ItemGroup.h File Reference

Class that represents the grouping of objects of type QGraphicsItem, MVC components. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...

#include <QGraphicsItemGroup>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPixmap>
#include "../../core/pattern/mvc/ItemObserver.h"
#include "../../core/enum/AbstractType.h"
#include "../../../geometry/Envelope.h"
#include "../../../color/RGBAColor.h"
#include "../../core/Config.h"

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class  te::layout::ItemGroup
 Class that represents the grouping of objects of type QGraphicsItem, MVC components. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable). More...


 URI C++ Library.
 This is the namespace for the Layout module.

Detailed Description

Class that represents the grouping of objects of type QGraphicsItem, MVC components. Its coordinate system is the same of scene (millimeters). He is also the son of ItemObserver and ObjectItem, so it can become observer of a model (Observable).

Definition in file ItemGroup.h.