Who are we?
First Meeting of the GeoCxNet Group - May of 2008
First Meeting of the GeoCxNet Group - April of 2016
Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro
Research areas: spatial analysis methods and Spatially Explicit Dynamic Modelling
applied to urban studies and public health problems.
Territorial studies of social inequalities and social-spatial segregation on metropolitan areas.
New possibilities in computer representations of Geographical Phenomena.
Web page: http://www.dpi.inpe.br/quem_somos/miguel
Phone: +55 12 3208 6513
E-mail: miguel (at) dpi.inpe.br
Maria Isabel Sobral Escada
Research areas: Land Change Science
Web page: http://www.dpi.inpe.br/quem_somos/isabel
Phone: +55 12 3208 6521
E-mail: isabel (at) dpi.inpe.br
Silvana Amaral Kampel
Research areas: Land Change Science, Biodiversity Modelling
Web page: http://www.dpi.inpe.br/quem_somos/silvana
Phone: +55 12 3208 6474
E-mail: silvana (at) dpi.inpe.br
Pedro Ribeiro de Andrade
PhD Student, Computer Science
Other research areas: Agent Based Modelling, Game Theory, aRT
Advisors: Dr. Gilberto Câmara and Dr. Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro
Web page: http://www.leg.ufpr.br/~pedro/
Phone: +55 12 3208 7130
E-mail: pedro (at) dpi.inpe.br
Gilberto Ribeiro de Queiroz
PhD Student, Networks in Geographical Information Systems
Advisors: Dr. Giberto Câmara and Dr. Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro
Web page: http://www.dpi.inpe.br/~gribeiro/
Phone: +55 12 3208 6507
E-mail: gribeiro (at) dpi.inpe.br
Jaidson Nandi Becker
PhD Student, Earth System Science - INPE
Advisors: Dr. Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro and Dra. Maria Isabel Sobral Escada
Research areas: Epidemiology, Spatial Modelling
Phone: +55 12 8269 5196
E-mail: jbecker (at) dpi.inpe.br
Juliana Mota De Siqueira
PhD Student Remote Sensing, Master Degree in Demography, Bachelor Degree in Statistics
Research areas: spatial distribuition of population, remote sensing, internal and international mobility, Amazônia, urbanization, population and environment
Advisors: Dr. Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro and Dra. Maria Isabel Sobral Escada
Phone: +55 12 3208 6838
E-mail: siqueira (at) dpi.inpe.br
Ana Paula Dal'Asta
PhD Student Remote Sensing, Master and Bachelor Degree in Geography
Research areas: spatial distribuition of population, remote sensing, Amazônia, urbanization, population and environment
Advisors: Dra. Silvana Amaral and Dr. Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro
Phone: +55 12 3208 6838
E-mail: anapdalasta (at) dpi.inpe.br
Mariane Souza Reis
Research areas: LULC class description, digital image processing for change detection, SAR processing
PCI project: land cover class definition hierarchical system proposal for repruducible results
Supervisors: Maria Isabel Sobra Escada, Sidnei João Siqueira Sant'Anna and Luciano Vieira Dutra
Phone: +55 12 3208-6781
E-mail: reis (at) dpi.inpe.br
Vivian Fróes Renó
PhD Student Remote Sensing, Master Degree in Remote Sensing, Bachelor Degree in Biology
Research areas: Land cover change; Landscape ecology; Population and environment; Amazon floodplain
Advisors: Dra. Evlyn Marcia leão Moraes Novo and Dra. Maria Isabel Sobral Escada
Phone: +55 12 3208-6486
E-mail: vivianfr (at) dsr.inpe.br
Tatiana Kolodin Ferrari
Masters Student in Remote Sensing, Master and Bachelor Degree in Economics
Advisors: Dr. Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro and Dra. Flávia da Fonseca Feitosa
Phone: +55 12 98121-1121
E-mail: tatiana.ferrari (at) inpe.br
Vinicius do Prado Capanema
Masters Student in Remote Sensing
Advisors: Maria Isabel Sobra Escada and Sidnei João Siqueira Sant'Anna
Phone: +55 12 99600-1023
E-mail: vinicius.capanema (at) inpe.br
Anielli Rosane de Souza
Masters Student in Remote Sensing
Research areas: Dynamics of Land cover and Land use; Landscape ecology; Land use intensification
Advisors: Dra. Maria Isabel Sobral Escada and Dr. Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro
Phone: +55 12 3208-6819
E-mail: anielli (at) dpi.inpe.br
Carla de Almeida Roig
PhD Student in Earth System Science, Master Degree in Energy; Architect & Urban Planner
Research areas: Urbanization; Spatial analysis methods applied to urban studies; Territorial studies on accesibility and socio-spatial segregation in metropolitan areas
Advisors: Dr. Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro and Dra. Flávia da Fonseca Feitosa
Phone: +55 12 3208-7782
E-mail: carla.roig (at) .inpe.br
Claudia Paola Cardozo
PhD Student Remote Sensing, Master Degree on Emergency Early Warning and Response Space Applications.
Research areas: Landslides risk assesment. Remote sensing. Disaster risk management and climate change adaptation. Spatial Modelling
Advisors: Dr. Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro and Dr. Eymar Lopes
Phone: +55 12 3208-7303
E-mail: paola (at) dpi.inpe.br
Associated Researchers
Carolina Moutinho Duque de Pinho
UFABC, Territorial Planning Unit
Adjunct Professor at the Territorial Planning Department
GATE Lab Principal Investigator
Academic Coordinator for the Undergraduate Program in Territorial Planning
Web page: http://www.dpi.inpe.br/~carolina/
Flávia da Fonseca Feitosa
UFABC, Territorial Planning Unit
Adjunct Professor at the Territorial Planning Department
GATE Lab Leader
Research areas: Agent-Based Modelling, Urban Complexity, Spatial Indicators of Urban Segregation, Urban Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change
Phone: +55 12 3208 7130
Web page: http://flaviafeitosa.wordpress.com
Líliam César de Castro Medeiros
UNESP-SJC, Epidemiology
Research areas: Spatial Modelling, Complex Networks
Adjunct Professor at the Environmental Engineering Department
Roberta Rosemback
Research areas: Territorial Studies of Social Inequalities and
Social-Spatial Segregation on Metropolitan Areas
Doctaral Thesis in Demography at the FACE-UFMG