATTRIBUTEFILLEXPORT void te::attributefill::GetPercentOfEachClassByArea (const te::rst::Raster &raster, const unsigned int &band, const gm::Polygon &polygon, const uint32_t &minimumRow, const uint32_t &minimumColumn, const uint32_t &maximumRow, const uint32_t &maximumColumn, std::map< double, double > &percentOfEachClassByArea)
 Gets the pixel percentage for a specific band that intersects the polygon. More...
TEATTRIBUTEFILLEXPORT void te::attributefill::GetTotalAreaByClass (const te::rst::Raster &raster, const unsigned int &band, const gm::Polygon &polygon, const uint32_t &minimumRow, const uint32_t &minimumColumn, const uint32_t &maximumRow, const uint32_t &maximumColumn, std::map< double, double > &totalAreaByClass)
 Gets the pixel area for a specific band that intersects the polygon. More...
TEATTRIBUTEFILLEXPORT void te::attributefill::GetValuesFromBand (const te::rst::Raster &raster, const unsigned int &band, const gm::Polygon &polygon, const uint32_t &minimumRow, const uint32_t &minimumColumn, const uint32_t &maximumRow, const uint32_t &maximumColumn, std::map< double, int > &values)
 Gets the pixel values for a specific band that intersects the polygon. More...