te::layout Namespace Reference

This is the namespace for the Layout module. More...


class  AbstractBuildGraphicsItem
 Abstract class for build graphics MVC components. More...
class  AbstractBuildGraphicsOutside
 Abstract class for build MVC widgets. More...
class  AbstractEnum
 Abstract class to represent an enumeration. More...
class  AbstractItemFactory
 Abstract Factory provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent graphic objects (MVC components) without specifying their concrete classes. More...
class  AbstractOutsideFactory
 Abstract Factory provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent graphic widgets (MVC widgets) without specifying their concrete classes. More...
class  AbstractPropertiesBrowser
 Manage properties variants values. More...
class  AbstractProxyProject
 Abstract class to provide a surrogate or placeholder for te::qt::af::Project to control access to it. A wrapper to access without complexity. This abstract proxy is required because module not must have dependence te::qt::af. Useful to access the Layers belonging to the project. More...
class  AbstractRuler
 Abstract class representing a ruler. More...
class  AbstractScene
 Abstract scene for Scene, a QGraphicsScene class, part of Graphics View Framework. More...
class  AbstractTemplate
 Abstract class that represents a Template. More...
class  AbstractTemplateFactory
 Abstract Factory provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent templates without specifying their concrete classes. More...
class  AbstractView
 This is the abstract view for View. More...
class  AbstractViewTool
class  AbstractVisitor
 Abstract class to represent a visitor. All classes representing a visitor must inherit from this class. More...
class  AddCommand
 Undo/Redo for add one components. More...
class  AlignItems
 Class applying the alignment of one or more objects. Ex .: send to back, bring to front, align right, align bottom. More...
class  ArrowController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Arrow MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  ArrowItem
 Class that represents a graphic Arrow. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...
class  ArrowModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of Arrow MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable. More...
class  BalloonController
class  BalloonItem
class  BalloonModel
class  BarCodeController
class  BarCodeItem
class  BarCodeModel
class  BuildContext
class  BuildEnums
class  BuildGraphicsItem
 Class responsible for creating or building graphics objects. All objects are children of QGraphicsItem and ItemObserver. An object of a type is created from a coordinated. Also an object of a type can be built from the properties saved in a template. Only place where the model and the controller is instantiated and the MVC component is created. More...
class  BuildGraphicsOutside
 Class responsible for creating or building widgets. All objects are children of Qwidget and OutsideObserver. Only place where the model and the controller is instantiated and the MVC outside is created. More...
class  ChangePropertyCommand
 Undo/Redo for changes in component properties. More...
class  Context
 Singleton class responsible for keeping active objects while the plugin is loaded in memory and make them available for access anywhere in the plugin or layout module. Ex .: factories objects, canvas, class of utility functions, proxy to access the project, etc. More...
class  ContextItem
 Class responsible for maintaining the drawing context of a MVC component. It is always used by the "Model" part of the MVC in draw method, as well as the part "View" in updateObserver method. More...
class  DeleteCommand
 Undo/Redo for delete one or more components. More...
class  DialogPropertiesBrowser
 Manage properties dialogs values. More...
class  EditTemplateController
class  EditTemplateModel
class  EditTemplateOutside
class  EllipseController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Ellipse MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  EllipseItem
 Class that represents a graphic Ellipse. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...
class  EllipseModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of Ellipse MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable. More...
class  EnumDataType
 Class to represent a data type enumeration. Ex.: int, double, bool, te::color::RGBAColor (color), etc. More...
class  EnumGridStyleType
 Class to represent a grid style type enumeration. Ex.: continuous, cross, etc. More...
class  EnumLineStyleType
 Class to represent a line style type enumeration. Ex.: solid, dash, dot, etc. More...
class  EnumModeType
 Class to represent a mode type enumeration. Ex.: select, pan, create text, etc. The type of mode is used by the context to know what should be done. The mode in context could be modified by the user interaction. More...
class  EnumObjectType
 Class to represent a graphic object (MVC component) and widget object (MVC widget) type enumeration. Ex. component: map, legend, scale, rectangle, text, etc. Ex. widget: object inspector, toolbar, etc. More...
class  EnumPointType
 Class to represent a scale point enumeration. Ex.: X, square, circle, etc. More...
class  Enums
 Singleton class responsible for keeping active objects of Enum while the plugin is loaded in memory and make them available for access anywhere in the plugin or layout module. Ex .: Enum for data type, enum for object type, enum for mode type, enum for template type, etc. More...
class  EnumScaleType
 Class to represent a scale type enumeration. Ex.: hollow scale bar, etc. More...
class  EnumTemplateType
 Class to represent a template type enumeration. Ex.: json, etc. More...
class  EnumType
 Class that represents the value of an enumeration. An enumeration is made of "1..n" objects EnumType. More...
class  Font
 Class specifies a font. More...
class  GeodesicGridSettingsConfigProperties
class  GridGeodesicController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Rectangle MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  GridGeodesicItem
 Class that represents a graphic GridMap. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...
class  GridGeodesicModel
class  GridMapController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Rectangle MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  GridMapItem
 Class that represents a graphic GridMap. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...
class  GridMapModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of GridMap MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable. More...
class  GridModel
class  GridPlanarController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Rectangle MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  GridPlanarItem
 Class that represents a graphic GridMap. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...
class  GridPlanarModel
class  GridSettingsConfigProperties
class  GridSettingsController
class  GridSettingsModel
class  GridSettingsOutside
 Window (QDialog) map grid setting (MapItem). More...
class  HorizontalRuler
 Class that represents a horizontal ruler with the coordinate system in mm. More...
class  ImageController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Image MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  ImageItem
 Class that represents a graphic Image. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...
class  ImageModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of Image MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable. More...
class  ItemController
 Abstract class to represent a controller. "Controller" part of MVC component. All classes representing the controller of a component must inherit from this class. More...
class  ItemFactory
 Factory for creating families of related or dependent graphic objects (MVC components). More...
class  ItemGroup
 Class that represents the grouping of objects of type QGraphicsItem, MVC components. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...
class  ItemGroupController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of ItemGroup MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  ItemGroupModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of ItemGroup MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable. More...
class  ItemModelObservable
 Abstract class to represent an observable. "Model" part of MVC component. All classes representing the model of a component must inherit from this class. More...
class  ItemObserver
 Abstract class to represent an observer. "View" part of MVC component. All classes representing the graphics component must inherit from this class. More...
class  ItemParamsCreate
 Parameters to creation new object. Ex.: "Model" and "Controller" of the new object (MVC component). More...
class  ItemUtils
 Utility class for manipulating items in the scene and vectorization of text and legend. More...
class  JSON
 Implementation of .json for Serialization. It is a JSON file. Save or change a file .json and serializes the properties of the objects, MVC component. More...
class  JSONTemplate
 Implementation of AbstractTemplate. Template that creates, saves, or change a .json file. More...
class  LegendChildController
class  LegendChildItem
class  LegendChildModel
class  LegendController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Legend MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  LegendItem
 Class that represents a graphic legend of a map. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...
class  LegendModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of Legend MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable, and son of AbstractVisitor, so it can become visitor. It is must visit the map, via te::layout::Visitable*, to get the layers. More...
class  LineController
class  LineItem
class  LineModel
class  MapController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Map MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  MapItem
 This class is a proxy MapDisplay. This makes it possible to add a MapDisplay as item of a scene. This object is of type QGraphicsProxyWidget. He have a directly interaction by user. His transformation matrix is inverted, that is, the inverse of the matrix of the scene, so its coordinate system is screen (pixel), but its position in the scene remains in millimeters. Drawing starting point is llx, lly. He is also the son of ItemObserver, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). "View" part of MVC component. More...
class  MapLayerChoiceController
class  MapLayerChoiceModel
class  MapLayerChoiceOutside
class  MapLocationController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Map MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  MapLocationItem
 This class is a proxy MapDisplay. This makes it possible to add a MapDisplay as item of a scene. This object is of type QGraphicsProxyWidget. He have a directly interaction by user. His transformation matrix is inverted, that is, the inverse of the matrix of the scene, so its coordinate system is screen (pixel), but its position in the scene remains in millimeters. Drawing starting point is llx, lly. He is also the son of ItemObserver, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). "View" part of MVC component. More...
class  MapLocationModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of Map MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable, and son of Visitable, so it can become visitable. More...
class  MapModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of Map MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable, and son of Visitable, so it can become visitable. More...
class  MenuBuilder
 Class responsible for creating the menu, right mouse button, and dynamically add menu options. More...
class  Module
 This singleton defines the TerraLib Qt Widgets module entry. More...
class  MoveCommand
 Undo/Redo for moving components. More...
class  MovingItemGroup
class  MovingItemGroupController
class  MovingItemGroupModel
class  NorthController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Rectangle MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  NorthItem
 Class that represents a graphic Rectangle. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...
class  NorthModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of Rectangle MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable. More...
class  ObjectInspectorController
class  ObjectInspectorModel
class  ObjectInspectorOutside
 Tree of names of all the items entered on the scene, MVC components, using Qt to present the name of each item and its class. Object Inspector. More...
class  ObjectItem
 Abstract class that represents a graphic item. This object is of type QGraphicsObject. More...
class  Observable
 Abstract class to represent an observable. "Model" part of MVC component. More...
class  Observer
 Abstract class to represent an observer. "View" part of MVC component. More...
class  OutsideController
 Abstract class to represent a controller. "Controller" part of MVC widget. All classes representing the controller of a widget must inherit from this class. More...
class  OutsideFactory
 Factory for creating families of related or dependent widgets (MVC widgets). More...
class  OutsideModelObservable
 Abstract class to represent an observable. "Model" part of MVC widget. All classes representing the model of a widget must inherit from this class. More...
class  OutsideObserver
 Abstract class to represent an observer. "View" part of MVC widget. All classes representing the graphics component must inherit from this class. More...
class  OutsideParamsCreate
 Parameters to creation new object. Ex.: "Model" and "Controller" of the new object (MVC widget). More...
class  PageSetupController
class  PageSetupModel
class  PageSetupOutside
class  PaperConfig
 Class responsible for paper setting. Size, orientation, custom size, etc. More...
class  PaperController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Paper MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  PaperItem
 Class that represents a graphic sheet of paper. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...
class  PaperModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of Paper MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable. More...
class  ParamsCreate
class  ParentItem
 Abstract class that represents a graphic item. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). Knows rotate and resize. Stores a pixmap drawn by model. This is also son of ItemObserver, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). This class will be inherited and will became the view part of the MVC component. Who inherits it is required the implementation of updateObserver(ContextItem context) method. Drawing starting point is llx, lly. Can't add signals and slots in this class because moc(Qt) doesn't support templates. More...
class  PlanarGridSettingsConfigProperties
class  PointController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Point MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  PointItem
 Class that represents a graphic Point. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...
class  PointModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of Point MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable. More...
class  PolygonController
class  PolygonItem
class  PolygonModel
class  PrintScene
 Class responsible for printing the entire content or part of the scene. As the scene is upside down, it is necessary to invert the y of the painter before printing. More...
class  Properties
 The Properties class represents a persistent set of properties. The Properties can be saved to a file (Ex.: .json) or loaded from a file (Ex.: .json). Also used for interaction, with user or other classes of this module, to change state of a MVC Component. More...
class  PropertiesController
class  PropertiesModel
class  PropertiesOutside
 Properties tree for any item, MVC component, using Qt for presentation and editing. More...
class  PropertiesUtils
 Utility class with functions to facilitate handling of qt properties and properties layout module. More...
class  Property
 A property acts like a attribute member of a object and stores the state of this attribute. A set of properties stores the state of an object. Any data type, not included in the convertValue method in the class te::layout::Variant, it will be by default "std::string" value. More...
class  PropertyBrowser
 Manage properties variants values. Maps the QProperty properties (Qt) and Property (Layout) and add to a tree (QtTreePropertyBrowser) for presentation to the user, allowing the modification and interactive update. More...
class  RectangleController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Rectangle MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  RectangleItem
 Class that represents a graphic Rectangle. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...
class  RectangleModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of Rectangle MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable. More...
class  ScaleController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Scale MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  ScaleItem
 Class that represents a graphic scale of a map. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...
class  ScaleModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of Scale MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable, and son of AbstractVisitor, so it can become visitor. It is must visit the map, via te::layout::Visitable*, to get the scale value. More...
class  Scene
 Class representing the scene. This scene is child of QGraphicsScene, part of Graphics View Framework. The scene is not drawn, but the items that are inserted into it. She is responsible for managing items QGraphicsItem and know when and how to redrawing them. The scene has a coordinate system that is, by default, the same for all items that are inserted. The coordinate system of this representation is millimeters and your point 0.0 is in the bottom left(Cartesian coordinate system). The default settings of the layout module are in the object Context (singleton). More...
class  Serialization
 Abstract class for serialization properties in any file extension. More...
class  SharedProperties
class  Systematic
class  SystematicScaleConfig
class  SystematicScaleController
class  SystematicScaleModel
class  SystematicScaleOutside
class  TemplateEditor
 Calls the factory to create a template of the specified type and keep. Responsible for delete the created template. More...
class  TemplateFactory
 Factory for creating families of related or dependent templates. More...
class  TemplateParamsCreate
 Parameters to creation new template object. More...
class  TextController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Text MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  TextGridController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of TextGrid MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  TextGridItem
 Class daughter of te::layout::TitleItem representing a grid with cells which can be inserted texts. More...
class  TextGridModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of TextGrid MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable. More...
class  TextGridSettingsConfigProperties
class  TextGridSettingsController
class  TextGridSettingsModel
class  TextGridSettingsOutside
class  TextItem
 Class that represents text. This object is of type QGraphicsTextItem. He is directly editable via user interaction. His transformation matrix is inverted, that is, the inverse of the matrix of the scene, so its coordinate system is screen (pixel), but its position in the scene remains in millimeters. Drawing starting point is llx, lly. He is also the son of ItemObserver, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). "View" part of MVC component. More...
class  TextModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of Text MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable. More...
class  TitleController
 Class that represents a "Controller" part of Title MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also the son of ItemController, so it can become a controller. More...
class  TitleItem
 Class daughter of te::layout::TextItem representing a grid with two cells which can be inserted texts. More...
class  TitleModel
 Class that represents a "Model" part of Title MVC component. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemModelObservable, so it can become observable. More...
class  ToolbarController
class  ToolbarModel
class  ToolbarOutside
 Standard Toolbar for Layout. Includes Qt components for interaction between the user and the plugin/app, via events, made from the Layout module. Ex .: button for create Map, activate ZoomOut function, align selected components to the left, etc. This is also son of OutsideObserver, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). "View" part of widget. More...
class  Utils
 Utility class with functions to manipulate the canvas and conversion between projections. More...
class  Variant
 Class acts like a union for some C++/TerraLib5 data types. Responsible for storing the value. Any data type, not included in the convertValue method in this class, it will be by default "std::string". Storing value types: More...
class  VariantPropertiesBrowser
 Manage properties variants values. More...
class  VerticalRuler
 Class that represents a vertical ruler with the coordinate system in mm. More...
class  View
 Class representing the view. This view is child of QGraphicsView, part of Graphics View Framework. The View object is a widget where the items in the scene are drawn. It is responsible for presentation and interaction between the screen events and the scene. Manages interactive functions and intercepts all mouse or keyboard events. The coordinate system of this representation is pixel and your point 0.0 is in the top left(Screen coordinate system). The default settings of the layout module are in the object Context (singleton). More...
class  ViewRubberBand
 This class implements a concrete tool to geographic pan operation. More...
class  ViewZoom
class  ViewZoomArea
class  ViewZoomClick
 This class implements a concrete tool to geographic zoom operation using the mouse click. More...
class  Visitable
 Class to represent a visitable. All classes representing a visitable must inherit from this class. More...
class  VisitorUtils
 Utility class for visitor. More...
class  VisualizationArea
 Creates the viewing area. Ex.: creation of the sheet of paper. More...
class  WaitView
class  WorldTransformer
 This class implements the logic for transforming from System 1 coordinate to other type of coordinate system and vice-versa. More...


enum  LayoutAbstractPaperType {
  A0, A1, A2, A3,
  A4, A5, A6, A7,
  A8, A9, Letter, Legal,
  Executive, Custom
 Enum TdkAbstractComponentType. This is the enumeration of the components types. More...
enum  LayoutAlign {
  TPTopLeft, TPTopRight, TPLowerLeft, TPLowerRight,
  TPCenter, TPCenterRight, TPCenterLeft, TPNoneSide
 Enum TdkAbstractComponentType. This is the enumeration of the components types. More...
enum  LayoutOrientationType { Portrait, Landscape }
enum  LayoutUnit { StyleMeter =1, StyleKilometer =1000 }

Detailed Description

This is the namespace for the Layout module.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enum TdkAbstractComponentType. This is the enumeration of the components types.


Definition at line 65 of file AbstractType.h.

Enum TdkAbstractComponentType. This is the enumeration of the components types.


Definition at line 92 of file AbstractType.h.


portrait orientation


landScape orientation

Definition at line 83 of file AbstractType.h.


Definition at line 113 of file AbstractType.h.