Class to generate TIN. More...
#include <TINGeneration.h>
Public Member Functions | |
bool | BuildTriangle (int32_t id, te::gm::LinearRing *lr, double *val, int32_t *right, int32_t *left, te::mnt::Ntype *type, double zmin, double zmax, bool &first, KD_TREE &nodetree, te::sam::rtree::Index< std::size_t > &linetree) |
bool | LoadTin (te::da::DataSourcePtr &inDsrc, std::string &inDsetName, double zmin=std::numeric_limits< double >::min(), double zmax=std::numeric_limits< double >::max()) |
Method used to load a triangular network (TIN) More... | |
bool | LoadTinQGIS (te::da::DataSourcePtr &inDsrc, std::string &inDsetName, double zmin, double zmax) |
Method used to load a triangular network (TIN) generated by QGIS. More... | |
bool | run () |
Generate TIN \ return true or false. More... | |
bool | SaveTin (te::da::DataSourcePtr &outDsrc, std::string &outDsetName) |
void | setBreakLine (te::da::DataSourcePtr inDsrc, std::string inDsetName, std::auto_ptr< te::da::DataSetType > inDsetType, double tol) |
It sets the BreakLine Datasource that is being used to generate TIN. More... | |
void | setEnvelope (te::gm::Envelope &env) |
void | setInput (te::da::DataSourcePtr inDsrc, std::string inDsetName, std::auto_ptr< te::da::DataSetType > inDsetType, InputType type) |
It sets the Datasource that is being used to generate TIN. More... | |
void | setMaxdist (double maxdist) |
void | setMethod (int method) |
void | setMinedgesize (double minedgesize) |
void | setOutput (te::da::DataSourcePtr outDsrc, std::string dsname) |
It sets the Datasource that is being used to save TIN. More... | |
void | setParams (const double &tolerance, const double &maxdist, const double &minedgesize, const std::string &atrz_iso, const std::string &atrz_pt) |
It sets the parameters to generate TIN. More... | |
void | setSRID (int srid) |
void | setTolerance (double tolerance) |
TINGeneration () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
~TINGeneration () | |
Protected Member Functions | |
bool | borderUp () |
bool | BreakNodeClosestPoints (int32_t nid, int32_t *rClstNids, int32_t *lClstNids) |
Method that searches the Break node closest points. More... | |
bool | BreakNodeFirstDeriv () |
Method that calculates the first derivatives in the nodes of a given break triangle. More... | |
bool | BreakNodeSecondDeriv () |
Method that calculates the second derivative at all triangulation break nodes. More... | |
bool | BreakTriangleSecondDeriv () |
Method that calculates the second derivatives in the nodes of a given break triangle. More... | |
te::gm::Point | CalcNodeFirstDeriv (int32_t nodeId, int32_t clstNodes[CLNODES]) |
Method that calculates the first derivative in a given node. More... | |
TinNode | CalcNodeSecondDeriv (int32_t nodeId, int32_t clstNIds[CLNODES]) |
Method that calculates the second derivative in a given node. More... | |
bool | CalcTriangleSecondDeriv (std::vector< int32_t > &triangles, std::vector< te::gm::Point > &fderiv) |
Method that calculates the second derivatives in a node of a given triangle. More... | |
bool | CalcZvalueAkima (int32_t triid, te::gm::Point &pt1, te::gm::Point &pt2) |
Method that evaluates Z values for pt1 and pt2 using the Akima polynomium fitted in a triangle. More... | |
bool | CheckLines (int32_t trid) |
Method that check the lines in a triangulation. More... | |
bool | CheckTopology () |
Method that check the topology in a triangulation. More... | |
bool | ContainsPoint (int32_t triangId, te::gm::Point &pt) |
Method that verifies if a triangle contains a given point. More... | |
bool | CreateDelaunay () |
Method that creates a Delaunay triangulation. More... | |
bool | CreateInitialTriangles (size_t nsamples) |
bool | CreateMinAngleTriangulation () |
Method used to create a Triangulation using the Minimum Angle Method. More... | |
bool | DefineAkimaCoeficients (int32_t triid, double *coef) |
Method that defines the coefficients of the Akima polynomium fitted in a given triangle. More... | |
bool | DefineAkimaCoeficients (int32_t triid, int32_t *nodesid, te::gm::Point *p3d, double *coef) |
Method that defines the coefficients of the Akima polynomium fitted in a given triangle. More... | |
bool | DefineInterLinesColumns (int32_t *nodesid, int32_t &flin, int32_t &llin, int32_t &fcol, int32_t &lcol) |
Method that calculates the lines and the columns intercepted by a triangle. More... | |
bool | DeleteNode (int32_t node) |
Method used to delete a node in a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) More... | |
int32_t | DuplicateTriangle (int32_t t, short n, int32_t v, int32_t *testLines) |
Method used to duplicate a triangle in a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) More... | |
bool | DupNeighTriangle (int32_t tv, int32_t an0, short, int32_t v, int32_t *testLines) |
Method used to duplicate a neighbour triangle in a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) More... | |
int32_t | ExchangePolygon (int32_t triangId, int32_t newPolyId, unsigned short edge) |
Method that exchanges polygon. More... | |
bool | FillGridValue (int32_t triid, int32_t flin, int32_t llin, int32_t fcol, int32_t lcol, double zvalue) |
bool | FindInterPoints (te::gm::Point &pf, te::gm::Point &pn, std::vector< te::gm::Point > &p3d, std::vector< bool > &fixed) |
Method fint the point that intersects two triangles containing points pf and pn. More... | |
std::vector< int32_t > | FindLine (int32_t nid) |
Method that find a line containing a specific node. More... | |
int32_t | FindLine (int32_t fnid, int32_t snid) |
Method that find a line given two nodes identification. More... | |
int32_t | FindTriangle (te::gm::Point &ptr1) |
Method that finds a triangle containing a given point. More... | |
bool | GenerateDelaunay (int32_t nt, int32_t ntbase, int32_t contr) |
Method that generates a Delaunay triangulation. More... | |
te::da::DataSetType * | GetDataSetType (std::string &outDsetName) |
bool | InsertBreakLines () |
bool | InsertBreakNodes (te::gm::MultiLineString &breaklines) |
bool | InsertNode (int32_t nodeid, int type) |
Method used to insert a node in a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) More... | |
bool | InsertNodes (const te::gm::MultiPoint &mpt, const te::gm::MultiLineString &mls) |
bool | IsBreaklineSegment (int32_t linid) |
Method that veryfies if the Breakline is a segment. More... | |
bool | IsIsolineSegment (int32_t linid) |
Method that veryfies if the Isoline is a segment. More... | |
bool | IsNeighborOnIsoOrBreakline (int32_t triId, unsigned short nviz) |
bool | IsolinesConstrained () |
Method that define the Constrained Isolines. More... | |
bool | LoadTin () |
Method used to load a triangular network (TIN) More... | |
bool | ModifyBoundTriangles () |
Method that modifies the bounds of Triangles. More... | |
te::gm::Geometry * | neigh_union (te::gm::Geometry *tri_union, int32_t tri, std::vector< int32_t > &used_tri_all, std::map< int32_t, te::gm::Polygon > &pol_tri) |
bool | NeighborsId (int32_t triangId, int32_t *neighsId) |
int32_t | NextNode (int32_t nodeId) |
Method that finds out which is the next node. More... | |
bool | NodeClosestPoints (int32_t nid, int32_t *clstNids, bool useBrNode=true) |
Method that searches the closest points of a specific node. More... | |
bool | NodeDerivatives () |
Method that calculates the first and second derivatives in the nodes of a given triangle. More... | |
bool | NodeExchange (int32_t oldNode, int32_t newNode) |
Method used to exchange two nodes in a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) More... | |
bool | NodeFirstDeriv () |
Method that calculates the first derivatives in the nodes of a given triangle. More... | |
int32_t | NodeId (int32_t triangId, short vertex) |
Method that reads the identification number of the nodes of a given triangle. More... | |
bool | NodeLines (int32_t v, std::vector< int32_t > &linids) |
Method that includes a node in the tin line list. More... | |
bool | NodeNodes (int32_t v, std::vector< int32_t > &nodids) |
Method that includes a node in the tin node list. More... | |
bool | NodeOppositeLines (int32_t v, std::vector< int32_t > &linids) |
Method that find the oposite lines of a specific node. More... | |
bool | NodeSecondDeriv () |
Method that calculates the second derivative at all triangulation nodes. More... | |
bool | NodesId (int32_t triangId, int32_t *nodeIds) |
Method that reads the identification number of the nodes of a given triangle. More... | |
int32_t | NodeTriangle (int32_t v) |
Method that search a node in a triangulation. More... | |
bool | NodeTriangles (int32_t v, std::vector< int32_t > &triangles) |
Method that includes a node in a triangle list. More... | |
bool | NodeTriangles (int32_t nodeid, std::vector< int32_t > &rightri, std::vector< int32_t > &leftri) |
Method that find the triangle list sharing a given node. More... | |
bool | OnIsolineSegment (int32_t linid, te::gm::Point &pt3d, bool &fixed) |
Method that checks if a point 3D is on the isoline segment. More... | |
int32_t | OppositeEdge (int32_t triangId, int32_t nodeId) |
Method that reads the identification number of the opposite edge of a given node. More... | |
int32_t | OppositeNode (int32_t triangId, int32_t linId) |
Method that reads the identification number of the opposite node of a given edge. More... | |
bool | OrderLines () |
Method that order lines. More... | |
int32_t | PreviousNode (int32_t nodeId) |
Method that finds out which is the previous node. More... | |
size_t | ReadBreakLines (te::gm::MultiPoint &mpt, te::gm::MultiLineString &isolines, std::string &geostype) |
bool | ReallocateVectors (size_t nSize) |
Method that reallocates Vectors. More... | |
bool | ReCreateDelaunay () |
Method that recreates a Delaunay triangulation. More... | |
bool | ReGenerateDelaunay (int32_t nt, int32_t ntbase, int32_t contr) |
Method that regenerates a Delaunay triangulation. More... | |
bool | RegeneratewithNewPoints (std::vector< te::gm::Point > &p3dl, std::vector< bool > &fixed) |
bool | SaveTin () |
bool | TestAngleBetweenNormals (int32_t triId, short nviz) |
Method used to test the angle between two normals. More... | |
bool | TestDelaunay (int32_t tri1Id, int32_t tri2Id, int32_t tri3Id) |
Method used to test if the triangulation follows the Delaunay rule. More... | |
bool | TestDelaunay (int32_t tri1Id, int32_t tri2Id, int32_t tri3Id, int32_t tri4Id) |
Method used to test if the triangulation follows the Delaunay rule. More... | |
bool | TestDelaunay (int32_t linId) |
Method used to test if the triangulation follows the Delaunay rule. More... | |
bool | TestDelaunay (int32_t triId, short nviz) |
Method used to test if the triangulation follows the Delaunay rule. More... | |
bool | TestFlatTriangles () |
Method that test if has flat triangles and regenerate them. More... | |
bool | TestIsolines (int iter) |
Method that test the Isolines. More... | |
bool | TriangleFirstDeriv () |
Method that calculates the first derivatives in the nodes of a given triangle. More... | |
bool | TrianglePoints (int32_t triangId, te::gm::Point *vertex) |
Method that reads the vertex (points) of a given triangle. More... | |
bool | TriangleSecondDeriv () |
Method that calculates the second derivatives in the nodes of a given triangle. More... | |
bool | TwoNewTriangles (int32_t t, int32_t nodeId, int32_t *testLines) |
Method used to create two new triangles in a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) More... | |
bool | UpdateTriangles (int32_t t, int32_t tv, int32_t ai) |
Method used to Update Triangles of a given triangulation. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
std::string | m_atrZ_point |
std::string | m_atrZ_sample |
te::gm::Envelope | m_env |
Attribute used to restrict the area to generate the samples. More... | |
int32_t | m_fbnode |
First break node number. More... | |
std::string | m_inDsetName_break |
std::string | m_inDsetName_point |
std::string | m_inDsetName_sample |
std::auto_ptr< te::da::DataSetType > | m_inDsetType_break |
std::auto_ptr< te::da::DataSetType > | m_inDsetType_point |
std::auto_ptr< te::da::DataSetType > | m_inDsetType_sample |
te::da::DataSourcePtr | m_inDsrc_break |
te::da::DataSourcePtr | m_inDsrc_point |
te::da::DataSourcePtr | m_inDsrc_sample |
std::vector< TinLine > | m_line |
Triangulation lines vector. More... | |
size_t | m_linesize |
Triangulation lines vector size. More... | |
int32_t | m_lline |
Triangulation last line number. More... | |
int32_t | m_lnode |
Triangulation last node number. More... | |
int32_t | m_ltriang |
Triangulation last triangle number. More... | |
double | m_max |
double | m_maxdist |
Triangulation lines simplification maximum distance. More... | |
int | m_method |
Triangulation method Delanay or Smaller Angle. More... | |
double | m_min |
double | m_minedgesize |
Triangulation edges minimum size. More... | |
std::vector< te::gm::Point > | m_nblfderiv |
std::vector< TinNode > | m_nblsderiv |
std::vector< te::gm::Point > | m_nbrfderiv |
std::vector< TinNode > | m_nbrsderiv |
std::vector< te::gm::Point > | m_nfderiv |
double | m_nodatavalue |
std::vector< TinNode > | m_node |
Triangulation nodes vector. More... | |
size_t | m_nodesize |
Triangulation nodes vector size. More... | |
std::vector< TinNode > | m_nsderiv |
std::string | m_outDsetName |
te::da::DataSourcePtr | m_outDsrc |
double | m_resx |
double | m_resy |
te::rst::Raster * | m_rst |
int | m_srid |
Attribute with spatial reference information. More... | |
std::vector< te::gm::Point > | m_tfderiv |
double | m_tolerance |
Triangulation lines simplification tolerance. More... | |
double | m_tolerance_break |
Triangulation breaklines simplification tolerance. More... | |
std::vector< TinTriang > | m_triang |
Triangulation triangles vector. More... | |
size_t | m_triangsize |
Triangulation triangles vector size. More... | |
std::vector< TinNode > | m_tsderiv |
Class to generate TIN.
Definition at line 37 of file TINGeneration.h.
te::mnt::TINGeneration::TINGeneration | ( | ) |
Default constructor.
te::mnt::TINGeneration::~TINGeneration | ( | ) |
protected |
protectedinherited |
Method that searches the Break node closest points.
nid | is the node identification number |
rClstNids | is a pointer to a list of right node identificators |
lClstNids | is a pointer to a list of left node identificators |
protectedinherited |
Method that calculates the first derivatives in the nodes of a given break triangle.
protectedinherited |
Method that calculates the second derivative at all triangulation break nodes.
protectedinherited |
Method that calculates the second derivatives in the nodes of a given break triangle.
inherited |
protectedinherited |
Method that calculates the first derivative in a given node.
nodeid | is the node identification number |
clstNodes | is the vector of a list of nodes) |
protectedinherited |
Method that calculates the second derivative in a given node.
nodeid | is the node identification number |
clstNIds | is the vector of a list of nodes identification |
protectedinherited |
Method that calculates the second derivatives in a node of a given triangle.
triangles | is a pointer to a list of triangle identificators (SIDList object) |
fderiv | is a pointer to a Point object representing the first derivative in x and y directions |
protectedinherited |
Method that evaluates Z values for pt1 and pt2 using the Akima polynomium fitted in a triangle.
triid | is the triangle identificator number |
pt1 | is a pointer to a Point3d object |
pt2 | is a pointer to a Point3d object |
protectedinherited |
Method that check the lines in a triangulation.
protectedinherited |
Method that check the topology in a triangulation.
protectedinherited |
Method that verifies if a triangle contains a given point.
triangId | is the triangle identification number |
pt | is a pointer to a te::gm::PointZ object |
protected |
Method that creates a Delaunay triangulation.
protected |
Create the two initial triangles, based on box.
protected |
Method used to create a Triangulation using the Minimum Angle Method.
protectedinherited |
Method that defines the coefficients of the Akima polynomium fitted in a given triangle.
triid | is the triangle identification number |
coef | is a pointer to a double vector containing the polynomium coefficients |
protectedinherited |
Method that defines the coefficients of the Akima polynomium fitted in a given triangle.
triid | is the triangle identification number |
nodesid | is the list of triangle nodes identification |
p3d | is a pointer to a Point3d object |
coef | is a pointer to a double vector containing the polynomium coefficients |
protectedinherited |
Method that calculates the lines and the columns intercepted by a triangle.
grid | is a pointer to a grid object that will be created |
nodesid | is a vector with nodes identification of the current triangle |
flin | and llin are the first and the last lines (rows) of the grid |
fcol | and lcol are the first and the last columns of the grid |
protected |
Method used to delete a node in a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network)
node | is the node identification number |
protected |
Method used to duplicate a triangle in a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network)
t | is a triangle identification number |
n | is the node identification number |
v | is a vertex identification number |
testLines | is a pointer to a vector with number of lines to be tested |
protected |
Method used to duplicate a neighbour triangle in a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network)
tv | is a triangle identification number |
an0 | is an edge identification number |
v | is a vertex identification number |
testLines | is a pointer to a vector with number of lines to be tested |
protected |
Method that exchanges polygon.
triangId | is the triangle identification number |
newPolyId | is the new Polygon identification number |
edge | is the edge number of the triangle |
protectedinherited |
protected |
Method fint the point that intersects two triangles containing points pf and pn.
pf | is a pointer to the first point |
pn | is a pointer to the last point |
p3d | is a pointer to a list of Point3d objects |
protectedinherited |
Method that find a line containing a specific node.
nid | is the node identification number |
protectedinherited |
Method that find a line given two nodes identification.
fnid | is the first node identification number |
snid | is the second node identification number |
protectedinherited |
Method that finds a triangle containing a given point.
ptr1 | is a pointer to a Point object |
protected |
Method that generates a Delaunay triangulation.
nt | is the triangle number |
ntbase | is the base triangle number |
contr | is a counter |
protectedinherited |
protected |
protected |
protected |
Method used to insert a node in a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network)
nodeId | is the node identification number |
type | is the node type (0 - if Delaunay) |
protected |
Convert samples to nodes and insert them in Tin. If farther than a tolerance from the closest point.
protected |
Method that veryfies if the Breakline is a segment.
linid | is the line identification number |
protected |
Method that veryfies if the Isoline is a segment.
linid | is the line identification number |
protected |
protected |
Method that define the Constrained Isolines.
protected |
Method used to load a triangular network (TIN)
inherited |
Method used to load a triangular network (TIN)
inherited |
Method used to load a triangular network (TIN) generated by QGIS.
protected |
Method that modifies the bounds of Triangles.
protected |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
Method that finds out which is the next node.
nodeId | is the node identification number |
protectedinherited |
Method that searches the closest points of a specific node.
nid | is the node identification number |
clstNids | is a pointer to a list of closest node identificators |
useBrNode | is the break nodeidentification |
protectedinherited |
Method that calculates the first and second derivatives in the nodes of a given triangle.
protected |
Method used to exchange two nodes in a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network)
oldNnode | is the old node identification number |
newNnode | is the new node identification number |
protectedinherited |
Method that calculates the first derivatives in the nodes of a given triangle.
protectedinherited |
Method that reads the identification number of the nodes of a given triangle.
triangId | is the triangle identification number |
vertex | is the number of the vertex to be considered |
protectedinherited |
Method that includes a node in the tin line list.
v | is the node identificator number |
linids | is a pointer to a list of line identificators |
protectedinherited |
Method that includes a node in the tin node list.
v | is the node identification number |
nodids | is a pointer to a list of node identificators |
protectedinherited |
Method that find the oposite lines of a specific node.
v | is the node identification number |
linids | is pointer to a list of line identificators |
protectedinherited |
Method that calculates the second derivative at all triangulation nodes.
protectedinherited |
Method that reads the identification number of the nodes of a given triangle.
triangId | is the triangle identification number |
nodesIds | is a pointer to a list of node identification numbers |
protectedinherited |
Method that search a node in a triangulation.
v | is the node identification number |
protectedinherited |
Method that includes a node in a triangle list.
v | is the node identification number |
triangles | is pointer to a vetor of triangles |
protectedinherited |
Method that find the triangle list sharing a given node.
nodeid | is the node identification number |
rightri | is a pointer to the triangles at right side |
lefttri | is a pointer to the triangles at left side |
protected |
Method that checks if a point 3D is on the isoline segment.
linid | is the line identification number |
pt3d | is a pointer to a list of Point3D objects |
protectedinherited |
Method that reads the identification number of the opposite edge of a given node.
triangId | is the triangle identification number |
nodeId | is the node identification number |
protectedinherited |
Method that reads the identification number of the opposite node of a given edge.
triangId | is the triangle identification number |
linId | is the line identification number |
protected |
Method that order lines.
protectedinherited |
Method that finds out which is the previous node.
nodeId | is the node identification number |
protected |
protectedinherited |
Method that reallocates Vectors.
nSize | is the vector size |
protected |
Method that recreates a Delaunay triangulation.
protected |
Method that regenerates a Delaunay triangulation.
nt | is the triangle number |
ntbase | is the base triangle number |
contr | is a counter |
protected |
bool te::mnt::TINGeneration::run | ( | ) |
Generate TIN \ return true or false.
protected |
inherited |
void te::mnt::TINGeneration::setBreakLine | ( | te::da::DataSourcePtr | inDsrc, |
std::string | inDsetName, | ||
std::auto_ptr< te::da::DataSetType > | inDsetType, | ||
double | tol | ||
) |
It sets the BreakLine Datasource that is being used to generate TIN.
inDsrc | The datasource contains breaklines. |
inDsetName | |
inDsetType | |
tol | breaklines simplification tolerance in meters. |
inherited |
Function used to set the envelope parameter
void te::mnt::TINGeneration::setInput | ( | te::da::DataSourcePtr | inDsrc, |
std::string | inDsetName, | ||
std::auto_ptr< te::da::DataSetType > | inDsetType, | ||
InputType | type | ||
) |
It sets the Datasource that is being used to generate TIN.
inDsrc | The datasource being used. |
inDsetName | datasource name |
inDsetType | input DataSetType |
type | Input type: Sample or Isoline |
inline |
Function used to set Triangulation lines simplification maximum distance
Definition at line 96 of file TINGeneration.h.
inline |
Function used to set Triangulation method Delanay or Smaller Angle
Definition at line 102 of file TINGeneration.h.
inline |
Function used to set Triangulation edges minimum size
Definition at line 99 of file TINGeneration.h.
void te::mnt::TINGeneration::setOutput | ( | te::da::DataSourcePtr | outDsrc, |
std::string | dsname | ||
) |
It sets the Datasource that is being used to save TIN.
inDsrc | The output datasource. |
dsname |
void te::mnt::TINGeneration::setParams | ( | const double & | tolerance, |
const double & | maxdist, | ||
const double & | minedgesize, | ||
const std::string & | atrz_iso, | ||
const std::string & | atrz_pt | ||
) |
It sets the parameters to generate TIN.
tolerance | lines simplification tolerance in meters. |
maxdist | lines simplification maximum distance in meters. |
minedgesize | edges minimum size in meters. |
atrz_iso | isolines attribute contains Z value. |
atrz_pt | samples attribute contains Z value. |
inherited |
Function used to set the Spatial Reference System ID
inline |
Function used to set Triangulation lines simplification tolerance
Definition at line 93 of file TINGeneration.h.
protected |
Method used to test the angle between two normals.
triId | is the triangle identification number |
nviz | is the number of the neighbour triangle |
protected |
Method used to test if the triangulation follows the Delaunay rule.
tri1Id | is the identification number of the first triangle |
tri2Id | is the identification number of the second triangle |
tri3Id | is the identification number of the third triangle |
protected |
Method used to test if the triangulation follows the Delaunay rule.
tri1Id | is the identification number of the first triangle |
tri2Id | is the identification number of the second triangle |
tri3Id | is the identification number of the third triangle |
tri4Id | is the identification number of the fourth triangle |
protected |
Method used to test if the triangulation follows the Delaunay rule.
linId | is the identification number of a line |
protected |
Method used to test if the triangulation follows the Delaunay rule.
triId | is a triangle identification number |
nviz | is the number of the neighbor of the triangle triId |
protected |
Method that test if has flat triangles and regenerate them.
protected |
Method that test the Isolines.
protectedinherited |
Method that calculates the first derivatives in the nodes of a given triangle.
protectedinherited |
Method that reads the vertex (points) of a given triangle.
triangId | is the triangle identification number |
vertex | is a pointer to a list of Point object, the triangle vertices |
protectedinherited |
Method that calculates the second derivatives in the nodes of a given triangle.
protected |
Method used to create two new triangles in a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network)
t | is a triangle identification number |
nodeId | is a node identification number |
testLines | is a pointer to a vector with number of lines to be tested |
protected |
Method used to Update Triangles of a given triangulation.
t | is a triangle identification number |
tv | is a triangle identification number |
ai | is a side number of a triangle |
protected |
Definition at line 363 of file TINGeneration.h.
protected |
Definition at line 362 of file TINGeneration.h.
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protected |
Definition at line 356 of file TINGeneration.h.
protected |
Definition at line 352 of file TINGeneration.h.
protected |
Definition at line 348 of file TINGeneration.h.
protected |
Definition at line 357 of file TINGeneration.h.
protected |
Definition at line 353 of file TINGeneration.h.
protected |
Definition at line 349 of file TINGeneration.h.
protected |
Definition at line 355 of file TINGeneration.h.
protected |
Definition at line 351 of file TINGeneration.h.
protected |
Definition at line 347 of file TINGeneration.h.
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protected |
Triangulation lines simplification maximum distance.
Definition at line 369 of file TINGeneration.h.
protected |
Triangulation method Delanay or Smaller Angle.
Definition at line 374 of file TINGeneration.h.
protected |
Triangulation edges minimum size.
Definition at line 370 of file TINGeneration.h.
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protected |
Definition at line 360 of file TINGeneration.h.
protected |
Definition at line 359 of file TINGeneration.h.
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protected |
Triangulation lines simplification tolerance.
Definition at line 368 of file TINGeneration.h.
protected |
Triangulation breaklines simplification tolerance.
Definition at line 372 of file TINGeneration.h.
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |
protectedinherited |