Evlyn Márcia Leão de Moraes Novo
Hybrid Semi-Analytical Algorithm for Estimating Chlorophyll-A Concentration in Lower Amazon Floodplain Waters
A machine learning approach for monitoring Brazilian optical water types using Sentinel-2 MSI
AlgaeMap - Algae Bloom Monitoring Application for Inland Waters in Latin America
Impacts of meander migration on the Amazon riverine communities using Landsat time series and cloud computing
Phytoplankton Genera Structure Revealed from the Multispectral Vertical Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient
Water clarity in Brazilian water assessed using Sentinel-2 and machine learning methods
A parameterization strategy for hydrodynamic modelling of a cascade of poorly monitored reservoirs in Brazil
Diffuse attenuation of clear water tropical reservoir: a remote sensing semi-analytical approach
Evaluating the potential of CubeSats for remote sensing reflectance retrieval over inland waters
High-resolution mapping of floodplain topography from space: A case study in the Amazon
Hybrid chlorophyll-a algorithm for assessing trophic states of a tropical brazilian reservoir based on MSI/Sentinel-2 data
Mapping of diffuse attenuation coefficient in optically complex waters of amazon floodplain lakes
Modelagem da concentração de clorofila-a em um ecossistema aquático continental do seminário brasileiro baseada em sensoriamento remoto.
Nanosatellites applied to optical Earth observation: a review
Optical water types found in Brazilian waters
Use of optical absorption indices to assess seasonal variability of dissolved organic matter in Amazon floodplain lakes
Assessment of satellite algorithms for deriving chlorophyll-a from turbid waters of Amazon floodplain lakes
Comparison for chlorophyll: a remote sensing retrieval algorithms based on standard laboratory procedures and on in-situ absorption measurements
Estimativa da concentração da clorofila-a no reservatório de Ibitinga/SP: resultados preliminares
Modeling suspended sediments in amazon foodplains using orbital moderate resolution sensors
Proposta de um sistema de monitoramento integrado da qualidade das águas continentais com imagens de satélites: MAPAQUALI
Relação entre o total de sólidos suspensos em corpos hídricos do Alto Rio Paraná e imagens MSI/Sentinel-2: estudo preliminar
Remote sensing of large reservoir in the drought years: Implications on surface water change and turbidity variability of Sobradinho reservoir (Northeast Brazil)
Retrieving total and inorganic suspended sediments in Amazon floodplain lakes: a multisensor approach
Water transparency in a brazilian reservoir
Continental-scale surface reflectance product from CBERS-4 MUX data: Assessment of atmospheric correction method using coincident Landsat observations
Mapping mining areas in the Brazilian amazon using MSI/Sentinel-2 imagery (2017)
Modelling the effects of historical and future land cover changes on the hydrology of an Amazonian basin
Seasonal and interannual assessment of cloud cover and atmospheric constituents across the Amazon (2000-2015): Insights for remote sensing and climate analysis
Análise espacial-sazonal do coeficiente de absorção específico da clorofila-a no reservatório de Ibitinga/SP - análise preliminar
Assessment of atmospheric correction methods for sentinel-2 MSI images applied to Amazon floodplain lakes
Avaliação da acurácia em produtos OLI/Landsat 8 em lagos amazônicos: Correção Atmosférica
Avalição de imagens WFI/CBERS-4 no estudo dos tipos de água da Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável de Mamirauá (AM)
Effects of small-scale gold mining tailings on the underwater light field in the Tapajós River Basin, Brazilian Amazon
Estudo espaço-temporal de florações de cianobactérias no Rio Tapajós: Monitoramento por sensoriamento remoto e experimento em laboratório
Investigating empirical models to retrieve the backscattering slope from Landsat 8 Images - The case of Lago Grande Curuai
SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) impact on water constituent retrieval from simulated images of optically complex Amazon lakes
Spatial-Temporal characterization of optical properties of 4 lakes in the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve - AM (MSDR)
Validation of high-resolution MAIAC aerosol product over South America
Distribution of artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the Tapajós River Basin (Brazilian Amazon) over the past 40 years and relationship with water siltation
Simulation of spectral bands of the MERIS sensor to estimate chlorophyll-a concentrations in a reservoir of the semi-arid region
Spatial and seasonal variation in diffuse attenuation coefficients of downward irradiance at Ibitinga Reservoir, São Paulo, Brazil
Implications of scatter corrections for absorption measurements on optical closure of Amazon floodplain lakes using the Spectral Absorption and Attenuation Meter (AC-S-WETLabs)
Sunglint correction in airborne hyperspectral images over inland waters
Integração de dados landsat/tm e medidas in situ para estimativa de sedimentos em suspensão em rios amazônicos: um estudo de viabilidade
Proposal for a remote sensing trophic state index based upon Thematic Mapper/Landsat images
Assessment of in vivo fluorescence method for chlorophyll-a estimation in optically complex waters (Curuai floodplain, Pará-Brazil)
Reference spectra to classify Amazon water types
Impact of the 2009 extreme water level variation on phytoplankton community structure in Lower Amazon floodplain lakes
Limnological characterization of floodplain lakes in Mamirauá sustainable development reserve, Central Amazon (Amazonas State, Brazil)
Water quality changes in floodplain lakes as a function of the Amazon River flood pulse: Lago Grande de Curuaí (Pará)
Geospatial analysis of spatiotemporal patterns of pH, total suspended sediment and chlorophyll-a on the Amazon floodplain
Geospatial analysis of spatiotemporal patterns of pH, total suspended sediment and chlorophyll-a on the Amazon floodplain
Integração de dados do sistema automático de monitoramento de variáveis ambientais (SIMA) e de imagens orbitais na avaliação do estado trófico do Reservatório da UHE Funil.
Mapping potential cyanobacterial bloom using Hyperion/EO-1 data in the Patos Lagoon estuary
Turbidity in the Amazon floodplain assessed through a spatial regression model applied to fraction images derived from MODIS/Terra
Comparing MODIS and ETM+ image data for inland water studies: Spatial resolution constraints
Localização de áreas de monitoramento telemétrico em ambientes aquáticos da Amazônia / Location of telemetric monitoring sites in Amazon floodplain lakes
Metodologia de análise da dinâmica de área e volume inundável: o exemplo da várzea do lago grande de curuai
Seasonal changes in chlorophyll distributions in Amazon floodplain lakes derived from MODIS images
Contribution of remote sensing techniques to the assessment of methane emission from large tropical reservoirs
Spectral mixture analysis of inland tropical waters
The effect of viewing geometry and wavelength on the relationship between reflectance and suspended sediment concentration