qt Directory Reference


file  BufferDialog.h [code]
 A dialog buffer operation.
file  CheckGeomValidityDialog.h [code]
 A dialog used to check geometries validity.
file  DifferenceDialog.h [code]
 Difference operation dialog.
file  DifferenceDialogCapabilities.h [code]
 Implements a dialog used to execute a vector processing difference operation.
file  DissolveDialog.h [code]
 A dialog dissolve operation.
file  DissolveDialogCapabilities.h [code]
 A class used to define the capabilities of the dissolve operation.
file  DissolveParametersWidget.h [code]
 Implements a widget used to return the specific parameters for dissolve operation.
file  DissolveSubdivisionDialogCapabilities.h [code]
 A class used to define the capabilities of the dissolve subdivision operation.
file  DissolveSubdivisionParametersWidget.h [code]
 Implements a widget used to return the specific parameters for dissolve subdivision operation.
file  GeometricOpDialog.h [code]
 A Qt dialog that allows users to run the basic geometric operations defined by VP module.
file  IdentityDialog.h [code]
 Identity operation dialog.
file  IdentityDialogCapabilities.h [code]
 Implements a dialog used to execute a vector processing operation.
file  InputDataAccessItemWidget.h [code]
 Implements a widget used to return a Data Access object.
file  InputDataAccessWidget.h [code]
 Implements a widget used to return a set of Data Access object.
file  IntersectionDialog.h [code]
 A dialog intersection operation.
file  IntersectionDialogCapabilities.h [code]
file  LineToPolygonDialog.h [code]
 A dialog for line to polygon operation.
file  MakeValidDialogCapabilities.h [code]
 Implements a dialog used to execute a vector processing operation.
file  MergeDialog.h [code]
 A dialog merge operation.
file  MultipartToSinglepartDialog.h [code]
 A Multipart to Singlepart operation dialog.
file  OutputDataAccessItemWidget.h [code]
 Implements a widget used to return a Data Access object.
file  OutputDataAccessWidget.h [code]
 Implements a widget used to return a set of Data Access object.
file  PolygonToLineDialog.h [code]
 A dialog for polygon to line operation.
file  SpecificParametersWidget.h [code]
 Abstract class used do define a component to set specific parameters for each operation.
file  SubdivideDialogCapabilities.h [code]
 Implements a dialog used to execute a vector processing operation.
file  SubdivideParametersWidget.h [code]
 Implements a widget used to return the specific parameters for subdivide operation.
file  UnionDialog.h [code]
 Union operation dialog.
file  UnionDialogCapabilities.h [code]
 Implements a dialog used to execute a vector processing operation.
file  Utils.h [code]
 Utility functions for Vector Processing.

file  VectorProcessingDialogCapabilities.h [code]
file  VectorProcessingOperationDialog.h [code]
 Implements a dialog used to execute a vector processing operation.