rp Directory Reference


directory  radar


file  AbstractFeeder.h [code]
 Abstract objects feeder.
file  Algorithm.cpp [code]
 Raster Processing algorithm base interface.
file  Algorithm.h [code]
 Raster Processing algorithm base interface class.
file  AlgorithmInputParameters.cpp [code]
 Raster Processing algorithm input parameters base interface.
file  AlgorithmInputParameters.h [code]
 Raster Processing algorithm input parameters base interface.
file  AlgorithmOutputParameters.cpp [code]
 Raster Processing algorithm output parameters base interface.
file  AlgorithmOutputParameters.h [code]
 Raster Processing algorithm output parameters base interface.
file  ArithmeticOperations.cpp [code]
file  ArithmeticOperations.h [code]
 Performs arithmetic operation over raster data.
file  Blender.cpp [code]
 Blended pixel value calculation for two overlaped rasters.
file  Blender.h [code]
 Blended pixel value calculation for two overlaped rasters.
file  Classifier.cpp [code]
 Raster classification.
file  Classifier.h [code]
 Raster classification.
file  ClassifierDummyStrategy.cpp [code]
 Dummy strategy (just for testing purposes).
file  ClassifierDummyStrategy.h [code]
 Dummy strategy (just for testing purposes).
file  ClassifierEMStrategy.cpp [code]
 EM (Expectation-Maximization) strategy for pixel-based classification.
file  ClassifierEMStrategy.h [code]
 EM (Expectation-Maximization) strategy for pixel-based classification.
file  ClassifierISOSegStrategy.cpp [code]
 Raster ISOSeg strategy for segmentation-based classification.
file  ClassifierISOSegStrategy.h [code]
 ISOSeg strategy for segmentation-based classification.
file  ClassifierKMeansStrategy.cpp [code]
 KMeans strategy for image classification.
file  ClassifierKMeansStrategy.h [code]
 KMeans strategy for image classification.
file  ClassifierMAPStrategy.cpp [code]
 Maximum a posteriori probability strategy.
file  ClassifierMAPStrategy.h [code]
 Maximum a posteriori probability strategy.
file  ClassifierSAMStrategy.cpp [code]
 Maximum a posteriori probability strategy.
file  ClassifierSAMStrategy.h [code]
 Spectral Angle Mapper classification strategy.
file  ClassifierStrategy.cpp [code]
 Raster classifier strategy base class.
file  ClassifierStrategy.h [code]
 Raster classifier strategy base class.
file  ClassifierStrategyFactory.cpp [code]
file  ClassifierStrategyFactory.h [code]
 Raster classifier strategy factory base class.
file  Config.h [code]
 Configuration flags for the Raster Processing module of TerraLib.
file  Contrast.cpp [code]
 Contrast enhancement.
file  Contrast.h [code]
 Contrast enhancement.
file  Exception.cpp [code]
 Exception class.
file  Exception.h [code]
 Exception class.
file  FeedersRaster.cpp [code]
 Raster objects feeders.
file  FeedersRaster.h [code]
 Raster objects feeders.
file  Filter.cpp [code]
 A series of well-known filtering algorithms for images, linear and non-linear.
file  Filter.h [code]
 A series of well-known filtering algorithms for images, linear and non-linear.
file  Functions.cpp [code]
 Raster Processing functions.
file  Functions.h [code]
 Raster Processing functions.
file  GeoMosaic.cpp [code]
 Create a mosaic from a set of geo-referenced rasters.
file  GeoMosaic.h [code]
 Create a mosaic from a set of geo-referenced rasters.
file  IHSFusion.cpp [code]
 Creation of skeleton imagems.
file  IHSFusion.h [code]
 Creation of skeleton imagems.
file  Macros.h [code]
file  Matrix.h [code]
 Generic template matrix.
file  MixtureModel.cpp [code]
 Raster decomposition using mixture model.
file  MixtureModel.h [code]
 Raster decomposition using mixture model.
file  MixtureModelLinearStrategy.cpp [code]
 Raster linear strategy for mixture model classification.
file  MixtureModelLinearStrategy.h [code]
 Raster linear strategy for mixture model classification.
file  MixtureModelPCAStrategy.cpp [code]
 PCA (Principal Component Analysis) strategy for mixture model.
file  MixtureModelPCAStrategy.h [code]
 PCA (Principal Component Analysis) strategy for mixture model.
file  MixtureModelStrategy.cpp [code]
 Raster mixture model strategy base class.
file  MixtureModelStrategy.h [code]
 Raster mixture model strategy base class.
file  MixtureModelStrategyFactory.cpp [code]
file  MixtureModelStrategyFactory.h [code]
 Raster mixture model strategy factory base class.
file  Module.cpp [code]
 This singleton defines the TerraLib Raster Processing module entry.
file  Module.h [code]
 This singleton defines the TerraLib Raster Processing module entry.
file  PCAFusion.cpp [code]
 Creation of skeleton imagems.
file  PCAFusion.h [code]
 Creation of skeleton imagems.
file  RasterAttributes.cpp [code]
 Extraction of attributes from Raster, Bands, and Polygons.
file  RasterAttributes.h [code]
 Extraction of attributes from Raster, Bands, and Polygons.
file  RasterHandler.cpp [code]
 Raster tuple.
file  RasterHandler.h [code]
 Raster tuple.
file  Register.cpp [code]
 Create a mosaic from a set of rasters.
file  Register.h [code]
 Performs raster data registering into a SRS using a set of tie points.
file  Segmenter.cpp [code]
 Raster segmentation.
file  Segmenter.h [code]
 Raster segmentation.
file  SegmenterDummyStrategy.cpp [code]
file  SegmenterDummyStrategy.h [code]
 Dummy strategy (just for testing purposes).
file  SegmenterIdsManager.cpp [code]
file  SegmenterIdsManager.h [code]
 Segments IDs manager.
file  SegmenterRegionGrowingSegment.cpp [code]
file  SegmenterRegionGrowingSegment.h [code]
 Region Growing segment.
file  SegmenterRegionGrowingSegmentsPool.cpp [code]
file  SegmenterRegionGrowingSegmentsPool.h [code]
 Segments pool.
file  SegmenterRegionGrowingStrategy.cpp [code]
file  SegmenterRegionGrowingStrategy.h [code]
 Raster region growing segmenter strategy.
file  SegmenterSegmentsBlock.cpp [code]
file  SegmenterSegmentsBlock.h [code]
 Segments block.
file  SegmenterStrategy.cpp [code]
 Raster segmenter strategy base class.
file  SegmenterStrategy.h [code]
 Raster segmenter strategy base class.
file  SegmenterStrategyFactory.cpp [code]
file  SegmenterStrategyFactory.h [code]
 Raster segmenter strategy factory base class.
file  SegmenterStrategyParameters.cpp [code]
 Raster segmenter strategy parameters base class.
file  SegmenterStrategyParameters.h [code]
 Raster segmenter strategy parameters base class.
file  SequenceMosaic.cpp [code]
 Create mosaics from a sequence of overlapped rasters using an automatic tie-points detection method.
file  SequenceMosaic.h [code]
 Create mosaics from a sequence of overlapped rasters using an automatic tie-points detection method.
file  Skeleton.cpp [code]
 Creation of skeleton imagems.
file  Skeleton.h [code]
 Creation of skeleton imagems.
file  SpectralResponseFunctions.cpp [code]
 Spectral Response Functions.
file  SpectralResponseFunctions.h [code]
 Spectral Response Functions.
file  StrategyParameters.cpp [code]
 Raster strategy parameters base class.
file  StrategyParameters.h [code]
 Raster strategy parameters base class.
file  Texture.cpp [code]
 A structure to hold the set of GLCM metrics.
file  Texture.h [code]
 A structure to hold the set of GLCM metrics.
file  TiePointsLocator.cpp [code]
 Tie points locator.
file  TiePointsLocator.h [code]
 TiePointsLocator locator.
file  TiePointsLocatorInputParameters.cpp [code]
 Tie points locator input parameters.
file  TiePointsLocatorInputParameters.h [code]
 TiePointsLocator input parameters.
file  TiePointsLocatorMoravecStrategy.cpp [code]
 Tie-Pointsr locator Moravec strategy.
file  TiePointsLocatorMoravecStrategy.h [code]
 Tie-Pointsr locator Moravec strategy.
file  TiePointsLocatorStrategy.cpp [code]
 Tie-Pointsr locator strategy.
file  TiePointsLocatorStrategy.h [code]
 Tie-Pointsr locator strategy.
file  TiePointsLocatorSURFStrategy.cpp [code]
 Tie-Pointsr locator SURF strategy.
file  TiePointsLocatorSURFStrategy.h [code]
 Tie-Pointsr locator SURF strategy.
file  TiePointsMosaic.cpp [code]
 Create a mosaic from a set of rasters using tie-points.
file  TiePointsMosaic.h [code]
 Create a mosaic from a set of rasters using tie-points.
file  WisperFusion.cpp [code]
 Creation of skeleton imagems.
file  WisperFusion.h [code]
 WiSpeR fusion.