item Directory Reference


file  ArrowItem.cpp [code]
file  ArrowItem.h [code]
 Class that represents a graphic Arrow. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This class is also son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable).
file  BalloonItem.cpp [code]
file  BalloonItem.h [code]
file  BarCodeItem.cpp [code]
file  BarCodeItem.h [code]
file  EllipseItem.cpp [code]
file  EllipseItem.h [code]
 Class that represents a graphic Ellipse. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable).
file  GridGeodesicItem.cpp [code]
file  GridGeodesicItem.h [code]
 Class that represents a graphic GridMap. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable).
file  GridMapItem.cpp [code]
file  GridMapItem.h [code]
 Class that represents a graphic GridMap. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable).
file  GridPlanarItem.cpp [code]
file  GridPlanarItem.h [code]
 Class that represents a graphic GridMap. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable).
file  ImageItem.cpp [code]
file  ImageItem.h [code]
file  ItemGroup.cpp [code]
file  ItemGroup.h [code]
 Class that represents the grouping of objects of type QGraphicsItem, MVC components. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable).
file  LegendChildItem.cpp [code]
file  LegendChildItem.h [code]
file  LegendItem.cpp [code]
file  LegendItem.h [code]
file  LineItem.cpp [code]
file  LineItem.h [code]
file  MapItem.cpp [code]
file  MapItem.h [code]
file  MapLocationItem.cpp [code]
file  MapLocationItem.h [code]
 This class is a proxy MapDisplay. This makes it possible to add a MapDisplay as item of a scene. This object is of type QGraphicsProxyWidget. He have a directly interaction by user. His transformation matrix is inverted, that is, the inverse of the matrix of the scene, so its coordinate system is screen (pixel), but its position in the scene remains in millimeters. This is also son of ItemObserver, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). "View" part of MVC component.
file  MovingItemGroup.cpp [code]
file  MovingItemGroup.h [code]
 Class that represents the grouping of objects of moving QGraphicsItems, MVC components. Its used to move 2...n QGraphicsItems that has inverted QMatrix. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemGroup, ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable).
file  NorthItem.cpp [code]
file  NorthItem.h [code]
 Class that represents a graphic Rectangle. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable).
file  ObjectItem.cpp [code]
file  ObjectItem.h [code]
 Abstract class that represents a graphic item. This object is of type QGraphicsObject.
file  PaperItem.cpp [code]
file  PaperItem.h [code]
 Class that represents a graphic sheet of paper. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable).
file  ParentItem.h [code]
 Abstract class that represents a graphic item. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). Knows rotate and resize. Stores a pixmap drawn by model. This is also son of ItemObserver, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). This class will be inherited and will became the view part of the MVC component. Who inherits it is required the implementation of updateObserver(ContextItem context) method. Drawing starting point is llx, lly. Can't add signals and slots in this class because moc(Qt) doesn't support templates.
file  PointItem.cpp [code]
file  PointItem.h [code]
 Class that represents a graphic Point. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable).
file  PolygonItem.cpp [code]
file  PolygonItem.h [code]
file  RectangleItem.cpp [code]
file  RectangleItem.h [code]
 Class that represents a graphic Rectangle. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable).
file  ScaleItem.cpp [code]
file  ScaleItem.h [code]
 Class that represents a graphic scale of a map. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). This is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable).
file  TextGridItem.cpp [code]
file  TextGridItem.h [code]
 Class daughter of te::layout::TitleItem representing a grid with cells which can be inserted texts.
file  TextItem.cpp [code]
file  TextItem.h [code]
 Class that represents text. This object is of type QGraphicsTextItem. He is directly editable via user interaction. His transformation matrix is inverted, that is, the inverse of the matrix of the scene, so its coordinate system is screen (pixel), but its position in the scene remains in millimeters. This is also son of ItemObserver, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). "View" part of MVC component.
file  TitleItem.cpp [code]
file  TitleItem.h [code]
 Class daughter of te::layout::TextItem representing a grid with two cells which can be inserted texts.