Utils.h File Reference
#include "../Config.h"
#include "../../../../srs/Config.h"
#include <ogr_core.h>

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 URI C++ Library.
 Namespace for the DataAccess API of TerraLib.
 Namespace for the Vector Geometry module of TerraLib.


TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT OGRGeometry * te::gpkg::Convert2OGR (const te::gm::Geometry *teGeom)
 It converts the TerraLib Geometry to OGR Geometry. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT OGREnvelope * te::gpkg::Convert2OGR (const te::gm::Envelope *env)
 It converts the TerraLib Envelope to OGR Envelope. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT OGRFeatureDefn * te::gpkg::Convert2OGR (te::da::DataSetType *dt)
 It converts the TerraLib DataSet Type to OGR Feature Definition. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT OGRFieldDefn * te::gpkg::Convert2OGR (te::dt::Property *p)
 It converts the TerraLib Property Type to OGR Field Definition. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT OGRwkbGeometryType te::gpkg::Convert2OGR (te::gm::GeomType geomType)
 It converts the TerraLib Geometry Type element to OGR Geometry Type. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT OGRSpatialReference * te::gpkg::Convert2OGRProjection (int srid)
 It converts the TerraLib Projection to OGR Projection. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT te::gm::Geometryte::gpkg::Convert2TerraLib (OGRGeometry *ogrGeom)
 It converts the OGR Geometry to TerraLib Geometry. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT te::gm::Envelopete::gpkg::Convert2TerraLib (const OGREnvelope *env)
 It converts the OGR Envelope to TerraLib Envelope. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT void te::gpkg::Convert2TerraLib (OGRFeatureDefn *featDef, te::da::DataSetType *dt, int srs=TE_UNKNOWN_SRS)
 It inserts a OGR Feature Definition to TerraLib DataSet Type. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT te::da::DataSetTypete::gpkg::Convert2TerraLib (OGRFeatureDefn *featDef, int srs=TE_UNKNOWN_SRS)
 It converts the OGR Feature Definition to TerraLib DataSet Type. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT te::dt::Propertyte::gpkg::Convert2TerraLib (OGRFieldDefn *fieldDef)
 It converts the OGR Field Definition to TerraLib Property Type. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT te::gm::GeomType te::gpkg::Convert2TerraLib (OGRwkbGeometryType ogrGeomType)
 It converts the OGR Geometry Type element to TerraLib Geometry Type. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT int te::gpkg::Convert2TerraLibProjection (OGRSpatialReference *osrs)
 It converts the OGR Projection to TerraLib Projection. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT void te::gpkg::copyToGeopackage (te::rst::Raster *raster, std::string outFileName)
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT void te::gpkg::createGeopackage (std::string outFileName)
std::string te::gpkg::GetDriverName (const std::string &path)
 It tries extract the driver name used by OGR Library based on the given path. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT std::string te::gpkg::GetOGRConnectionInfo (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &connInfo)
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT std::vector< std::string > te::gpkg::GetOGRDrivers (bool filterCreate=false)
 It returns the list of OGR Drivers available. More...
TERRAMOBILEPLUGINSDLLEXPORT std::string te::gpkg::RemoveSpatialSql (const std::string &sql)