Abstract Palestras


Emmanuel Boss - Professor, University of Maine, Orono, USA

Website of MISC LAb: http://misclab.umeoce.maine.edu/boss/boss.php

19/04 - Title: doing global science on a small schooner. The Tara Oceans expedition.

Since 2009 the Boss lab has been involved with making measurement on the Tara, a 36m long sailing vessel that has made measurements throughout the world’s ocean. In this talk I will present some of the special aspects of this unusual private/public partnership and some of our own lab and other groups scientific findings to date.

Website: http://oceans.taraexpeditions.org/en/m/science/scientists/

20/04 - Title: Ecological and physical processes underlying phytoplankton blooms.

Bottom up constraints (light, nutrients) have been used to explain phytoplankton dynamics for years, largely due to the fact that data on top-down constraints are not available on the same scales. In this talk I will revisit the bottom-up explanations for some vernal blooms and show evidence of them not being consistent with year-around in-situ data collected with profiling floats and observations from iron fertilized blooms. I will then address where in the theoretical ecological framework lies the problem and further use simple models to study the dynamics of phytoplankton in the upper ocean. I will conclude with a discussion of the limitation of current modeling approaches and data availability for understanding phytoplankton dynamics.
