Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright (C) 2008 National Institute For Space Research (INPE) - Brazil.
3  This file is part of the TerraLib - a Framework for building GIS enabled applications.
5  TerraLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
8  or (at your option) any later version.
10  TerraLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  along with TerraLib. See COPYING. If not, write to
17  TerraLib Team at <terralib-team@terralib.org>.
18  */
20 /*!
21  \file terralib/rp/TiePointsLocatorInputParameters.cpp
22  \brief Tie points locator input parameters.
23 */
27 namespace te
28 {
29  namespace rp
30  {
32  {
33  reset();
34  }
37  {
38  reset();
39  operator=( other );
40  }
43  {
44  reset();
45  }
47  void TiePointsLocatorInputParameters::reset() throw( te::rp::Exception )
48  {
50  m_inRaster1Ptr = 0;
52  m_inRaster1Bands.clear();
57  m_inRaster2Ptr = 0;
59  m_inRaster2Bands.clear();
64  m_enableMultiThread = true;
65  m_enableProgress = false;
66  m_maxTiePoints = 2500;
69  m_geomTransfName = "Affine";
85  }
88  const TiePointsLocatorInputParameters& params )
89  {
90  reset();
129  return *this;
130  }
133  {
134  return new TiePointsLocatorInputParameters( *this );
135  }
137  } // end namespace rp
138 } // end namespace te
Near neighborhood interpolation method.
Definition: Enums.h:95
double m_surfMaxNormEuclideanDist
The maximum acceptable euclidean distance when matching features (when applicable), default:0.75, valid range: [0,1].
std::vector< unsigned int > m_inRaster2Bands
Bands to be used from the input raster 2.
bool m_enableProgress
Enable/Disable the progress interface (default:false).
unsigned int m_raster2TargetAreaLineStart
The first line of the raster 2 target area to process (default:0 - The entire raster will be consider...
unsigned int m_moravecWindowWidth
The Moravec window width used to locate canditate tie-points (minimum 3, default: 21 )...
unsigned int m_surfScalesNumber
The number of sub-sampling scales to generate, when applicable (default:3, minimum:3).
double m_geomTransfMaxError
The maximum allowed transformation error (pixel units, default:2).
double m_subSampleOptimizationRescaleFactor
Sub-sampled optimization tie-points search rescale factor (Tie-ponts will be searched into a subsabmp...
AbstractParameters * clone() const
Create a clone copy of this instance.
te::rst::Raster const * m_inRaster2Ptr
Input raster 2.
unsigned int m_moravecCorrelationWindowWidth
The correlation window width used to correlate points between the images (minimum 3...
unsigned int m_moravecNoiseFilterIterations
The number of noise filter iterations, when applicable (used to remove image noise, zero will disable the noise Filter, default:1).
unsigned int m_maxTiePoints
The maximum number of tie-points to generate (0:Automatically calculated, default:2500).
unsigned int m_raster1TargetAreaHeight
The raster 1 target area height (default:0 - The entire raster will be considered).
double m_pixelSizeXRelation
The pixel resolution relation m_pixelSizeXRelation = raster1_pixel_res_x / raster2_pixel_res_x (defau...
double m_geometryFilterAssurance
Geometry assurance (the error-free selection percent assurance) - Use Lower values for good tie-point...
bool m_enableGeometryFilter
Enable/disable the geometry filter/outliers remotion (default:true).
std::vector< unsigned int > m_inRaster1Bands
Bands to be used from the input raster 1.
URI C++ Library.
double m_subSampleOptimizationMinTPAreaCoverage
Sub-sampled optimization - mininumum required tie-points covered area percent of each raster area - v...
unsigned int m_tiePointsSubSectorsSplitFactor
The algorithm will try to generate tie-points distributed over image sectors ( Default: 3 - 3x3 sub-s...
te::rst::Raster const * m_inRaster1Ptr
Input raster 1.
unsigned int m_surfOctavesNumber
The number of octaves to generate, when applicable (default: 2, minimum:2).
double m_moravecMinAbsCorrelation
The minimum acceptable absolute correlation value when matching features (when applicable), default:0.25, valid range: [0,1].
double m_subSampleOptimizationMinTPNumberFactor
Sub-sampled optimization - mininumum required tie-points number factor - valid range [1...
Abstract parameters base interface.
unsigned int m_raster1TargetAreaWidth
The raster 1 target area width (default:0 - The entire raster will be considered).
double m_pixelSizeYRelation
The pixel resolution relation m_pixelSizeYRelation = raster1_pixel_res_y / raster2_pixel_res_y (defau...
unsigned int m_raster1TargetAreaLineStart
The first line of the raster 1 target area to process (default:0 - The entire raster will be consider...
unsigned int m_raster2TargetAreaColStart
The first column of the raster 2 target area to process (default:0 - The entire raster will be consid...
unsigned int m_raster2TargetAreaHeight
The raster 2 target area height (default:0 - The entire raster will be considered).
bool m_enableMultiThread
Enable/Disable the use of multi-threads (default:true).
te::rst::Raster const * m_inMaskRaster1Ptr
Optional one band input mask raster 1 (tie-points will not be generated inside mask image areas marke...
te::rst::Raster const * m_inMaskRaster2Ptr
Optional one band input mask raster 2 (tie-points will not be generated inside mask image areas marke...
void reset()
Clear all internal allocated resources and reset the parameters instance to its initial state...
std::string m_geomTransfName
The name of the geometric transformation used to ensure tie-points consistency (see each te::gm::GTFa...
const TiePointsLocatorInputParameters & operator=(const TiePointsLocatorInputParameters &params)
unsigned int m_raster1TargetAreaColStart
The first column of the raster 2 target area to process (default:0 - The entire raster will be consid...
unsigned int m_raster2TargetAreaWidth
The raster 2 target area width (default:0 - The entire raster will be considered).
TiePointsLocator input parameters.
te::rst::Interpolator::Method m_interpMethod
The raster interpolator method (default:NearestNeighbor).
InteresPointsLocationStrategyType m_interesPointsLocationStrategy
The strategy used to locate interest points (default:MoravecStrategyT).