LabISA was created in late 2013 by researchers from the Earth Observation Coordination (OBT). Currently, LabISA is linked to the Earth Observation and Geoinformatics Division (DIOTG) of the General Coordination of Earth Observation (CGCT) of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). It was motivated by the increasing number of studies focused on: the application of remote sensing for assessing physical, chemical and biological properties of inland waters; by recent technological advances and by the growing demand of the rational use of fresh water. Within this context, the OBT/INPE acquired, funded by FAPESP, CNPq and ANEEL / FURNAS, a set of equipment to carry out optical and limnological measurements in Brazilian aquatic environments.

Cláudio Clemente Faria Barbosa Coordinator

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The main laboratory activity focus on gathering in situ data on optical (AOPs & IOPs) and limnological properties of Brazilian inland and coastal waters for:

  1. To build a database of Brazilian inland waters for bio-optical characterization and to support studies in aquatic environments;
  2. Develop and calibrate bio-optical algorithms to estimate water quality parameters from remote sensing;
  3. Develop studies to evaluate the impacts of anthropogenic activities on the degradation of water resources (eutrophication, pollution, biodiversity, etc.);
  4. Validate acquired orbital data on aquatic environments; and
  5. To train human resources in an extremely relevant line of research for the monitoring of aquatic environments.


LabISA also seeks the continued training of human resources in order to expand the research group skills and foster the advancement of an even incipient field in Brazil.


LabISA’s ongoing Projects


2001 - 2003

Estudo da dinâmica de circulação da água entre sistemas lóticos, lênticos e a planície de inundação amazônica

2003 - 2004

LBA II - Linking vegetative cover and inundation in Amazon wetlands with regional analyses of carbon dynamics

2004 - 2009

Linking remote sensing of variations in inundation and aquatic vegetation with regional analyses of carbon dynamics in Amazon wetlands

2008 - 2010

Estudo comparativo das propriedades da água de lagos da várzea do Amazonas (Solimões - AM) submetidos

2009 - 2011

Integração de dados multi-sensores, telemétricos, censitários e de campo na avaliação do impacto humano sobre os sistemas aquáticos da várzea do rio Amazonas/Solimões

2010 - 2013

Efeito de perturbações antrópicas sobre a estrutura florística e funcionamento das florestas de várzea e seu impacto sobre os ecossistemas aquáticos da calha central do Solimões-Amazonas

2011 - 2013

Avaliação das Emissões de Carbono de Reservatórios Hidrelétricos

2011 - 2014

Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts Associated with the Production and Consumption of Sugarcane Ethanol in South Central Brazil

2012 - 2013

Sensoriamento remoto hiperespectral aplicado aos recursos solo e água

2012 - 2014

Sensoriamento Remoto aplicado à modelagem de impactos antropogênicos sobre propriedades ecológicas de ambientes alagáveis e aquáticos da planície do Solimões/Amazonas

2015 - 2017

Caracterização bio-óptica espaço-temporal e desenvolvimento de algoritmos analíticos para o monitoramento sistemático das massas de água que circulam pela planície de inundação do médio e baixo Amazonas.

2015 - 2017

Monitoramento Ambiental por Satélites no Bioma Amazônia - subprojeto - Análise de padrões espaço-temporais das massas d’água com dados de uso e cobertura da terra

2019 - Now

Balancing biOdiversity coNservation with Development in Amazonian wetlandS - BONDS

2019 - Now

MAPAQUALI - Modular system for continuous monitoring of inland waters quality by satellite


Recente publications


LabISA’s Researchers, students, associated studants and colaborators


Graduate students


Ana Clara da Cruz Silva

Master student - Claúdio Barbosa


Carina Inácio Portela

Master student - Evlyn Novo


Fellipe Lousada Pegolo

Master student - Evlyn Novo


Júlio César Pimenta dos Santos

Master student - Claúdio Barbosa


Pedro Ferrini Manhães Bacellar

Master student - Claúdio Barbosa


Rafael Grinberg Chasles

Master student - Claúdio Barbosa


Rogerio Flores Júnior

Doctoral student - Karine Reis & Gilberto Ribeiro & Marie Bonnet

Scholarship students


Gustavo Kenji Ando

PIBIC scholarship student


Kauã Gustavo Rodrigues Renó

PIBIC scholarship studant


Raianny Leite do Nascimento Wanderley

PCI scholarship student

Associated researchers

Collaborating researchers


Felipe Menino Carlos

Master student - PGCAP - Gilberto Ribeiro


Felipe Nincao Begliomini

Master student - Claúdio Barbosa


Rejane de Souza Paulino

Master student - Evlyn Novo


For more information contact us