33 #include "../../maptools/AbstractLayer.h"
38 #include <QMainWindow>
45 class BaseApplicationForm;
54 class ChartDisplayWidget;
55 class CharEncodingMenuWidget;
68 class ApplicationController;
69 class DataSetTableDockWidget;
84 virtual void init(
const QString& cfgFile);
92 QDockWidget* getLayerExplorerDock();
98 virtual void onLayerShowTableTriggered();
100 void onDrawTriggered();
102 void onZoomInToggled(
bool checked);
104 void onZoomOutToggled(
bool checked);
106 void onPreviousExtentTriggered();
108 void onNextExtentTriggered();
110 void onPanToggled(
bool checked);
112 void onZoomExtentTriggered();
114 void onInfoToggled(
bool checked);
116 void onMapRemoveSelectionTriggered();
118 void onSelectionToggled(
bool checked);
120 void onMapSRIDTriggered();
122 void onMapSetUnknwonSRIDTriggered();
124 void onMeasureDistanceToggled(
bool checked);
126 void onMeasureAreaToggled(
bool checked);
128 void onMeasureAngleToggled(
bool checked);
130 void onStopDrawTriggered();
132 void onScaleComboBoxActivated();
134 void onScaleDisplayChanged();
136 void onInternalSettingsTriggered();
138 void onLayerRemoveTriggered();
140 void onLayerRenameTriggered();
142 void onLayerPropertiesTriggered();
144 void onLayerInvertSelectionTriggered();
146 void onLayerRemoveSelectionTriggered();
148 void onLayerSRSTriggered();
150 void onLayerRemoveItemTriggered();
152 void onLayerFitOnMapDisplayTriggered();
154 void onLayerFitSelectedOnMapDisplayTriggered();
156 void onLayerPanToSelectedOnMapDisplayTriggered();
158 void onLayerSaveSelectedObjectsTriggered();
160 void onLayerCharEncodingHovered();
162 void onFullScreenToggled(
bool checked);
164 void onLayerExplorerVisibilityChanged(
bool visible);
166 void onStyleExplorerVisibilityChanged(
bool visible);
168 void onDisplayDataTableChanged(
bool visible);
186 virtual void makeDialog();
188 virtual void initFramework(
const QString& cfgFile);
190 virtual void initStatusBar();
192 virtual void initActions();
194 virtual void initMenus();
196 virtual void initToolbars();
198 virtual void initSlotsConnections();
200 virtual void createDefaultSettings() = 0;
202 virtual void initAction(QAction*& act,
const QString& icon,
const QString& name,
203 const QString& text,
const QString& tooltip,
204 bool iconVisibleInMenu,
bool isCheckable,
bool enabled, QObject* parent);
206 void setMapSRIDLineEdit(
const int srid);
251 std::vector<te::qt::af::DataSetTableDockWidget*>
ApplicationController * m_app
QAction * m_viewFullScreen
This is the base class for layers.
QAction * m_mapZoomExtent
QAction * m_mapPreviousExtent
A base class for application events.
QAction * m_layerRemoveItem
A connector for the te::qt::widgets::StyleDockWidget class to the Application Framework.
A connector for the te::qt::widgets::LayerExplorer class to the Application Framework.
The base API for TerraLib applications.
A connector of the te::qt::widgets::MapDisplay class to the Application Framework.
QAction * m_mapStopDrawing
Configuration flags for the TerraLib Application Framework.
QAction * m_layerProperties
QAction * m_mapMeasureAngle
QAction * m_layerCharEncoding
QAction * m_viewDataTable
QAction * m_internalSettings
Ui::BaseApplicationForm * m_ui
te::qt::widgets::CharEncodingMenuWidget * m_encodingMenu
QAction * m_layerRemoveObjectSelection
QAction * m_mapUnknownSRID
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
QAction * m_mapNextExtent
std::vector< te::qt::af::DataSetTableDockWidget * > m_tables
QAction * m_layerSaveSelectedObjects
QLineEdit * m_coordinateLineEdit
QAction * m_layerFitOnMapDisplay
QAction * m_mapMeasureArea
QAction * m_viewStyleExplorer
QAction * m_layerPanToSelectedOnMapDisplay
QAction * m_layerShowTable
QAction * m_mapRemoveSelection
QAction * m_viewLayerExplorer
QComboBox * m_scaleCmbBox
boost::intrusive_ptr< AbstractLayer > AbstractLayerPtr
QLineEdit * m_mapSRIDLineEdit
QAction * m_mapMeasureDistance
StyleExplorer * m_styleExplorer
QAction * m_layerInvertObjectSelection
LayerExplorer * m_layerExplorer
QAction * m_layerFitSelectedOnMapDisplay